johannesX ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdupont ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. moin reinhard moin moin reinhard: i have done a short review of the database schemas of 22 packages yesterday Compier Delator FreeSide GNULedger.txt SOWAS ZBC aria bbstatus custom facturier fisterra freemoney gnucash interchange ipstat ispacct lazy8 phpgroupware sqlledger weberp xdefactor xiwa-1.4.1 wow at least extracted the sql from them mdupont: you were satisfied with your extraction of IC data? from those, i have to say that Compier and SqlLedger are pretty good with database design heheh "weberp" that sounds like a rude noise sometimes followed by mild regurgitation. and interchange has the best support a tad of the ol' antiperistalsis, as it were :) interchange support community is THROUGH THE ROOF, Y'ALL btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. I aslo think that Compier is not really free software mdupont: :/ good morning because you need a non-free case tool to work on it, so the database model is not source but object code mdupont: hey! i found out today that Appgen went out of business, and had all their source code in escrow to be open sourced. that's currently under debate. according to the gpl, you need to provider the source code in the preferred means of editing well they do, those are the models from some case tool hmmm. but those models are only readable by this case tool and it is not free you can edit the oracle scripts, but then someone will have to edit the model and that someone is this J?rgen guy so it might technically be gpled, mdupont: it's not Jeurgen(sp?) originally from VA, is it? but realisticly, it is a closed package for any real changes mdupont: coz VA bought Compiere or something about it Juergen from oracle, and unisis ok i worked with a Juergen at VA in the IT dept. he was a temp juergen janke Hm. there are lots of j?rgens out there :) yeah. but only ONE of MY JUERGEN. I think compier is really well designed dimas_ (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning all hi Action: mdupont has now 17mb of schemas :-o Compier DCL Delator FreeSide GNULedger IPStat-0.9.7 SOWAS ZBC aria bayonne-1.2.8 bbstatus bw-acct custom emma-0.8 facturier fisterra freemoney gctb-0.2.1 gnucash guco interchange ipac-ng-1.25 ipstat iptacct ispacct lazy8 lefthand_2002-06-22_1 myinvoicer nola phpgroupware sqlledger weberp xdefactor xiwa-1.4.1 xoops well bayonne does not have a datbase ok, move the interchange source out of the way, not it is just 7.7mb okay the src for an app doesn't constitute "a schema" ;) Action: mdupont uploads the schemas he has so far Nick change: mdupont -> md-work yay later dudz if you find any i missed, md-work: you need to look at my DCL roadmap on and find the url to derek's dcl schema for contact mgmr mgmt drop me a line on ok, I will i think i have some of the tables are they in cvs? yes i think so and for schema, i mean anything that is like sql create tables he had it hooked up to a javascript based schema visualizer tool cool so you could click and it opens up well gotta run gotta be at work in 15 mins and am not ready yet runrun thierry ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dimas_ (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dimas_ (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. dimas_ (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) md-work: aria Schema is the largest of all size.. :( damn Schema... :) mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas_ (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. dimas_ (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning :) morning :) btami ( left irc: siesel: ... :) I've read your post get gnue-report-server up and the gcomm.php to the somewhere it need... so I'm trying to use the test.php that located on /gnue-reports/samples/php_client/test.php It turn to be some error I don't really understand.. 6. process the report (can take longer) XML error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 20The server returned an error (2): Invalid return payload: enabling debugging to examine incoming payload what kind of errorß hmmm. accordinft o the files line 20 is sctually $repServ = $link->request("GReportServer"); print ("

6. process the report (can take longer)
