dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Vee2d2 -> Vee Action: alandd is away: Must sleep... Nick change: alandd -> alanddZZzz dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. lupo__ (lupo@p5085F284.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) thierry_ (~thierry@musashi.xtensive.com) joined #gnuenterprise. thierry (~thierry@musashi.xtensive.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) reinhard (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. johannesX (~johannes@M1264P006.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. hey guys if i do 'gpg --gen-key', does my public key reside in ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg ? is that what that is? that's what I give to others? coz i can't 'cat' it. i've got an app that wants me to upload a gpg keyring file to it. and i dont know what it's referring to. something like... gpg -a --export ajmitch@gnu.org ....hmm and the output from that is the public key? yes in ascii-armor format they told me to do this: echo "testing" | /usr/bin/gpg --no-default-keyring --always-trust --keyring ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg -e -a --batch -t -r 'email@email.com' aha nice and i did the equivalent of that, and it resulted in a huge ascii output. I wonder why more specifically... gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: please see http://www.gnupg.org/faq.html for more information -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux) [insert 9 lines of ascii junk] -----END PGP MESSAGE----- dtm: I think you're encrypting a test message? I dunno, I don't use gpg much :) so i'm guessing that the junk is the 1024-bit encrypted version of "testing" is that right? thus proving that my setup works probably ok so. the app wants me to edit its variables to include a gpg execution becuase it wants to encrypt a string and email it to me periodically. and it wants that to be the above gpg command so it looks like that's correct so far. as long as i do so as the OS user that's running the app. dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch: ok so in the configuration part of the app, it wants me to upload a public keyring k is the public keyring ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg ? or what? or is that what you told me to do above? 01:49 < ajmitch> gpg -a --export ajmitch@gnu.org ? public keyring is ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg your public key is on there i need a .asc file, right? i'm told that as the user running the app, i need to run this: gpg --import public.asc and that public.asc is the public key from 'gpg -a --export ajmitch@gnu.org', right? I suspect so except you use your own address :) yeah. ok the output says it's a public key. ajmitch: so what's the difference between a public key and a public keyring? ajmitch: the public key is ascii and the public keyring is binary, afaik well, the keyring holds many keys ok. that's its cache of trusted public keys? the one doing the sending needs the keyring, right? containing the recipients' public keys? more or less the sender needs your public key on their keyring ok. hm i'll hafta see how mozilla mail handles receiving this. dtm: what are you up to? lupo__ (lupo@pD9E6815A.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai: hackity hack hack hacking dcmwai: just configuring an interchange catalog dcmwai: what about you Action: chillywilly is readin small biz/self emplyed tax crap on irs.gov I should've read this monthsw ago ;P yaaaaay yeah back when i told you to! :} Action: ajmitch is talking with seek3r chillywilly: if you want help go ahead and axe, and i'll see what i can do ajmitch: hi @ seek3r :) Nick change: thierry_ -> thierry ajmitch: what would you and seek3r be up to thierry: hi dtm: talking about phpgw morning there hi dtm oh boy the gnue denizens are writhing out from the woodwork now! ajmitch: you dont say ajmitch: does he know anything about that? dtm: funny that, isn't it? yeah I'll say! dtm: he does, actually dtm: and I'm even a little involved in phpgw these days ... Action: dcmwai is trying to sattle things down... hmm. i hope that mozilla mail has gpg built in. dtm: you didn't tell me crap ;P dtm: I wasn't making any money then anyway dtm: seek3r says hi & that you might be interested in the mad stuff he's doing with phpgw chillywilly: are you inSANE?! i have an entire directory just for notes on your company. at the time, i spent two solid afternoons making calls for you. i learned everything there is to know about small business in your town and a bit about Milwaukee, and I got all the info for getting a sales tax license in your state. hey chillywilly chillywilly: i got the personal phone numbers for free advisors right in your own town, one with a PhD, who looked forward to meeting you. chillywilly: and you never touched any of it, i bet! :) ajmitch: oic ajmitch: well i'm way way way overcommitted right now but maybe later. good luck to you guys though. ajmitch: i'm in ecommerce space at the moment right dtm: do you want a cookie or something? chillywilly: :( Action: dtm gets out the mace dtm: I wasn't ready to do anything then...I am forced into doing my own taxes right now didn't tell you crap, huh? dtm: and you trying to throw shit back in my face is pretty lame...in fact I still don't "technically" have my own business kids! settle! no, I am sick of dtm beign so damned slef righteous yes you technically do; it's the default business status for all americans. dtm: Get enigmail for mozilla dcmwai: kthx I am highly unorganized and highly unmotivated enigmail.mozdev.org dcmwai: bless you dtm: ... dcmwai: by default, the only encryption support mozilla mail has is for connections to the server and for authentication to the