Vee2d2: yes thing is this weekend groovy and im grossly underprepared (arghhhhhhhhh) I can relate I think it is a given that you will always at least feel underprepared prior to such things, the initial of such things in particular.. I'm sure you're plenty capable of pulling it off, however.. :) Nick change: SachaS -> SachaLunch Action: derek away reading bah, everyone dropped off 3 people seeding and 2 people downloading wth Nick change: SachaLunch -> SachaS chillywilly are you running hurd on a daily basis? I dual boot how stable is it? it's ok still a development platform dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas_ (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. dimas_ (~dimas@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dimas_ (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaS -> SachaDinner dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Nick change: SachaDinner -> SachaS Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaAway -> SachaS Action: dsmith pokes Vee2d2 back ;) lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( got netsplit. mouns ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Connection timed out Action: Vee2d2 was playing a bit with a pre-commit block level trigger last night but kept getting AttributeError: GFBlock instance has no attribute 'type' sigh hmm.. so I commented the code in the trigger out.. seems now that when I try and save.. it sends an insert into table (...) values (...) for all the fields 'cept the primary key and gets a duplicate key error.. Indexes: item_mfg_model_pkey primary key btree (id) id | bigint | not null default nextval('item_mfg_model_id_seq'::text) shouldnt that just automagicly get a new number? gentle (~confucius@ joined #gnuenterprise. gentle (~confucius@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ok.. so I can confirm it's not just this form I've been mucking up.. ;( could this be a driver issue? Action: Vee2d2 switches for kicks I get the same results with popy and psycopg :( your id def should load a value is it just me? but forms will not requery a record after insert so the primarykey in the form will still read as blank we had a trigger function that loads the next sequence value lupo_ ( left irc: Remote closed the connection these forms all worked before.. I've made many changes to my system however.. migrated to 2.3.. think there's been a couple postgres upgrades.. and I've resynced with cvs dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. welp.. if anyone can confirm if it's just me or not, sometime.. I'll have a better lead on where to start poking Vee2d2: it's you what are we talking about? Vee2d2 is accusing gnue of having a bug A BUG!!!! the nerve of some people GNUe is BugFree code and that's free as in beer I'm reserving my accusations until futher confirmation of my affirmations! and free as in speach speech even gnue sucks, lets rewrite it in Java Action: dcmwai don't believes Gnue is bug Free :) java sucks, lets rewrite it in GNUe yea! Action: Vee2d2 files a bug chillywilly, Java suck let rewrite Java :) wooo using python :-D hmmmm jcater: the situation I'm seeing is that forms appear to work fine.. until I attempt to save anything.. where I get a database error that I cant insert a duplicate key into a unique index.. lupo__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. dyfet ( left irc: "Client exiting" jhihn1 ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello all. just dropping in hey man, how's thangs? ok.. haning in there still finding time to play with the tools? not really. But heopfully some time this year We're suposed to higher another developer so I'll have more time but anyway, I wanted to bring your attention to the gtk tty port, if you've not seen it yet yes, we discussed it a bit yesterday. ah, i had jury duty then what was the consensus? I forsee the ncurses module stopping, and just using that... but I'm far frombeing an expert on that I thought it looked pretty interesting.. figured maybe we would be able to use that to give us both curses and gtk2 drivers by maintaining only the gtk2 driver.. jcater doesnt believe it would be that simple though, requiring tweakage and he's not real keen on gtk* aaah yeah, i don't like gtk myself... Action: jhihn1 ducks I think that's the general consensus of the group (I'll remain unbiased).. that 'gtk sucks' anyway.. a given I guess, since the majority are KDE using peoples.. :) i usually get flammed for thinking so, but KDE (aside from the remining license issues) is better to develop on. so I've heard. remaining license issues? I picked up the KDE docs and had a program turned around in 2 hours Like: no win32 development for free or commercial programs Action: Vee has a handy O&A 'Programming with Qt' book on his desk You can only use KDE (and Qt) for free if your work is GPL Action: Vee is completely unversed in c++ I'm not sure about BSD or other licenses jhihn1: well, win32 can be done, it's just that the existing code-base isn't being released there is always kde-cygwin ;-) jhihn1: if it was GPLd you could only release GPLd code, same as GTK Luft: if you're talking about gnuenterprise, the wx modules work fin on that platform Action: LuftHans is still annoyed at the KDE team for the licensing issues, but thinks it's all worked out now. I was under the impression that I could develop commercial GNOME apps (like Ximian) jhihn1: just speaking KDE in general. wx seems to be the only real option for GNUe right now. Luft: agreed jhihn1: well, you could license the code from Ximian. My impression, though, is they only want themselves to be able