Action: Vee2d2 prints hardcopy of invoice.. dead tree, dead tree why for you kill our trees? pave the earth! gotta make room! ;) any of you have OOo files with headers and footers and graphics and create doc files from that OOo files that dont look like ass? that them those.. doc files?!? wassat? ;) cw: it's like the x files, but starring Jack Klugman ok... rtf for that matter.. :( oh.. wait a minute.. forgot I dont have word installed on this vmware.. it opened in wordpad.. heh damned enternut connection! enternut? wordpad mcquack: any crash you can walk away from is a good crash are you talking about that interweb thing? where you can download the internet Vee2d2 ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. man.. it's almost dangerous that I know these guy's (isp) headquarters is right down the street from here.. grr.. Action: Vee2d2 ponders bed floosh001 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hi is anyone there ? I have been looking into gnue lately for the development of business app. I installed the software on linux and windows but I seem to be exeperiencing a few problems... On windows Designer doesn't let me add "widgets" on the form. As a result the application is unusable... On linux everything works well except the option Toll=>run forms I am sure I am doing stupid, but could someone tell me how to proceed to make this work ? Anyway this is a cool project thanks to all developers for this nice work. If I can make my application run under gnue I'll release it under GPL. It would be nice to have a library of small to medium business applications avaiable to user to pick and customize at will It seems no one is here to respond.. I'll come back later. floosh001 ( left irc: "User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby" bah dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: dcmwai is away: Dinner time... Action: dcmwai is away: Really have to go for dinner, they will left me nothing. dimas_ (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) chillywilly ( left irc: "leaving" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. sacha_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: sacha_ -> SachaS SachaS ( left #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaS -> SachaZzz dsmith ( left irc: "Client exiting" dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. what is up, my peoples? word hey, I've been wearing my embroidered shirt in public and some of the neighboring businesses want to know who did them jcater, does it still look decent? can I give out your name and email? sure yes, everyone is surprised how crisp and bright the logo stands out I just got a fairly sizable order from a referal for a customer in the atlanta area you guy's did your grand opening on the antique buiz, I'm guessing.. is that going ok? yip going well broke even the first month nice much to my surprise (and yet relief) I'm going to an annual trade show next week.. though I'm not quite as excited about it as I have been in the past.. maybe there'll be something neat there this year.. Telling ya, spending all that time creating that invoice last night sure helps to motivate me into getting back to work on getting gnue-sb going.. ;) I think things have leveled off here, at least for the moment, so I may get my chance to dig back in tonight or so.. lol quite interesting! hmm to be honest I can't stand the graphical GTK toolkit Action: jcater shudders at the thought of them carrying it over to a curses environment Action: jcater is still shuddering oooh, text-based gtk jcater: yeah, but if it allows text-based versions of GTK apps, that'd be awesome any accountant here? Vee2d2 ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) derek: how do you thread messages in thunderbird? dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) floosh001 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hi is anyone here to help a newbie? i can try i'll be choppy in replies though I tried to install gnue on linux and windows. Linux seems to be working ok with the exception of "run forms" in Designer that doesn;t work i've noticed that too But on windows it seems that designer doesn't work at all I can't put widgets on the layout ... You are having the same problem under Linux ?! Have you tried the windows version ? floosh001, in the meantime with linux, you can run the forms manually with the forms client. eg: gnue-forms form.gfd I dont have any experience witht he windows packages so I dont know what to suggest there.. This is what I have been doing :) Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Vee watches his flakey internet connection at the house revive I suppose that most of the effort for the windows version is put on the "form" program as most of the development work is done under Linux floosh001, what db are you using in windows? MySQL PostgreSQL under Linux Has anyone tried gnue windows ? i installed today the forms package seems to work didn't install designer as this is end user box btami is actively working on the windows stuff btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all floosh001: you here? if you tried 0.5.1 on win32, and you failed with designer there is a repackaged bye btami ( left irc: Client Quit thanls It works thanks R45 ( left irc: btami's drive by tech support :) heh heheh hi fellas how's it going? just chilly w00t ;) it's pretty freakin' hot out reinhard ( left irc: "Real programmers don't comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand." heh just started raining here.. think it's made about a 5-10 degree differrenc in this room someone in way too short of a sun dress just walked into my room made about a 5-10 degree difference too hah jcater: you at home? rofl I wish Action: jcater goes to doctor the irc-logs you're lucky she doesn't read the irc logs you would be in biiiiig trouble I stay in big trouble I'm married, remember yes I know you are havoc is gettin married now poor fella err, I mean hehe congrats! thanx :) I think ;) jamest ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). floosh001 ( left #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. ls goats/ pr0n/ python/ j2sdk1.4/ ack! rm -rf j2sdk1.4/ hmmmmm wtf happened to my warez and mp3z directories? and moviez you're keeping those on the wife's PC, remember? oh yeah thanks prototypeX ( joined #gnuenterprise. prototypeX ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) lupo_ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) lupo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaZzz -> SachaS jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" Xnest sure is cool yip we need more people to download the hurd ISOs via bittorrent any takers? ;) sorry i've only got 674MB free bah I'm only worth like 15k/s outbound