does not support that yet ok SachaS: to be honest, i really need to look more into GNU E how many people use it yet? mdupont not sure but some developers are using gnue in productive environments ok, i need some more coffee alandd: back yet? Action: derek runs back to watch election stuff will return in 10 / 20min looks like arnie will be new gov of calif I'm so sick of this I am here, derek. Just off tweaking spamassasin Action: alandd yells "Die, spam, die!" that reminds me rm ok, `spam' removed whew.. h0h0 wow, Brian Tracy was going for gov too Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway he'd be excellent who's that? he's a nice guy though; i wonder how he'd deal with war and terrorism and such Nick change: mdupont -> md-away chillywilly: was on SNL chillywilly: he's a master of sales and business management see you alll later nice chatting! Vee2d2: hah what? later md-away do I have my names mixed up? who's the dude that left SNL last yeat? the one that played the retarded safari guy.. Brian Fellows..(?) different guy.. ;) Action: Vee2d2 goes back to work.. Tracy Morgan! that's who I was thinking of wrist hurts ack typing one handed I've been getting that lately too.. probably need to masturbate some more. wtf? you're sick man not getting any at home? ;) plenty @!*U)#% HEH Action: dtm assassinates chillywilly & Vee2d2 maybe I don't wanna know this... I need a break Hello! My name is Brian Fellow!! too much is always better than not enough! chillywilly: wrist pain remedy. hold on. getting links ready. Get that dog outta here! It's got the evil eye!!! you're a sick puppy Vee2d2 you have no shame that's a horse, not a dog, sir. Go sell crazy somewhere else! link 1: Vee2d2: you should post on alt.non.sequitur plzthx link 2: bought me a pair a couple of months ago. Made all the difference! Wearing them now. what's with the blind fold on the bottome of the first link? bottom left no comment. I knew I shouldn't have clicked Vee2d2's link Vee2d2: you need a kick to the ding-ding Vee2d2: this kind of stuff is not funny very long, IMO chillywilly: don't know. click the picture. NEW! Helps soothe away sinus headaches, tired and puffy eyes - enjoy a refreshed look and feel I don't know about the other products but the Smart Gloves are wrist savers for me! might have to get some back derek: hang on a minute Action: dcmwai is away: Lunch Time.... Let Eat hi derek crikey EJB and J2EE has tons of levels of indirection bleh chillywilly: u r cool why? coz ok, if you say so and i do ouch i must speak only the truth, chillywilly. for i am compelled. you're probably the ONLY one that thinks so chillywilly: you can be as indirect as j2ee, can't you? well chillywilly you shoudl do something to scare them all, like finish their projects for them you could do that couldnt ya? yea, but I am motivationally challenged that is my problem ;) oh yeah. :-/ okay well you need goals derek: I am here. still split in another channel talking AZOTO but we can carry on. chillywilly: do you have goals chillywilly: including a timeline chillywilly: or are you already full on hours I dunno, it's not like I have NO free time I should be sleeping right now oic well in your free time do you want to spend it codx0ring sometimes grrr..... rms is a pain in the ass sometimes derek: really? ;^) alandd: more "really" than you can imagine i can imagine a lot at this point. derek: what did he do this time? fighting with him on an evaluation i did for FSF of a program i just have to laugh we did GNU Enterprise in python and he had FITS )&*#@ why? that we didnt use LISP or C !!!!!!! the program i evaluated used Eiffel hehhehehe ?! i stated it was not "highly compatiable with the GNU System" because it was written in Eiffel lol!#**# what's that mean?! he tried to argue that language doesnt matter and that wasnt the question it's the GNU System's job to be compatible with Planet Earth er wait no i tried to argue.. .that having something like no one can extend w/o learning a language is well not "highly compatiable" but anyhow i digress it's the GNU System's job to 1) be free and 2) work right? advocating on language is lame ;) rather. especially with "web services" on the scene s/on/one/ you can expose your app multiple ways reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard. morning hi derek ( left irc: Connection timed out derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi hey derek and i are on the same ISP. derek: I just saved all the stuff I typed into our chat. come back in. derek: did you get all my ramblings before you dropped out? um... sorry bounced out to do something else looking Action: dcmwai is back (gone 00:48:58) md-away ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Nick change: SachaAway -> SachaS lupo__ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) Action: alandd is away: ZZzz.. Nick change: alandd -> alandd_ZZzz hi all hi ajmitch ajmitch. dtm. ajmitch: what it is is kinda cool. free movies featuring BMWs, playable on mplayer of course ajmitch: did you ever get your system upgraded from that thing with the cpu-driven video card? and with the roommate running a remote display off it dtm: negative the current status of my bank account has something to do with that, however and the fact that I don't care terribly much :) oic, well i'm sure it's better than my 300 MHz pentium II and matrox millennium II now