server. not for smtp body content. right? dtm: No, As far as I know mozilla support IMAL (over ssl) smtp (over ssl) and pop (over ssl) s/IMAL/IMAP yeah that's what i said but not for body content SMTP over SSL is including the body content. well yeah but not for storing the content. isn't that right? just for transit that is true ok yeah i need enigmail let ask people in mozilla :) dtm: What is the "well yeah but not for storing the content" ? storing where? never mind... i meant storing it at any point other than in transit dtm: I think I get what you meant... where the body contains gpg encryption, regardless of transit method such as SSL the answer is that it does not, and so i need enigmail :) dtm: I think even if the 1st smtp server you use is SSL encrypted, the server later will seldom use it.. So it is pointless to use it anyway :) Unless. MTA --> MTA transmission is a Must to have encryption. yes it is, but that doesn't matter for anything else Then Just do SSL encrypting will ease our jobs. Yes... er i mean yeah. never mind. :) me too :) yeah :) yeah ssl smtp doesn't seem to be a huge deal other than authenticating that you are talking to the correct smtp server! the host authentication part dtm: Well, Security isn't a issue for them... If you could really see... After the mail have reach your computer... and I've right to access it ... (even though not your mozilla program) I can view it because it is plane text Outlook express at lease a bit better using MIME to store the message, but still.... I don't like OE :) hm. Action: dcmwai is sure dtm don't know why he is talking about OE and mozilla :) Ah.. My invoice printing.. I've forgettef them... hm. Action: dcmwai have to work.. every example i see of GPG email is just all about OE anyway. dtm: What? GPG email is about OE? when i read a howto about how to set up a GPG email recipient, it's about OE! they dont tell how to do it in mozilla. mainly because the howto is written by sysadmins tryng to set things up for OTHER people dtm: Just get enigmail... Everything is done there (Not key control) dtm: trust me.. I've been using mozilla for over a year.. (well really over a year) s/mozilla/enigmail yeah i'm trying to. the instlalation is failing. doing it manually. of course my GPG sender side doesn't work yet either :} dtm: What mozilla version you are using? dailybuild? oop nightbuild get the correct version of enigmail else it won't run. dtm Sender side don't work yet? yeah. their installer is broken. if you type gpg and there is a reply start typing message then it will work dtm: Which one? Enigmail installer? i have mozilla 1.5 from ftp.mozilla.org, which i started as root, and clicked their quick installer, and it downloaded two versions. one worked and the other failed. yes. linux version the enigmail installer is what i'm refrring to yes I knoe linux ia32 so i guess i'll get it manually. What version of linux you have? redhat8 plus eratta errata. well. it should work yep. mozdev.org is very slow dcmwai: how do i get gpg to make a list of all the keys on its keyring/ ? or for a particular email address ? dtm: gpg --list-key :) hm. i did this command --> /usr/bin/gpg --no-default-keyring --always-trust --keyring /var/lib/interchange/.gnupg/pubring.gpg -e -a --batch -t -r 'recipient@email.com' and it works. i'm logged in as the sender. yet my app doesn't work. wait.. wait dtm you don't seem to understand gnupg yet... oic it says that the public key for that address is not found. gnupg is just the agent to encrypt, decrypt and key control Nothing more... To Start encrypting a message you need a Private Key (Your Email address Private key) yeah. i know that oop typo. i have a private key for the sender. and i've imported the public key of the recipient. and it says that it has it. i think maybe my calling program might be wrong, but its log explicitly says that it can't find the public key for my recipient's email address. i have an app that's externally calling gpg. as long as it work the it is great :) dtm: so your enigmail install fall at this files ? enigmime-0.76.3-linux.xpi no, completed but 0.76.7 failed. and their web site showed me an error. and i restarted mozilla and I dont see an enigmail menu in the preferences menu. but anyhow let's start with the sending. okay. i removed the variables in my calling program, and it now explicitly calls gpg with the email address like I mentioned just now. now it says "encryption failed. file open error" i guess that has nothing to do with gpg. though so... but may be that is a gpg error message.. but it didn't say which files error. right. maybe i should add a '-v'? dtm, you stil using this /usr/bin/gpg --no-default-keyring --always-trust --keyring /var/lib/interchange/.gnupg/pubring.gpg -e -a --batch -t -r 'recipient@email.com' ? yessir. with of course my legitimate email address. I think just /usr/bin/gpg --no-default-keyring --always-trust -e -a --batch -t -r 'recipient@email.com' is enough oh, just remove the keyring? does that make a difference in operation though? for me , it look like that you can running 2 command in a same time. ha! even with '-v' it doens't tell me which file is allegedly open. :( 1st you run --no-default-keyring, Then You specify the --keyring Action: dtm checks mailing list for similar errors /var/lib/interchange/.gnupg/pubring.gpg is not allegedly... oh ok. weird. i gotcha. For me it is normal... You should RTFM :) that happen to me 1 year ago :) dtm: Are you sure you are using mozilla 1.5 ? and fail on the enigmail-0.76.7.xpi ? aha. here's something from a mailing list: Yes, the gnupg 1.0.7 version uses the "windows file system", and I think you don't have a c:\tmp\ directory. Even if you have, this is not the same directory ( \tmp ) for mutt. (mutt