my supervisor is not so happy with my performance. maybe i should decide for a gnue task later supervisor at work? I have written a web todo list with xml, xslt and ruby. so probably will need another example app for my first gnue app supervisor at uni :( have to write my thesis ouch what's the thesis on? have to write abou tthe methodlolgy i used. If i would know ;) thesis on ebxml (cpa formation process) i gave a ebXML intro to plug (perth linux user group) ok presentation is available at under presentations Action: ajmitch nods Action: ajmitch looks at I love regexps ajmitch ;) ebXML is what I am doing for uni great I've heard you mention it before is the thesis work going well? aeturnus ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello lo Nick change: aeturnus -> ssuas hi is there any tutorials for gnuenterprise? Action: ssuas pulls out a donut some, in the developers guide I think :) heh ajmitch: thesis work ... have to write the thesis in the next couple of weeks :( so tedious do you think gnuenterprise to ideal for trust/account ledger management? this is for a law firm i work for, and really looking hard for a end user gui application. looked at rekall, openoffice or writing my own application. (praying i don't have to) I think GNUe would be good for that great you'd have to talk to those that use it a bit though :) yeh Action: ajmitch hasn't touched it for awhile i tell you what.. if i get it done sucessfully..i will migrate the whole legal profession to it. that would be great yeh that all use ACCESS Action: ajmitch has done some work for a local lawyer, I wonder what they use.. or custom apps or just the old fashion hand written ledgers. theres specialist applications custom written costing thousands. someone may have done something related to this with GNUe, so stick around & talk to the nice friendly people (even though they're in the US, and probably sleeping) are you in melbourne or around there? yeh i have family in NZ :) great :) have you heard of rekall? yeah, I've heard of it not much written about it anywhere. problem is that it's not free, and qt-only, for a start gnue has it's own issues, but is rapidly getting better :) Action: ajmitch can't recall if someone has worked on a graphical reports designer yet it would be good for a small retailer. both use python for scripting/code it seems and this: Action: ssuas notes that its 1:30am in New York :) looks quite similar to GNUe's designer yes, pretty much common design principles. derek is in arizona, jamest in kansas iirc :) so it's not yet midnight for those lazy gents :) cool python scripting erm, not quite wtf is that? BASIC? BASIC is in OOo I was looking at ajmitch's url that he pasted rekall chillywilly: no, python what with the semi-colons? you guys all use debian? yea, for the most part we are all 100% debian ;P the semicolons seem to appear on code-folded lines i left deb for gentoo =] oh Action: chillywilly doesn't have time to compiled gentoo it's not too late to return to the path of light, ssuas :) compile even ajmitch: there aint no coming back man :) er going although gentoo seems to be bit of a leech distro (grabbing sources from other..sources :) ssuas: that's Free Software. doen't sound like a leech to me. It puts sources together and gives back by making a nice, automated method to compile them up. yes i agree. although i read something about winex developers complaining. Action: alandd is away: ZZzzz... Nick change: alandd -> alandd_zzzz dang i was going to try to send you encrpyted mail :( hi derek you able to give more info to ssuas? :) Action: alandd_zzzz is back (gone 00:09:27) Nick change: alandd_zzzz -> alandd dneighbo: I'm here! doing a final look at the screen in my pajamas. ssuas: i used to work for so i know a bit about lawyer accounting :) alandd: couldnt import your key from my normal server but could from so suspect it just hasnt filtered out yet dneighbo: GNUe do the job? client payments/installments, trustledgers, etc. alandd: you want to try encrpyted email? sure! alandd: i think you have to import my key (if you havent already) ssuas: yes and no ssuas: out of interest, what license would something you did with GNUe be under? no you can't download an application today to do that I have not. What server? ajmitch: what do you mean? but you could use the GNU Enterprise application framework to build it alandd: any of them should work Action: dneighbo loves that thunderbird makes it a "one click" affair what am I searching for? dneighbo? F417FFCF is my key er key id you should be able to use that to import dneighbo: isn't that the purpose of GNUe? ssuas: as derek says, currently there's more of a framework that complete apps that use the framework in something like seahorse.. just do key->import then enter the keyid oh i see and it will go out and pull they keys info there are apps like gnue-sb around, and some others Action: dneighbo suspects that