jcater (~jcater@cpe-066-061-071-129.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. siesel_ (~chatzilla@port1251.duesseldorf.ndh.net) joined #gnuenterprise. morning hello hi chillywilly, how are you? fine, thanks and you? SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-71.wasp.net.au) left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). fine too. siesel_ (~chatzilla@port1251.duesseldorf.ndh.net) left irc: "breakfast" mouns (mouns@kali.mouns.org) joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Leaving" dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2, Yoo Hoo 'sup dcmwai Vee2d2, Busy? somewhat Vee2d2, I've something to ask you :) it is about inventory again :) go 'head Vee2d2, Someday ago I was asking about the Pieces/Pack problem If i want to ass this information how would I have to do it? s/ass/add :) did I need to add 2 fields, 1 Pieces /Pack and one is QTY where total quantity = Pieces/Pack x Qty well.. I guess if you're set on doing this that way, we could potentially add a lot qty field and when you sell the item you could sell it in lots or pcs then when you generate shipping documents it will make the distinction, that work? Vee2d2, Not sure if I can really catch what you meant, but something like that. Cause Now I cannot Purchase a Pack/lot and money is counted in Pieces well just what is the problem specificly? Maybe I'm a little confused. you're buying in lots? and selling in pieces? ... Buying in lots and selling in lots and pieces? ... Buying in Pieces and selling in lots? etc.. See to me, unless I'm buying in lots and selling in lots, I break everything down to the piece.. if I'm buying/selling in lots (only).. I just call the lot a piece. I'm buying in a Lot (10 pieces) the selling in Pieces break everything down == buy a lot of 100 widgets for $100.. they go in as 100 widgets @ $1ea When buying the price is Per lot and Selling is Per pieces Vee2d2, ok Now I got you :) Vee2d2, Now I've got the idea.. will start breaking code :) right, many times you'll have set lot qtys (usually governed how the product you're buying is packaged) from who you're buying from.. or if it's not set it's at least optimal to try and buy in those increments ... This will be addressed somehow, I think currently there's a "ReOrder Qty" field in the item mgmt for the purpose.. RrOrder QTY... hum... Hard jobs I'm not sure how derek had planned to use it, but I would image that when purchasing it will either force your or remind you to order in increments of that qty Vee2d2, haha... now only I know why an ERP system is 1/2 a Million :) this is just the tip of the iceberg.. :) Well.... at lease we saw the iceberg :) and flooting :) Not sincking :) hmm.. maybe when we create a po you can distinguish that you are ordering a lot/pack and enter the qty within that lot/pack.. that way your po has the right qty (in lots/packs) and when you receive it it will enter your system as the actual number of pieces. GNUWookie (mdupont@p5080E23B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: GNUWookie lurks Action: Vee2d2 hugs GNUWookie fuzzy soft LOL Action: GNUWookie gives a Wookie Howl you can call me chewie gnuie! led astray from the hurd the lone GNUWookie hehe hehe, you are v2d2? i get it! Vee2d2, That is something some system called item conversion. where is ObiWan when you need him. or something qty conversion which is much much more complicated .... Action: dcmwai is thinking of a simple way to break that... Action: dcmwai is back without any idea yet :) reorder qty was one of two things (been a while) a. default amount to reorder (i am 99.9% positive this is what i meant) dneighbo, Again.... b. quantity level at which its time to reorder (how ever i think that is reorder level or minqty ) dneighbo: and "Fill Level" was? dneighbo, there was something like that inside arias db but it was never touch jey dneighbo err, hey jey == spanish "hey" ;) hello jcater should I say good morning ;0 dneighbo: you won't believe what I ran across yesterday, and actually got to run dneighbo: http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~jcater/misc/java-forms.png my old java-based forms-equivalent program that I abandoned when I joined gnue Action: jcater hasn't been able to find that code for 2+ years (ignore the instant messenger in the top corner... I didn't realize it popped up before the screenshot) jcater, You are periously a java developer? peviously .. Sorry dcmwai: I don't admit it very often it was a bad experience professionally jcater, I don't like java much ... even people say it was very good... But I had a complete GNUe Forms equivalent package done in Java swing but it was SOOOO slow it was painful swing is a cesspool so it's a good thing that code is lost.. ;) jcater, Yes indeed... only 10% of speed though, ironically, I ran it today and it runs fairly well on my Athlon MP 2200+ Vee2d2, haha.. ;0 Vee2d2: I found the code yesterday, which is why I have a screenshot ahh Action: dcmwai prey jcater lost that java code again ;) dcmwai: don't worry I looked over the code I forget how much easier python is until I have to look at other code found anything special/ applicatable? jcater, haha... how about php then um I won't comment on php :) I like php for quick-and-dirty web pages jcater, then I know the answer :) jcater, as I know it is really dirty :) bbi10m jcater, almost everything... the weekness on Web page programming is on Printing... if there is something that can control printing.. Everything will be in good shape for web programming bbi10m ??? what is that dcmwai: pdf Vee2d2, wait until you know how to program pdf with web page/php you will drawback dcmwai: that's a good part of what I do. :) we're looking into xlst-fo stuff now.. Vee2d2, can i have a look? no it's work stuff what did xlst-fo do? !google xlst-fo formating objects jcater: i believe it just tell me you dont want to revive it :) Action: dneighbo shudders at java.... man i forgot how nasty looking