reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning all morning good morning hi btami, reinhard thierry ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) thierry (~thierry@ joined #gnuenterprise. lupo_ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello SachaS (~Sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: hi everyone ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~Sacha@ left irc: "Client exiting" lupo__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning all tripz_ ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.2.4" jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jamest any plans about your cvs update for forms in production use? and: shall i update for forms and reports, too, to make them debianizable for jbailey? and (last question): how strong do we feel about having "debian" as a subdir in "packaging"? (it seems to cause quite some troubles for jbailey) i'm ok with you updating them as for the packaging the #1 thing I don't want to have happen is us lose all the hard work jbailey's put into making debs when we first asked that things be put in packaging we didn't have any debian packagign experience IIRC I later learned that .deb files contain all the configuration files that were needed to create them if that is the case then I don't see the need to keep all those files in packaging/debian dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. what would be nice would be some type of README that explains how to update the debian packages jbailey has doe a README.cvs in packaging/debian that explains what has to be done to do debs from cvs s/doe/done if the debs contain the config files and the README exists then I'm happy with that but I'm not "we" so I can't speak for others :) my understanding was that it's ok to have debian/* in cvs but not in the packaging directory, but rather in the root project directory probably you may want to discuss that with jbailey directly just saw something in the logs yesterday as for updating i probably won't do it today as i'm not feeling too well today think i've cought a cold but i might do it over the weekend cool about the update not the cold i was out yday afternoon ill myself reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. tripz__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey: i have good and bad news for you good news is i fixed the problem with --root bad news is it was a bug in common, not in appserver Joy. =) I don't mind further updates now. They've become very easy. =) so you have to upload common again :( good To update, I now have to type like 3 commands. dch -v NEWVERSION debuild cd .. && dupload --to anonymous-ftp-master hey you could even build a script around these ;-) Could do. I couldn't figure a way to pull the version out automatically, or it would be written by now. =) echo -e "import src\nprint src.VERSION" | python is the "official" version it doesn't work with cvs versions though as they will always end in ".99" That's fine though. I don't mind showing that it's a CVS version and not a release version. but you have to add the date for the cvs version and not add the date to the release version OTOH I can probably even put a hook in there so that when the .VERSION ends in .99 that we add .`date %YY%mm%dd`, and when it doesn't, then don't. That's easy to do even in shell. =) everything is easy in shell ;-) OTOH i spontaneously like the idea of exchanging the .99 by the date for internal use, too now when you download cvs snapshots you don't see exactly what version it is and you can download 10 different snapshots with the same version number jamest/jcater: what would you think? donuts reinhard: Hmm. It's too bad you don't have a ChangeLog that you could pull a date out of. Because for CVS snapshots, it should reflect the last checkout date if possible, not todays date. um I'm ok with that I think jbailey: you're 100% right that's exactly what i noted now, too or leave the .99 and append -`yy-mm-dd` hmm if we change src/ to put todays date in the version number the version number will change every day even for an installed cvs snapshot It could do a stat through the whole tree and find the most recent MTIME. we could change src/ But that's a little ugly. =) try: from _extra_version import EXTRA except: EXTRA = "" and have the snapshot script echo "EXTRA=-`date "%y-%m-%d`" >> that file would never be part of CVS just be in snapshots well (or .deb builds of cvs) to be honest i dnn't think it would be worth it don't I don't either but just going w/the flow here i think jbailey will do it in his script like he said before Yeah, just make sure we cvs update before we do this. Maybe include it in the script. yep adding dates sounds good to me So.. Replace the .99 with the date then when I build it, or should I just append the date only when there's a .99 there? this is wrong on so may levels i'd say append the date when there's a 99 somewhere in the version number kde's file find function can use starting locations like jbailey: please note that the last cvs version before 1.0.0 is 0.99.0 so the .99 is not necessarily at the end Oh, hm. Good call. Match against .99$ then, I guess. we can only go to gnue-common 0.99.99 before we have to do a 1.0 release ? Action: jamest feels 1.0 pressure now jamest: if _release = (1,0,0) sorry jamest: if _version = (1,0,0) and _release = 0 then current results in 0.99.0 not 0.99.99 jbailey: no, probably not jbailey: i'd think match against .99 because the 99 can also be in the middle of the version number jamest: in fact we can only go up to 0.98.98 because 99 is reserved for cvs versions :) i guess we should release less often to not use up all available version numbers 0.98+1.98+1 good plan lets see 1 to 2 #.x=1.