kpgp has something similar which derek can give more info on than I can GNUe is like a developement enviroment? mit says not found. evidently I have to point at a particular server. what is your fav. including some accounting stuff, iirc ssuas: both dev environment & packages (packages aren't as advanced yet) right i see so its not the same as rekall :] alandd: sent you encrypted message dneighbo: what's current info on nola accting stuff? you might need my fingerprint in order to open it (me forgets as its been long time since i set this crap up) :) ajmitch: is that why you asked about licences? ssuas: yeah nola is dead we looked at making acclite... we killed that and started gnue-sb ok then arias (a new version of nola) approached us ah yes they are working on cleaning up their codebase to merge with gnue-sb that was the name of it! so gnue-sb will be a cross of nola, acclite, arias and original work :) I just couldn't remember the history of it & progress :) would it have usable bits for what ssuas needs? alandd: did i lose you silly me, a section in KC#94 about nola->arias now only if hans would partake in pgp and gnue-sb ajmitch: this is why i want that emacs bot :) that ties to a wiki LuftHans: you need to use pgp you privacy freak dneighbo: what are you thoughts on rekall? (functionality wise) Action: dneighbo still hasnt grokked how the privacy master has avoided it thus far ssuas: no comment... Action: dneighbo doesnt agree with thekompany's leadership (if its still shaun gordon) ok September 15th nola-pro should get released. Still not sure what licences nola-pro will have. and so dont waste breath on them have you looked at gnucash? SachaS: where'd you hear that one? i just need something to get everyone off windowz, OOo can't cut it. SachaS: i believe the guy from arias (plus someone else that comes in here that worked at noguska) has stated it will not be free software ajmitch: its on their website k k dneighbo: sent you email back. playing with kmail a bit... i don't think gnucash will cut it. ssuas there is sql-ledger and compire as alternatives to look at yes i've looked at those. and then there are lots of commercial ones reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. alandd: wasnt sure how well thunderbird works with this.. hopefully you got my secure email? we need something more custom, we have onshore and offshore clients, so theres tax issues, also. the trustaccount is very busy, tracking cheques, reconciliation etc. hmmm your mail to me was not encrypted (though you appeared to note this) you were able to open mine it appears ssuas: GNU Enterprise framework lets you get as custom as you want :) Action: ajmitch sends encrypted mail to derek ajmitch: i made mention that our LUG needed to have a signing party 61434DD6 for me SachaS: i think the issue is i'm boiled under with all these options and don't have much time figuring them all out, so if i made something from the ground up, at least its open to modification. yeah, we need that here mostly because my evil plan is to make all lug users use debian and become debian developers I should collect a couple of signatures from the debian developers we have here rather than have them struggle to get keys signed we will teach them while they are young :) Action: ajmitch sighs ignore that unencrypted mail from me ;) dneighbo: what programing skills to i need with GNUe? m4d sk1llz haha python, python, and ummmm python oh cool and the ability to grok simple XML sql, xml, ac, 123 s/ac/abc/ dneighbo: do we still need to do manual report writing in xml? yes or has some kind kind soul coded up a nice designer? ok ssuas: if you can use microsoft access you can program in GNU Enterprise ajmitch: we have a designer... I know dneigbo: sent encrypted now! it wouldnt take the world to make it do reports expecially wizard based ones I mean a graphical designer component yeah see thats where you got me dneighbo. i completely MS illiterate. been in linux too long. something like MS Access' reports stuff would be nice for business types who can't look at XML without screaming you should be fine then Action: ssuas taps his watch. ajmitch: got your encrypted message, but i didnt see a key with it... most odd alandd: got your message as well time, worlds guna end soon..i need more time! lol dneighbo: could you read the encrypted one? Action: dneighbo is concerned that i was not prompted for a password when viewing them yes i could view it mutt didn't ask for my passphrase, but it might be remembering it it askes for passphrases when i send mail out signed yeah dneighbo: I had to close kmail and reopen it before it would see that I signed your key. Then it let me use it for encryption. as here forget wizards. alandd: cool.... now we can talk smack about hans in email on the plug servers and he will never know... muhahahaha hmm, if I view sent mail it asks for a passphrase (which I don't have, as I don't