sporting 128MB of RAM! possibly up from 80. ajmitch: does your roommate still leech it? from your phat cyclez yes you're quite a guy very charitable Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway dimas (~dimas@ left irc: " XChat" l8r all dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaAway -> SachaS siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning Nick change: thierry_ -> thierry hi siesel hi SachaS do you have any ideas about an good test senario for appserver? something involving lots of clients, which should be automated, to test performance no test scenarios can you write a client without gui? siesel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel_ ( left irc: Client Quit yes. f.e. the script is one. so a script which starts 100 clients? I first thought of something like simulating 100 clerks adding numbers of sales running would be ok, but I think its not so realistic maybe enhancing the client to add data oh ok i see you want to setup some tables in appserver (apart from the person class) and have some query/update/delete operations on those objects? yep. and it should be some senario which sounds/looks like a real world test case so a customer would say: Oh, yes, we need something like that. Oh, appserver supports that, and has that speed. Oh, thats great. ... i see do you have a tool yet which takes some description file (classes with their properties) and creates the appropriate sql statements for appserver? like to updated the modules tables, the class tables and the properties table SachaS: that is high on our priority list or actually the other way around that you can add classes/properties in GNUe_Class_Definitions.gfd and then generate a .gsd file for the underlying tables off for 3 hours Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway will all properties of all classes go into gnue_properties? away yes, I think so. i think so, too Action: dcmwai is stuck.... Action: dcmwai is stuck on the Program and don't know where else to go... btw. do you have any idea for a appserver testing senario? dcmwai: which prog. not much siesel: Aria-erp PHP :( apart from a script that generates 100000 instances and then deletes them again it SXXK on Printing... and also dynamic Content changing.. reinhard: ok, thats a first option dcmwai: how do you do the Printing? dcmwai: You should use gnue-reports for that. It's a great will-never-suck(tm) solution. :) siesel: For the time being... HTML... Which... Mozilla have problem on the table on printing. siesel: I hope so.. but how can I do that on aria :) hmm, thats bad. thierry ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. you can use php to trigger gnue-reports, (printing a please wait message) and than redirect to a page where the gnue-reports result (pdf file) can be downloaded siesel: can that be done? php to trigger gnur-report, it seem to be a very good idea for me :) yes, f.e. the guys from reportlab are doing similar things, just using only reportlab instead of gnue-reports+reportlab how many format didi gnue-report support? Just pdf? pdf, html, ps, ... that depends on the reports type. hum.. Must try :) its normal output is xml, which can be transformed to whatever you want. so even Fax also no problem :) haha must be joing :) I've used it to produce openoffice tables of sentences of the zhuangzi stored in a database. support double-bytes character? Oh.. Oh.. You must teache me how :) haha... I'll catch siesel for that ... : almost, I've added some encode/decode commands somewhere siesel: How much work it will still need? if you want to produce pdf. Its working. Openoffice or html working too. I meant double-bytes character postscript needs more work. :) postscript is something I don't want yet :) I'll can send you the patches. Action: dcmwai kiss siesel :) Action: siesel prefers trout kisses ;) Action: dcmwai is too happy to get one more solution that don't need much work :) siesel: Just wounder... How would I trigglr gnue-report in PHP and How is the gnue-report setup? Much like pdf print or talex kind? on the php page.. any documentation or etc? on gnue-report, I've that on my system :) Action: dcmwai is away: Dinner, Let get food and Go home :) dcmwai: if you read the log: unicode patch for reports is at: siesel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) siesel_ ( left irc: Client Quit siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) bbl reinhard ( left irc: "Those are 10 kinds of people: those who understand binary numbers, and those who don't." Action: dcmwai is back (gone 00:49:38) wb dcmwai siesel: Thank you :) bu yao keqi tripz__ ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.2.4" HAHA Type Chinese lah :) ???? I meant you can type Chinese here, I can see like this n.FK sniff. nobody uses utf-8 encoding :( Action: dcmwai wounder... How the log will log it.. :) oh? siesel you use GB, B5 etc etc? Action: dcmwai wounder if he is using Utf8 no, mostly utf-8 as I need to write german umlauts too. btw. on php side I would use system('gnue-reports -d '+outputfile' ...more options') and then redirect to another php script which serves the created "outputfile" if I remeber rigth, jamest or derek did something like that Woo system('gnue-reports -d '+outputfile' ...more options') hum.. have to search for that... siesel: Just wounder, do you meant that I'm not using utf-8 when typing the