# a year are current max is .5 our jbailey/jamest: are you talking in perl regex or something like that? Action: reinhard didn't understand both statements oh Action: reinhard got jbailey's at least :) we've only got about 40 years left before we have to do 1.0 rofl 40 years?!?! are you trying to rush us? jamest: We can switch to hex in the meantime. jbailey: were you already able to test? No. Been working and glibc'ing so far. ah ok i'll be in and out for the rest of the day 'kay. You're usually asleep by the time I get to it. =) :) I don't start work until 10 locally, so I've usually got 4 hours work of stuff piled up when I get here, but it goes down to almost nothing at the end of the day. That's when I get to hack on interesting-to-my-employer projects like gnue that have absolutely no priority. wendall911 (~wendallc@ left irc: "Download Gaim:" Arturas ( left irc: Remote closed the connection bye reinhard ( left irc: "I haven't lost my mind. I know exactly where I left it." dsmith ( left irc: "Client exiting" newbie ( joined #gnuenterprise. newbie ( left #gnuenterprise ("KVIrc: a breath of fresh net..."). newbie ( joined #gnuenterprise. newbie ( left #gnuenterprise ("KVIrc: a breath of fresh net..."). jbailey: you go, boy Fine. jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). d0h btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" Action: dcmwai is away: I'm busy mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: "'gnight" thierry (~thierry@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" mouns ( left #gnuenterprise ("A bientot"). ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm! [19:58] Last message repeated 2 time(s). rah rah rah! ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly: woooooo chillywilly: whaddap jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm: I am fo' sheazy gonna git my grub on R45 ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: werd em up on that i gots mah grub ohn any of you guys know people who've sold food or food kits? uh? like maybe a ready to make recipe save any perishable ingredients no but I have some flour I could sell ya ;) Vee2d2: what the heck are you talking about:) alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2: my aunt sells that stuff. Vee2d2: dehydrated soup packets alandd ( left irc: Client Quit gourmet type stuff oh crap, one soda and i'm back at it again. ziiiinnnnnng!! dtm: see that's what I was looking for.. i feel like that Autobot named Blur Vee2d2: well what's up? Vee2d2: did you want to order some by mail? Vee2d2: that kinda stuff is a good value dtm: did she hafta do anything special prior to selling? Is there some odd IP like concerns with commercial recipes.. ? preseasoned, fulla veggies, but without the bulky water Vee2d2: nothing different than selling anything else unless you want to rebrand it; then you need permission. and ideally you should definately have a corporation and some insurance, because this is the good ol U.S. of A. I bet he's lookin' fer "man milk" :-o my goodness heavens. Action: chillywilly runs off into the sunset Vee2d2: if it's something that's worth rebranding (such as from a smaller business, not like Campbell's), they oughtta have a prepared contract for rebranding Vee2d2: you're wanting to resell it huh hmmm, from to sewing to foods? well.. it's a buddy of mine.. I was gonna say you're like trying to run the gammit ;P Hmm.... there seems to be an old soup recipe stuck in the memory banks of this here little droid.... It keeps talking about an Obi-Wan Kenobi..... Action: dtm pokes around in Vee2d2's circuits jcater ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dtm: hehe good ol' dtm I sure did miss 'em :) dtm: rebranding like Joe's Grocery wanting to sell it as a house brand? Action: dtm falls back on his haunches as an image of hot n tasty dinner wafts out of Vee2d2's front-mounted camera chillywilly: yaaaay!! :) i missed you guys too Vee2d2: yeah dtm: or.. wait.. you're talking about me taking someone elses stuff and selling it under my name? yeah, same thing do we need to whip out the dictionary? ;P Vee2d2: some vendors go so far as to let you submit your logo design to them for printing hehe Vee2d2: and then they print your logo on their soup. or you can print an adhesive and stick it on. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. yea, it's crazy how much private labeling/rebranding/etc/etc/etc goes on out there.. yeah "private labeling" ToyMan ( left irc: Client Quit especially in the crafts and primitives industry because it's not just bout the items, but bout the collection ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. "primitives" industry? wow, i really had to clear out my poor pathetic 6MB yahoo mailbox to sustain the onslaught of M$ worms even for one day. they like sell relics of pre-historic man? chillywilly: dehydrated man milk. they'd fill it up in 1/2 a day with about 6 attachments of 150k each eeewwww :-o goodness my gracious heavens, me. hello ajmitch: hey there oy it's the kiwi oy, also i love kiwi even the bird? jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dtm tosses ajmitch into a bag with some apples to ripen him up haha that would be kiwi fruit i know not of this bird there's kiwi and kiwi fruit chillywilly: yeah, i like those too afaik i like em all kiwi stew anyone? jcater: ITS YOU Action: chillywilly throws ajmitch into a post with some onions and carrots pot* Action: ajmitch sighs wow, i slap this xTunes skin on xmms, click on and almost think i've got a mac. for about 0.0005 seconds, under heavy drugging and emotional duress. ajmitch: i am not privy to what chillywilly is talking about i only wanted you ripe, not boiled :/ oh man, he's ripe. nm hahahaha ajmitch: <3 poor ajmitch ajmitch: how's the weather? why do I bother? hi ajmitch hello i'm not really sure who is depraved enough to assemble an itunes-lookalike skin for xmms, by screen-scraping iTunes ajmitch: hi but it gives me a temporary taste of home you can run an aqua theme on Gnome or KDE too i daresay that free software is getting quite the jump on Apple's multimedia kung-fu, in terms of individual componentry ;P i never saw that ,but i did have one for phpgroupware! if you can believe it had much dealing with phpgw lately, dtm? man i bet someone cloned an Aqua theme for BeOS! ajmitch: negative I believe sec I got something for you dtm gotta find that site... only, i bet there's no Aqua theme for AmigaOS i dunno, that's a close call. dtm: it would be absolutely hilarious to have one for GS/OS oh my. is that url work-safe? yea oh hey chillywilly do you have any new chillywillystyle guitar playing warez for me? i needs my hewkupz nope heheh nice pic chillywilly: are you rather proficient at reading music, or repeating by ear? like at least for simpler note-by-note things d0h i dont have any sheet music here, of course. I don't read much music...if I know the key I can play anything...well actually I can tell what key it is in from looking at the music btwm we had a practice tonight ;P Action: chillywilly is on the worship team at church and plays guitar lex ( joined #gnuenterprise. ello lex :) Ah, ajmitch perhaps you dont know about a licensing issue i was wondering about? ;) hehe :) dtm: actually I can read music to a degree let me guess, you want to borrow stuff from a lib that doesn't have proper GPL headers & files? ;) You are an oracle...but GPL what an amazing gues Geeeeze.... i really need this today...:( anyone around to try help answer? Any place in the gnu project where i might be able to plunder an ldap access oo librarie? sir lex-a-lot! dtm: Well!....:) yes, it is the dtm dtm: senior dan, howsithangin well, i have paying clients! so howyalikethat? that is a good thing, dtm i'll say specifically, i'll say, "yes, i agree, ajmitch." so, yes, i agree, ajmitch. Woah!.... thats GOOD yaay yessir oh boy i can't wait for my RAM to arrive. then i'll be up to a whole 144MB! b3wm? lex: how are you dtm: SameOld SameOLD, that phpgw+university project came through. So i am madly into that right now whoa. i dont recall hearing about that sounds good huh lex: how's the auto parts client doing? your first major phpgw deployment? they're still solid, i imagine. jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dtm: we are about to switch them to the new version. Pretty cool stuff (or we think so). dtm: the university project is thought out to kill and mesmerize blackboard proprietary stuff ugh, blackboard oic so there's a product called "blackboard" huH? sounds treacherous So the point is to disappear blackboard from the face of the earth..... burn the blackboards! you are authorized to use force if necessary >:-I Action: dtm admonish lex to KILL blackboard is used at university here - it is not very nice :( ajmitch: well....i hope you can trade it in for some dotgnu and phpgw and make a buck on the side once we are finished hehe lex: yay lex is our hero he will liberate us from our proprietary conquistadors VIVA EL LEX lex: that would be much nice Action: lex hopes thats doable..... import/export of the data is proving to be a biotch from hell keep fighting dewd lex: i wonder if you should start a project just for that on savannah? i mean, announce it somewhere relevant so you can garner help. just a thought. and making with the codes of the sources I have found the LDAP class i was looking for....very well GPL compliant i just installed bitlbee which is an irc-to-IM proxy server. lex: excellent news lex: in what language take much hacking to get it in? lex: you're not looking just for openldap and such? lex: you can always search for ldap stuff on and dtm: in php.... i wouldnt need it if i was using python.../me sobs oic there, there. ajmitch: some.... it aint too good from what i see... Action: dtm dcc's lex some peach soda lex: the ldaptir or whatever it is in phpgw, isn't good enough? dtm: oh no.... sucks sucks sucks dtm: or well....let me see that...although it will probably be way too old Um...MHM... it looks not too bad though oic I want peach soda wth ogre! rawr! good day nickr greetings did you make that thing nickr ? done in blender, by moi playing guitar is good wrist exercise lots of tweaking crazy meshes I should get a pedal for my valveFX then I can drag it with me I like shoving my roommates broken guitar through my sequencer's effects it sounds neat. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" wendall911 (~wendallc@ joined #gnuenterprise. nickr: cool. wendall911 (~wendallc@ left irc: "Download Gaim:" R45 ( left irc: jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. nickr: hey that's a super cool picture, man. looks like his eye is about to pop out or burst. Hmmm... dneighbo around? I have a possible opportunity to deploy gnue at my employer. thatks I wanted to discuss it with dnieghbo but I haven't heard from him. Anyone know if he is traveling or something? nickr: yeah i've never used blender. Action: alandd is away: brb nickr: the only relevant things i've used are povray/dkbtrace and inFini-D back in about 1997 yea, blender is much easier to make things with i'd think ANYTHIGN would be easier to use after 6 years :) i wonder what happened to infinid. i learned how to make shapes and models on that, with no manual or prior 3d experience on a Quadra 660av (33 MHz 68040) Action: alandd is back (gone 00:02:32) i'd design a button, set it to render at 400x400, and go away for a couple hours. i desperately wanted a free modeler for solaris, because we just got the new ultrasparc system which had speed and *gasp* multitasking! derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek: just the man I want to see! dtm: too bad it was many years before blender was created. :) Action: alandd so to speak. alandd: don't kid yourself, derek is irresistable nickr: lovely guy! I know! derek: While you get back around, I'll talk. At work, the previous QC guy built and Access/VB database to track orders and returns, etc. at least he didn't build a filemaker db :) the place I work for completely depends on three separate filemaker dbs It is a hacked piece of work that no one else can figure out and even he can't remember it all. It will only run on his computer despite their attempts to install it somewhere else. Operations is sick of it. They want to hire a consultant to come in and figure it out and fix it. Darren suggested that they convert the data out of Access to something SQL and then pay someone, inhouse or not, to implement the needs on gnue Unfortunately I am on the outside of this project so I don't know alot of the requirements or details (different department). Darren may be the one in position to help push it. Question for you: How do we strike while it is hot? Are you still willing to do a presentation on site? alandd: dont leave yet :) Action: derek just got your email Action: alandd notes that the details are here. yes willing to do presentation on site coolio! yo derek yo dtm im available tomorrow for demos :) Action: derek has to take junior to swim lessons so will be out of commision until about 1pm but prolly anytime after 1pm i am free wow alandd lives in derek's area? cool oh and i think my wife has given up on wince (yes pun intended) so i might have another ipaq for you to put opie on maybe will bring to installfest dtm: like 3 miles from each other! figure bringing an alpha processor box and an ipaq will bring non intel/amd variety to the event ;) wooooo ipaq: do the install once, you are stuck for life! alandd: really? wow stuck? i've only seen an ipaq once, and it was running xf86, linux, twm, and xterm. it was amongst the first release, at LWCE in 1999 stuck doing the installs. Action: alandd shrugs, not a bad rep to have. alandd: oic i thought you meant that if you install linux on an ipaq, you can't ever uninstall it ;) that makes two for Opie at the install fest. dtm: no, if you save off the wince image first, it can be restored. Or, so I have read. oic yes, because i'm sure you've never attempted it which i wouldn't either that is true yes. heh a sound assumption. Action: alandd is away: brb Action: alandd is away: for the moment Action: alandd is back (gone 00:00:04) whew for a second there i was afraid that alandd wasn't at his keyboard and i wondered what on earth could be wrong. is he sick? dead? thank goodness he was just away! an /away followed by a message does not turn off the away status, just "renews" it yes Action: alandd didn't know this and thank goodness that when it happens.... we all know it. :) ;^) Must really go away for a few minutes, now. Thought you would all want to know. alandd ( left irc: "Client exiting" Action: dtm dabs at the droplet of sweat on his brow oh, man i can't take all this turgid gone/back/gone/back business. why can't people just be at their irc terminal constantly? I'll always be here for you, dtm me too alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm: miss me? --- Fri Oct 3 2003