lupo__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. lupo__ ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning btami: the win32 ui don't work because of a dll loading problem. hi siesel what error you get? something like : dll can't be loaded Vee ( left irc: Client Quit in chinese :) it seems to find the dll, but has problems with dll format. can you try it on another (US) win98 ? i'v tried i on win98 SE hun, and it worked well ok. I'll try. I hope I have some win98 US first edition around here. But I will first try to update win98 chinese to second edition (hope that windows update still works) wtg ( left irc: "Cluelessness:- There Are No Stupid Questions, But There Are A Lot Of Inquisitive Idiots." siesel: can you use the win32 ui from cvs on chinese win98? just .exe fails ? johannesX ( left irc: "Client Exiting" btami: in the installation notes for win32all they said, a com update would be needed. but it still fails. I will try cvs version now. Action: siesel switches terminals siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Client Quit btami: I probably found the error. win32all ver. 159 can be installed. I had to install development version 161 instead. btw. which win32all version did you use to build the exe? 159 Action: btami is downloading 161 now Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway btami: forms works with 161 on windows 98 great is it chinese? yep. and a win32 ui? seems like just 159 had some problems with this system yes win32ui. I just tested the intro form, but I think the rest will be ok too. lesterb__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: can you put a screenshot with that form to somewhere? lesterb_ ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Action: btami just curious about chinese forms can you type chinese input too? ok, now I understand. no, its english on chin. win. :( but I'll try to make a chinese one ... with screenshot :) :) i'v tried it with gtk2, and got some chinese labels, but was no luck with input tried unicode then i'v tried unicode wx but it asked for a good font, and i don't know what gtk2 used so got no good chinese labels with wx i'v added utf-8 to encodings dict in wx's don't know how win32 ui will works with utf-8/unicode... it should :) i hope:) btami: I know good fonts for gtk2 :) under linux.. :) dcmwai: gtk2 find good fonts in win32, just it doesn't tells me what was that oh... I see But in linux there ask for it right? s/there/they Action: dcmwai is away: dinner on win32 wx doesn't knows autamatice which font to use, and it asked me to chese one, but i don't know what font to chose gtk2 is clever than wx :) or cleverer ? :) Action: btami 's englist is rather short Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. english even mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) btami: do you know how to encode a string as MBCS? Mark Hammond take this as an option to display unicode: doesn't encode() works with 'mbcs' dunno, I'll try. mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ got netsplit. Vee ( got netsplit. lesterb__ ( got netsplit. derek ( got netsplit. havoc ( got netsplit. dtm ( got netsplit. SachaAway ( got netsplit. ajmitch ( got netsplit. siesel ( got netsplit. btami ( got netsplit. jcater ( got netsplit. LuftHans ( got netsplit. chillywilly ( got netsplit. Vee ( returned to #gnuenterprise. lesterb__ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. siesel ( returned to #gnuenterprise. btami ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ returned to #gnuenterprise. derek ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jcater ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( returned to #gnuenterprise. LuftHans ( returned to #gnuenterprise. SachaAway ( returned to #gnuenterprise. havoc ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dtm ( returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( returned to #gnuenterprise. thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hi thierry hi btami btami: the login box for the win32 driver is broken, possibly due to win32all 161 reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all from gnu/linux world expo in frankfurt if anybody sees mdupont please tell him to call me 0043/664/3035200 i seem to have noted a wrong telephone number thanks reinhard ( left irc: Client Quit md-work ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: md-work -> mdupont siesel: it works here hmmm, possibly another win98 first version problem. here=XP anyone going to the linuxexpo? dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" hi all from gnu/linux world expo in frankfurt if anybody sees mdupont please tell him to call me 0043/664/3035200 i seem to have noted a wrong telephone number thanks thansk! btami: I get the following error message DB000: Traceback (most recent call last): DB000: File "C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\gnue\forms\uidrivers\win32\UILoginH", line 193, in OnInitDialog DB000: bmCtrl = win32gui.GetDlgItem(self.hwnd, self.ID_BITMAP) DB000: pywintypes.error: (0, 'GetDlgItem', 'No error message is available')ÿÿDB000: Traceback (most recent call last): DB000: File "C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\gnue\forms\uidrivers\win32\UILoginH", line 193, in OnInitDialog DB000: bmCtrl = win32gui.GetDlgItem(self.hwnd, self.ID_BITMAP) DB000: pywintypes.error: (0, 'GetDlgItem', 'No error message is available')ÿÿDB000: Traceback (most recent call last): DB000: File "C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\gnue\forms\uidrivers\win32\UILoginH", line 193, in OnInitDialog DB000: bmCtrl = win32gui.GetDlgItem(self.hwnd, self.ID_BITMAP) DB000: pywintypes.error: (0, 'GetDlgItem', 'No error message is available') sorry: pasted 3 times btami: any idea how to solve that? btami: i talked to him, thanks!! siesel: it seems you have to avoid the login box :) use netrc or direct uname/passw Nick change: mdupont -> md-linuxexpo or better we can drop win98 support, and say we only support nt/2000/xp line ok. I've running with direct password now. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi dcmwai hello siesel :) what bring you up here today? he likes win98 :) Action: btami ducks yeah, trying out unicode/chinese with win32/wx uidrivers First try (-u win32) wow this is using default locale, i.e. converting unicode to default locale (= gb2312) here how come so many ??? I see siesel: Anyway to just use unicode? (Not usine unicode...) I used output= unicode_string.encode('gb2312','replace') Er Not user locale (BG/Gb) I see... that means to use wx-unicode build (for wx) or some magic win32 function (for win32 ui) Action: dcmwai is now trying Fpdf... thierry ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. ok, unicode with win32 ui is working now: siesel: sorry, but what is the difference to the prior try ? siesel: This is a lot more better :) maybe the problem i can't understand chinese :) btami: no question marks anymore. prior try is about UTF8-->locacle code (big5, gb2312) btami: due to to the lack of fonts/code in gb2312/big5... They turn to be "?" so you midd informated s/midd/miss btami: gb2312 (=simpl. chinese) is just a subset of unicode, i.e traditional chinese didn't work, german umlauts not work i see siesel: You are keying Your Zhung Zhi inside? :) siesel: Do you know that someone say the Utf-8 --> big5 conveter in Unicode is wrong? (under the siesel: have a look on this page. This might solve the Utf8<=>big5 problem dcmwai: thx. I try. yes, zhuzibaijia are all in my local database. Its quite useful :) siesel: Nice try :) siesel: For the test as well :) :) siesel: about the code utf-8<==>big5 did think that is usefull ? its quite useful. In which code region are the big5 chars? Is it that undefined (eten space)? sorry, have to look for crying children + dinner, bbl. they're over here, siesel siesel: Unsure, maybe stete that. But it certainly have got the wrong code. siesel: maybe you should tell the people in after you have try it :) Vee: help... Vee: Need some help in PHP class... I've 2 class I want to use.. What shoulld I do.. *shrug* Action: dcmwai is trying this question in #php, See if getting anyone score me :) I'm sure there's people more able to help, there in #php Vee: Yea, I only start using PHP on June... Action: Vee is still preoccupied with a broked cvs server Vee: Then Go with it, I'll be in #php s154994 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hi I have a problems connecting to my database my connection specification is: [gnue] comment = GNUe Test Database aliases = dcl test provider = postgresql #provider = psycopg host = localhost dbname = gnue and final errormessage is s154994 ( left irc: Excess Flood s154994 ( joined #gnuenterprise. DB000: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'supportedDataObjects' thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. any ideas what to try next what python dbdriver you have installed? can you import it in python? postgresql-python s154994: I got the same problem some minutes ago actually its PyGreSQL, version 3.3 gnue has support for popy,psycopg,pygresql,pypgsql you have to specify the exact driver for now. i.e. provider=pygresql I know and it seems to work becouse It seems to log in, if I giv wrong password etc it fails as it should I try that thanks, it works I just copied it from README.database whithout thinking enough no, you're right in copying from README.database, it seems to be a bug. what's actual status of application server? should I be able to get it work yes. shouldn't be a problem. if you have questions about appserver, you're welcome. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. I will, I tried all these things from cvs sources until I fed up for these errors and downgraded to last release errors were kept same... next I try that appserver out cheers s154994 ( left irc: "bye" dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" thierry ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Client Quit siesel ( left irc: Client Quit thierry ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. wtg ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) btami ( left irc: Client Quit dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. lesterb__ ( left irc: Connection timed out jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel (jan@ joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: wtg -> wtg`sleep who is here? hi dcmwai :) siesel (jan@ got netsplit. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ got netsplit. Vee ( got netsplit. havoc ( got netsplit. dtm ( got netsplit. SachaAway ( got netsplit. ajmitch ( got netsplit. jcater ( got netsplit. ToyMan ( got netsplit. jamest ( got netsplit. wtg`sleep ( got netsplit. LuftHans ( got netsplit. chillywilly ( got netsplit. md-linuxexpo ( got netsplit. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ returned to #gnuenterprise. siesel (jan@ returned to #gnuenterprise. jcater ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jamest ( returned to #gnuenterprise. wtg`sleep ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( returned to #gnuenterprise. md-linuxexpo ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Vee ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( returned to #gnuenterprise. LuftHans ( returned to #gnuenterprise. SachaAway ( returned to #gnuenterprise. havoc ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dtm ( returned to #gnuenterprise. siesel, are you free somehow? I'm trying to get FPDF working with unicode Fonts... and for what I know, you are the people that I know more about this topic what is FPDF? mcuria ( left irc: Connection reset by peer ok, found it: dcmwai: so you don't want to use gnue-reports? ;) siesel, It is just too hard to get gnue-report to be in place. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. to be franke, I would really love to.. Cause using Gnue-report I'can have xml,html,ps,pdf,cvx and all format that you support with it easily. but the intregation/interfacing/link/connection is way too Hard. and it will be harder when I want to make it multiplatfrom. dcmwai: no problem Action: siesel really has to have another look at the gnue-reports-server dcmwai: with all due respect siesel, Oh yes and please.. if you can get the ISP to let you run a gnue-reports-server then why couldn't he let you exec gnue-reports? jcater, Sure, but how if it is a windows machine? that seems like a trivial issue reports runs on windows too. if there is some difference in how you execute it, perhaps due to a path involved or something, you can easily handle that in the code ok. So did gnue-report-server run on all platfrom (from *nix,windows,Mac and etc) yes. cause it is not the report machine, it is actually the whole aria Main report system, I'll take out all html report and etc and replace with it. Action: dcmwai is checkingout cvs jcater, So the soultion will be issuing an exec(command ) and then have it send back? dcmwai: the report server would be called via GNU RPC (i.e. XMLRPC) but until all functionalty is implemented the exec(gnue-reports) trick has to be used. siesel, may I ask how the gnu rpc being called? yes, long term, what siesel describes is the plan but I wouldn't depend on that for anything you're wanting in the near future thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. actually, gnue-reports is the reason I started on gnue rpc :) ooh.. jcater: do you have some minutes to discuss further report server design? um in my mind reports server is a very, very low priority for me why? but I honestly don't have time to spend any time on gnue at the moment isn't that the main presentation came out Action: jcater is in the middle of a bad time crunch at work dcmwai: quite easy from php, just have a look gnue-common/src/rpc/test/client.php siesel, Ok... jcater: I wondered why the db driver development stalled. Now I know. jcater, What happen in the crunch jcater: good luck with work stuff. mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dcmwai wounder how to include gnue-report and the rpc in arias in packaging.. siesel: yeah, it sucks Action: jcater really wants to get the dbdriver stuff in the main CVS as every day I don't get it in, the more outdated my branch becomes and I really like my branch but I'm biased :) siesel, I don't have that files.. are you sure it is in the cvs server? Don't worry, every day you are not logged in, the cvs commit log is quite empty dcmwai: it's the end of the month so many companies face an end of the month crunch to try and get everything or as much as possible finished before the month ends Vee, Oh.. I see That is something I don't know. Don't worry, every day you are not logged in, the cvs commit log is quite empty Action: siesel is repeating himself. haha siesel, I don't have this files even it is the cvs version. gnue-common/src/rpc/test/client.php dcmwai: ok, I'll check. why it is not in my cvs even if it is update? hum have to checkout again dunno, probably you have a tagged release. siesel, Not easy to read all :) Action: dcmwai think may be it is time to re-checkout all gnue you can try: cvs -t HEAD update siesel, do you have any simple command because gnue modules is sperated across all the DIR just do a "for i in gnue*;do cd $i;cvs update; cd ..; done siesel, Har... how come you all people got this kind of simple solution one... Action: dcmwai really cannot catch up with *nix people... thierry ( left irc: "Client exiting" dcmwai: the client.php code is a bit old and uses a bad xmlrpc abstraction layer. you should check out