yeah, he was starting fights with me today oh great. well what did you do to him?! i bet he is at church, praying for forgiveness for his sins most likely * mdupont listens to the black eyed peas remix of fred wesley and the jbs "get buddy buddy with ya friend Mary Jane" * mdupont goes out dancing mdupont: I think you need to lay off the mary jane chillywilly: i dont smoke no mo lah * mdupont is clean ok, so you just act like your stoned? ;P chillywilly: is that worse than acting like a anal german? no comment * chillywilly smaks mdupont with a trout well he certainly has no shortage of trout. smells fishy to me the white river has the biggest trout in the world down in the ozarks when chillywilly starts smellin fishy you just hose him down it's cool you need soap to get rid of fish oil Action: GnuWookie wonders why he only gets spam GnuWookie: maybe it's because you have to write in order to get responses you should write to all your buddies and they will reply yeah too bad i cant bother rhys anymore i've seen the system at work he always wrote nice love letters to me, rhysw dtm: that is a good idea heck yeah, it is. thats what i like about the midwesterners, they are so friendly ;) not like this ex-convicts yeah. not like these ex-convicts also note the work ethics Action: GnuWookie is hard worker, but talks too much when i was in silicon valley, you could tell who was from the midwest or the east coast GnuWookie: me too and then the native californians didn't work quite as hard but were very relaxed well, i am an east coast lazy bum but i have a hillbilly grandpa GnuWookie: i lived in Bar Harbor, ME for about 3 mo where did you live i lived in township NJ oh yeah. i have no idea why mozilla 1.2.1 wont run on my rig this is unacceptable wow, they changed the picture!!! yeah! i wrote to them, they had a real offensive picture up gawd, i dont miss marcusu the manic depressive robot" and nb, the nodding and ignoring businessman in fact, i only miss minddog, and chillywilly and ajmitch are everywhere where it is cool Action: GnuWookie does not miss dotgnu! pardon me but if i may ask, what the heck are you talking about sir? Action: GnuWookie was banned from #dotgnu nice one, dewd i am thinking about if i miss anyone there that takes some work! :) GnuWookie: don't worry, marcusU is still the same as usual :) well, I dont get along with imperialist austrailans well, why not? it is like fire and water i'd like to note that maybe even imperialist australians need love too. well, the worst of the british colonist attitude comes out, Action: GnuWookie shuts up before insulting anyone else sorry, i need to get some sleep go! nitey nite dewd Nick change: GnuWookie -> md-zzzz <--- GAWD please hack this page and delete this image heh but why? so you're in here talking crap about me md-zzzz ? Action: chillywilly gets into trout-foo stance waaaaaaaaaa heheh sudo rpm -e `rpm -qa | grep mozilla | grep ximian` `rpm -qa | grep evolution` heheh rm -rf /bin/rpm Action: dtm roams the land while you sleep bleh don't you gotta go to church tomorrow? FEAR IN YOUR EYES. IT'S LATER THAN YOU REALIZED. HUSH LITTLE BABY, DON'T SAY A WORD freaks AND NEVERMIND THAT NOISE YOU HEARD ITS JUST THE BEASTS UNDER YOUR BED IN YOUR CLOSET IN YOUR HEAD!! THE HAIR STANDS ON THE BACK OF MY NECK metallica is a bunch of sellout bitches R45 ( left #gnuenterprise. ;P yeah. I only listen to pre-sellout metalilca yeah. my eyes are bugging out on me they had a show about metallica on MTV recently, "MTV Icons", and metallica played a live track from their current album and it was astonishingly non-garbage i actually stopped what i was doing to hear it, and amazingly i didn't shut it off what is their "current" album? I don't ever watch MTV dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. the thing that floored me is that it would require beyond high school garage band / pep band level talent to perform that track on average chillywilly: the people have spoken chillywilly: and they have demanded more chillywilly oggs uuuhhhh you cannot hold back your fans forever are you financing the recording equipment? P ;P no, aren't you? or your church or whatever where'd you do that last one I SEE FAITH IN YOUR EYES I used a PC mic ;P yeah that'll work haha I'm planning on seting up a recording studio eventually. BROKEN IS CHILLYWILLY'S PROMISE So I can capture the sound of my bowels and amplify and distort it to incredible volume. ***BETRAYAL*** oic you should emulate your bowels No I'm going to write a paper about breeding audio filters using genetic algorithms though. freak your bowels contain genes. you will