derek ( left irc: "Bye Bye" derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek: I have confirmed that the gnue ipaq is running bootldr 2.18.54 and familiar 0.6. I cannot update to familiar 0.7 without the serial cable because I have to update the bootldr. the gnue unit can read an ATA card with the sleeve from Austin. I am still charging them together. the fonts in familiar 0.6 are UGLY! I hope 0.7 is better. BTW, Austin's ipaq has the same version bootldr so I can't update that one either. I am updating my log of the whole affair. anyone know the POP command for retrieving an email? LIST shows the emails with an index no. and its size RETR thanks ajmitch using the number that list gives you iirc yep, it works thanks Action: ajmitch runs off to LUG meeting doing email confirmation crap alandd: cool actually by the sound of the rain out there, I might skip the LUG meeting tonight Action: ajmitch woudl have to walk 30min to the meeting place derek: does gnue have a wiki or like functionality somewhere? I could update my progress online as I go. lol alandd: harass him to put one up ;) wiki! wiki! I setup TWiki in about 20 minutes on a server at work. It has automatic version control of every page! Pretty slick so far. yea, well so far derek has been anti-wiki and that's why I thought it was so funny that yet another person is requesting a gnue wiki ;) muwaahahaha hey, I can do a page on my personal web space. Just thought it would be good on under the gnue umbrella. wiki, blog, whatever. a gnue based page that I could update as I go. alandd: no im kind of wantin gone we have hated them for so long we avoided them kind of? i.e. one more thing for us to maintain would this be a public access wiki or just for coders? i would like a public access wiki with emacsbot :) who understands wiki anyone want to set one up alandd: which one did you use? TWiki allows access control by group and pages. read and write access. you could have public areas and public read only, coder writable areas and coder only areas. TWiki use moin, moin :) looks more complicated than it is. well documented. pooh... none worth a crap in woody and that be what our server runs wtf is wrong with my machine.... freaking cpu is getting chewed on I think it is perl based. There is a page with the requirements all deliniated. I would think woody has that stuff. My RedHat 7.3 box that is running TWiki already had all the dependencies. well, if you have gnue on the machine you could run MoinMoin since it's in python yea, but it's all in german and who needs that! ;^) LuftHans: did you fight your way through the banana bread and find the ipaq serial cable? I need one. LuftHans: its not that i could get it its that i cant apt-get it :) real admins use packages :) Action: derek isnt a real admin, but will get thumped by some if i start installing crap from source :) i'll be right back X needs a good kick in the marbles derek ( left irc: "Bye Bye" derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. sadly it appears my music streaming is painfully slow under kde so not an X thing alandd: found a different cable, but not the one you need derek: well, if you've got the python you need for gnue on th box you should be able to apt-get -t testing moin :) hmmm is moin moin dead? no releases since 2002 generally I don't like wikis, but for a project like this they can be quite useful LuftHans: i like moinmoin best you dont have to sell me on it Action: derek loathes perl anything while twiki looks very nice... im not touching anything perl tonight got a good description of infobot the other day, looked interesting reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek: I just like the name :) grrrr dneighbo@ash:~/public_html/moin$ ./ --help Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 15, in ? import distutils ImportError: No module named distutils dneighbo@ash:~/public_html/moin$ appears don't have python-dev on here LuftHans: So, I'm on the hunt for a serial cable, huh? Good to know. derek: does moinmoin do revisioning control? alandd: I still have a cabinet to dig through, was preparing for the teaching gig tonight maybe after dinner I'll get to it No big deal. Just remember that I am currently stuck, bogged down and no longer progressing for lack of a serial cable. No hurry, though. ;^) speaking of words so good you have to say them twice... Action: LuftHans makes couscous for dindin :) alandd: cool, you can work on the PLUG web site :) and the KJZZ project, and the .... ;-) g'night freaks Action: chillywilly beats derek with the camel book as he goes to meet the sand man hmmm, maybe I can use infobot for my addressbook... hmm moin moin doesnt appear to want to install in a home directory properly Action: derek really hates cgi crap well, get one written in PHP :) infobot as a portal to /. and google :) blootbot does: Debian Contents and Packages, search and info., Wide range of statistics for Bot, Factoids, IRC, Debian. (status, factstats, ircstats, chanstats, cmdstats) gotta figure out how to get ircii to connect to two irc daemons at the same time... hmm ok seems was some ExecCGI directive to add to