is a real cygwin application) --- You are on windows? No right? so i wonder if gpg needs to write to some tmp location that this restricted user isn't allowed to. no way. i'm on redhat8 Rh8 using /tmp so it not related. dtm , get gnupe 1.2.x dtm , get gnupg 1.2.x 1.0.7 is a bit out :) and buggy Action: dcmwai have no reason to believes installation of enigmail-0.76.7.xpi fail on root... whoa. really? ok i just happen to have 1.0.7 thanks dcmwai dtm: enigmail don't really check that... But as so far I'm installating enigmail, found no problem so far... ok dcmwai: this sseems to be my same problem -- http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-users/2003-July/019275.html dneighbo_ (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. I've no idea.. dtm :/ dneighbo_: hi nvm I'll send you my key can you see if that work. well i dont think that'll matter coz i just created these fresh just now. dtm try thisgpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 53192D6E dtm try this gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 53192D6E working? well actually i dont wanna mess with that until i figure out what the file open problem is. dneighbo (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dtm: just try it.. dcmwai: upgrading gpg.... okay it imported it. Chan Min Wai :) dtm: This meant that no files require by gnupg is having a problem; ? dcmwai: what means that? Because This command will actually access 2 files 1) ./gnupg/options and ./gnupg/*.gpg yeah? and you mean it can't access one or more of those? i dont know why that would be. meaning it have not problem accesing all the required files.. and gnupg is running well Just your command isn't what command? you mean the command that's calling gnupg? yep I meant you have a false command to gpg ;) i'm not sure i follow ya. the app is a server, owned by the same user that owns the files so it runs gpg dcmwai: ok i upgraded to 1.2.3 and i get the same error. dcmwai: please try to explain what you meant, in another way the server is owned by the user 'interch', whose home dir is /var/lib/interchange. /var/lib/interchange and /var/lib/interchange/.gnupg and everything under it are all owned by and readable by 'interch'. the server executes 'gpg' which is obviously owned by 'interch' dcmwai: so, what else? dcmwai: i read that gpg needs a place to write temp files. maybe it's looking at a specific place by default, which it can't access. i beg of you sir dcmwai :) dont leave me :) eheheh dtm: I'm going to leave you.. Well it is almost end of the office hours.. dcmwai: :( okay. dtm: how about a simple gpg command can you explain quickly what you meant? or give me some way to test what you said? if it work that it is not a gpg problem Just gpgp oop gpg because, you know, i can execute the very same command manually in bash, that my app is trying to execute. Your app is having a problem for what I can see.. did you see my key inside your apps? if there is try to send me an encrypted message hm. stand by shall i send it to dcmwai@dcmwai.serveftp.org ? No send to dcmwai@amtb-m.org.my So if you can send me the email... That meant no problem... ok are you sure? the other address is what's in your GPG public key. Yes, I I've 3 address within the public key so sending mail to any address will using the same key. ok ok well i'm never going to be able to send it coz i keep getting the same error. Off to dinner... it's a file problem, not a key or email problem. what else can i try to narrwo down what the file is? maybe it the application error.. the apps you are using.. what is that? interchange. if i run the command manually, it works. when logged in as the user in question hum.. don't really know .. but I know it is an problem of interchange.. try get enigmail... (is all I can say) being catch for dinner Sorry hehe okay take care dood thanks a lot for your help, dcmwai dtm: Sorry ah :( dcmwai: no problem dtm: But my solution is still enigmail :) check the news in enigmail to search for your problem... yeah, but that's only relevant if i can receive the email :) i can't even send it yet. dtm: Again can't get what you meant? i can't send any gpg email. so it doesn't matter yet if i have enigmail installed to read it. enigmail is use to create GPG mail as well as reading it to creat a encrypted mail just simply as creating a new message The trick is on "Send yeah but you dont run enigmail on the server. i have to run gpg on the server. i have to run just the 'gpg' binary. dtm: Where got enigmail on the server Enigmail is a plugin for mozilla mail working with gnupg so you need a gnupg on the desktop keys is stored as normal gnupg. It just Called the gnupg function and use it encrytping... another word it is just a Frontend (with mozilla-mail) Of gnupg You run gpg server??? that I'm not too clear.. unless you are talking about running a gnupg centroal control Key server All private and public key is store and access from that server (normal for enterprise gnupg key control) For that... I can't help... I'm looking for a Free solution as well... dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jcater@cpe-066-061-071-147.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client exiting" morning all mcuria (~maxy@29-185-89-200.fibertel.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. alanddZZzz (~alandd@h-68-167-224-93.PHNDAZ91.dynamic.covad.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@gw.