to do that. Maybe Novell will see it differently. Action: jhihn1 is confused chillywilly ( left irc: Remote closed the connection are you saung that all GNOME apps have to be GPL? chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. you can only do a commercial product on GPLd code if you can license the code under a different license from the copyright holder(s) jhihn1: depends on whether the libs are GPL or LGPL I also thought the GPL allowed you to develop commercial products, provided that they are developed openly aaah ok ah, hmm, maybe that is something with KDE. But I'm pretty certain they're GPL compatable, which means you could do GPLd commercial apps. Same as GPLd code. i think there is a pre-license section stating that to do commerical apps you can't use the gpl version can't look it up as the KDE site is down due to protest protest? patent protest, you been under a rock?'s participating as well.. :) jury duty hmmm, /usr/share/doc/kde/copyright says GPL, but it also assigns copyright to the packager, not to KDE team... (same thing) dimas_ (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) /usr/share/doc/kdelibs3/copyright says libs are LGPL and everything else is GPL, except the things that are under the BSD style license if the libs are LGPL, then you can make closed-source, proprietary packages with them Has no one considered Commercial GPL apps? I agree it's sort-of silly, but i could see value in it actually, I'm considering something of that ilk. Namely starting a business that offers support contracts for Free Software. there are lots of those but i'm thinking a commerical company with open access yo source the niave consumer could buy it, but the developer could compile it the problem is you can't stop developers from re-distributing it so you'd need to live off some installation ease or brand-loyalty the coolest, easiest install i did was Ximian Desktop where you typd 1 lynx command and it did everything itself those scare me too much opportunity for install hijacking it is pretty neat though whether it's Iris, Click-n-Run or whatever, that is always a possibility jhihn1: well, what those companies really end up doing is selling the support that comes with the product :) as for lots of companies offering support, can you point me at a list? I don't think you need support, except for brand loyalty look at the PostgreSQL site gotta go, but I'll catch answers in the scrollback or logs there's several fro stright support, and several with add-ons, but that's in the BSD realm jhihn1: yeah, ok, for certain apps, that's true. I'm looking at supporting the whole system ouch you'd need a lot of people, because there's a lot to know granted, I hope to work out stuff to contract with PostgreSQL, MySQL etc. :) you'd be better off doing your own distro jhihn1: yeah, that's what scares me, but I think I can offer support in such a way that it works out cisco doesn't necessarily fix bugs right away, so I think I'm OK with not having immediate fixes, especially since I'll be charging less than cisco :) it's gonna be hellish if you support multiple apps on multiple distros, with multiple kerlens that's why a lot just do 1 or thier own distro - it's all "locked down" at that point jhihn1: yes, that's true. I think debian has provided a way for me to easily support a mini-distro, so that should save me logs of pain s/logs/logs/ s/logs/lots/ bah lol you all mentioned (via www) that payroll is intended to be a project of gnuenterprise i'm wondering how the hell you intend to do that? reason is, I work for a payroll company, and I don't see it getting done on an individual basis maybe for the largest corps, but offering direc deposit and tax compliance are *huge* barriers PA has 2600 local juristicstions alone - with taxes paid to all and then the bank direct deposit arrangements... no way will a small-mid size company be able to set all that up just some thoughts I looked like it was rather niavely written like it'd be easy. Collecting the data is easy, getting the taxes and money changing hands is another issue. It'd be best to sub it out ;-) jhihn1: so you're in the .us? yeah cool, might be needing a payroll services company and one that uses Free Software will of interest :) Well that;s my current project... i'm moving everything to linux/oss most cool what company? Action: LuftHans must be going now. and gnuenterprise caught my eye because our app runs text-mode (DOS) as well as windows, and our in-house keyers like the text more Action: jhihn1 was not intending to solicit though, i'll put this out there... I'd suggest developing some interface for the gnue payroll system to interface to payroll companies then use the interface and farm out the processing. what would be required of such an interface? And then let the payroll companies compete for you to send payrolls to them well, we pretty much do it now our clients upload all local db changes and pay info via quoted, comma delimited acsii file if your software could generate that file then we could process it as our own. the only concern is it has to match our schema our database is from before syncronization times, so all our records have a modified data tag, and those with it set are exported to the file and then uploaded via modem or internet Then we merge that in to our system here, we runt he payroll and the magic happens the file itself is quite simple Action: dcmwai think that is not hard... Just choose what to be export to cvs csv :) ah... just thinking about the words :) but I just would like to put it out there because I know the hassle we go through just ot do taxes and