apache fixed that but now get internal errors doh freaking quote on wrong side of bracket ah, found it again equivs - Circumventing Debian package dependencies grrr i really hate cgi moin.cgi runs fine from shell Action: LuftHans shouts 'equivs' from a high mountaintop such that all shall know of it and be able to remind him when he's forgotten it again :) but from broswer gets internal server error Until you have it up, I have placed my log at: now, I must get to bed! Nick change: alandd -> alandd_sleep Action: alandd_sleep is away: I'm busy btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. wtf is Premature end of script headers: i can run darn thing as www-data just not in apache er browser giving up and going to bed.. i lose, it wins German engineering: 1, derek: 0 :) Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello hallo Arturas dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) hmmm i get sobig.f mails from a dialup account from IIRC i have read this somewhere here once the most funny thing is the mail header contains a line X-MailScanner: Found to be clean did I already mention that I'm happy I use evolution? :-)) :) was guilty of something last year, but it might've been a dialup account doing something incorrect don't remember if that was something I noticed or was reported to me Action: LuftHans gaehnt gute n8 schlaf gut reinhard ( left irc: "Real programmers don't comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand." Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) h2 (~h2@ left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. alandd_sleep ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ left irc: "Вышел из XChat" Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "Client exiting" R46 ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( left irc: Nick collision from services. Nick change: R46 -> R45 ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Bhuinga (~nothanks@ joined #gnuenterprise. lupo ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) I'm working on this project to where QA or customer support reports a bug, and sends the ticket to development, we need to prevent people from closing out the ticket before development is through with it how would I go about putting contraints on the database to allow such a thing? lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. for dcl right? ;) gnue has several products Bhuinga ;) err my bad for DCL :) can anyone just close tickets? I thought only the person they were assigned to could close them then again you want a group of people to be able to close them right? can you pick a department in the responsible drop down? well the person in development it's assigned to, but then anyone in QA could close that ticket after it got reassigned back to them i dont think so nope they shouldn't reassign them until they're done? dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi dale development shouldn't no i guess whatever works is fine though Hello chillywilly i just cant think of anything just trying to figure out the "process" bah, well hopefully someone here will pipe up or you could try some mailing lists derek is probably the resident dcl master but he's alos hard to get a hold of also ugh I just dont want to start writing php scripts to make it work lol I would think they're should be a way to do this without making any modifications is slow I sure hope so, cuz we are a far cry from programmers Coming Features Although DCL is currently usable, it has greater aspirations. Among these are: * Enhanced security utilizing groups (roles) and permissions. heh hehe how do you want the process to work again? could you break it down step by step QA starts a ticket, assigns it to development pending, development manager will issue it to a developer, when that person finishes fixing the bug, they will return the ticket to QA for approval, then QA can close the ticket hmmm, I and right now it doesn't work this way? s/I// well, anyone can start the ticket who finds the bug though right not that I'm aware aren't there restrictions on who can close a ticket? eelke ( joined #gnuenterprise. only the person it is currently assigned to can close it? I wss under the impression that is how it worked lemme check that out can anybody help me i'm new ... hi eelke ey i've got problems with downloading stuff gnue tools? sorry? i'm dutch and i'm only 14 so... like thats an excuse. t could be... Bhuinga: <-- you have read this right? ;) no Bhuinga: it's about the best docs dcl has k I will read it... thanx! eelke: not you ^^ yes, and it wasn't very helpful :( did you test to see if only the assignee can close the ticket? dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Remote closed the connection can still change it with another user made a new user with lower permissions and they can close the ticket assigned to someone else bah that's lame they were set for level 5 but if a person is level 4, then they cant create them, which kinda defeats the purpose Vee ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) it would be ok for development to be level 4, but not QA since they create