chinese word in xchat.. I've no idea on this Linux.. What code I'm using.. most of the time, It just give me some other code and I'm no where to search where to change them :( opp... If I remeber right you are using you local encoding, which is in normal cases != utf-8 dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. oh bad.. Action: dcmwai wounder what can be done to change that... got it. You can change encoding at the Server List (Ctrl+S) Dialog siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. ok, welcome in utf-8 world: `}l? hmm, the log doesn't seem to support that. dcmwai, can you read the code above? let test No... mdupont ( joined #gnuenterprise. :( :( I'm still Big5.. Have to reconnect I think.. BRB dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. let try if you can read me :) ,f dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) Hum.. The Proxy server.... can read. Great :) yes :) } not this is :) I thought it wouldn't be correct. siesel: are you chcinese :) or learning Chinese some how? no, german, so writing isn't perfect :) my major is sinologie Woo... Learning Chinese for a westent People is Not easy... I think I've heard you told me that before :) yep. There is a way to learn Chinese Fast.. (including Writting) But only for age 3 -13 btw. I have to choose three classical chinese text for exams, do you have any ideas? which method? live in the country? 3 Classical Chinese text for exam? No ... That is the way our old People teaching... Just Read, Without understanding it... yep, I've exams in January, and I can choose the text range Its mostly translation, no need to learn by heart. As Becuase from the age 3-13 the understandation is very limited but the memory is very Strong... So let them memory them. and Let them understand it later I think I can know that.. when asking an adult to learn another languages it will be hard... dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. unless You live with it ") even then its difficult :) That is because you choose Not to "Live with it" :) and you choose to "Live" with your own languages.. and that is the problem :) but the age is really important, my son is learning tang shi, or german folk songs, he listen two times and has memorized it. IMHO, Languages is Not about understanding, But a Feeling.. A feeling of live ... A Feeling of the people who wrote it. ok, understand. But that has to wait until I work in the country Action: dcmwai is mumbling :) siesel: How old is your son? almost 3 siesel: If you don't Mind.. I would ask you to stop Tang Shi and Go a level Deeper... Take Lun Yu, Lao Zhi, Zhong Zi, Da Xue and also Zhong Young... And if someone teaching take "Di Zhi Kui" P IMHO, ֞ 'x - & _P is very Nice :) because it was a better languages then i and people who wrote i Read them :) Testing Net radio :) I thought of Hanfeizi, as its not as fragmentic as Lunyu oop!! not radio but Cast. siesel: For a Childres, There is No Different. They just Memory without understand (Well, a few, but I perfer to let them understand the word with their life)... When Time come... You will know. :) siesel: Well, sometime explaining them will make the children narrowed the meaning. :) you're right. So using Lunyu etc. is not so good for exams, because its difficult to translate. So I thought about Hanfeizi or Mengzi. For me,, they are all hard ... As when I'm reading, I'll try to understand them, and that make me stop reading :) :) So your exam is about hanfeizi and Mengzi... That is Nice :) The problem is that I can choose. Action: dcmwai wounder Mengzi is Ticker then Lunyu, how come people say it is easier... so what is your choice now? I dunno, perhaps hanfeizi, Liu Zongyuan, and Hanyu (the one with the crocodiles) but I'm not shure ok... Action: dcmwai don't know much about them @_@ reinhard: I've a question. how can I load all classes into the classrepository? If I uses classes.keys() I just get the classes in the cache. Action: dcmwai taking a nap... too tired.. :( Action: dcmwai is still in the office :) Vee2d2 ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning all dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi Arturas, hi jamest hello siesel hello Jan, hello James hello Arturas Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" alandd_ZZzz ( left irc: "Client Exiting" btw. on php side I would use system('gnue-reports -d '+outputfile' ...more options') and then redirect to another php script which serves the created "outputfile" if I remeber rigth, jamest or derek did something like that siesel: i am doing that in DCL at work to merge service requests onto word documents it works rather nicely infact gnue-reports is on a different machine than dcl :) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: derek goes to catch the carpool derek ( left irc: "Bye Bye" derek: great oops, he's gone. R45 ( left irc: Nick collision from services. R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. i did a test run like that in zope where a external web server called an internal one which called gnue-reports then jumped some hoops to make pdf output from a rtf template file was it fast enough? R45 ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) I even thought about using openoffice pdf writing capabilities, but I think its too slow. R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaAway -> SachaS Nick change: SachaS -> SachaZzz jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "Client exiting" dimas (~dimas@ left irc: " XChat" jcater, jamest: IMHO there is an error in which I tried to fix in the last cvs commit. but the new version raises other kinds of errors. do you have 5 min for this? ? sure findChildrenOfType called findChildOfType instead of findCHildrenOfType what's up? so it would only find two generations/levels of children cvs up'n But when I changed it to use findChildrenOfType it breaks, because GContent doesn't define this function I don't see what's broken It seems that the GContent Object which holds data between <> tags (like for a trigger) is a children of an GObject (f.e. GTrigger) but it isn't a GObj, so it doesn't define findChildrenOfType ah I'd just put it between a try: except AttributeError: block ok. that was my question :) thanks. I'll do that. lol that's definately broken scorpion ( joined #gnuenterprise. scorpion ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: are the unicode changes complete I've some more changes, f.e. to allow non-ascii characters is gfd files, but these changes are more intrusive and not fully tested So I want to wait a bit before inclusion. so are we anywhere near a point release i know jcater has pending commits waiting on a point release I will check the other DBSIG2 drivers to make them all support unicode (needed for appserver now) and then I'm ready um please don't do ANY more changes to datasources unless they're stuff you've already written and just haven't commited yet ok. no changes then. as I'm having to take your commit emails and remake the changes to my source tree which is fine as I know you worked on the unicode stuff a while ago and have been waiting to commit siesel: The problem is that you're filling the 'progress' quota all on your own. lupo__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. gnue is only allowed to advance so far per year, and the other devs want to do some of that too. =) does anyone of you know "dr. laura" ? lupo__: Like the Jewish radio show lady? that lady: /msg jbailey between siesel and reinhard they are going to give us a bad name. WTF is up with adding features? =) /msg Yeah, and shit, I know I promised you that I wouldn't get gnue in Debian until 2006, but reinhard screwed that one big time. jbailey: don't worry. When donuts will be hand out for done progress at christmas. You still get all vegan donuts I think ;) lupo__: rofl the only thing in the world that can be interpreted word by word is source code :) Yeah. Everyone *knows* that eating shellfish is the highest abomination. sheesh. is it really that disgusting? You're not *really* asking the vegan, are you? =) I don't get your point. How can you say it's an abomination if you never tried it? No offense, but I don't get the logical part of it :) lupo__: don't forget, he's canadian too hehe not sure you can expect good answers with all that pot smoke clouding the judgement rofl I can't say that I've never tried it. btw, i remember having read some paper that 10% of the US inofficial GNP is made with drugs and smut Although, I disliked all seafood when I was willing to eat it. Why would smut not be part of the official GNP? jbailey: even as an omnivore, i can understand you to a certain extent ;) smut is not legal everywhere you can't be big pimp in every US state lupo__: On a related note, fishing is related to some of the worst environmental devestations, so I can rant about that for a while too. Especially when I'm drunk. you happy bitch. as a vegan you have a darn good excuse for getting drunk. - it's vegan. :) modern day farming doesn't exactly have a great reputation either .. Thinking of legalities and such. Apparently, because they've decided that possession here isn't criminal, at the end of the summer, someone went into the police station and reported that her bag of pot got stolen. lol jbailey: what? you against raping our oceans for short term profit too? i wish that was true here in good ole europe The police then had to launch an investigation on it. When asked to comment, the officer said something to the effect of "Well, we don't comment on investigations in progress, but I can say that this feels very weird." think of the children well, of the childrens parents and grandparents jcater: True, that's why we get an organics delivery everyweek and avoid non-organic food. yes, short term raping means growth. and growth is good. (as good as "the plan" was for the commies) btw, anything out there in cvs that wants to be tested? jcater: The scary part is that in Vancouver, I wouldn't be considered granola for doing this - It's just what most people do. lupo__: If you mean glibc CVS, I need someone to test it on the Hurd for me. Action: jbailey doesn't have time right now. damn no hurd on my pc, pitily and no time for an install :( (organic chemistry lab) Phear: Ascii art picutre of RMS using the text of the GPL\ (remove the trailing backslash, sorry) jbailey: cool pic, and the first time I needed to "decrease textsize" in mozilla-fb What's the -fb? firebird Ah. some people have too much time on their hands Vee2d2 ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Nah, my hands are doing other thi... errr.. nm Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: would you mind one last change when I send you the patch file directly (per dcc), as it