swing can be jcater im greatful you like python a bit mroe now :) when you get back if i havent run off to do my chores i have questions for you :) have big training session in 22days first "real" GNU Enterprise classroom event dneighbo: saw your flyer, that's great. dneighbo, I also want to go ) dcmwai: I hear this is the perfect time to visit phoenix Vee2d2: if you dont mind "melting" put it this way dcmwai we usually one time a year or so have to shut down our airport (no big deal right) everyone does that just we are the only ones that do it because its so hot and dry the planes can't get proper lift :) ... we hit 111 here the other day.. ick.. with your humidity yuck it's raining and 73 now, love it. first rains we've had in a long time. hottest i've seen here is 50 C it was 49 two or three days this year my favorite is the tee shirt with two skeletons sitting in lawn chairs out in the desert drinking umbrella drinks and the slogan is "... but it's a dry heat." I'm going to hafta go there for no other reason than to experience this "dry heat" dneighbo: back I 'magine wife and I will end up in vegas 'fore not too long. Vee2d2: we really want a GNU Enterprise developers conference in vegas or at one time we discussed it take a week with wives (2 or 3 days of conference) 2 or days of sucking in vegas :) jcater: i guess the big question (and there is no pressure here, seriously) will there be 0.5.1 packages soon? It looks like you need some testing (i can help with that), but i guess its a jbailey question as i would like debs :( yes, soon and the second question, can you help me with a LTSP install of gnue? likely this weekend it's just a matter of jamest and I sitting down to package them the training classroom has 25 stations all on terminal server (LTSP) sure they are willing to make a GNUE image i think i will be going down there on the 23rd to make the image just not sure what if anything is different on an LTSP install of GNU Enterprise compared to a client server one nope nothing the good news, if this goes mildly well (which it should i have over 15 people signed up for this class) it think elite pc will continue to let me do training there :) that's cool Action: dcmwai hope to be on the class... dcmwai: class is for those separated from irc :) dimas, hum... bad news for me :( Action: dneighbo has to run and do lawn while its still under 100 degrees lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jamest (~jamest@adsl-208-191-39-86.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. gah need to read an M$ Acess 2.0 mdb file hello havoc cannot find crap to do it on linux dcmwai: hiya havoc, still didn't try to do that yet.. but thinking that odbc can do that.... but Rh odbc also crap :( s/also/always dcmwai: the prob is that it is jet2 havoc, hehe... sorry can't help loh :) having fun havoc :) no :( do you just need read-only access to it ? yes just need to dump to CSV the problem is that it's Jet2 sp mdbtools won't work :( s/sp/so/ yeah won't Access automatically upgrade mdb's? I know it will for 95->2000 I don't have that ability I will only have the existing mdbs I'm not allowed to convert oh, this isn't a one-time thing? no, it needs to be scripted bummer but all I'll ever have access to are the jet2 mdb files I was going to offer to upgrade it so you could use mdb but that doesn't do you any good no, not allowed to do that :( s/mdb/mdbtools sorru err, sorry Action: dcmwai is away: Good Night I'm Sleeping Nick change: GNUWookie -> md-party dneighbo (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dneighbo (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ got netsplit. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ returned to #gnuenterprise. mouns (mouns@kali.mouns.org) left irc: Remote closed the connection dneighbo (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). derek (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. never try to converse with a ximian developer... sample conversation me: bugzilla is a pain them: no it rocks me: its too hard for users them: no its not bugzilla rocks? as in hitting the cliffs of jericho at high speed? me: its nearly impossible to find if your bug is a dupe or not w/o investing major tmie in learning the system them: no finding dupes is easy them: if you know how lol me: well the clarifier statement is "if you know how" bugzilla is a steaming pile of horse dung so bad even dung beetles won't touch it cloning baby goats is easy them: you aren't a user. users dont want to find dupes only developers if you know how me: you are right. the problem is everytime i submit a bug. its a dupe and i get rude email telling me not to submit bugs that are dupes and wasting developers time. please, no more goats them: im done talking to you, if you cant use bugzilla you arent cool enough for us VEND A Action: derek shook head in dismay GOAT Action: derek is serious that i had this conversation in #evolution only minutes ago :) /msg jamest we should try that on derek next time he reports a bug ... "if you can't understand it, you aren't cool enough for us" :) derek: how sad why am I not surprised though :( user konq! er use when i stated it was confusing also because do i send evolution bugs to dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) debian, gnome or ximian their answer is every pacakge has that problem Action: derek felt like saying no only ximian has that problme :) derek: send them to debian dont work that way LuftHans? cause anything ximian owns if you send bugs to debian they get ignored havoc: are you listening to this rant ;) unless they specifically a hard packaging failure derek: they do? LuftHans: well because ximian nuts package the stuff derek: ok, maybe I just ahven't used too many ximian things so they ignore the bugs because they think you should use their fscking bugzilla believe me, i want to try thunderbird badly and mozilla-calendar derek: I've seen lots of things forwarded to the bugzilla niether