direct deposit. I don't see it being easily don for companies under 75 people (which make up 75% of the companies in the US) tryting to explain Common Space Vxxx with cvs ::) jhihn1, I'm sure gnue-reports would be capable of producing what you need s/you/such companies/ :) but I do bring up an interesting issue, common data exchange formats for payroll companies.. each payroll company tracks slightly different info, and tracks it differently yes it should... as long as gnue-sb (payroll module running :) but being able to easily switch would be a win for the consumer, IMHO jhihn1: I've been thinking of something like that too I was looking to farm out my payroll for my wife's stores i'm sure reports could do it, or we could hook up the thr relational DB directly and was thinking it'd be neat to interface w/my GNUe screens jcater: i was thinking the same thing hey, if I can spend a couple days and get my company hooked up so gnue people can do it, i'm sure i'll get permission i think a lot of people wuold support us particularly if they found linux/postgres/ etc on our backend but we're not 'there' yet I'm working on the switch, from a non-relational to relational I think in a year or so we should be 100% cut over jcater, We should think which module should run first... dcmwai, ? (be convert from aria --> gnue-sb) -sb? to me, general ledger is always the logical first start but I'm cool either way works for me jhihn1, small business currently in aria all module didn't support multi currency and I've no idea on how to do them... I'm american the only multiple currency I'm aware of it check, cash, visa, mastercard, and money order =) s/it/is so I'm a bad person to ask jcater, don't you think that aria GL have a problem? jhihn1, Action: dcmwai think so Action: dcmwai goto sleep... Action: Vee tucks dcmwai in in where? the jungle Action: Vee puts the bannana leaves back over dcmwai hum that is nice, I like jungel Action: dcmwai is still on the inventory problem ... may be is time to break old Nola stuff break it! [13:00] Last message repeated 2 time(s). break the DB, I do break the inventory... later will be GL when cashbook module is being implemented.. payroll will proberily be the last as I don't know much of them... ooh small business.. yeah, i read that and cannot do much :( payroll is very complicated i might have to step up and dot hat dot hat? (and make sure we interop with it, to get the business from it ;-)) oh... s/dot hat/do that/ Action: dcmwai don't like the left navigation on gnue-sb anyway to change that? when we have all stuff how will the navigation be? payroll isn't just liek hours*rate-taxes=pay jhihn1, you don't want to know how aria/nola do it... jhihn1: no kidding! I was in for a real eye opener 20 days to file paperwork with the state depending on the place, you might have shift differntials, and other wird stuff aria is a project we're trying to obslete.. :) (apparently for deadbeat dad laws) aria/nola? and all the damn taxes you have to be aware of lol Vee, I know... yeah, state tables, local tables, local taxes.. in PA they tax you $10/year if you have a job Vee, I'm trying too if you got the Appserver to support webbase there's 2600 juristictions, and if you work at 2 different arby's, you could owe to 2 juristictions but for the meant time... aria is still there... then there's reciprical agreements, and worst of all is tax compliance Action: dcmwai know nothing about us law in payroll or tax... anyway Action: dcmwai also don't know how tax and payroll in his country (Malaysia run) not well documentation :( time to sleep guy... Night cya Action: dcmwai is away: Sleeping, Good Night Nick change: dcmwai -> dcmwai|AWAY anyway, i must be off as well. I'll check back in as time goes along and see how -sb is going if I can work out my latest woes, I hope to get moving on it.. and see if I can't get some time to work on the payroll side for you all, and get it tied in with us (and others.. grumble ;-) ) I'm installing the 0.5.1 packages here now to test I think a lot will be common stuff, but some of it won't be the same or even tracked across payroll providers... we might need some XML format which then all providers could read and convert the other cool thing we do is T/A and POS interfaces for customers restaurants are big on the POS because they track inventory and labor. Pulling out time out of them and into payroll makes payroll easy on the person but I must be off. I'll check back in soon jhihn1 ( left irc: "Leaving" ok.. everything works nicely here using the packaged 0.5.1 release mtg ( joined #gnuenterprise. R46 ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( left irc: Nick collision from services. Nick change: R46 -> R45 dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: mouns vous souhaite une agreable nuit mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection prototypeX ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( left irc: mtg ( left irc: SHHHHH! erp mtg ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "Client exiting" dcmwai|AWAY (~dcmwai@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dcmwai|AWAY (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. I am trying to get the GNUe-Forms/samples/inventory/forms/company.gfd example to run I've installed all database and tables in postgres and I get an error saying gnue does not exist in my connections file, however I am using the sample.connections and [gnue] does exist in it any have any ideas what is going wrong here? it's renamed to connections.conf and somewhere that gnue-forms expects it to be? (like /usr/local/gnue/etc) jamest ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). no its not, I'll change that that worked, I guess I should have read that in the docs, anyways I'll be busy for the rest of the night getting psycopg to work on Redhat 9 :) :) Action: Vee cant wait to get home at install the tarballs like a good boy instead of trying to do gnue-sb work with cvs tools.. ;) when I try to install psycopg-1.1.3-py2.2_1.i386.rpm I get a failed dependency for mx, I've already installed egenix-mx-base-2.0.5-py2.2_1.i386.rpm though, is there another mx I should be looking for? datetime? I thought that was in egenix python-egenix-mxdatetime - Date and time handling routines for Python [dummy package] in debian I'll look around for that Action: Vee takes off to get his kids and head to de casa mtg ( left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.31 [Mozilla rv:1.4/1]" reinhard ( left irc: "Real programmers don't comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand." jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" ssuas ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dcmwai|AWAY is back (gone 03:03:08) Nick change: dcmwai|AWAY -> dcmwai dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" LuftHans: gnome is all lgpl as is most of the applications (which sucks) ssuas ( left irc: "Client exiting" dneighbo: I prefer all GPL :) I guess KDE now has the edge, then lupo__ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" prototypeX ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" KeithJagr ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello aloha ;) Action: chillywilly gets worried when people just willy nilly wink at him why worried? I dunno man maybe you want me or something hmm plz people my willy does not need warming it's a penguin reference! heh umm, anyway i got it in the cartoon it seems that penguins are from north pole which is false when actually are from south yes penguin live at the south pole yes from galapagos on to the antartica new zeland, etc yep cool another reason to go to NZ ;) visit ajmitch and penguins :) hmm maybe ajmitch would get worried that you want to visit him nah he's my buddy maybe you want him or something hey now you cannot use my paranoia against me chillywilly has fully embodied it already hehe ok Action: Vee2d2 downs some anticongestion horsepills with a swig of coffee ugh flu? some nasty cold thing going around Vee2d2: where's your pic btw? hmm.. hey lemme see you saw derek's and mine...where is yours? how is gnue documentation going? tutorials and such KeithJagr: slowly? :) we have docs? chillywilly: they're in .py format atm :) hmmm i think theres a bottleneck there nah, there is some stuff but it needs updating for the usage of gnue to take off the unfortunate thing is the people documenting right now are the same ones coding.. yea well, there aren't many FOSS projects that have goos docs right hmmm but that shouldnt be an excuse ;) it'd be nice if we happened upon some energetic promising technical writers.. wannabes even hobbiest writers perhaps.. riiiight ;) someone just interested in openoffice, maybe? ;) heh huh? is about as recent a pic as I can find chillywilly oh, nm erp ok bad url yea, I can't click it you forgot the http:// part ;) Chillytized and why does everyone use their domain as the host name that breaks the rfc! evil! ;) Action: chillywilly learns from the best ;) you can put a www in there if it makes you feel better is that your wife? where? in the pic yes let me gossip a better image in the same dir is tim.roses.jpg somehow I thought you were asian I AM! maybe because of your nick hah just kidding maybe I might've mentioned my wife is Thai.. I'm Texan, though. :P southern baptist? ;) our Pastor is fro Texas from she is nice so she cooks thai dishes there I complain and then someone starts downloading also not hardly, with no disrespect to those who are, however. ;) Buddhist if anything. we both love to cook, I do most of the eating though. HEH good job anyone wanna download the Hurd ISOs ;)? what about curses on DOS is ther some progress in that matter? s/on/at/ ?? Action: Vee2d2 aims some curses at DOS what about curses on DOS change 'on' to 'at' :) what did you say? Dances with wolves? gnue-turbovision hehe ok gotta go have a good one see ya guys good one what whatever one you can get.. ;) ok thnks just dont get the bad one! cw: "Curses at DOS", he's a UNIX guy that gets stuck in a PC world I'll try I meant PC equivalente to curses buy now i remember derek suggested using telnet s/telnet/ssh/ :) ;) KeithJagr ( left irc: "later" bah trillian those the hammerhead centipede things commonly found fossilized in limestone ? nope the "IM" client troglodyte hmm.. I'm sick of these dialogs that pop up from apps with no window decorations and no buttons.. Action: Vee2d2 binds destroy to alt-left click.. look out world! uh? are you using kde? no cause you can get an xkill cursor by doing ctrl-alt-esc gnome 2? I could bind that as well.. yea, I can bind keys too I am sure that kde has more options that are visible than gnome 2 ;) I'm only looking for a means of closing dialogs after I'm done with them, not a new environment or a debate over which would be better.. :) sucks to be you then I might usually disagree with you. hmmm? that statement made sense... :) I might usually beat you silly with a trout too I might enjoy that sometimes. Action: Vee2d2 blushes hmm I'm getting the same error using the 0.5.1 release.. Action: Vee2d2 looks at his form again.. seems to only be this one now, though mtg (grinder@ joined #gnuenterprise. mtg (grinder@ left irc: Client Quit --- Thu Aug 28 2003