"); $engine->execute("processReport",array("Passives_WeiSuoX_SXW.grd", array(), 0, 0, 0)); I'm not sure about this "Passives_WeiSuoX_SXW.grd" array Passives_... is the report you want to process. OOp. the line 20 means the line in the returned XML file. siesel: For simeple testing. What shall I give him. ehhmm, do you have tried out reports before? siesel: Frankly NO :( but I've try the /gnue/gnue-reports/samples/foobulations/ and it seem to be working. ok, so you should go in that directory and start the reports server there then pass the name of the foobulations sample to the server siesel: have to start the report server on the Particular die? s/die/dir I import the foobulations sample SQL into gnue (at postgresql) yes, there is no path name manipulation now, and I run grcvs monthly.grd subtitle="April 2002" begin="04/01/2002" end="04/30/2002" on the dir is this right? ok let try again. the best way is to first run grcvs, and check if everything works. then startup the gnue-reportserver in that same directory and try running gnue-reports with the same parameters as before but an additional -S option. if you pass the -Z option to the gnue-reports-server you can see what happens and take the values to write you php script siesel: OK I've start gsdcvs on the foobulations dir, Now what command should I issue? first: "grcvs -S monthly.grd subtitle="April 2002" begin="04/01/2002" end="04/30/2002"" siesel: DB000: raise apply(Fault, (), self._stack[0]) DB000: xmlrpclib.Fault: default destination - is not supported? oh, sorry. you have to pass an additional -d /tmp/test Its not a good idea to send report's output to the server side console, so I disabled "-" siesel: this additional is on the grdcvs or grcvs? ah is grcvs :) siesel: DB000: xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 20, column 12 ? oops. do you use pw_xmlrpc or xmlrpc rpc-drivers? I'll try to get that error here too. Not really using them... but I think pw_xmlrpc is defined on gnue.conf it is define on the appserv I don't really use it and can be disable. dcmwai: hey hello md-work :) Nick change: md-work -> mdupont back for lunch hi mdupont hi siesel dcmwai: I'll check how to enable extensive debbuging output :) mdupont: great idea to compare the different schema tables. siesel: I've the debug level 20 and have a log files on grdcvs :) you want it? there is only one app you missed: fibusql fibusql? what is that for dcmwai: thanks, very simple double accounting solution ok, let me get it Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away Web based double-entry accounting??? yep. grep -R -c -i 'create table' * | grep -v :0 | sort -n -t: -k2 ZBC/Tables.plsql:85 aria/sqlscripts/Oracle/database.sql:119 nola/sqlscripts/Oracle/database.sql:119 bbstatus/bbstatus.sql:123 aria/sqlscripts/MySQL/database.sql:167 its in admin.php nola/sqlscripts/MySQL/database.sql:167 aria/sqlscripts/MySQL/mysql.sql:173 Compier/Compiere.sql:362 looks like compier tops them all mdupont: like that also can :) but compiere is running on oracle, which is much much faster then mysql (But not postgreSQL) siesel: What do you want me to do with this fibusql? yes, well I am going to just take the table definitions and compare them against each othre and find out what can be used to defined the gnu packages as specified given of course a priority list of todos i dont want to use the tables as they are mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) mdupont: remember to normalizzed them :) I think aria DB wasn't normalized, causing it unexpandable and unresonable. yes to be honest i want to make a real OO UMl Model of them UM1 :) ha dcmwai: the hint to fibusql was for mdupont, as he is collection schemata fibusql has exactly 4 tables oh, that sound like a complicated system which fits business applications ;) accounts journal repeated balances the idea is to make a clean repository of the schema using the gnuenterprise classdefs but expanded to model all the needed parts ok the food is burning gotta go Nick change: mdupont -> mdupont-lunch thanks for the link siesel more later ok, cu. I would propose to convert the schemata in gnue-schema format, as it will allow to import the schemata in gnue-appserver easy. (when that part has written :) ) Which is quite easy to do with gnue-designer, but more about later. Guten Hunger. dcmwai: I'll tried the report example and everything works here. jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" siesel: Oh... meanning that it is running... grcvs -d /tmp/test -S monthly.grd subtitle="April 2002" begin="04/01/2002" end="04/30/2002" isn't this right? its totaly right. DB000: self._parser.Parse(data, 0) DB000: xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 20, column 12 what is the line above the _parser ? DB001: [GRFilters:106] Filters Configuration File: "/usr/local/gnue/etc/report-filters.conf" DB001: [ServerAdapter:453] Unexpected Exception in XML-RPC code: gnue.reports.base.GRExceptions.ReportUnreadable:Unable to read the requested report definition haha .. report filters.conf :( siesel: There are many stuff we don't have in the report-filters.conf, should I disable it? yep. does it work standalone? I mean just grcvs without the "-S" parameter? ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. without -s Work -203 -203 entering details exiting details exiting nameBreak Oh yeah.....I can feel it Haha your report message are Cute ( Oh yeah.....I can feel it) :) ToyMan (~stuq@ left irc: Client Quit hmmm, can you try to access my reportserver, just to see if it server or client based? ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. ok what shell I set to the server ip. you have to edit gnue-reports/src/client/ . server ip is: Hey it is working... mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. yes, I got a /tmp/test file :) Hum Have to check the grdcvs... so it seems to be serverbased. anyway know where went wrong? do you started grdcvs with the -Z option? No but I do start with --debug :) seems you have, but I don't remember. dunno, but for me I have to pass the -Z option, because if not, all output goes into nirwana nirwana ? DB000: socket.error: (111, '\xb3s\xbdu\xb3Q\xa9\xda\xb5\xb4') =/dev/null This is with -Z you're running on win32 or linux? Linux :) siesel: can I have a look on the report-filters.conf ok, one moment siesel: about the php xmlrpc, we just need one files right? The yep. Action: dcmwai wounder why don't add that in ... siesel: that is very different then the one in cvs :) ToyMan (~stuq@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) We can add it, but I'm not shure about the license ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: something is wrong with -Z it ask for a password and If I press enter... the server don't run :( strange. can you try to pass the password and username via command line? VERY STRANGE only password... Not username Action: dcmwai wounder what password it is asking... Action: dcmwai know that it is asking ... I've sudo infromt ;( do you have to enter username and password for grcvs? Joker... YEs xmlrpclib.Fault: ok, if I remove my .netrc file I get ... exactly Action: dcmwai wounder if he is still transporting files to siesel places :) one second. I 'll update the authentication code. siesel: because the grcvs this time just halt there... O_O siesel: ah I've got my report... but gcvs halt there... grcvs halts? Not to say halts.. Just Stop and stay still ;) This time no more /tmp/test :( siesel: Now I see why.. multiple grdcvs running.. ok, so after a killall python2.3, you can startup grdcvs -Z btw. you should do a cvs update , as I fixed the password and username parameters siesel: I think we will have to continuate this later about 2 hours or more, is that Ok for you? and then I'll be a different machine... Different problem might be there ;) I don't know if I'll have time then. siesel: If I want to distribue gnue-report-server. What should I have? as the cvs version sometime... :( so better kept a Stable version :) The normal reports package and gnue-common. i.e. two tarballs :) siesel: then the setting? gnue.conf and connection.conf? Haha 2 ball. :) I think the setting is the most things that make things happen differnetly.. you can provide sample or base settings or probably create a custom connection.conf with PHP out of the database settings of arias. Good idea ;) Vice versa would probably be better. Use connections.conf for ARIAS :) so siesel, I still need that ... conf... hum.. have to config a conf files again... xmlrpclib.Fault: So this problem is about the login cvs you just commited. yep. you have to pass password and username siesel: Yes IT is done :) yes yes ;) Action: dcmwai think so now what... you can test it and tell me what you need improved. Nick change: mdupont-lunch -> md-work la8ter siesel: I still get this on the php xml-rpc XML error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 20The server returned an error (2): Invalid return payload: enabling debugging to examine incoming payload but as least now I know my gnue-report server is running... :) Thank