filter the audio through your bowels so as to collect genes for breeding? True, but not genes for bandpass filters No oh :/ a friend of mine wrote a language called Kye well then i'll just read the paper when it comes out which is a stream editor i know a dog named Kye. no one wants bowel music you sick fuck chillywilly: hey there's a market for everything check usenet Well its not a stream editor exactly edit this! it's so precious how they had to overdub Lars hitting quarter note cowbells Action: chillywilly smacks md-zzzz with a large salmon and fly the band to a special studio in Vancouver in order to do so its like if you stuck a lot of random characters into a 2d grid it can interpret that So its great for GAs he had an entire limb free during the song and can't do cowbells with ti it because you can start with lots of random starting points and easly cull down the population until you have a pass filter and ostensibly, they pay the guy anyway and then I hand breed the filters beyond there I'm not on the up and up regarding genetic algorithms dude anyone here about Diebold and their voting machines "scandal" chillywilly's only on the up. you can appearently do some interesting things with em. and the up's pretty high You can read all about it in my paper, Astonishing Tales of the Kye where? I haven't written it yet actually. HEH Action: chillywilly waits Action: chillywilly dies of old age the guy is using kye for his senior project he graduates next year so I won't get my hot little hands on it until then. wth is kye? it's a programming langauge it is? for hacking gibsons of course. what else would it be? Its an orthogonal language that can interpret most any program you put in front of it you can cat /dev/random to a file and it'll work as a valid kye program it's specially optimized for processing garbage files once the gibson is successfully hacked gibson? what will /dev/random do wtf are you talking about? dtm: thats random sorry, I only do the boring business apps ;) chillywilly: Hackers reference aaaah ok yea duh BOREDOM SETS INTO THE BORING MIND nickr: what kind of things happen with /dev/random what's Kye gonna do with random data? make a song out of it? create bowel noises ;) random program it's genetic ya know oh yeah i forgot it will probably transform streams in unpretictable ways :) nickr: what does the program do? streams of what pr0n streams so Kye creates stream processing apps? that's all? Well no its turing complete the kids at sure like their orthogonal platforms but its best at altering streams Action: dtm <3 tunes I'm a TUNES kid! I don't wanna grow up! I'm confused. that seems to be a near constant condition there, buddy :) Yea, I'm bad picking up context. ic is something other than what you were talking about and that's where i learned about the concept of orthogonal systems and such so it's tangientially related to Kye and then i made a pointless verbal squirt, and everything's fine oh you mean Tunes the operating system?+ yessar i found them in about 1997 used to hang out in #tunes all the time that was back when i used yahoo as a search engine Fare kicks buttox imho he also wrote the UFS driver for liux linux I used to hang out on #tunes also no idea what tunes is up to these days oic but they got annoyed 'cause my modem was unreliable and I felt rejected :( istr that i ranted a lot about someday moving Fare to the US and hiring him as my personal chauffeur once he got his PhD, and teasing him about pickles i ranted a *lot* in #tunes hehe and then the brix guy showed up and he outclassed me, but he did so in scathing tones he was not always a happy camper yet astonishingly, his project actually bore fruit he wrote an OS exclusively in ia32 asm or some insanely stupid garbage like that lovely which indicates to me a person who is very relativistic, possibly angry at the world possibly nihilistic I believe in nossing! a really smart person who thinks "nothing on earth matters except what I wanna do" etc if even that thats not nihilism and it's amazing how much time and energy people like that spend around other people isolated in their own world, yet passively trying to bridge to others weird i wonder sometimes if some people have a repulsion against the idea of any one person being credited with having helped them so they construct their life so that they can believe that only they are the source of all personal achievement everything else is merely of interest, but it's not what they're doing. they just use it to repel off of. sometimes i wonder if some people just have a tiny black dot of negative space where their sense