dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Ping timeout: 14400 seconds mouns (mouns@kali.mouns.org) joined #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: mouns -> helldap Vee2d2 (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) joined #gnuenterprise. btami (~btami@ngprs.pannongsm.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ToyMan (~stuq@user-0cevdks.cable.mindspring.com) joined #gnuenterprise. derek (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) derek (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@CPE0060082df811-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@adsl-65-71-168-202.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. btami: you here? hello jamest, yes you've spoiled me i've been using the win32 exes you make instead of installing from source but now I need to run a custom gnue-common based app on windows i was just wondering if there are any gotchas I need to be aware of as I'll need forms running too what is the problem? none yet i'm still downloading dependencies i'm asking if there is anything I need to watch out for that isn't in the install INSTALL so you installing from sources on win32, right? yes ideally I'd share the gnue install itself via samba Action: jamest *thinks* he did this long, long ago in the pre "btami is our win32 saviour" days http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/gnue/2003-08/msg00005.html thank you nothing something bad I played w/ last night wrt gnue/postgresql timestamps what dbdriver? lets say I've got a table with a field of type timestamp 2003-06-20 08:45:54.314863 all postgresql drivers except popy return 2003-06-20 08:45:54 our update code requires a match on every field update foo set bar='yip' where bar='nope' and entry_timestamp = '2003-06-20 08:45:54'; which silently fails i got similar problem with kinterbasdb/firebird and solved with self._dateTimeFormat = "cast('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' as timestamp)" in Dbdriver.py it seems to be in the mxDateTime thing that cast wouldn't fix the update as in the gnue-forms generated UPDATE you get AND entry_timestamp=cast('2003-07-15 12:25:53' as timestamp) AND but in the datebase we store 2003-07-15 12:25:53.224775 the timestamp is not put in by forms this is a case where forms is being used to assign incoming faxes (url, id_no, entry_timestamp) to a specific customer id so url and entry_timestamp are populated by the incoming fax program hmm forms loads the data but gets an incorrect value from the db drivers since the user can't tweak the timestamp in forms it's listed as unmodified field well, i guess it not being modified doesn't really matter popy does it right however..... popy returns oids from postgresql as strings so the schema code choaks which I've fixed here as that code shouldn't have done %d anyway but that uncovers a nasty cursor.execute("select indkey from pg_index where indrelid=%s" % oid) indkey in popy is returned as an int however postgresql can have values like indkey = "1 2 3" which segfaults popy when you try and access the results damned if I do, damned if I dont :) :) anyway I have to run to the store, just wanted to fill someone else in on this timestamp issue someone that uses alternative databases than me like, um, btami :) thanks :) i'd be curious to know if other db drivers do the same thing but I really have to go, wife has waited long enough on me :) ok dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jcater (~jcater@cpe-066-061-086-142.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. alandd (~alandd@h-68-165-192-223.PHNDAZ91.covad.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: alandd is away: I'm busy Nick change: alandd -> alandd_away dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. bend (~bend@216-83-241-174.wan.networktel.net) joined #gnuenterprise. lupo_ (lupo@pD9542D43.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) bend (~bend@216-83-241-174.wan.networktel.net) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.2.4" lupo_ (lupo@p5085FB28.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: you here? in and out i have a little problem with block level "POST-FOCUSIN" trigger i want to show some calculated fields in my form the trigger works good with 2 exception 1. if i use prequery='Y' all calculated fields are ampty 2. ditto with query from menu everithing is ok if i move on to another record (next/prev etc.) hmm I'd be tempted to try a combination of post-query and post-change instead of the focus triggers lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: maybe i'm wrong, but post-query is working only on first record for me really? post-focusin works well, except on first record i got from prequery/query i'm using blkUNBOUND.fldSzam.set(szam) , where szam is a calculated value from other fields i think we should call post-focusin when prequery="Y" or some query occurs from menu but does the record have focus? I think the bigger bug is that post-query is only firing for the first record because the focus is changing from none to something in block i'm not so sure about post-query bug if post-query is firing only for the first record, then it's a bug according to the definitions we have for the triggers does your prequery="Y" block end up with focus after startup? if so, that's a bug too i.e., that post-focus-in hasn't been called yes ok hmm more bugs :( btami (~btami@ngprs.pannongsm.hu) left irc: jbailey (~jbailey@CPE0060082df811-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left irc: "Client exiting" lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) left irc: "leaving" chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) left irc: "breaking my firewall" Nick change: alandd_away -> alandd Action: alandd is back (gone 03:12:36) helldap (mouns@kali.mouns.org) left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. derek: I temporarily traded the USB cradle for a serial one with Jeffery P. from PLUG. I have now updated the boot loader and Familiar. Wow! this version is way better than what was on it! Has a great polished look to it. GPE2. I think I will update Austin's unit too. He will be impressed, I think. Action: LuftHans loans his iPAQ to alandd for a half hour :) Yea, bring it on down. siesel (~jan@xdsl-213-196-211-210.