gnue-phpforms/src/gcomm.php in the end, its just a "import xmlrpcstuff;" + "xmlrpc->exectue(host,"startreport",reportname)" jbailey: is the #gnue-commits feed broken? siesel: Looks like the CIA user isn't in there. I guess we gotta tell cia to join everytime it pings out or something I don't have time to troubleshoot it right now. If someone does, the problem is that the CIA bot can apparently only connect to so many channels at once. And the freenode people need to let it connect to more. The guy who runs #commits has a note about it in his channel. ok, I will look there. thx :) CIA? Ogart ( joined #gnuenterprise. Ogart ( left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.31 [Mozilla rv:1.4/20030624]" mouns (mouns@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "leaving" chillywi1ly ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) siesel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel (jan@ left irc: Client Quit dcmwai: if you like testing, gnue-reports-server is kind of usable now. dimas (~dimas@ left irc: "÷ÙÛÅÌ ÉÚ XChat" mouns (mouns@ left irc: Remote closed the connection damokle ( joined #gnuenterprise. damokle ( left #gnuenterprise. mcuria ( left irc: Connection reset by peer ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" apropos ( joined #gnuenterprise. mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. apropos ( left irc: "[BX] Eat, drink and be merry...for tomorrow we die" Nick change: md-linuxexpo -> mdupont siesel_: rheiner said i should talk to you mdupont ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). mdupont ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel_: he said that you know about the class and memberder ?# ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jamest ( left irc: Client Quit mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Client Quit mdupont: what class and member do you mean? Action: siesel_ hopes mduponts is still around siesel_: at first i read that as "siesel punts mdupont around." no, there is no punting in this channel... just trout slapping ;) jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee ( got netsplit. Vee ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee ( left irc: Client Quit Action: siesel_ hates php siesel_ ( left irc: Client Quit I think we're going to move to using subversions or something else instead of cvs, at work any of you using an alternative versioning system than cvs in production somewhere? what's wrong with cvs? R45: It sucks rocks. Vee2d2: I'km using subversion, but I'm still new at it. anything specific? :P we're looking to move to subversions too still very new at it R45: lack of atomicity lack of directory versioning R45: Expensive branch, painful merging. lack of file relocation functions Incapable of tracking renames. I agree the branching and merging is a PITA ah well well, the main guy doesnt like it for a few reasons.. the one I recall him stating is that he thinks cvs wasnt really written for multiple developers to use it's all coming to surface though becuase we tried to move our repositories to a new server and havent been able to get it working in the new location (weird weird problems) Vee2d2: It wasn't really. It's just RCS with a wrapper. I've never tried subversion though.. Action: R45 checks it out seems like there's a number of alternative systems out there.. Vee2d2: If you need CVS repo help, I could probably help you. We can negotiate something to make it worth my while. Vee2d2: Bitkeeper (non-free). Arch (Tom Lord's an ass, but it's GNU now). and Subversion (Generally well liked and seen as the next big CVS by alot of communities) jbailey: I've stumped google and #cvs with it what about mcvs? Vee2d2: Ah? Weird. I haven't found anythign that stumps be, but there's always a first. Gotta do an upgrade, bbiab. kid's bathtime.. bbiab2 R45 ( left irc: Remote closed the connection R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaAway -> SachaS jbailey ( left irc: "Time to go home..." is a kid's bath == to upgrade/reboot uh? well, I hope the kids don't core dump in the bath ew dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. roflmao i *think* im past that naked i.e. noah is not in diapers anymore (even at night) so im REALLY hoping im out of that stage though i still have to wipe butts (on call) mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dneighbo: yeah good luck with that whole thing it's all you buddy. pgaccess sucks never looked at it before saw it in apt and figured i would look... egads unless it's changed you'll find some nice new tables in your db too yes thats what im freaking on owned and only accessable by the first user of pgaccess freaking added like 10 freaking pga_* tables not happy camper which fuxorz any other users unlucky enough to need to use it doh oh yeah try loading a big table it has to load every record before responding at least it used to absolutely brutal on response times i already uninstalled it and system resources i was wanting a quick visual way to look at some tables another app (kmusicdb) installed phppgadmin isnt too bad just to see something and was going to use GNU Enterprise and in upgrading saw pgaccess and thought.. .hmm i