of self is supposed to be thats what I'm like so they crave negative reinforcement, and discover based on what isn't which can yield tremendous achievement, as it does revolve around motivation, but it's primarily negative, so the value to the world is usually only found in the wake of their legacy if at all and only if they're extraordinarily good i find it profoundly and strangely sad. not as a judgment to them, but in comparison to what could be imho and I hate generalization ;) I hate everyone who generalizes. therefore you hate dtm cause he was just generalizing ;P of course as an artist, it's perfectly reasonable to repel off of other stuff, to find cracks to fill in. but i'd hate to have it as a core personality trait. i'd probably eventually get suicidal coz almost nothing matters and almost nothing is good enough. chillywilly: cool in a very verbose manner yes someday you guys will have a personal epiphany and think of me. maybe. maybe he was beaten as a child yeorp you never know I have personal epiphanies all the time who, me? Action: chillywilly beats dtm thx i neeeded that. i dont get enough beatings, mostly just neglect so that's cool Action: nickr beats dtm ahhhhh dude I think I need honey bunches of oats and I have some too! hmmm. i think i need more dessert and we have a carload of that i just got back from a family bonfire dinner my uncle Kevin is a renowned bbq artist he even raises the animals himself on his farm and steadily incorporates technique from the foodtv and all that into his smoker custom made bbq sauce, etc mmmm that sound good the family has mad culinary talent how was it? well it was perfect as always in every way he always does a minimum of brisket, beef/pork ribs, and other pork cuts it's insane you be like WHAT THE HELL. I NOT BELIEVE! ^_^ I'd be feeding my fat face j3sh yo @%)*!%&!!*$# -----> o-: *snarf* all night long fire roasted hot dogs and marshmallows did he have beer? no ;P damn home made iced tea and cocoa dude I am gonna make some home brew I think on big occasions like bday parties we get out the hand made ice cream machine which is probably 100 years old with rock salt but I don't want it all so I am gonna give most of it away the machine's just a wooden bucket and a big old hand crank and it's all coming apart you don't even read what people type do you dtm ? ;) Action: chillywilly puts dtm into a head lock why the hell would you say that cause i didnt' respond about that stuff because voluntary self intoxication is pathetically stupid you may reclal that i almost always respond to everything, whether i know what it is or not I don't get intoxicated you can't intake toxins without getting intoxicated whether you notice it or not it's a poisonous assault so do you drink anything with caffeine? and one of the most perfectly ludicrous ideas anyone has ever done Jesus drank wine you know....but he didn't get drunk that was an entirely different sociotechnological context they preserved food elements totally differently in the desert before the advent of refrigeration and such so someone having a beer with dinner is different than that? dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" dtm: you keep telling yourself that then ;P ok done and you didn't answer my previous question hurr previous 2 questions I should say ;) give up there's nothing to give up water can be toxic if drank in LARGE quantities therefore I should just give up drinking water too oh wait my body i slike 90% toxic already water is the devil! :-O wendall911 ( left #gnuenterprise. david_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. david_ ( left irc: Remote closed the connection david_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. md-zzzz ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdupont ( joined #gnuenterprise. mcuria-la_vengan ( joined #gnuenterprise. mcuria-ataca_de_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) david_ ( left irc: "Client Exiting" david_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. david_ ( left irc: Client Quit ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. <--- GAWD please hack this page and delete this image oops jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello reinhard: you here? yes i'm a little confused about datetime/timestamp in schema.sxw and in scripter timestamp is preferred, but you use datetime in sample.gsd is it correct? i only looked at the xsl files they had datetime (some of them also had timestamp IIRC ) if timestamp is prefered, i would change datetime to timestamp ok (i wasn't able to read schema.sxw because i don't use openoffice) i will