are packaged for debian haven't seen mozilla-calendar i have an email out to ari about if he is going to package them soon or not if not i think i will be packaging them I've been using evolution, while it's better than mutt ( as are most things ), it's hardly a mature app evolution better than mutt? Action: chillywilly uses kmail now ;P Action: jcater thinks everyone should use elm Action: jcater ducks from jamest's bat i really should be at work no, pine but i think im going to do sosme GNU Enterprise stuff :) how ready are pre-releases? and jamest/jcater you willing to take bugs today? Action: jamest attaches bat to small nuke and sends to jcater Action: derek is sure i can scrounge out a few if i try :) define "willing" I thougth your bug reporting privileges were revoked? ;P Action: derek gets on his radiation suit and shuts the door on his bomb shelter... as i suspect in the course of an afternoon it will get worse :) chillywilly: i solved that by logging in under the alias of vee2d2 and submitting bugs :) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: jamest looks up from the java luving he's getting at the moment bugs? what bugs? im sorry not bugs documented user errors ;) yeah thats it well, if you're willing to blame it on the users then I'm willing to listen and at least file on the todo Action: jamest is up to his neck in java at the moment and loving python more by the minute heh, why are you writing Java? work? chillywilly: I'd be careful and use the work "maintain" and not write inherited it great... good luck with that man ;) where maintain == damn near rewrite what's it do? it's gnue forms only hardcoded I was looking at netbeans the other day it's pretty interes interesting with some tweaks that forms can't (yet) handle EJB that is Enterprise Java Beans jamest: oh? long term i imagine it'd become gnue-forms based do we need to make forms requery databases on screen paints? Action: jamest thwaps jcater with a ActionListener colored buttons show/hide widgets input masks I believe at that point forms could replace it Action: chillywilly throws UML diagrams of the publisher/subscriber pattern all around chillywilly: i'm having hard time finding something I'd want to do in java ejb or not HEH hey I just wanted to borrow some ideas and see where theirry's code was coming from he send me something names "octopus" named blah he sent me something named "octopus" that's better though i think i like some of the java features better than C maybe well it has some feautured that C++ should have like having methods of a class be virtual by default instead using the other way around sigh. got swallowed into doing some bills (trying to keep up) derek: I have some you can do too lol i will do mine, yours and jamest as long as you pay them :) hmmm, you can do mine and I'll pay them...I just ahet doing it hate* ;PP hmm that presents a problem as paying them would require money yea... wassat? did you see the guy that sent monopoly money to SCO for GNU/Linux license Action: derek thought that was hilarious funny when he sends it to SCO, not so funny when I send it to the mortgage company ;) oh yes perlguy he rocks what's the difference really it's all just paper people so cray things just for pieces of paper with dead presidents on them I find the whole thing rather absurd ;P s/so/do/ Action: Vee2d2 upgraded all he could enroute to python2.3 w/o fscking his ability to GNUe.. guess it'll be another few days for everything to get worked out dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" http://xf4vnc.sourceforge.net/ interesting cool I don't get it two things: 1) it adds all of XF 4.3's featureset to VNC and 2) it lets vnc behave like it does on Win32 im a little lost i.e., I could vnc to my work computer and take control of the actual main X session i think vnc on win32 sucks nuts derek: but there are times it really would be useful Action: jcater is thinking remote administration oh well time to go watch the hulk well if you mean value to vnc'ing into the actual xsession you are on this is a cool thing also it is fun to mess with people ;) if you mean crappy functionality of win32 client... yuck :) oh try to fullscreen on the windows client I've never seen win32 vnc behave differently than linux client Action: derek only uses vnc X to win32 and love it other than spawning a new X verses taking over the consolt the other day i used win32 to win32 and it was horrid whine whine whein whine evem to full screen you have to click on the title bar (very unintuitive) compared to right mouse in xvnc *poof* Action: Vee2d2 is trying to get lerned in the art of all things xml then once full screen you have to memorize the hotkey to get out of it and the full screen stuff doesn't quite work right ok but it beats not having anything :) yip i love vnc I meant taking over the actual console though yeah that is definitely an upgrade but unfortunately i never x to x only x 2 win32 Action: derek goes to torture the children for a bit Local KFC/Taco Bell utilizes Linux for their cashregister system... the external ordering display system at the drivethrough is apparently an LCD monitor mounted horizontally... it said "EXT2-FS FSCK REQUIRED" over and over again rather than displaying my order :) heh lol R45 (~rastabeen@cuscon391.tstt.net.tt) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: md-party -> GNUHangover Action: GNUHangover has a nasty headache jamest (~jamest@adsl-208-191-39-86.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). poor wookie dumb ass Action: GNUHangover has a sloshing sound in his head when it moves http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=4689&group_id=353 R45 (~rastabeen@cuscon391.tstt.net.tt) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) rhys "BTW, don't do this - it is bad coding practice and probably won't work on non-gcc C compilers." mike : "Good point, btw :This is done in the pnet itself :" Action: GNUHangover chuckles --- Sun Aug 10 2003