always wondered about that dumb ass me trying new things oh jamest you know where the holiday inn is in manhattan? Action: dneighbo is curious if you do, have you ever eaten at the restaurant in it? mmm food hi jcater howdy i think it goes by holidome? just off the SR 81 er 18 Action: dneighbo has a co-worker whose brother in law is a professional chef guess he just got hired to turn around the restaurant portion will be heading out there in a couple of days might be able to get you a free lunch or two ;) but was curious to get your opinion of current dining there (if you have eaten there) dneighbo: I'm not sure jamest eats anything but taco bell taco bell has chicken fingers now? oh wait.. you are one with chicken limitations :) Action: dneighbo really has been away too long i eat everywhere even taco bell but haven't ate at holidome in years manhattan? thought jamest was in kansas i'm a jet setter spend my days in KS my nights in IRC, er, I mean manhattan Manhattan, KS and dreams of java we're known as the "little apple" yes, a true man of the world Action: jamest wonders have many "little apple"s there are in the US jamest: unless one of those tornadoes touches down again then it'll be apple sauce I am a man of the world! i had chinese last week italian last night and might have tacos tomorrow wtg`sleep ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) wtg`sleep ( joined #gnuenterprise. aww.. it was 2fer tuesday and I forgot Taco Tuesday! hihi... everyone :) mdupont ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) hi Nick change: wtg`sleep -> wtg mdupont ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" interesting version control system comparison i like svn a lot but my experience shows it requires a tiny bit more hand holding than cvs of course I'm running 0.27 and 0.32 is out so maybe those issues are resolved well.. I didnt(dont!) know too much about it.. it's a java based thing? requires apache2? isnt very mature? written in C lots and lots of info no apache needed works w/ ssh just fine time for family guy and futurama jcater ( left irc: Client Quit time for video games jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" yay video games. Vee2d2 ( left irc: Client Quit Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. alandd ( left irc: Client Quit R45 ( left irc: "leaving" hi all aww hell, oh dtm! !!! what is your present status, Vee ? working? yea yaaaaay. geeg:~> scp mike@office:cvs.tbz2 . cvs.tbz2 64% 5216KB 88.4KB/s 00:32 ETA neat. gonna try to 'move' the repository to this machine for kicks to see if I can get it working here or spot the cause of problems happening there.. oic got my ssh'idness all worked out.. Action: Vee hearts keychain Vee: huh. glad to hear it. you? what you been upta? Oh man. i dont even wanna think about it. working nonstop as always gave chillywi1ly a primer on interchange last night he's become quite the ecommerce hacker I've looked at that a time or two and such you should again. OR BE DESTROYED ;) learn interchange. it *just* might mean your life. i would call up anyone on the phone right now to evangelize interchange. BRING IT ON Action: dtm 4 it has been a while.. maybe 1.5-2 years I'd guess whoa. was it versoin 4.8? or earlir earlier I think i started with 4.8 i dabbled with it when it was called minivend in about 1998 yea didn't get it to work then. that utterly maxed out my skill level at the time I was just going to say it's funny to think that's what it use to be no resemblence to minivend now huh. pretty much, other than the variable names! minivend is to interchange as openstep is to macos there's a lot of variables starting with "NS" in macos now :) due to NeXTSTEP coincidentally, probably the same with mozilla. "NS" Vee: do you have any possible interest in it now? I think I'm still on for writing my own thing actually.. it's way out there on the todo list though Action: dtm explodes yeah? so you have a special section of your todo list labeled "impossible tasks" ? I have a system about 60-70% written somewhere in my archives.. or "grandeural delusions" perhaps that sounds more fancy Action: ajmitch has one of those sorta lists Vee: yeah. sure you do. :) ajmitch: cool including such tasks as learn how to write 'hello world' stopped working on it when I decided to base things off gnue i dont know. i think i might. i dont know if i wrote those particular ones down ye.t ajmitch: eh? ajmitch: you can write 'hello world'. u sille in INTERCAL!! ;) Action: ajmitch shudders what's that?! eeevil yay, evil so my priorities have switched from getting an ecommerce system up and running, to getting myself using gnue-sb, then getting an ecommerce system running which interfaces with that.. Vee: and if you have the slightest shred of intelligence, common sense, self respect, and human decency, that system shall be Interchange. ;) heh Action: dtm hands Vee the prized interchange hot dog Action: ajmitch sees dtm spaketh the words of doom I dont claim to have any of that Vee: :-/ Action: dtm plots Vee's destruction I warned ya! Action: Vee is not human, afterall. :-o Action: dtm bioscan Vee: Creature! I admonish you to interface gnue-sb and IC via SOAP!! --- Wed Oct 29 2003