change it i'm testing appserver on XP with firebird and got an error wait... DB000: File "c:\python23\lib\", line 742, in close DB000: raise Fault(**self._stack[0]) DB000: xmlrpclib.Fault: ' for property 'address_meettime'"> running sample.gfd's what column type is address_meettime in your database? time that's the interbase dbdriver, right? did you ever work with time values until now? not do you think it's kinterbasdb issue? it might be other dbdrivers return an object of type DateTime for time columns kinterbasedb seems to return a DateTimeDelta i should be able to work around that committed a possible fix thaks, it's working again really? that means i didn't break more than that? :) hello all hello dimas btami: do you have an example/rules of using scrollbars? i have one in my contact form, wait a min Char:y="1" block="blkUGYFEL" field="fldCeg" rows="16"/> Char:y="1" block="blkUGYFEL" field="fldEmber" rows="16"/> Char:y="1" block="blkUGYFEL"/> mcuria-la_vengan ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) btami: thanks, it is as I used it now ok :) dimas: do you use checkboxes on forms? wide of the scroll "button" in not calculated properly, if datasource is wider for 1-2 rows then on the form's start it fills all space of the bar, then if I move between rows it updates for too small size yes, i know that, it's not perfect :( btami: i have cb's on one form but did not use it for too long i'v added label support for cb, so no need for use two objects (1 entry + 1 label) btami: if it's a known issue, I'm OK yes btami: I need that form soon, so I'll look into it and update btami: thanks again :) the root of the problem is the "entry width not correct" and my win32 solution's side effect height = self.itemHeight+2 width = self.itemWidth+8 in so an entry on win32 a little bit wider then on wx but has enough space for 1 char, if width="1" does sb work better on win32? mcuria-la_vengan ( joined #gnuenterprise. width default poinsize in gnue.conf, yes at least for me, yes :) bbl btami ( left irc: dimas (~dimas@ left irc: "÷ÙÛÅÌ ÉÚ XChat" dodji ( left irc: ""stand up and keep fighting"" reinhard ( got netsplit. wtg ( got netsplit. adam_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: adam_ -> R45 reinhard ( returned to #gnuenterprise. wtg ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( left irc: Connection timed out dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. wtg ( got netsplit. reinhard ( got netsplit. reinhard ( returned to #gnuenterprise. wtg ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hey hi R45 reinhard: I took a look at the impressing cvs changelog :) it's a novel yes, not comparable to the old short stories like: "fixed typos" or "tree merge" I'm counting almost 1300 commit messages since Feb1 reinhard: just one question: why do you have add another introspection feature to the interface? I thought the classrep. access methods should be enough? it's getting late. hope to see you tomorow. mcuria-ataca_de_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" mcuria-la_vengan ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) siesel: if you read the logs it's purely for convenience a kind of shortcut to get that information that is of most interest when you read data from the server: the type of the data you receive doing a "load" with an empty gnue_id is much less overhead and more convenient for the client and yes, it's really getting late :) night all reinhard ( left irc: "Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it." jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911 ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) jbailey ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45_ (~adam@ joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( left irc: Nick collision from services. Nick change: R45_ -> R45 jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" R45 (~adam@ left irc: "leaving" wendall911 (~wendallc@ joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911 (~wendallc@ left #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2: are you sleep yet :) probably not. he's always working. because he's crazy. crazy like the foxes!!! foxiz! ... just like me!! is he??? what's up dcmwai dtm: NAN.. he ask me that day about what Problem I'm having on the PHP -->Gnue-report yes dcmwai i'm afraid that Vee2d2 is like the foxes. :/ so I'm here to *tell* him dcmwai: there's a PHP component to gnue now? NO.. NO... ok sorry. I ... I dont know what I was thinking. but siesal say there is :) ok yay siesal so I search to hell :) that is derek Fault :) oh man, i hate searching hell :-/ and plus!! can i just say here, that hell is just generally annoying. i mean who needs it?! the parking, the selection, the hassle.... there's no help to be had there at any price. the parking iz de worst anal penetration every 10 minutes! :\ what is going on..... Parking? dcmwai: nothing. why do you ask? dtm: nothing what did you ask? Action: dcmwai is now crazy... OOp it is only 11:24 am dcmwai: Nothing. I didn't say anything! yes "Nothing" is the Problem hey some of us have meager needs and means. please do not look down at us for our simple living. indeeg look down? who dare :O nickr, for example, chooses to frolic nakedly and gaily in the Oregon forests like Nature Boy. hither, fro, to, etc. yes it is simplicity in action, and he *chooses* it. he is an artist! who are *we* to judge?! dcmwai... Ah ... Vee2d2 hi Vee2d2 will you please help dcmwai out? he's starting to become uneasy. How are you Vee2d2 my secret is revealed! yaaaay I think the suggestion was to use gnue-reports as an external application to produce the output you're looking for (pdf) more than it was to interface, but I could be wrong PDF is awesome Vee2d2: Any idea how may I do that... I don't see any easy way... well, it's invoices in particular, right? Well invoice, Report, Purchase Order and etc Well I think I've done my part here. I'll leave you gentle-men to it. dtm Thank. Always nice to see another connection between collaborative parties. dcmwai: you could probably do it using the mail-merge sample Hey I'm just out there doing my job, guys. dcmwai: have you looked at that? mail-merge? No. in the samples/ dir of gnue-reports it's rather interesting.. you create a template of the invoice, say, in openoffice, and anywhere you want to stick data from the db in, you put (IIRC) something like ompanyName% where you want that data to be.. Vee2d2: Ah.. How am I going to use that things in PHP... you could assemble the data you need printed into a file as seen in the sample, then execute gnue-reports to parse that file and voila, you have your pdf''d (or whatever) output johannesX_ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) OK I get you.. but there may be other ways, I just dont know of 'm.. Vee2d2: Your suggestion on the mail-merge is good... my experience with gnue-reports is just a few minutes playing in the samples directory well.. with the suggestion, you really dont need gnue-reports to accomplish it, I dont think.. But how am I going to put gnue-report as an external application which will work with PHP or anyway... Vee2d2: ooh? since you already have the data, just regex it into the template.. well.. maybe you would.. to get to pdf format.. ;) I know that is the faster way.. but as compare to gnue-report export standart.. gnue-report can export to many standard right with the same template.. but when using the FPDF in PHP I need 1 template to PDf export.. If I need Openoffice export then I need another template . :( so this would buy you multiple formats in one solution.. are you guys still interested in the merge? Yes. the merge about arias with gnue-sb? sure yes We have one guy here now working on the PostgreSQL and rewrite the framework.. (including authtication) as what I say before ... the database have too complicated and it is not suitable yet we have to normalized it so that it can run well and Not DBconnect here and there (like what we are doing now) so is that the key hold up, you think? which one? not using persistent connections? har har? hor hor nickr: Translation :) there is no translation Action: Vee2d2 has been crazy busy lately, but might get a chance soon to do some stuff.. Action: dcmwai have been busy like hell, and after all. he is the only guy in the company knowing more about computer. So anything Problem is his problem I wonder if amidst all these commits there's a fix for being able to iterate through the records before commiting so you can muck up the data first.. don't know... I have a week or two of heavy scrubbing to do on this thing I've been working on, but might be able to squeeze out some time as soon as that's done.. nvm.. don't rush too much, We want qulity not quantity :) oop.. s/qulity/quality arias code still hosted on sf? Vee2d2: YEp. the anonymous stuff sill shit? dunno, that's what I was thinking about though.. :) Vee2d2: Aria code have a new brunch, which including the smarty implementation and postgresql the brunch name smarty :) seems to be working (cvs) mcuria-ataca_de_ ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) should be :) mcuria-ataca_de_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. --- Mon Oct 20 2003