have your secret key ;) ) ssuas: you prefer raw & bloody bit wrestling? ;) poor LuftHans... ;^) ajmitch: umm,? ssuas: plain coding ajmitch: apparently openoffice with database support has a nice forms designer ajmitch: you might check that out SachaS: yes, it's ok ajmitch: i can't code. well.. ssuas: ah i don't code. me either did some C and pascal many years back. can you teach me? thankfully GNUe forms ore quite usable without needing to code up stuff but python is dead simple to learn for the scripting cool I wrote 527 lines of perl today...woooooooooooo chillywilly: go back to your multithreaded C++ hell! :) only 527? sweet shut mail client down and restarted and it asks for passphrase yea, I am slow didnt notice the check box... 5 minute idle remember :) Action: dneighbo assumes thats why not asking earlier ajmitch: so these GNUe "apps"..comes from?? chillywilly: you'd better get up to rhysw speeds quickly :) ssuas: volunteers & willing victims ;) wow 527.... what is rhys speeds? chillywilly: ~5K loc/day I am not a machine based on pnet average across a year if you are a non perl guru that means you wrote a program to open a file and read it :) i guess its not that clear...whats stopping me from coding a custom app with qt (oops i meat gtk+) ? if you are a perl guru that means you wrote a program capapble of solving world hunger :) ssuas: nothing is stopping you ajmitch: holding down the enter key does not count as lines of code! ;^) the GNU Enterprise framework brings a LOT to the table I wrote work orders management module ;) right. in way of not having to "code" database interaction mainly that it's a framework, and has lots of useful tools in the toolbox ah you could go make a gtk2 application with glade pretty quick but tying that applicaiton to a database is another story dneighbo: yes i need to interact with mysql. you will be Coding with a capital C pretty quickly :) coding up gtk+ widgets to talk to the db & update with the DB would be painful or Screaming with a capital S :P GNU Enterprise on the other hand you could right simple applicaiton with forms pretty quickly and not write a line of code you could just drag & drop a table & get a basic form! :) Action: ssuas cheers. as opposed to wronging an application ask alandd, at our training session we wrote a simple movie catalog database in about 10 minutes w/o writing a line of code Action: ajmitch saw that mail in the list or even typing for that matter impressive pretty much all drag and drop yep, yep. dneighbo: do you have material from that online somewhere? i'm sold! LuftHans: does ":) ok I'll harass him relentlessly if I see him not online per say, but he said he grabbed the directory we did all the work in will it be made public? ssuas: i suggest installing GNU Enterprise and kicking the tires ajmitch: sure ok. Action: dneighbo isnt hiding anything s/tires/developers/ ;) you should have materials worked out already....where's the freakin' online course? ;P slacker yes i'll sponsor one. Action: alandd If only gnue had a wiki, it could be easily public. some people prefer to keep the training material to themselves as a form of revenue.. a serious tutorial. alandd: :-D ajmitch: huh? as opposed to a silly tutorial ajmitch: GNUe is that big now? i would like to GNUe certified! heh chillywilly: have to jab dneighbo whey I can. bits of GNUe have been in use for awhile certified how? and there are companies using it, afaik ok i'm hearing training? chillywilly: with the official GNUe Trout(tm) I think certain GNUe *people* are ceritifiable haha train me. certifiable even ssuas: yeah, dneighbo et. al have recently held a training session which I think was a local thing it was local GNUe is still a work-in-progress oh. alandd: i tried like hell to get moin moin working alandd: for the LUG? ssuas: im working on certifications (kind of) thats great. yes, but several others where invited and some even attended doesn't dotgnu use moin moin? chillywilly: dunno It was held at a local PC vendor's Lan Center. They donated the space and hardware for use. Action: ajmitch doesn't like the dotgnu wiki that much GNUe is unique isn't it? ( as far as anything else being simular in a commercial sense) Action: ajmitch prefers the WLUG wiki Arizona Open Technology Organization (AZOTO) was a sponsor along with PLUG (PHOENIX Linux User Group) alandd: cool i actually surprised GNUe is not included with Gentoo. (ebuilds) Action: alandd prefers TWiki our LUG uses twiki ssuas: that's because there haven't been any gentoo users who've contributed ebuilds, I guess :) I setup twiki in about 20 minutes, without ever doing it before. easy. tada! fonts are goofed in .swf er chillywilly: i dont have way to play swf... so wouldnt know :) dork you probably run vrms via cron hehe last but not least and it mails you when you have non-free sofwtare but you never get mails chillywilly: maybe cause you are pure as the driven snow *cough* whats sdd? chillywilly: certainly ugly fonts staffoffice? ugh OK. My brain is now mush. Your reparte has sucked me in long enough. Action: alandd is away: I'm busy blah Nick change: alandd -> alandd_zzzz are they small? the fonts cause openoffice fonts since my upgrade have been hideous fixed but too lazy to restart X :) all letter w/ holes have them filled hmm, does jbailey have any updated GNUe packages about? erm, in the swf that is WTH no there's something beeping down here and I can't figure out wtf it is we need them desperately it's loud too and apparently near the duct work wtf so weird Action: dneighbo has debian new maintainers guide on his desk maybe there's a freakin smoke alarm up there that needs a battery change? looking to package GNU Enterprise and some other things with jbailey's help :) dneighbo: mainly because his packages currently conflict with python 2.3 no dneighbo: it should be easy for you even I could do it! :) that's what is sounds like a smoke alatm with a dead battery that beeps until you fix it mainly cause they were broken alarm dneighbo: oh, apart from that ;) holy shit it is annoying and wx dependency problem (certainly now python dependency problem too) yep ajmitch: i just havent had time to look at it neither have I most of the packaging was pretty ok... it was mostly config files and crap that were broken if I did have the time & source around I would have updated them i tracked most of it down and filed bugs hmm ok but now we have new version :) fun! Action: dneighbo must go to bed.. 6:00 comes way too early night derek Action: dneighbo scampers off to bed wimp with the docs.. yes? Action: ajmitch cvs up's where do i start ? :) hmm for you, perhaps the developer's guide? for forms if __name__ == 'main' : I cannot recall ;P Action: ajmitch hasn't actually used GNUe in several months ;) # let it rock I'll never forget that comment ;) ssuas: I think the latest dev guide would be found in CVS with the source oh, and iirc it's in OOo format ;) OOo! 0oO oo0 0o0 that's enough, young man um, no old bastid chill will why?!?1?!?1?!!? I've been working 12+ hrs a day for like days upon days ouch I can act mental if I want it's only fair GNU Enterprise: An Introduction for Developers ? i think i've read that. chillywilly: you could setup twiki on ash? :) I don't even have an account I've been cut off I see an account 'baumannd' on there well then I forgot my passwd ajmitch: where abouts in the CVS tree would this particular Doc be? ssuas: looking... [ajmitch @ ajmitch gnue-forms] find . -name *.sxw ./doc/Concepts-Guide.sxw ./doc/Developers-Guide.sxw ./doc/Tech-Reference.sxw ./doc/Users-Guide.sxw ah ok. what about reports? i'm sorry docs are a bit sparser, but in the gnue-reports module, in docs dir its late and i'm lazy, you've been helpful enough. late? :) :) not even 7pm here i quite ready for a nap. ssuas: ajmitch lives upside on the isle of NZ upside down chillywilly: and ssuas is on the western most isle of NZ :P oh figures aka australia now I am scared when you guys flsuh the toilet does it go counter-clockwise ;)? flush dunno, want me to check next time? ;) yea man! brb chillywilly: considering current world events, rather be upside. :P ajmitch: so reports designer needs work? ssuas: afaik yes hmm yea stupid yanks woo, purty designer why does th rest of the world think it is better than everyone else? chillywilly: goes around comes round. lol Action: ssuas loads up the printer. 75 pages..RIGHTO! hehe dunno if you want to print it all... what not? brew a nice cuppa, have a read. some of it is tables of info/settings/etc can't recall :) are you a 'read off the screen' type? Action: chillywilly easts a bowl of "chocolate monster" icecream I'm a 'conserve the 10c/page printing budget for uni' type guy :) too bads its in letter format, could've been 50page in A4 :) bigerbrother joined #gnuenterprise. actually I have to drop scotty offf at school Nick change: bigerbrother -> bigbrother at 8:30am did you know.. that with sleep deprivation, blood alcohol increases? no wonder I feel so weird when I don't sleep LOL I am drunk ;) exactly! some people act nearly drunk when sleepy like me. yea i get all..silly! I get silly and giggly like if I drank too much wine yeah :) ajmitch: and chillywilly: you are debian users and gnome users, right? its called..GNU drugs. are you implying somethign ajmitch ? reinhard: yes could it be that gnome is broken in testing? yes and no or GPL drugs. i am gnome user I use KDE now ;P reinhard: quite likely :) I don't use testing though chillywilly: spin around until your thats a rush. ajmitch: lol stick your thumb up yur's a rush!!! no..thats a called a FETISH. dimas_ (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch: is there a reason why they don't wait till it at least starts up w/o errors before putting into testing? i thought i understood the basic concepts of debian ahh now i remember why i