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: wtg -> wtg`sleep jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater_ (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. by Jeff Bailey on the Debian GNU/Linux BTS (bug #163811). ^ This micro howto on how to set up Nagios for MySQL was provided Action: Vee plays with nagios-mysql wrt prereleases i installed successfully from tarball on fresh installed woody machine jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "Client exiting" Nick change: jcater_ -> jcater btami installed successfully on windows IMHO we can do releases as soon as jbailey confirms that debian packages are ok however i will leave in about 2 hours and will be AFK until sunday just FYI i could wrap them up today then if you're not around works for me NEWS files should be up to date you could cvs2cl again because we changed some things in some packages if you don't have time i can do the releases sunday but then i would beg to not commit anything but fixes until then jbailey (~jbailey@CPE00062579efac-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ok jbailey: how'd the last prereleases work out? What? Someone who does read all the old logs over breakfast? I'm shocked! Anyhow. The problem i'm having is that the pre-release version numbers are older than the numbering that I used (because I did So it's quite difficult for me to test them. So I'm inclined to ask you guys to just release, and we'll run with it. is greater than ? Yes. oh ok would be smaller than ? It tokeises, first on all the decimals, then on the dashes. No, I don't think so. But I think it's unlikely that I'll ever do a snapshot again. ok you're right After this, I would more likely backport specific patches back for certain behaviours. And if it was truly critical, just browbeat someone into relelasing either a or 0.5.3. just if you could confirm that doing the debs runs ok with the tarballs i.e. that we didn't forget a file or something like that 'kay, gimme a sec. I need to get off my ass and write the HTML front end for forms. I still have it all mapped out here on how to do it. =( -common builds and installs fine. Nick change: dsmith__ -> dsmith Forms: wtg`sleep: gnue-forms-wxgtk: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/share/doc/gnue-forms/examples/intro/PigLatinPublicDomain.txt Why is it executable? =) dunno, but it certainly should not be isn't the executable bit stored in cvs? a lot of files have the executable bit set that shouldn't IMHO like COPYING and ChangeLog and INSTALL and NEWS Oh weird. Crazy permissions all over the place. The problem is that updating them in CVS doesn't necessarily change people's checkouts. =( I'll ignore it this time around, but maybe will fix it in all the CVSs in the next few weeks. yes we should Then, as people slowly get new checkouts for whatever reason, they'll get fixed. appserver should be ok wrt that except that some files are group writeable and some are not which i can't explain at the moment for example in extensions/webfrontend and i didn't even touch any of them *files* are group writable? CVS isn't supposed to do that. Anyhow, forms installs and builds with that error. I think we agreed to ignore Navigator this time around. There's no point in having it in Sarge. yes why not? (curious) Vee: Last I checked, it didn't actually do much yet. jbailey: just found something interesting (maybe) So when sarge releases, it can go in, and participate there and in testing. crystalspace has a CS/scripts/deb directory in there are is a makefile setup that builds debs both from the local copy or from a remote cvs Designer builds and install fine. not sure if it'd be of any use but it looks like has all kinds of things that can be done via make debsomthing i'm sure we could do that too in setup.py if it'd make your life easier I've seen setups like that, and I know vaguely how to put them together. But unless the package works by typing 'debuild', I would have an RC bug filed against it. wtg`sleep: gnue-reports: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/share/doc/gnue-reports/examples/location/zip-by-state.grd wtg`sleep: gnue-reports: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/share/doc/gnue-reports/examples/mailmerge/gnue-intro-letter.abiword.latex wtg`sleep: gnue-reports: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/share/doc/gnue-reports/examples/mailmerge/README wtg`sleep: gnue-reports: description-synopsis-might-not-be-phrased-properly So more cosmetic stuff. But aside from that it builds and installs fine. And appserver builds and installs fine. Anyone feel like testing to see if they run? woody? sid? Action: reinhard is about to leave jamest: so it would be very cool if you could do the release so jbailey can now really finally put them into sid see you next week bye reinhard (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Wouldn't it be wonderful if real life supported Control-Z?" jbailey: woody or sid? jamest: Sid. well, sid or sarge. sarge has all the pieces now, I think. where can I get them? I'd email them to you. Or I s'pose I could get them up on a web page, if that's easier. don't care jamest@math.ksu.edu will work They should be on their way now. will these conflict at all with my install in /usr/local/gnue? doh. i can install on my workstation THey shouldn't conflict, but I don't know enough about python to guess which libraries would be picked up. i'll install on my station um damn dependencies Here: Just dpkg -i them. and then run apt-get -f install i am It'll fetch all the dependancies for them, and finish the install properly. Action: jamest falls out of chair it seems to work Lovely. aside from the various things you can do nothing about *lol* like missing db drivers makes for an ugly error I don't supposed you'd release 0.5.2 today then, would you? =) i can w00t i notice no gnue-navigator Yeah. reinhard and I concluded that since it didn't really do anything yet, there wasn't much point. ? Just like this'll be the first appserver upload to sarge. lol it's fairly feature-complete iirc