would bring mysql etc on same state as postgresql and makes windoz user a bit more happy using appserver go ahead and commit commit emaails are as good as a patch file ok. then no dcc. broman ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" gack! I thought you said mysql mysql + "etc" btw. what are you changing that a simple "patch" doesn't work anymore. /me is just curious maybe he just doesn doesn't wanna apply your patch ;) jbailey: scary ascii art ;) siesel: he seperated the connection system from the datasources IIRC to make the code a little easier on the brain and thierry ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) that's great, as is a step into being more portable. and jcater's are mostly good reasons, no joke. :) Vee2d2 ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: separated schema code out of the main dataobjects and split GDataObject into both GConnection and GDataOnject s/Onj/Obj stuff we've been talking about for a while but never got around to reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: great. just two questions: will the scripter stuff be moved into datasource/driver directories and will "online" schema modification/creation be possible? neither of those are within my current focus but yes, scripter stuff is meant to be moved into datasource/driver ok, so the main focus are leaner db drivers, and cleaner code base. yes do you move the introspections stuff out too? yes what about TriggerExtensions? TriggerExtensions have been eliminated specific dbdrivers can add new methods to GConnection though so the getSequence, getTimeStamp, etc are part of the individual connection objects good. so its possible to create a connection without opening a datasource. absolutely that was the reason I did this I needed connections, but not datasources now I undestand it in designer, et al, I've created bogus datasources to accomplish that but was getting frustrated w/that approach fyi OO.o rawkz appserver's dbdriver is easy to convert since I found out y'all already had a separate connection object yep. It was easier to do. I had a similar approach for the ldap driver and it looked much better I planned on having this stuff committed w/in 2 or so days of me starting on it but then we got started with fixing the debs btw. what about closing datasources and resultset? and I didn't want to complicate that I haven't addressed that yet I haven't changed the api of datasources, resultsets, or recordsets any short of removing the .connect() methods of dataobjects that would allow to move the encoding parameter to the GConnections object. yes that's where I put postgres' encoding stuff what about doing a point release now, and working on a new head? Action: jcater has been asking about a point release for 2 days :) where do the .debs stand? dunno, seems like the packaging is done and working. reinhard and jbailey should know more s/reinhard and // :) lol siesel: just saw your commit for SchemaSupport did you take a close look? not yet the main problem is that gnue_id's can't be stored in a schema file was just surprised because it's actually what johannes was supposed to work on this week not sure whether he started or not but you most definitively will have to talk :) no problem. Best would be to have a fixed time to talk. well he is *supposed* to work 8:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:00 MEST *at least* :) lol brb food jcater: is it much work to branch gnue-common? depends on how people use the branch vs the main head it's been painful in the past i believe we will be able to do the point release this weekend well if we _want_ the point release anyway but i think we should do it for sarge does curses work, currently? does any old release work with curses? it sorta works as for a branch why? as they are a pita some guy over there in asks for some db frontend with curses i think i'd rather see 0.5.2 tagged and (if needed) a 0.5.2.x branch lupo__: iirc the basics work fine i don't think things like dropdowns work it needs some tlc tlc? tender loving care i suspected something like that :) well anyway i think i'll consider a political career in the U.S. reinhard: i didn't know you were a celebrity the gnuminator lupo__: rofl hasta la vista, proprietary vendors siesel, Juust now you did say that jcater or derek have a php script or something that will call gnue-report is that right? derek or jcater? Action: dcmwai thought he saw derek? i have something in zope jcater IIRC has something in php or maybe zope jamest, zope? i know mine was based upon his initial zetup zope i used zshellscripts (IIRC) to call reports oh ... so it will only run on linux I think :) or some unix base system? dunno zope is python so I'd imagine it'd run on windows but i've never looked forgive me, I know nothing about python yet.. ;9 :( forgive you? i pity you using php poor dcmwai jamest, Oh .. pity me :) jamest, I've no changes yet for python..., will be there later... :) I don't have a really good structured mind... that why my programing suck :) jamest, can you send the zope over and let me know how things work out? if I can find it :) i setup that demo a year ago and haven't touched it since jamest, ... hope it's still on the system johannesX ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) johannesX ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyway did that work out