siesel :) continuate 2 hours later... Hope you are free then.. :) ok, cu Thank siesel ;) bye bye :) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" rm-away ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) rm-away ( joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" Nick change: wtg -> wtg`sleep jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dodji ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry ( left irc: "Client exiting" anyone know more about the gnue-report-server program? why must I start it with -Z then only the client can have output else there will be an error. mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi dcmwai: you still here? Ogart ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: wendall911 -> wendall911_away Nick change: md-work -> mdupont Nick change: wendall911_away -> wendall911 siesel, YES :) Nice to have you here again :) siesel, I wounder why the -Z must be there? it prevents the server from going in daemon mode. siesel, but that don't make sense, as -Z is success and No -Z is fail... I shouldn't have any impact on the client. That's strange. Yes that is.. VERY what kind of failure do you get. is it the same expat parsing error? Yep seems like the error handling is broken. can you try to pass the full pathname of the report file? DB000: DB000: Additional Information: DB000: [Errno 2] ’ d siesel, can see the Chines error message? as I get this error when using -Z: Error: 1: gnue.reports.base.GRExceptions.ReportUnreadable: Unable to read the requested report definition (monthly.grd) I do have something like that in the log files.  ! trying to use full path :) haha :) Error: (110, '\xb3s\xbdu\xb6W\xb9L\xae\xc9\xb6\xa1') seem to be a socket error? and cannot connect.. try: killall python2.3 postgres 18236 0.0 1.1 11136 2840 ? S 00:44 0:00 postgres: dcmwai gnue idle in transaction? Greetings...I'm thinking about contributing to this project by documenting and testing. (I'm a rather poor coder). Do you guys mind if I "hang out" and listen? I belive in the project, just a bit overwhelmed by what I may be getting myself into... this one is strange... Ogart: we would *love* someone who's interested in documenting :) Thank you Ogart Ogart: your welcome. I'm ten times the writer than I am a coder. I have NO problem saying that. I've signed the copyright assignment too,.... Action: dsmith wishes he could write rock! the channel pen is all yours, Ogart i'd like to add epydoc support to our setup system if people think it would be usefull to have docs like that I think so jamest: good idea siesel, I've kill it now what. :) the main thing I like is it shows inherited methods we'd need to switch to python docstrings to really make it shine yes it's inspired by javadoc which i know is evil Is there a "status" page or something that says what docss are written, what need writing, etc? but I really like javadoc and went searching for a python equiv jamest: what about the pythondoc stuff. It's more like javadoc and use its own parser Ogart, unluckily there isn't any.. maybe it is all written in the irc log :) So you can have the documentation in comments rather than in python doc strings. it hasn't been updated in 3 years 3 Years... Is GNUe in Python or C++? Python Phew. More easily learned than C++ from a VBasic person's perspective. The One And Only :) dcmwai: imho, the socket error should be gone now. siesel, har why? any cvs update ? jamest: dcmwai: no, I just think that the socket error is connected to another running instance of grdcvs siesel, I only got one grdcvs that is running... siesel: i'll try it out a bit later google was way off on that one :) at it was at 0.7 but the question remains, do we want these docs in checked into cvs? jamest: I just read about it in the last Dr. Dobbs Python URL :) It would be convinient but it takes a lot space, so I'm unshure fwiw is the one I'd found last night it does have some issues though I'd almost rather see it updated on ash nightly instead of checked into cvs but that's just me that would work for me too Action: jcater already checks out the source to do nightly tarballs Action: siesel likes that. although.... jcater, could you do this for DTDs too? I bet those stopped working when we split out separate modules =) siesel, strange.. the 1st connection have problem the 2nd dont... maybe python don't get the port yet... As I would like to include a DTD ref. into all gfd's grd's etc. dcmwai: Probably the