i use navigator in 2 places mcuria (~maxy@29-185-89-200.fibertel.com.ar) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: jbailey tries to guess what those places are >=) but don't do it for me as i get to run a released gnue for about a week then I'm back to cvs installs I can do navigator easily enough if you think it's worth it. i like the idea of my gnue install reflecting it's users dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. unstable it is usable I mean the other thing is that hopefully many of the core pieces won't be changing so often that you guys *need* to always run from CVS. Or that when major features are ironed out that you need for clients, that you'll release a new version. All that sort of thing. it'd be nice I thought maybe I was missing something.. as navigator seemed to work fine for gnue-sb Erm. gnue-navigator doesn't seem to be part of gnue-all, should it be? i would have imagined so? Added. Checking it out. dcmwai: no i'm not doing anything at all with enigmail just yet. i'm sending email from an an app on an internet server, using gpg. dtm, ah... That is much different as what I know... dcmwai: yeah from a server to mozilla mail the app calls gpg jamest: Navigator deb on its way to you. Don't mind the verison number on it. =) :) i'll be making the release this afternoon probably about 2 hours from now maybe 3 looks like it runs wendall911 (~wendallc@ joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey: hows sarge shaping up anyway? Ah excellent! Ping me, when you've done it and I'll upload. I told people IW as going to upload yesterdya, and then discovered the version number problem. AFAIK, Sarge is going quite well. gnome 2.2 is in now, python 2.3 is in now. hppa is borked, but I'm fixing that hopefully today with a new glibc upload. Nick change: md-afk -> mdupont As far as I know, the only other transitions are maybe XF4.3, the new glibc with NPTL, and gnome 2.4 I think everything else is now flowing properly. jbailey: be aware that the new glibc breaks unix timestamps between 1900 and 1970 hi dtm dcmwai mdupont: herrow hows tangs? wendall911: Thanks. It had never occured to me that someone would try to put any in. jamest: you see that message from wendall911?? I thought time_t's were unsigned. might mess up some of your software installs don't you use pre-1970 word processors? Action: jcater ducks screwed me up on some mktime functions I was using for storing birth dates I just had to make my own mktime function Ah, yeah. Sadly, signed time_t's aren't Posix, so it wouldn't be considered a bug. jcater: lemme check nope, I'm safe, this one's was released in 1843 mdupont: fine, just trying to set up GPG email support in an app mdupont: i think i've got it all working except that it's calling gpg improperly or smething jamest: where'd you get the update, mine is the 1842 version dtm, Then it is a different story.... dtm you would require the setup the gpg (on the server) to the specify home dir for your key and etc which I'm not sure about it mdupont, hello :) dcmwai: i know. you and I discussed that all night. :) Yes... and it is useless :( what's useless about it? the whole discussion... :) dcmwai: well you did help me understand quite a bit, so thank you :) Action: dcmwai is trying to rebuild mozilla with enigmail... which is always failing... dtm, well, thank to you I know more a bit :) yeah. dcmwai: are you trying to install enigmail on mozilla 1.5 ? dtm, I'm trying to rebuild mozilla 1.5 Rpm with enigmail so that it can be install via RPM :) enigmail can be install via RPM oic But it is always problem.. never success ... :( cause building enigmail with RPM spec is hard Action: jbailey whispers use debian... Nick change: mdupont -> md-hacking Action: dtm whispers, "No." you got to love this one of the profs here called campus help desk with the following question jamest: yay helpdesk how do I copy all the files in 1 directory to a different directory they couldn't help him ! !! so he called me being the super intelligent dude that I am cp dir1/* dir2 and the day was saved dcmwai: Why do you need to rebuild? dcmwai: Can't you just repackage what they give you? dsmith, No I can cause I have a few patch to apply... its sad that the primary campus systems are solaris and the official campus helpdesk can't answer even basic questions about it 1) Mozilla Bug 116692 (LDAP defination) 2) Enigmail --> RPM is main part if this part is done.. blizzard said it will be on the SPEC files :) Action: dsmith is thankful he is using Debian Action: dsmith is thankful he is not using mozilla mail! dsmith, well, I'm not as luckly as you are... I tried it for a few months. dsmith, Why not mozilla mail.. I've use many mail system but I still like Mozilla mail much :) at least better that evolution that always halt in my system and I don't even like outlook /OE jamest (~jamest@gw.math.ksu.edu) left irc: "Client exiting" Vee (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) left irc: "Client exiting" Vee2d2 (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) joined #gnuenterprise. anyone is going to help me on gnue-report with PHP ? dcmwai: hahaha. my server is sending the email now. but spamassassin is deleting it! ;) Nice try, to including you in the blacklist :) dcmwai: i had to delete ALL the options to gpg. now my app is only executing '/usr/bin/gpg' with no options, and it is sending. we'll see if it actually ends up having sent anything good. dcmwai: so you were correct in suggesting that my gpg command was too complex! dcmwai: Worked fairly well, util my folders got large dcmwai: I've been a sylpheed user for a while, so I went back to that. dtm, haha I always right :) yes i believe you are, sir congratulations ;) dsmith, sylpheed isn't GPL right? dtm, Thank dcmwai: Sure it is. dcmwai, Welcome never try it yet.. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. Action: Vee2d2 is a sylpheed luser If mozilla mail imap increase.. it will be alot more better dcmwai: Very very very fast. dsmith, Text base? dcmwai: gtk Not gnome dsmith, hum... Action: dcmwai still sit bac to mozilla :) Action: dcmwai start using Netscape on version 1.0 :) dcmwai: Mozilla was cool. It just couldn't handle the linux-kernel list. Hum Kernel 2.6 test 8 is not bad... dsmith, kernel list? dcmwai: Yeah, it would always crash on that. dcmwai: mozilla 1.4, i didn't try 1.5 dsmith, Why don't put it to an imap server (host yourself) and it shouldn't crash... dsmith, Then hopeless... dcmwai: Well, here at work thay don't want you to keep your mail on the server. I'm also using at least 3 pop3 accounts. I used to have 5. Woo... Terror Guy... dcmwai: http://sylpheed-claws.sourceforge.net/ claws and sylpheed proper seem to be fairly different claws has things I needed, like multiple imap and pop3 accounts. Action: Vee2d2 has multiple pops hum.. mozilla people should see how they do and take the best :) dont use imap though why? dont need it? I'm saying, I dont use imap.. to be clear. ;) Vee2d2 is so hard core that he reads his mail with 'telnet server 110' and failing that, he'll just root the router and read it with a packet sniffer. in hex. good job, Vee2d2 imap is great if you are accesing your mail from different machines. Action: Vee2d2 whistles into an open end of cat5 also, imap is good if you like things that aren't ridiculous junk such as pop3 What's so hard about pop3? It's designed to be used by humans. hehee well he telnets when he's lazy. There is a non-free imap mua that is very fast. I think it's called mulberry. I use imap so that I can access my mail all around.. as long as there is new and web :) s/new/net dcmwai: Yes, that's exactly what imap is for. and I love that function :) Heh: with opera, mulberry, and textmaker, you can have an all non-free environment. I've never done a speed comparison. I wonder how the mailutils-imap4d is. hehe.. not try yet... I really am grooving on firebird. Very nice. Which reminds me. Have any of you gnue people thought about a chrome interface to gnue? mouns (mouns@ joined #gnuenterprise. I thought about it once then washed my mouth out with soap It would require firebird/mozilla dsmith: yea that is like #1 priority afaik ;P dsmith, Har? Chrome interface and require firebird and mozilla? But it's all xml!! You guys *love* xml! chillywilly, #1 priority? ;^) Action: dcmwai know nothing about xml, when learn when requird :) s/when/will Action: dcmwai is compling mozilla which is going to take 2 hours... dcmwai: http://www.w3schools.com/xml/default.asp chillywilly, Thank... anyone is going to help me on gnue-report with PHP ? dcmwai: what are you trying to do? I just use php's exec function Ah cater.. Action: jcater forgets its name as I don't do php no loss ;P php's proc_* functions are interesting jcater, I want to use gnue-report to get my invoice and printing with PHP so that i can use one template to have output like pdf,ps, xml and etc which no software cna do yet jcater, use exec function? just exec gnue-report blah blah?? did that work? I literally run the gnue-reports script with whatever parameters outputting to a temp file then rereading the temp file in php jcater, will I lost paltfrom dependency due to this exec function? Most ISPs disable the exec function I would hope you arent running arias on an isp or anywhere else you dont have control jbailey, Nvm.. aria-erp is a gnue software who dare to run this software on their ISP :) Vee2d2, I do agree that.. who dare to run your own acconting software on other people hands :) dcmwai: I don't foresee any completely platform independent way to run gnue-reports right now jcater, exec -- Execute an external program ? in a cross-language fashion like this dcmwai: php.net/exec Vee2d2, Saw it thank jcater, If python is cross-platfrom then gnue-report will be isn't that right? gnue-reports is cross-platform but you were looking for a cross-platform way to invoke gnue-reports from within php Action: dcmwai think the aria-erp demo is running on an ISP web.. how am I going to ask him to open exec ;) anything's possible and I'm saying I don't know how you'd do that jcater, Just wounder how you called that script? and what script that languages use... python? havoc_ (~havoc@CPE-65-31-107-254.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. havoc_: hi havoc (~havoc@CPE-65-31-107-254.wi.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) use webware and psp ;P chillywilly, webware and psp? anyway, ideally reports would use the gnue rpc stuff right? eventually? wasn't the plan for all the tools to use it? jcater, I think I've no choice.. making it exec with gnue-report is really hard an not sure if all platfrom cna run it... Nick change: havoc_ -> havoc reports isn't a "server" right now is it? no, it's not eventually there will be a reports server chillywilly, there is a gnue-server isn't it? using gnue rpc, etc but in the scheme of things, it isn't a high priority I want a useful reports client before I worry about running remote reports nvm...I'll have to use FPDF first then only after the gnue-report is ready I'll start changing, This is better dsmith (~dsmith@mail.actron.com) left irc: "Later..." Nick change: md-hacking -> md-zzz spaetz (~spaetz@dclient217-162-194-223.hispeed.ch) joined #gnuenterprise. Hallo SachaAway Nick change: spaetz -> spaetzLurking Action: dcmwai is away: Sleeping, Good Night Nick change: dcmwai -> dcmwai|AWAY dcmwai|AWAY: good night sir dcmwai|AWAY (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" mcuria (~maxy@29-185-89-200.fibertel.