and very sporatic at that, lately I was just talking to neal in #hurd and he's got 1.1TB of space and he had to build a cabinet to hold all the drives he has in his machine they don't all fit and he has some pci ide extension card in there I think that's pretty mental 700GB of pr0n ;P and he'd trade it all for a real girlfriend I bet :) anyone with 700GB of porn cannot possibly have a female in the residence Action: Vee2d2 remembers images of ajkroll's (of linuxnet aka blackdown #linux) homemade ide controller that had like 8 or more ides hanging off his desk.. before the days of dual channel systems.. could be archives of said femme.. ;) hopefully it's not a blood relation jamest: he jamest: he's probably missing one of those problem getting response info - what's that from? from jason@jcater:~/download$ btdownloadgui --url '' hmmm, we have 6 people right now in the loop I see jcater: so is designer still busted? I wouldn't say busted Action: Vee2d2 was pondering up'ing but wasnt sure.. as much as a steaming pile of musty ol err nevermind yeah, it's busted jcater: check your spelling jcater: does it like those quotes? liberyetech what was the big thing you were forking for? new layout stuff? actually check chillywilly's jamest: hehe Vee2d2: yeah hmmm? ok, chillywilly I'm downloading jcater: as in, non character based? now, explain to me why? yaaay Vee2d2: not exactly for grins pluggable renderers to help speed up the downloads moving all the widget display stuff into native/ the more the merrier and adding a curses/ plugin but if only 6 people are on there so you can change the grid display to "curses" mode are we really helping ahh, that'll be neat. cause you wanna install Debian GNU/Hurd cause you heard it was uber cool Action: jamest is trying now but has no idea if my bittorrent is working as it's just sitting there i used to see progress I am trying to see what is the most efficient way to waste bandwidth ;) j/k Vee2d2: it's mainly to figure out a way to get the widgets into bitmaps so I can display, e.g., buttons and widgets as bitmaps on a panel load up bittorrent with previously mentioned 700GB of porn instead of having wx actually render the buttons and widgets derek: how do you thread messages in thunderbird? (i dont thread so havent looked) i did find an easy way to CHECK ALL MAIL BOXES :) then I can do all kinds of rendering that would definately suck backwith er jamest: I told neal he can be my pr0n seeder bandwidth c/rendering/cool stuff like, um jamest: that tracker allows uploads of torrents clicking edge of widget and dragging, to resize any accountant here? : im darn close or displaying a (1) or (2) or (3) in the corner of widgets yea, cool stuff! ;) I have wondershaper installed here to show their focus order etc btw: i thought the text based gtk looked interesting... sure derek: right, my thought was.. if we had a working gtk2 driver.. would this give us a working curses driver at no cost? and if so.. then you only have to worry about maintaining the gtk2 driver..? derek: so did that horrible car wreck on the way to work this morning Vee2d2: I doubt that as then we'd have to tweak stuff for the GTK curses mode like we have to tweak wx for GTK vs Win32 jcater ? Vee2d2: i was thinking same thing, but jcater lives in a more real world and that "no cost" is probably pretty significant ;) derek: :) I dont normally delve into these lower levels of things.. derek: you know you wanna download the Hurd ISOs jcater: how's the download? 51kB/s up err 51kB/s down 20kB/s down : 10kB/s up that's not too bad 34kBs/dup from my dsl s/d// but why are we doing this? well that's better than my upload capacity to help distributed the isos since they're no on atm hmm Action: jcater feels used one of these years I need to get bittorren working at work Action: Vee2d2 hands jcater a towel /msg jcater you know you like it jamest: you work at a uni, I'm sure it's working in several corners of your network.. ;) not my network i'm a bastard operator from hell jamest: a good admin would open up the bittorrent ports ;) a good admin would know where to keep the bodies so that no one would find them a good admin knows how to trick interns into doing all the work cool ;) and knows how to find the interns who can work and how to lure the bad ones into the halon rooms.. I guess that makes jamest a piss-poor admin Action: jcater ducks you got me there chillywilly: how is this advantageous? will show you how to do startup and read all folders are you posting your torrent somewhere? pool the bandwidth you're already getting better than my upload so at least it is accomplishing somehting ;) Action: jcater is trying thunderbird for a week it's ok, but seems sluggish to me but we don't want it! ouch.. So you wanted to fly into the thunderstorm? --> jcater: yea on the hurd mailing lists :) jcater: debian-hurd jamest: and in the topic of #hurd woops damn, j-people gack! / Download mail from all accounts on startup user_pref("mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new", true); why does this make me wanna gag? reminds me of gconf or the win32 register no no no does it grab headers? its MUCH better than that its like a conf file or whole mesaages? just an ugly one it's JavaScript seriously you know my gconf rants.... if this smelled even remotely like that i wouldnt touch it :) just think... ugly (yet powerful) conf file why don't they have the options in the UI ;) its actually closest to *shudder' an dot emacs file I had to bend over backwards to make firebird look decent only javascript instead of lisp chillywilly: its v0.1 editing silly style sheets i would rather they focus on important stuff :) Action: derek is happy so far with thunderbird Action: derek doesnt like firebird.. would rather use galeon still the UI is too freakin slow XUL sucks arse it's only usable on my 2.8GHz machine er, 1.8 i have a certain respect for the mozilla project as a whole not giving up? ;) mozilla is pretty good stuff for the most part firebird r0x.. bah rah rah rah it needs nice downloader like galeon :) and better tabs without having to install some lame extension and it needs myportal: tabextender's pretty sweet ;) nah cause I set it to pop-up windows in new tabs and it actually pops the window up and then adds a tab I don't like it and although I went through myportal withdrawals, I've since adopted the bookmark toolbar and just have a series of folders up there with everthing organized within them and their subfolders heheh derek: your thing is this weekend? jcater ( left irc: "sleep" jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. dsmith ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Action: Vee2d2 whistles innocently Retrieving bug reports... 0% [0/1] ... E: 302 "Found" eek --- Wed Aug 27 2003