Thank ... I'm looking at it... wounder If I'm the admin on my project at sourceforge. yeah you should be so do cvs up -r old.version foo; mv foo foo.old.ver; cvs update -A foo; mv foo.old.ver foo; cvs commit -m "reverting to version old.ver" foo where old.version or old.ver is the version you wanna revert to... if you really want to do it the ugly way.. oh I think this way would work.. But Just one more stuff... How can I get cvs run through proxy squid, is that possible paste$ cvs -Q update -p -r 1.3 hello.c > hello.c paste$ cvs update paste$ cvs ci -m "reverted to 1.3 code" the cvsbook say that will work says fancy way is paste$ cvs update -j 1.4 -j 1.3 hello.c that will revert 1.4 to 1.3 so you can do it in one command see that's not too fugly paste$ cvs ci -m "reverted to 1.3 code" hello.c actually 2 commands you have commit it afterward ;P har... hum... hmm, so why doesn't this complain about sticky tags? is the book wrong? chillywilly: did I have to do this ? paste$ cvs -Q update -p -r 1.3 hello.c > hello.c that's just the logn way the latter method just merges differences and then commit it then you s/logn/long/ so still cvs update -j 1.4 -j 1.3 hello.c will work... yea, does the same thing roughly I wish glibc would hurry up and be done compiling chillywilly: what is wrong with glibc? dcmwai: nothing I am installing gentoo ;) dcmwai: which is a distro where you compile it all using the portage package system icky chillywilly: Beg Linus to join the glibc team to increase the build and execute time... it's kinda insteresting....I still like debian best :) dcmwai: no need for that dcmwai: machine only has a PIII 850 in it Not really I think glibc is very slow compare to many build uh? Connection timed out ? Why hum... glibc is pretty large I know.... cause sourceforge sucks ;) ? Intel Build system is a lot more faster (from the news) :) ater gilbc it'll build gettest again and then the bootstrap will be done Building time not running time gettext intel build system? do you mean their compiler? compiler :) oh yes... sorry ah yea, gcc is a bit slow and g++ is just dog shit slow Action: chillywilly is not looking forward to building kde hehe... It is time killing operation Action: jimd is considering setting a machine in a corner to go the gentoo thing but gcc will be recompiled with the amazing gentoo optimisations & kde will compile 20x faster cos gentoo is just so wonderful!! Action: jimd (have plenty of spare computers --- problem is finding a corner :) ). ajmitch: is that right? 20X? chillywilly: cvs server: nothing known about defines_static.php bad news for me oh sure, if you choose to believe mindless gentoo fanboy comments ;) chillywilly: ok it is donw... done.. sorry, Thank for the advise... ajmitch: simmer down son Action: chillywilly gets the trout Action: chillywilly gives ajmitch the evil eye ajmitch: I am not a gentoo fanboy...just playing around with it, I still love me debian ;) (and debian loves me!) bah, you're having an affair with that gentoo, we all know it! ssssshhhhh can we keep that on the down low alright thanks man you're a real pal ;) 20 years of GNU really? in 2004 it will be won't it? see /. 20 years since RMS post can't recall when the project was officially started I don't read crashdot too bad Action: ajmitch will bbl well I usualy read comments to news articles and slashdot tends to degenerate so quickly...blah Sticking to one's principles through thick and thin is extremist, eh? Where I come from that was once called "integrity". the -o Way work much better :) Depends on just how popular those principles are. you cannot deny his consistency what does popularity have to do with it anyway? Lots of times doing the right thing is unpopular...I don't see how this takes away form it from You could always get a pop/e-mail addr with us ww Vee2d2 ( left irc: "restarting Echz" Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. jimd: ? yes? ww means "wrong window" yea I see that all the time....NOT So what was your question? nothing I didn't grokk your ww Action: jimd nods I don't think nodding is allowed here ;) or is that #hurd jimd: so you think you have all the answers? ;P I didn't pick the name "answer guy" sure you didn't Majorie Richardson did. I didn't even find out about it until she'd been publishing my answers for a couple months anyway, that was what is commonly referref to as a "joke" bleh can't type I would've thought it would be an old one too ;) one that you'd be sick of hearing Not particularly no gives you crap for being labeled the "Answer Guy" ? People occasionally sputter about it here but no one else anywhere else People who meet me seem to thing is apropos oh man I know, it sounds arrogant Too bad. yea well it is what I would expect form the "Anser Guy" too bad? Sometimes false humility is more arrogant than just stating the facts as you see them. false humility? false modesty? there is no such thing Action: jimd frowns That way lies an argument on semantics. false humility is like fishing for compliments :) saying "oh I don't know anything!" to get people to say otherwise Yes. lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. I really have told people that "The Answer Guy" is just a semi-intelligent interface to Google, Yahoo and other search engines and mailing archives heh jimd: you're no fun geez I think building the locales taks longer than building the glibc source You're right, I'm no fun to pick on. :) Built up my defensses in grade school. Perfected them in high school :) there's a difference between trying to start up a convo with a joke and "picking" on someone Perhaps it just my misunderstanding :) it's just our way to pick oj each other a bit...I thought you knew derek...he tends to give people a lot of crap ;) NP Action: chillywilly unwinds #gnuenterprise dynamic-wind dynamic-wind? Action: chillywilly would just like to thank the #gnuenterprise fauthful for putting up with him for all these years ;) faithful even chillywilly: What locale are you using? I dunno whatever the default is for US Englsh is ;P hehe g'night all g'nite jimd ( left #gnuenterprise. mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) lupo__ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) lupo__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry_ ( left irc: "Client exiting" reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard hi ajmitch Nick change: SachaAway -> SachaS dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" marcello ( joined #gnuenterprise. marcello ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. Michele_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Nick collision from services. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Nick collision from services. lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Nick collision from services. