jamest (~jamest@adsl-64-216-106-144.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left irc: "Client exiting" fuck something is hammering the shit outta havoc's server and making staying connected to his ircd near impossible Arturas (~arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. good morning morning btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. good morning hello Bajusz hello Atruras sorry, Arturas :) :) reinhard (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. good morning all good morning good mafternoon morning all SachaZzz: siesel committed the fix for your pw_xmlrpc problem (i think) btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: Remote closed the connection Nick change: SachaZzz -> SachaS reinhard did not check yet. btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. tripz_ (~ville@as13-5-6.ld.bonet.se) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all is that possible to call one trigger from another trigger? chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) left irc: "leaving" thierry (~thierry@musashi.xtensive.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) thierry (~thierry@musashi.xtensive.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: "going home" wtg (~merlinx@ppp189-173.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) left irc: "You ain't got debian you ain't got shit!" wtg (~merlinx@ppp189-173.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) joined #gnuenterprise. mouns (mouns@kali.mouns.org) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) left irc: "leaving" hello mouns hello thierry chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaS -> SachaDinner mouns (mouns@kali.mouns.org) got netsplit. mouns (mouns@kali.mouns.org) got lost in the net-split. mouns (mouns@kali.mouns.org) joined #gnuenterprise. forms/samples/po/sc_po_entry.gfd does it work for anyone, starts for me but does not calculate Nick change: SachaDinner -> SachaS Arturas (~arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) left irc: "Bye :)" reinhard: yes I can confirm that the pw_xmlrpc problem is fixed. SachaS: thanks reinhard, siesel: webfrontend does no longer work: DB000: localhost - - [24/Sep/2003 20:10:11] code 501, message Unsupported method ('GET') DB000: localhost - - [24/Sep/2003 20:10:11] "GET /sample.html HTTP/1.1" 501 - wtg (~merlinx@ppp189-173.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection wtg (~merlinx@ppp189-173.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: wtg -> wtg|sleep jamest (~jamest@gw.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@mail.actron.com) joined #gnuenterprise. anyone else getting loads of virii in their mail system this morning for about a week or two the faked ms update thing it actually seems to have slowed not me Action: jamest hugs procmail ditto dneighbo: tons bah, procmail is too much work delete is quicker ;P i have 1 user that left work at 5PM at 8AM she had over 350 copies of sobig in her account procmail is faster than delete in cases like that Action: jamest thanks sobig for being the final straw that allowed me to start site wide filtering dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Procmail is awsome, especially if you can run it on your isp's machines. on bootup my debian complains that it cannot find modules for a tons of devices (bunch of /dev/ttyS devices, /dev/MAKEDEV, /dev/usblp*, etc.) anyone have an idea why it is doing that? I have devfs compiled in and enabled to mount at boot time. It's not essential as everything is working fine but it is annoying to have such a noisy boot up ;) Like if you have a shell account there. Action: chillywilly thinks it is devfsd that fux0red chillywilly: I've never been happy with devfs. yea chillywilly: my rootkit must not have took proper, would you mind running modprobe ownzed devfs is the spawn of satan chillywilly: They are dropping support for it in 2.6.x HAHA figures I should roll another kernel and disable it There is something that newer, betterer and actually has a maintainer. hehe so I've heard Action: dsmith is now on the lkml ack too much mail yep tell me about it I even get more lkml traffic tha I do m$ update mail yea I believe it is it true that those M$ update mails infect winblows lusers as soon as they open the files? the mails freakin' tired.... depends on the email client k older outlooks IIRC do autoinfect LookOut I suppose ti retarded and executes arbitrary code? s/ti/is/ k M$ stuff actually has a virus api. There is something about irc also bah, wtf is devfs Action: chillywilly turns it off devfs was the new improved /dev structure iirc that 2.4 introduced Action: dsmith tries to get a LEGO usb camera to work. jamest: yes jamest: it sucks ;P Freebsd 5.x has a devfs that actually works. ls /dev only shows you the devices you have. Very cool. But 5.x isn't production stable yet, so it doesn't really matter. http://customwire.ap.org/dynamic/stories/L/LINUX_THREAT_HP?SITE=WIMIL&SECTION=BUSINESS&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT somone told me they just wanna get rich off the stock price drop...can I smack them? Action: dsmith hands chillywilly the trout stock price drop? SCO you know how they keep jacking it up ;) chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) left irc: "leaving" vieilaigle (~boite@lns-th2-3f-81-56-203-29.adsl.proxad.net) joined #gnuenterprise. bbl reinhard (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "It is easiest to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem." gla Nick change: SachaS -> SachaZzz chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. re chillywilly vieilaigle (~boite@lns-th2-3f-81-56-203-29.adsl.proxad.net) left #gnuenterprise. lupo__ (lupo@pD9E68AD9.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: wendall911 -> wendall911_away jbailey (~jbailey@atlas.fundserv.com) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@mail.actron.com) left irc: "Client exiting" ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) left irc: Client Quit marcello (~marcello@adsl-ull-227-101.42-151.net24.it) joined #gnuenterprise. for the record today the european parliament voted about software patents in europe two months ago it looked like sw patents are unstoppable in europe now thanks to the excellent work of several free software groups in europe and others the parliament has decided today to not allow software patents in europe thats good news! yes Yes :) we won't need a "non-eu" section in debian ;-) haha Nick change: wtg|sleep -> wtg SWEET! although the last word isn't spoken yet the "minister council" has to agree, too it's very unlikely that things will change massively pure software patents will be definitely impossible it will however be possible to patent functional entities of hardware and software (like the famous software-driven ABS system for cars) and now we hope that competition from europe and asia let oversea lawmakers change their mind. yes however I'm somehwat disappointed with the role the FSFEurope played (or didn't play, respectively) in this game probably will talk with greve about that when i meet him in frankfurt at LWE didn't play? yes you could neither hear nor read something from them on the topic of software patents wtf what good are they? ;P night all reinhard (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "The chance of forgetting something is directly proportional to ... to ... aehm ..." chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) left irc: "leaving" chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) left irc: "BAH" chillywilly (danielb@CPE-24-167-193-166.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@gw.math.ksu.edu) left irc: "Client exiting" lupo__ (lupo@pD9E68AD9.dip.t-dialin.net) left #gnuenterprise. mouns (mouns@kali.mouns.org) left irc: Remote closed the connection roche (~roche@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "Client exiting" marcello (~marcello@adsl-ull-227-101.42-151.net24.it) left #gnuenterprise ("Leaving"). roche (~roche@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). jamest (~jamest@adsl-66-142-213-182.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911_away (~wendallc@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jcater (~jcater@cpe-066-061-071-147.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. wtg (~merlinx@ppp189-173.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jbailey (~jbailey@atlas.fundserv.com) left irc: "Client exiting" Nick change: SachaZzz -> SachaS Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway rdean (~rdean@c-66-177-158-116.se.client2.attbi.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo_ (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (~rdean@c-66-177-158-116.se.client2.attbi.com) left irc: "Client exiting" dneighbo (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) wendall911 (~wendallc@ joined #gnuenterprise. bend (~bend@216-83-241-174.wan.networktel.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Anyone home? bend (~bend@216-83-241-174.wan.networktel.net) left #gnuenterprise. hi bend thierry (~thierry@musashi.xtensive.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Nick change: SachaAway -> SachaS dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@adsl-66-142-213-182.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left irc: "Client exiting" --- Thu Sep 25 2003