connection timeout is too long, or ... :) dcmwai: have you tried it with the php client? siesel, Not yet will try now siesel: probably siesel, still the same XML error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 16The server returned an error (2): Invalid return payload: enabling debugging to examine incoming payload ok, I 'll check how to enable debugging. siesel, sany gdf files that is there can be easily use? where is Passives_WeiSuoX_SXW.grd ? Not any under gnue... hmm, sorry, that was some private file to edit classical chinese passiv sentences , uhmm... siesel, it is your files right :) can you replace it with monthly.grd? rm-away ( left irc: "Don't contradict a woman -- wait until she does herself." siesel, where is this files... DB000: gnue.reports.base.GRExceptions.ReportUnreadable: Unable to read the requested report definition oop :0 you have to try with -Z and run the server in the foobulations directory ok there is a setDebug(0) in gcomm.php, can you set it to setDebug(1)? sure siesel, about the monthly.grd.. did I need to put the full path? that would be the best. Action: siesel needs to update PHP as the debian/unstable version is badly broken :(# siesel, what you want to see... there is bunch of code.. and the error code is what we have saw... faultString gnue.reports.base.GRExceptions.ReportUnreadable: Unable to read the requested report definition (/gnue-reports/samples/foobulations/monthly.grd) Additional Information: [Errno 2] ¨S¦³¦¹¤@ÀɮשΥؿý: '/gnue-reports/samples/foobulations/monthly.grd' wait something wrong.. that is not full path puuh, I allready thought, that there is no more help. (¡ žÕ) siesel, This time it work :) ¦Õ great. either fullpath or just the files name work.. so still -Z... killing.. Today experince teachs me, that gnue-report needs a base path for grd files. siesel, demon mode need Full path if not it will not work.. Wah that is killing :) So now good.. gnue-report work.. time for me to work... :) siesel, btw, what we saw all the time is xml about pdf how to make it work? just use a different filter. Action: dcmwai think program without documenataion will just make the programer more busy answring question :) do you got the "Dispatching: [4025be5496f8314b0f2dc384055bb4b70f7471f4].setFilter ['raw', '']" messages on server side? 705c3518c96d1fc49de771d4fbc86ceea8515dc0 got ths it is always different number... after you have a working pdf creation, then you can just copy these settings seen on server side into you php script. I.e. no need to check which parameters has to be at which place. the different number is the object identifier, as every report engine is a new dynamic object. Oh I see. Action: siesel is searching for pdf creation examples. something a bit confuse... gnue-report get Data from the DB engine and process them? can I just pass raw data to them as ask it to process.. Like xml? ok, first an pdf creation example: grcvs --filter pdf -d /tmp/test.pdf monthly.grd subtitle="April 2002" begin="04/01/2002" end="04/30/2002" dcmwai: no, gnue reports just loads data from databases. siesel, oh... I see but you can pass parameters, (begin, end ...) and you can use different types of stylessheets to process the xml output yourself. siesel, So If I want to print a PO, I would require to put all the query statement into it? so as long as it is xml at the end it will accpet it? DB000: File "/share/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/reports/adapters/filters/SimpleTabulation/tabulator/formatters/", line 38, in ? DB000: raise "Unable to load reportlab" DB000: Unable to load reportlab using SQL directly would be so good. But you can define a with parameters. apt-get install python-reportlab :) That is a Deep Chapter.. any Doc :) siesel, hello ... I'm at a redhat :) ok, sorry I mean: Action: mdupont looks intro parsing oracle with perls SQL::Translator::Parser::Oracle rpm-apt-get apt-get install python-reportlab siesel, Just wounder who provided python-reportlab (web site0 mdupont: if you have oracle running, what about creating the database and use gnue-desinger to import it into a schema file :) i dont have oracle running :) mdupont, You can download them on the oricale site :) and I dont want to get any grey hairs installing it :( or ask jcater (you NEED donuts) to do it for you :) i have the cd from the linuxworldexpo siesel: but that is a good idea if i can translate all the schemas into postgres then i can use gnue on them dcmwai: reportlab