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" marcello ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) marcello ( left irc: "Leaving" dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. rofl (german www news service) has an article about 20 years anniversary of the initial GNU announcement in the discussion thread somebody asked "why is windows so much more successful than gnu?" and somebody answered "why is toilet paper so much more successful than desktop calculators (in terms of number of items sold)?" nice jab at M$, but it makes no sense Yeah. Who'd want shard of glass up their butt? =) it's like comparing ice cream to lug nuts it makes no sense maybe that was the exact point another apples to oranges comparison? Action: jcater is just guessing doesn't make much sense to me either but RMS himslef is contstantly using M$ in comparison to GNU um more philosophically than technically though the comparison was between windows and GNU, not MS and GNU jamest: I was being lazy Action: jcater goes back to coding what i understand is that he want to say you can't measure success in terms of sales figures reinhard: that would make more sense it was rather clear the way he said it johannesX_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. probably that clearness got lost in my translation it is all about sales people windows is easy for sales people to understand I actually sell linux all the time, and one of the ways I pitch it is in terms of growth which makes Linux more "successful" than Windows at the moment it's all about spin salespeople aren't pushing GNU...I sell it as well, but I get IT "experts" advising clients not to use GNU solutions...when it comes down to it, they just understand windows GNU is complex because it is don't just get the bells and whistles on the surface... wendall911: yeah, the trick is to sell "open stuff" to those that think that an "operating system" is Windows and the "internet" is AOL it sin't easy, but it is doable I try to not mention GNU...just open standards and open technologies that they are free to do what they choose with ;) I tend to pitch it in terms of the bottom line, which is all most companies care about that too if you can "prove" it's cheaper, that's all you need to do granted "proof" is subjective, and involves a lot of spin as well :) but that's what "sales" is all about especially when they want to do projects that would cost more than their net worth to do with proprietary solutions then the choice is GNU or nothing :) I like those choices I also have no [outwardly visible] problem with integrating open stuff with proprietary stuff me either I personally don't like it, but I try not to let the client know that bad for sales I always call them replaceable solutions some linux (open stuff) is better than none at all to those that pay attention, I'm using very similar tactics to what M$ uses excluding the lockin licensing johannesX ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) M$ products help me sell my services...things like Access...I just remind them "what happens when it doesn't do what you need done?" i had somesome say to me the other day "Dell is a division of Microsoft right?" lol only in spirit quite the opposite havoc: agreed Dell does everything they can to push linux, but they cannot sacrifice their bottom line to do it they have always been at odds with M$ like openly share the specs on their laptop lines? I tell people that if M$ is the 800 lb gorilla, IBM is Remington with a .50 cal Action: jamest has to install linux on dell laptops alot and it can really suck Action: wendall911 runs linux on a dell laptop at least until I meat knoppix er, met latitude csx ... knoppix is how I installed my distro as well ;) I've got mainly inspirons I have a dell server that I used knoppix to get up and running hardware weirdness i've got a few new dell workstatoins w/ i845 chipset that I used knoppix to get running then replaced the sources.list w/ one pointing to unstable and it's worked so far :) it has been a godsend for me jamest: try putting linux on a sony once :) ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. all laptops suck Nick change: SachaS -> SachaZzz R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection R45 ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dneighbo has dell latitude cpx that works nicely with debian hmm when TJ studies oxymorons in school I can give him a sentence to play with dneighbo has that works nicely with debian ah, hell I can even simplify that dneighbo has that works nicely with roflmao "tool" "goats" ew but is "goat" a technology? Doesn't gnue have goat technology in it somewhere? goat something anywat anyway Michele_ ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. LuftHans: a question for you. R45 ( left irc: alandd? xp_ ( left irc: Remote closed the connection xp_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. had to figure out how that works still doesn't. At least, I don't have a separate chat screen here. cool jcater: you here? reinhard: yes jcater: re our file can it be that a file named "gnue.pth" in site-packages containing the path to gnue's python root has the same effect? hmm could be I do seem to recall something about .pth files before but don't really know anything about them that would be cool, though python reads them at startup and adds their contents to the sys.path spiffy reinhard: Is this for the distutils frobulation? yep Nice. jbailey: we're almost there for common Cool! I've spent the day exploring the depths of how ugly make can get. =) hehe ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. johannesX_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) johannesX_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: I'm cleaning up the datasource drivers a bit what's the best way to test appserver to make sure I didn't break it the unittests? or some other test? Action: jcater doesn't know how far along appserver's unittests are zero we haven't even created the directory if you have downloaded gnue-appserver from cvs go in src directory and do gcvs Oh hey - is there a make check type of mode to distutils I should be running? jbailey: no at least not yet siesel is preparing something ok cool hmmm Action: reinhard is just looking at the long list in setup ( packages = "..." ) couldn't we just take every directory as a package that contains a file? I'm ok with that jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" night all reinhard ( left irc: "Don't contradict a woman -- wait until she does herself." johannesX_ ( got netsplit. xp_ ( got netsplit. wendall911 (~wendallc@ got netsplit. ajmitch ( got netsplit. ajmitch ( got lost in the net-split. wendall911 (~wendallc@ got lost in the net-split. xp_ ( got lost in the net-split. johannesX_ ( got lost in the net-split. nickr ( got netsplit. dimas (~dimas@ got netsplit. nickr ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ returned to #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" alandd ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Nick change: SachaZzz -> SachaS jamest ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). R45 (~rastabeen@ joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS_ ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). R45 (~rastabeen@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) --- Sun Sep 28 2003