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@adsl-65-71-168-142.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~user@mail.actron.com) joined #gnuenterprise. md-zzz (mdupont@p5080E018.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) woohoo! our request to replat our rental property into 2 seperate lots just got approved! sweet Vee2d2: Cool. I used to own two lots. It IS a pain to separate them. hey. i want a rental property. :( how come you guys get one? :/ pack them in there Vee2d2! ;) Mine wasn't a rental. I lived there, but it had an extra lot. jamest: hi jamest: so does Crystalspace rule? um define rule i will say it's the best 3d engine i've coded against does it rock? oic what are you coding nevermind the fact that it's the only 3d engine i've coded against ok. rpg system gnue based Vee2d2: you do any duplexes? jamest: you're kidding. nope well.. there were 2 rentals on the property and I tore one down, but in going to get building permits and such to rebuild it, learned the zoning doesnt allow it.. so that's why we replatted.. jcater: nope now you'll have 4 replat again in a year then 8 then 16 soon you'll be a land barron thanks to your 100'x50' lot heh dtm: maybe it's all the goat abuse, but I'm finding common quite capable of doing it jamest: amazing. jamest: that's really amazing Action: jcater thwaps dtm common is a pretty cool library Action: dtm deftly deflect thwappage after being forced to code in java I must now conceed that gnue is a toy thus I have to program a game in it really. ? jamest: what did you code in jabba? /msg jcater man, you can tell he's still new here. Thinking that *I* would place java above god's language, python. :/ =) it's a biz system i inherited i luv it ?! hm. in that "i'd fscking love to see this java P.O.S. die, die, die" kind of way could be worse. i doubt it like. it could be running on Peachtree. the phd student that created it didn't seem to grasp fundimental concepts like programming or it could be a multiuser ERP system implemented as an Excel spreadsheet true dat well, that's a PhD's prerogative, and it's not up to you mere grads and undergrads to question it. ;) just fix it right regarding the spreadsheet, btw, i have heard of such things. Anyone ever read anti-patterns? There is a "golden hammer" pattern. the new releases are uploaded Thanks, JAmes. still have to tag cvs i didn't test If you ivest in a tool, you have to use it everywhere. Like Spreadsheets. hehehe only ran the same script that created the original prereleases jamest: I'm urnning out to grab some bread, I'll upload it right when I'm back. i hope I'm not the only one that read that as urining urning, as in making urns. Vee2d2 (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest: what the heck is 'urining'? Or maybe as in urning an income? Action: dsmith hides :-I oh i get it. :-O Vee2d2 (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) joined #gnuenterprise. mdupont (mdupont@p5080ECCC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #gnuenterprise. Bah "running" if ( 1 ) { goto bed; } You need an optimiser. You've wasted a condition instruction, and bed is small enough it could probably be inlined. mouns (mouns@ left irc: Remote closed the connection jbailey: :-I Action: dtm applauds Nick change: Vee2d2 -> Vee Nick change: jamest -> jamest-away ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest-away: http://www.gnuenterprise.org/downloads/current.php points to 0.5.1 still. adam (~R45@cuscon609.tstt.net.tt) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: adam -> R45 Nick change: dsmith -> dsmith-erc dsmith (~dsmith@mail.actron.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@mail.actron.com) left irc: "Later..." dsmith (~dsmith@mail.actron.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@mail.actron.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dsmith (~dsmith@mail.actron.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@mail.actron.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ToyMan (~stuq@user-0cevdks.cable.mindspring.com) joined #gnuenterprise. mcuria (~maxy@29-185-89-200.fibertel.com.ar) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dsmith-erc (~user@mail.actron.com) left irc: "Home!" btami (~btami@ngprs.pannongsm.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey: you can download the latest releases from http://www.gnuenterprise.org/downloads/releases.php just symlinks needs updating mcuria (~maxy@29-185-89-200.fibertel.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@mail.actron.com) joined #gnuenterprise. btami (~btami@ngprs.pannongsm.hu) left irc: Client Quit dsmith (~dsmith@mail.actron.com) left irc: Client Quit Action: jbailey repacks the archives as all lower case. btami: Thanks, BTW. Looks good. lupo__ (lupo@pD9E6815A.dip.t-dialin.net) left #gnuenterprise. ./GNUe-Common-0.5.2/setupext/__init__.pyc ./GNUe-Common-0.5.2/setupext/install_data.pyc Those probably shouldn't be in there... I'm deleting them out of my building thing, since they cause me a bit of grief. Should I find a way to work around this in the future? Nick change: spaetzLurking -> spaetz jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "Client exiting" CAn someone tell ,me if reports behaves sensibly now: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=171535 I'd like to close the bug. spaetz (~spaetz@dclient217-162-194-223.hispeed.ch) left #gnuenterprise ("Leaving"). dsmith-x (~dsmith@oh-strongsvillecadent1-1f-100.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith-x (~dsmith@oh-strongsvillecadent1-1f-100.