migrated to gentoo. reinhard: it gets automatically dropped in from unstable but currently it seems that testing is less stable than unstable as usual :) stable is stable yet outdated, testing is unstable yet dated. at least wrt gnome ssuas: lol such a monolith distro, respect! oh plz reinhard: how goes appserver? is it wrong to lick the bowl? @#$%^%$#%$^%*&%&(*&^() btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami!!! hi btami morning :) wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hehe btami: never mind chillywilly sleeep, bad irc good ajmitch: never mind you sheep boy ;P Action: ajmitch sighs Action: btami likes chillywilly's style yaaaay yes chillywilly makes Enimen look like trailer park trash. ..erm ummm, dems fightin' words check it out YO there's a reason why the British left all you guys on those islands ;P he got style. I hate eminem in fact I dislike most rap music this place is degenerate you would know ajmitch: in preparation of a release Action: btami restarting his XP box after installing a very "important serurity update", hahaha reinhard: great! which won't fixd it but break other things ;) fix* of course for 75 pages the Developers guide looks like a good read. skip to page 40 or so and see what I mean about tables of stuff good to have the whole print out. useful info yeah hopefully it's all still current haha hahahahahaha current documentation reinhard: I know :) Action: reinhard rolls on the floor yea andn how's the appserever documentation? :) ..don't..laugh. chillywilly: yeah that's what's left before release a whole tree went into this. last forms doc update was aug 5th, by jcater comment from a co worker "thats a whole tree there" heheh so just over a month - I think it should be fairly current :) it is reinhard: how well does appserver operate for real work? :) but you know those appserver docs are THE reference nothing can compare it's like the GNUe manifesto i can't relax and read of a screen. need hardcopys. or laptop ;) now, the appserver.. i don't have to worry about that for a while do i? not currently, I guess i know pretty much what i need in forms though. after playing around with OOo forms and rekall. actually forms are the easy part :/ ajmitch: well, siesel uses it AFAIK it is of course not feature complete especially procedures are missing so you can't yet put the logic into appserver (what would be actually the purpose of having appserver at all) by now appserver is only a data forwarding layer between db and frontend you ever look at what's that guy's nick however we are very close to procedures in our roadmap it will be the next but we want to do a release before we start them because the last release has been a long time ocotupus reinhard: yeah theirry/ ? yea that's his nick he has an appserver that he was writing...sent me the source having code being run in appserver is an important step :) i shall hold back reading appserver docs. :) ssuas: yes by next monday i expect them to be updated just have to find someone to do it ;-) hehe ssuas: btw all our documentation files have the ending .py ;-) riiiiiight heh reinhard: naw..i got the sxw files from the cvs? ok, it's time for me to head back to uni & do some work for a change :) ssuas: it was just a joke .py are the source files oh yeh i'm getin ghtere. bbl bye ajmitch thanks for you help. bye ajmitch reinhard: i'm a n00b as of 3 hours ago. bbl ssuas ( left irc: ".." test -e /etc/gnue/connections.conf Nick change: SachaS -> Sacha_dinner Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dimas_ (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Sacha_dinner -> SachaS Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello hello Arturas R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: alandd_zzzz -> alandd Action: alandd is back (gone 06:11:11) Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. alandd ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Hello Bajusz dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" dneighbo ( left irc: "Bye Bye" btami ( left irc: "going home" icltlfatppl (~icltlfatp@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: SachaS thinks dia has problems with fonts or is it with my X? ahh its libpango1.0-0 version 1.2.5-1 which causes problems for dia (gnu debian/linux unstable) or dia version 0.91-8 cant handle libpango1.0-0 version 1.2.5-1 jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection downgrade to libpango1.0-0 version 1.2.3-1 solved the problem jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. good night Nick change: SachaS -> SachaZzz xetrex ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "Client exiting" xetrex ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.8" Vee ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( left irc: siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all :) heya siesel hi Vee mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jbailey Hi