would be nice if it included a viewer and printer too. siesel, I wen to to do the searching what a joke ;) :) mdupont: you don't want to use gnue-schema? i do want to use gnue but dont want to install oracle let me first get the schemas all into postgres format then we can import tem ok. :) Action: siesel remembers that the support for triggers and the like in gnue-schema is still a bit retarded siesel, sorry I've never install a python module before Just want to make sure. Where should the files be extraced and could it be remove later after the installation? dodji ( left irc: "ChatZilla 0.9.35 [Mozilla rv:1.5/20031007]" you can extract it temp, normally you just call "make install" and it will be installed in the right place. but you can search for it with which should work too. siesel, there isn't a make install there... don't know why.... it seem to be something like gnue :) all source. Either unpack or reportlab.tgz to some directory say d:\ReportLab. If you can, ensure that the line terminator style is correct for your OS (man zip programs have a text mode option eg -a). Create a .pth file, say reportlab.pth in your Python home directory. It should have one line: d:/ReportLab. mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. does that meant I've downloaded a wrong program... which redhat do you have? Action: dcmwai is searchign still Rh9 Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway no redhat, but probably the other ones work dcmwai: I've downloaded the source. you have to get ReportLab_1_18.tgz, untar it and go into that director then a "python install" will do the rest. siesel, oh I see siesel, Ah Now it is running.. I just type python all the time ... but don't know there is a python instal :) siesel, DB000: Warn: Python Imaging Library not available Now have to get Python Imaging Library :) siesel, it is so Nice :) the pdf is there ;) cool. Now you just have to apply the unicode patch to get chinese characters :) Action: siesel will go to a halloween party now :) have fun, where do you go? cu l8r Siegen. am rhein? Nichts ist schlimmer als "Siegen" ! :) Nicht ganz, eher oberhalb von Gießen/Frankfurt Jedoch gibt es von Bonn aus keine direkte Autobahn. d.h. 2 Stunden Autofahrt. mdupont: Where do you come from? Ahh ich Wohne in FFM Du bist ja um die Eke! Giessen? da war ich oft Was ist denn FFM? Frankfurt am Main Ich kenne nur "FRA" ;) hehe Wenn Du mal nach Fra kommst, ruf mich an, wir k?nnten uns auf einen Cafe treffen Aber es ist gut Verstärkung hier in der Ecke zu haben, dann kommt Reinhard nicht auf die Idee das nächste Appserver Meeting in österreich zu halten ;) Ja gerne. totally cannot understand.. Germany... :) siesel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Wartet mal, da ist noch einer in Liechtenstein, in der Naehe von Oesterreich ;) also 2:23 dann Nein, bitte nicht ;) 2:2 :) Was ist den mit Christian selig, der kommt auch aus der Ecke um Frankfurt. 2:3 :) hmmm Ok, have to run. siesel_ ( left irc: Client Quit Christian? Doch er kommt aus Darmstadt, oder? der Ruhige vom GNU Stand? siesel ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Ruhiger dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" <-- compier for postgres! it works!!! jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: ! jcater: tell rob that i think its hilarious he flushed his teeth down the toilet i got Compiere db build on postgres mdupont: keep that talk up and you will be banned from this channel. ;) (j/k) what? why? derek: this is a hostile takeover of compier soon it will be running with gnuenterprise at least the database models will be merged and consolidated check it out i am going to try and match the compier tables against the gcd specification files tomorrow that way we can show how well it meets the requirements (of gnue) derek: he doesn't find it funny btw, sick picture of a mouse mdupont: becareful it is under MPL and i dont think that is GPL compatiable jcater: i felt 'weird' taking the mouse pictures... but i took 2 more this morning as i caught another mouse last night the mpl should be gpl compatible our cat has been amazingly effective with our mice I haven't seen any this year Action: jcater is a little surprised since we had his front claws removed Action: mdupont just mailed the list please feel free to respond, gotta run bye Nick change: mdupont -> md-party-till-mo Nick change: wtg`sleep -> wtg This is a free software license which is not a strong copyleft; unlike