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. evening hi anyone ever play with plan9? sorry, no. it looks interesting just heard that it works great over networks some guy in #gstreamer is going on and on about it ;P plan9 is supposed to have some nice features, network transparency for *everything* being the big one, apparently well they go pretty mental with the concept of everything is a file but, but, everything *is* a file :) Nick change: alandd -> alandd_away Action: alandd_away is away: I'm busy derek: you've been summoned on PLUG-discuss: "using mod_python" siesel_ (~jan@xdsl-195-14-222-62.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. siesel (~jan@xdsl-213-196-211-210.netcologne.de) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dcmwai is away: to change theme Action: alandd_away is back (gone 01:39:00) Nick change: alandd_away -> alandd dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" derek and LuftHans: I am now surfing the web on the iPAQ via PPP on the serial cable! Now I must document how I did it before I forget. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" alandd: cool do you have a wired CF NIC lying around that I could use? I would be better than this PPP connection. I don't have a WAP but I'm all set with a wire. I have a wire pcmcia NIC, but not CF That's cool. The sleeve is actually PC Card, not CF. OK. I can get it to you Thu at the meeting, but I can also probably drop it by to you at work Mon or Tue That would be slick. Action: alandd is away: I'm busy Nick change: alandd -> alandd_away Action: derek notes while alan is on a roll does he want my wifes ipaq it has wince but would like to have gpe :) i.e. if he wants to document some more derek: I snarfed your test dir from the class yesterday. I can get you the example that wasn't working. kewl jsut send it to jcater :) j/k i htink i got him to reproduce Action: derek notes debian-legal is getting ugly Action: derek runs off to softball games for i in `seq 1 $MAXINT`; do mail $jcater -s "fix this" :) Action: alandd_away is back (gone 00:42:23) Nick change: alandd_away -> alandd derek: while you are at softball, I give you something to think about. Linux on the iPAQ is very cool, however one thing the PIM apps don't have yet is synchronization with PIM on the desktop computer. I'll be happy to put Linux on your wife's iPAQ. Would your wife be happy to have it there? we can put it on and restore the wince stuff if needed by saving the image. I need to do Austin's ipaq next. I need to back mine up and do an upgrade maybe after fixing the stuff I'm working on right now :0: * ^From:.*lufthans.* /dev/null oops, meant to paste that to my .procmailrc ignore that :) hi LuftHans: I'm just glad to get to be at the point where I have to learn the programming now. Still some to do before the real "porting" starts. I need to move on to a GNUe project this weekend jamest (~jamest@adsl-65-71-168-202.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left irc: "Client exiting" alandd: are you sure there isnt synchronization to desktop? I thought that was what gnome-conduit or whatever was all about gnome-pilot - A GNOME applet for management of your Palm PDA gnome-pilot-conduits - Conduits for gnome-pilot gnome-pim-conduits - Palm synchronization for calendar and address book pilot-manager - PalmPilot PIM, UI, and Conduit Manager etc.. anyway.. I'm speaking of things I know nothing about.. :) Vee2d2: but he's not running Palm OS or Palm apps there's supposed to be a sync mechanism, but last I knew the iPAQ apps were being written from scratch Vee2d2: the iPAQ running Linux with GPE (GTK based) or Opie/Qtopia does not yet have sychronization with desktop applications, according to the projects' respective web sites. they are working on it. and asking for help. Maybe I will be able to help once I know what I am doing. After I get gnue running on them. can they export to XML? BTW, the apps you mention are all for synchronizing a Palm OS based device, as Hans stated. I thought Opie had syncing working. Maybe it got bork. Hmm.. don't know about that. I did not look closely there. get GNUe working, then we'll have sync via db modules :) You are right, Opie claims "Syncable with KDE PIM/Kolab, MS Outlook and Qtopia Desktop (3rd party tools necessary)" Don't know much more than that. woohoo! two right. Action: LuftHans stops while he's ahead :) "Microsoft: Asia not playing fair" http://news.com.com/2100-1016_3-5072069.html?tag=fd_top I see since when is playing fair something m$ understands? well.. as I said, speaking of things I know nothing of.. :) Opie claims must sync capability here: http://opie.handhelds.org/wiki/index.php/OpieSyncing that puts them ahead of the other environments. they better catch up. oops correction: "Opie clams much..." ooo! big python feed and info for Opie (and others?) here: http://opie.net.wox.org/python/ Maybe I should be targeting Opie first instead of GPE... Action: alandd being thoughtful but really not knowing.... ToyMan (~stuq@user-0cevdks.cable.mindspring.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater (~jcater@cpe-066-061-086-142.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client exiting" Action: alandd is away: I'm busy Action: alandd is back (gone 00:00:06) Action: alandd is away: Kid to bed time Nick change: alandd -> alandd_away --- Sun Sep 7 2003