nicely? worked fine anybug there? Something need to be watchout. not that I recall That will be Nice :) dcmwai: still looking R45 ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dcmwai: there is a report-server in cvs, which will allow to create reports by sending a RPC message This should be the best solution, as it will work almost everywhere. It just needs a little bit of work, or you have to hard-code your report definitions. the report server is no more than a few notes, atm but long term, yes that will be the best solution again? hard-cdode the report definations? siesel, any doc about the RPC stuff? and is the report-server in the gnue-report cvs? nvm Let do this tomorrow :) Thank all and good Night.. I really need to get some sleep :) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" sigh my only access to the machine the code dcmwai wanted is via a dsl line and I have to run the browser remote as it's internal only so I no more than get there and he leaves running konqueror via x-fwd'd ssh on a 128kbit line is pure pain yeah Ouch. Can't use lynx or something? i don't think so Action: jamest hasn't tried zope admin interface with lynx you do run with ssh -C ? though I guess I could setup webdave access jcater: yes then use cadaver as it's a fairly nice text based webdave interface fwiw though default behaviour on cadaver > some recent number in the following case copy filename dirname is to delete dirname (and all its contents) and replace with the file a user found that one for me and was none to happy about it jamest: dewd that sounds like some sort of M$ feature. morning ajmitch: hi there R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. alandd ( left irc: Client Quit alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. LuftHans: Hello? alandd ( left irc: Client Quit R45 ( left irc: Remote closed the connection R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. hmm... can it be that encode/decode didn't work in python 2.1 ? and if yes, do we want common to be depencent on python > 2.1 ? R45 ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dunno to the first but no to the second reinhard: encode/decode should work since python 2.0 there has been some decode/encode stuff in since long ago imho at least siesel: how can i test if "my" python has encode/decode? >>> x = "foo" >>> x.encode ('utf-8') 'foo' ok looks like it should wirk work sorry false alarm I'm afraid to see our --profile statistics after this change :( jcater: you finally going need to get something faster than your 500Mhz box? night all reinhard ( left irc: "Reality is for people that lack imagination." Action: siesel found out how to solve the python2.1 "decode" problem. python2.1 uses unicode(x,encoding) instead of x.decode(encoding) siesel: what is an exampe of your encode line? I'd be tempted to create a lambda function, like gDebug, that calls the appropriate str.encode() or unicode() but also sets the encoding="..." in there too but I'm not sure what these lines look like Action: jcater could look at commit logs, I suppose its mostly f.decode(self._dataObject._databaseEncoding) sorry I meant f = f.decode(self._dataObject._databaseEncoding) I thought of an lambda too, but then we would need two lambdas for databaseEncoding and two for system encoding, and possibly two for gnue-forms textEncoding lovely we have to do that for every string? in most cases encode/decode is a simple table lookup. and in case of some dbdrivers (some postgresql driver f.e.) they can work directly in unicode mode, so no conversion is needed. but is this only data passed to and from the databases or all strings? first step only data to and from databases second step all data writen in XML files, i.e. gfd, grd, gsd definitions third step, all via gettext translated strings. the last two are allready unicode encoded (at the moment) and are converted back to the local encoding this is done in for XML files, and in a _() lambda for gettext the main problem for step two and three is that the encoding to the local encoding has to be done, before they are printed, and for this case a new lambda would be needed. to make it short and answer your question: yes for all strings, but its already done in some other way for all strings. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" bbl, movie time dsmith ( left irc: "Client exiting" jamest ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdean ( left irc: "Client exiting" siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. dimas (~dimas@ got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ returned to #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. dimas (~dimas@ got netsplit. dimas (~dimas@ got lost in the net-split. Vee2d2 ( got lost in the net-split. dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbeimler ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaZzz -> SachaS R45 ( left irc: "restart" R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" [I do not recognize the "readonly" attribute earlier it was probably now thanks wendall911 (~wendallc@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). ajmitch ( left irc: "I like core dumps" ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey jeff hi all Heya Andrew, Dan. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway hello :) jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" --- Thu Oct 9 2003