the tickets i know that it wouldnt show up in 'my tickets' if it's assigned to someone else, but who knows what kinda dumb mistakes someone might do...trying to idiot proof it a bit yea Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. well I know we use dcl internally for bug tracking which derek also setup ;P well call his desk and wake him up :P hehe I don't have his number ;) well man I don't know what to tell ya it's alright, maybe "they" will just forget about it hehe gnue really needs soem kinda rbac server for everything else to talk to RBAC what are the advantages of dcl over something like Clientele? dunno never used Clientele is it Free Software? nope but we already have it and have been using it for like 4 years seems like the same kind of thing, however, this is also the first time ive worked with bug tracking/work ticket stuff hmm, I need ton upgrade debian to I hope they fixed my galeon toobar icons the new firebird's built with svg s'port.. cool well, until a fix is found, I'm moving onto a more interesting semi-project, install and test this fancy new DVD +/- RW drive but still uses XUL right? ;) Bhuinga: try the mailing lists at least then you can get some kinda response even if delayed eelke ( left irc: what mailing list? mtg ( joined #gnuenterprise. Bhuinga: ummm dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: jcater_ -> jcater btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. icltlfatppl (~icltlfatp@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Vee ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Bhuinga (~nothanks@ left irc: dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Connection timed out ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" btami ( left irc: reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( left irc: reinhard ( left irc: "This sentence no verb." SachaS (~Sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi guys :) greetings from Sydney rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. rdean ( left irc: Client Quit alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: are you live here? alandd ( left irc: "Client exiting" R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. mtg ( left irc: Remote closed the connection alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: Now, are you here? Action: alandd probably commuting... I'll be back. alandd ( left irc: Client Quit gsoti ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~Sacha@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) SachaS (~Sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. let aland know that i am at home, but going to church so wont be home until after 9pm hi again with greetings from Sydney gneighbo congratulations to your gnue workshop thanks dneighbo: i am at the australian unix, open systems, open source conference at sydney tomorrow over lunch I will organise a Birds of Feather (bloody idea of my supervisor ;) I never attended one but he suggested I should run one) topic: Free and Open Source Business Applications. so I will bring up gnuenterprise, gnue-sb, arias, gnucash etc. will post back information of that bof back here (or mailinglist) if you, dneoghbo, or anyone else wants to add a comment, i am happy to bring that up. jamest_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. gsoti ( left #gnuenterprise ("leaving to hit the books.."). back later SachaS (~Sacha@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). gsoti ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( left irc: gsoti ( left irc: "#gnuenterprise" jamest_ ( left irc: "Client exiting" SachaS (~Sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: Are you in yet? Action: alandd whistle, whistle, whistle... Action: Vee2d2 pats and runs up to alandd with a stick pants stupid paws Action: Vee2d2 spits stick out and runs back to his googling Action: alandd Good boy! Action: alandd is away: I'll be back Nick change: alandd -> alandd_away alandd_away: here but you are away brb dneighbo ( left irc: "Bye Bye" dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: alandd_away is back (gone 00:10:57) nick alandd AAAAHHH! I missed him! Nick change: alandd_away -> alandd fine. I have an errand to do anyway. Action: alandd is away: I'm busy Nick change: alandd -> alandd_away Action: alandd_away is back (gone 00:16:39) Nick change: alandd_away -> alandd derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. Ah, derek! The ipaq serial cable issue: I have had an offer from a PLUG member to trade the USB cradle for his serial one. I don't think we should do that: We will probably want the USB connection at some point in the future, when/if it gets to working. I was planning on going the ebay route. With shipping it looks about $10-12. hold up er thought i had extra one here (usb cradle) but i dont i could swear hans did? maybe he would donate a usb cradle that you could then trade for a serial cable LuftHans: wake up! would the plugger be willing to let you use the serial cable for a few days? I doubt it. It is currently his only connection to his PC. We might could trade "temporarily" I'll ask him. --- Thu Sep 4 2003