siesel. is the debian packaging making some progress? You seem to be quite busy at the moment. chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. I am quite busy. I was away for most of August. Also, it's hard to justify time on gnue when there are RC bugs on glibc. :) excuses ;) hey, we need a stable glibc for sarge. I hate it that packages can't enter testing, just because they depend on a new glibc version. Well, and this breakage is stupid. The bad glibc should never have been uplaoded to unstable. Is there still much to fix? I just saw some bugs listed by apt-listbugs ... ... I just closed my eyes and pressed enter to install the stuff. Hope it doesn't randomly breaks my machine No, not really. The -dev stuff is a bunch of work, but it's easy enough to do. The library breakage is almost all tagged 'help' because the group of us can't reproduce the bugs. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" hmmm, so I hope that this aren't real bugs :) I think they might be 2.5 kernel bugs. I haven't tested them on my 2.6 systems yet. yes, that's very likely (or does it mean probably) Some versions wasn't even usable. 2.6.0-test4-mm6 had a broken tty subsystem, etc. I've used 2.6.0-test2 and 2.6.0-test4 with good success. I have it on my 3 main machines now. I wouldn't use 2.6, but it supports pointing stick + mouse pad at the same time Didn't 2.4? I use 2.6 so that I can do NPTL testing, and it makes my machine at work feel smooth and usable so I kept it. no, the synaptics xfree driver cannot pass through pointing stick data yeah, the scheduler work is great. I haven't tested NPTL, but I often had problems with a broken gtk2+python app which wasn't exiting correctly eating up all processor time. With 2.4 I had to switch to console and wait and wait until I could kill it. with 2.6 I can even wiggle the window nevertheless, if you have time working on the gnue packages, I will make a happy tester. :) THer's some pressure on me to do the gnue package soon, because once glibc's done, it will hold up the migration to the new python. yes, understand. IMHO ;) thats good news ;) python 2.3 doesn't seem like that big of an upgrade from what I've read. But you can stay with the "old" buildsystem, and won't have much to change, if you in a hurry no, no big upgrade, and I use gnue with python 2.3 with no problems KeithJagr ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: KeithJagr -> KeithJagrs hello hi KeithJagrs hi siesel oh rock i admit i'm slow but I just found out if I middle mouse button paste some text into the konqueror window it auto googles for it yip pretty spiffy cool reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) whatever happened to the kernel cousins? still there last I checked just slowly getting updated as psu's been pretty busy it seems reinhard_ ( left irc: "Reality is for people that lack imagination." Vee ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee ( left irc: Remote closed the connection KeithJagrs ( left irc: "later" jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. unxetas (~unxetas@ joined #gnuenterprise. good evening everyone just a quick and easy (hopefully) question.. when I load a form, the first recorf on the database shows up correctly.. but if I try to move to the next record, the fields don't change.. any ideas?.. what db driver? mysqldb my seeeqweeel ;P my eeessss quueeee eeeelll hehe... I actually didn't know people said it like that :P I don't I was making fun of people you shouldn't anyway I say it like my S-Q-L :P I say it like my S qê L lol.. portuguese.. there's an audio file on how to pronounce postgresql I think I remember clicking it once and listening to it oh that's something I need to listen lol.. anyway, do you have any idea about my "problem"? so SAP DB merged with mysql? that's old but I have been barely paying attention here ;P hum? read the press release dude it Aug. 5th I guess not they are licensing it hmm, but they say it is "Open Source" well I don't even know what SAP is :D :-o just one of the biggest propriatry ERP vendors proprietary even that's another thing I don't know the meaning of.. :P ERP ?The launch of MaxDB by MySQL will be a significant first step in our multi-year effort to develop, with SAP AG, the next generation MySQL enterprise database that combines the performance and stability of MySQL and the enterprise-level functionality of MaxDB.? Enterpise Resource Planning that sound spretty cool hum.. now that you mention it, I think one of the tools we used at an ISP I used to work for was based on SAP.. anyway, my question was somewhat more practical :D I have a form, designed on GNUe designer.. connected to a mysql db.. I load the form, first record shows up nicely.. I try to move to the next records but the form's fields don't change.. maybe one day my self-learning experience will take me to SAP level problems and challenges but right now that's it :D well if I knew the answer I would've said something ok sorry i multitask poorly Action: chillywilly installs Linux in jamest_'s brain now you can multitask got rid of Dr. DOS damn you chillywilly, that's another 699 i've got to spend hehe self.fetchBugFix = self.