the X11 license, it has some complex restrictions that make it incompatible with the GNU GPL. That is, a module covered by the GPL and a module covered by the MPL cannot legally be linked together. We urge you not to use the MPL for this reason. according to FSF legal team MPL is not GNU GPL compatiable for the record Action: derek is not certain that compiere is MPL or not (purely going by memory) I thought MPL let you colicense as GPL or is that just how Mozilla does it Later all. Have a great Halloween. Ogart ( left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.31 [Mozilla rv:1.4/20030624]" nickr: it is my understanding that Mozilla Team was persauded that the MPL had "problems" rather than them try to change the license (see poor copyright management is a no no) they decided to switch to a "dual" license actually let me retract that i beleive they forced copyright assignment via wordingof the MPL but wanted to keep the MPL because of some commericial contracts already signed yea. in any event Mozilla is dual licensed MPL/GPL but the MPL is incompatiable with GPL Action: chillywi1ly goes off to havoc's wedding ;P chillywi1ly: run! stop him! save him! hmmmm does brandy know you feel this way about mariage? yes :) derek: lets look at some scenarios : 1. you have a MPL licensed database schema included for compatiblity with this Compiere 2. you have gpled code that will connect to that database and extract data 3. we build a GNUE server that can handle that database, but still it is gpl connecting to a database is not a derivitive work 4. we can build a better model that encompasses the content of Compiere without copying its names or files into the new one i dont see a real problem we cannot just mix the compiere tables into gpled tables unless your just working on a compiere-to-gnue conversion script, it would make me nervous too to borrow well, gnue does not do all this and I am not asking you to borrow i am going to do a *review* of compiere and a match of what the db does and compare that to what we have and what the requirements are then I can plan out what needs to be implemented still the good thing about compiere are the database concepts and the design patterns those can be extracted and reimplemented via a complete rewrite there are only a handfull on concepts, many of the tables in there implement only aspects of a single table for example, asset has like 15 tables one for each transaction so there is alot for me to learn Action: md-party-till-mo writes to them and asks for permission to use the db under GPL Action: md-party-till-mo can provide the derived works from the db under the GPL and the MPL with thier permission jcater: i fwd the mail to the list did you get my mail about the dbmodels? it went through, yes Action: jcater is at work atm R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. ok talk to you later dude mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "Later..." ToyMan (~stuq@ left irc: Remote closed the connection bonwi mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Ogart ( joined #gnuenterprise. Ogart ( left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.31 [Mozilla rv:1.4/20030624]" jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" gsoti (~gsotiroff@ joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: gsoti -> gsoti_away derek ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. gsoti_away (~gsotiroff@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. did someone have the grd files explainations? How it is made and why is that way. I know it is simple xml, but it is kind of hard to read without some documentation. SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) gsoti_away (~gsotiroff@ joined #gnuenterprise. gsoti_away (~gsotiroff@ left irc: Client Quit gsoti_away (~gsotiroff@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: gsoti_away -> gsoti_zz mcuria (~maxy@ joined #gnuenterprise. gsoti_zz (~gsotiroff@ left #gnuenterprise. dyfet ( left irc: "Client exiting" ah! i missed dyfet! you did :-/ 22:22 i just got back from our family's annual Halloween party 22:23 uncle Paul has a cotton candy machine and we put out > 600 bags 22:23 and were interviewed by the local newspaper 22:23 so more brats and 20 year old leeches can drive in from foreign neighborhoods next year :) haha ;] it's all good aaauuughhh.... cooootton caaandyyyyy.... :-o~~~```~~ ... gsoti_zz (~gsotiroff@ joined #gnuenterprise. --- Sat Nov 1 2003