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). The main web page doesn't like the address of the email list. hmmm? Is it gnue@gnu.org? that's the "general" one Good enough for this. It's for the Debian ITP. (for appserver) Now I'm doing navigator. Thanks, Dan. developers is gnue-dev@gnu.org announce is gnue-announce@gnu.org there's some others too...but those are the important ones that I know of Now I just need to wait for bug numbers for those two so I can close them with the upload. =) stuq_ (~stuq@user-0cevdks.cable.mindspring.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jcater@cpe-066-061-071-147.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. 217169, and 217171 ToyMan (~stuq@user-0cevdks.cable.mindspring.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Nick change: stuq_ -> ToyMan Uploading now. Done. wtg`sleep (~merlinx@ppp191-211.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Nick change: mdupont -> md-zzz Nick change: SachaAway -> SachaS hmm Action: ajmitch sees jeff's upload closing bugs :) Nick change: jamest-away -> jamest jamest: so do you have any screenshots of this gnue game? or a project page? snicker nope you don't want to see it jamest: you're going to design the easter egg subsystem aren'tcha you're gonna have gnue's equivalent to Excel's flight simulator ajmitch: You're one of those crazy people that watches the BTS aren't you? jbailey: no, I got an email :) I, on the other hand, have a rule that forces all of my bug email to go to a folder where I ignore it. =) hehe it somehow landed in my inbox :) Once every few days, I do a search on the BTS for bugs that I feel like fixing. =) heh i'm working on the non graphical parts now is this folder called /dev/null? :) so my screenshot would, um, suck Nope, they're all there. All 161 of them. =) not bad Yeah. Since Dec 1, 2002. Hmm. That seems low. jamest: oic I wonder if it's missing some, and they're going into other folders that I ignore. quite possibly and I won't put up a page until I decide I want to release this I'm sure you'd get quite a few bug mails right now it's just for fun due to followups, etc jamest: what are you spawning now? um, vile koder offspring but that was like 13 years ago heh an gnue based rpg engine scary yeah Oh, wait 707 bugs in there total in that time. Much better. 161 since I had last cleared the 'unread' counter. =) ah I knew I was doing at least a couple bugs a day. can't remember if it's 4 or 5 keystrokes in mutt to mark all unread mails as read :) C-a C-e in evolution. =) heh in mutt you need to tag them first :) Ah, sorr C-a C-k. how slow is mailutils' imap4d on mbox files with > 30000 messages, and > 150MB? Dunno. Haven't tried it. Shouldn't be that bad. just a min, I'll give it a go.. IIRC, it does all the mbox parsing in a single pass. if it's decent speed like mutt, it'd be good Yeah. The imap4 protocol sucks. yeah, we should all switch to MS Exchange life on earth sucks. yeah we should move to the moon it's made of cheese I like cheese hey uh. i wonder how mozilla mail would do with a similar inbox! yeah cheese is ok dtm: dunno, I mainly care about shell & web access yeah we could do that ajmitch: i'm gonna import such a beast into mozilla mail and see what hppaen bah just...bah :( :/ jbailey: well it appears that the imap server is loading the whole thing into memory :) Erm. It shouldn't AFAIK. Certainly the original parser I had didn't do that. ajmitch: are you talking about phpgw? Anyhow, I'm off. 'bye all! either that or it's mmaping, and top is reporting mmap'ed memory as resident ajmitch: last i knew, phpgw's imap implementation uses php4's imap which is horrendous ajmitch: everyone else reimplements imap in php dtm: I saw that someone was going to write a mailutils module for php. dtm: yeah, php4's imap does suck - i can't access my imap server from phpgw that would be nice Dunno how it was going though. IT would be really trivial to do. Gone. jbailey (~jbailey@CPE00062579efac-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left irc: "Client exiting" ajmitch: are you talking about phpgw imap? ajmitch: is that the bloated horse you're referring to? dtm: I'm mainly testing with mutt at the moment ok ToyMan (~stuq@user-0cevdks.cable.mindspring.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" R45 (~R45@cuscon609.tstt.net.tt) left irc: "leaving" jamest (~jamest@adsl-65-71-168-142.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) is anyone here very hip to the configuration of spamassassin? dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jcater@cpe-066-061-071-147.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client exiting" wtg (~merlinx@ppp190-73.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) joined #gnuenterprise. mcuria (~maxy@29-185-89-200.fibertel.com.ar) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dcmwai. dcmwai: i'm still wrestling spamassassin! dtm: You using mailscanner? then you should use the spamassassin Tar.gz and nor the rpm... the rpm is buggy Using the default configuration will be good enough :) dcmwai: yes i use MailScanner dcmwai: i mean, i didn't set it up. i dont know what it is. actually i dont know what role spamassassin plays. it's running but I see no messages from it. only from MailScanner. it's doing antivirus and antispam. I don't even get that much spam spamssassin is the spam caculator... it's a filter uses vipul's razor how the mail is define as spam is actually dependent on that.. yea.. vipul razor (although I know nothing about it) it sets a spam header and you con filter on it usin procmail or what not can chillywilly: there are people using spamassassin with razor... But why? http://razor.sourceforge.net/ mcuria (~maxy@29-185-89-200.fibertel.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ got netsplit. i love those marlins Nick change: dneighbo_ -> derek dcmwai (~dcmwai@ got lost in the net-split. --- Thu Oct 23 2003