__mySqlNeedsLotsOfTLC the driver? that's in it :) lol... unxetas: you running cvs or release? where's the debs anyway? ;P am I the only person that reads unxetas as untexas Action: chillywilly pokes jbailey nope my mind keeps wanting to do that too ah shit release no your not hehe.. are chillywilly and I the only ones?!?!?!?! it comes from reading lots of typo not even I know how to "read" my nickname.. unxetas: what platform? linux, mdk 9.1 is this a custom form? hum.. I just created a form using the wizard thingy have you tried any of the samples? then it wouldn't do *anything* that I could see.. so I looked around and I tried the pre-query option on the datasource options iirc like the zipcode deom demo damn deoms nope, I didn't.. I guess I should huh? that would mean writing (or copying) the xml stuff from the docs, write? write?!?! hahaha sorry :D nah right cd gnue-forms/samples/zipcode Action: unxetas wows if it's still there there is even a sql file to create the table ok just a sec I'll try that the reason I point you at that file is I know it's been extensively tested if zipcode.gfd works we can release that's our ka stage kwality assurance do you know the command to execute the mysql script thingy? quality man if you have to look I'll do it lol i know nothing about mysql oki tried to use it once and almost went insane :) chillywilly: if you only knew how close to the truth that statement about the zipcode samples really is you'd call it kwality too ok... :) sigh there's nothing wrong with mysql sheesh it's kwality softwear riiiight is that like kde quality control? kwality it's a dilbert thing nah the first project of their new quality initative was a keyboard it's kde kwality kontrol it was missing the Q key heh unxetas: ? untexas any luck? hi jamest_ hi Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. hum not really I was banging my head trying to figure out all the erros, it turns out the documentation doesn't match the files on the sample folder :D :( but now that I found that out, I *guess* the second try won't take so long :P so you can or can't get the zipcode sample to work? dyfet ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). Vee2d2 ( got lost in the net-split. Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. yup I got it to work all you should need to do is run that pg_zip_code.sql file (with any mysql tweaks needed) so did the zipcode form then work? yup I was thinking and thinking what the command to run the file with mysql was.. I only needed to use the < thingy the zipcode form works and next/prev works in there it does but it's kinda different.. at least here, it just navigates between different "fields" on the form right? there's a whole column of records on the same page it should move up and down between the rows of records when you hit the bottom it should scroll the records on screen think poor mans grid my table was different.. I had one text box for each database field, or row or whatever and that text has to change with each record yup, the zipcode thing is doing that :) it's the same logic only with 1 record only on the screen the row count is set to 1 :) I guess it is.. I just couldn't get it to work :| hmmmm it loads up with the first record on the screen how many records in your test database that isn't working? it shows on the bottom the correct number of records (3) it seems to move through them, like 1/3 2/3, 3/3 and then creates a new one 4/4 but.. the text doesn't change sigh, this could still be a database issue with our drivers i'm got a deathline of tonight for something, then i guess I can install mysql maybe 20-30 minutes deathline :) better hurry then or I won't have anyone to help me! :P well for me you can take your time.. I'm probably lying down for a while and almost certainly going to fall asleep.. ok it's 3am here and I had a 12 hour shift at the restaurant :| blech! :) just remember my nickname so if I talk to you tomorrow you won't think I'm crazy lol it's un-sh#t-as untexax? lol untexas even that'll be 50 cents for mispelling my name yea right I got your fifty cents right here you want my paypal account? lol.. oh well I better go to bed before I start acting silly Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. unxetas (~unxetas@ left irc: "Client exiting" Nick change: SachaZzz -> SachaS jcater ( left irc: "sleep" mysql installed - off to sleep jamest_ ( left irc: "Client exiting" jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Vee2d2 pokes derek ouch Action: derek missed the PLUG meeting tonight :( I havent been to any sort of UG meeting in about 10 years not since my sysop'ing days way back when.. --- Fri Sep 12 2003