gsoti_zz (~gsotiroff@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) md-party-till-mo ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) hum... anyone know about the gnue-report filter pdf? how did I actually use it -f pdf? lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( left irc: "Lost terminal" got that working now.. but now is... Where is all the xml files DTD... R45 (~R45@ joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai: hi dcmwai: i know nothing. sorry. dtm: hi... I know you know nothing :) haha kthx i just thought *everyone* should know that, once and for all. "It is axiomatic that every program contains at least one bug and can be reduced in size by at least one instruction, therefore, every computer program can be reduced to a single instruction which does not work." mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45 (~R45@ got netsplit. jamest ( got netsplit. wendall911 ( got netsplit. SachaAway ( got netsplit. ajmitch ( got netsplit. Stoke ( got netsplit. dimas (~dimas@ got netsplit. dtm ( got netsplit. chillywi1ly ( got netsplit. lxf (~agus_tea@ got netsplit. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ got netsplit. johannesX ( got netsplit. LuftHans ( got netsplit. mouns ( got netsplit. mcuria (~maxy@ got netsplit. dneighbo ( got netsplit. mcuria (~maxy@ returned to #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( returned to #gnuenterprise. mouns ( returned to #gnuenterprise. LuftHans ( returned to #gnuenterprise. SachaAway ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywi1ly ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Stoke ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dtm ( returned to #gnuenterprise. johannesX ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ returned to #gnuenterprise. wendall911 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jamest ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ returned to #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ returned to #gnuenterprise. R45 (~R45@ returned to #gnuenterprise. mdupont ( joined #gnuenterprise. mcuria (~maxy@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) 'lo dtm :) 'lo people :) lo hi or lo, as it may be. Action: mdupont found a really cool location for the fsf and gnue for the next LInuxTag mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdupont: yo mdupont: are you partied out? yes, a bit Action: mdupont is on the phone dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" llallalallaa. gsoti_zz ( joined #gnuenterprise. back dtm: are you one the gnue-dev list? nosir Nick change: gsoti_zz -> gsoti well, let me forward some mails i got permission from J?rgen Janke to use the Compiere db schema under the gpl why'd you have to get explicit permission? wasn't it already? is there any explicit license for the schema? it is mpl okay well i dont know the MPL offhand. :/ mdupont: so he changed it to be dual licensed under MPL and GPL? he allows me to dual license, yes neat did you find the DCL schema? yes, it is also in my schema dir here it is did you see that, from the DCL roadmap page? Action: mdupont looks and note that the 1.0 point on DCL's roadmap includes the contact management it looks like i dont have that schema let me look wait i do watch and workorder but that is not the scheme from there Nick change: gsoti -> gsoti_away gsoti_away ( left irc: mdupont: what's not the schema from where? mdupont: maybe you should email and and ask which is the currently correct schema either cvs or derek's "datadictionary" thing. mdupont: do they conflict, or does one look like a superset of the other? i got it it is from here what's from where? you need to get DCL from cvs did you? yes let me check that is my CVS/Root but it might be in a branch it has a table projectmap but no dcl_project_map the last i knew, you need to get the project called 'dclgw' not the one called 'dcl' It's a trap! Abort! Abort! { cvs branch 'dcl' self destructs } Unless they renamed it in the last 6 months or so. ok it's called 'dclgw' because he lightly ported it to phpgroupware s/he/mdean/ fyi mdean is the biggity bomb, yo and he lives about 3 hours from my house so i'll hafta go get him someday. we'll go and drink a DCL somewhere ;) :) me gets the latest branch co -r dcl-20020215-branch dclgw a-o-tay so i guess that command would update your local dir named 'dcl-20020215-branch' ? rsync style? er, 'rsync --delete -a' style :) right? checks out the command was cvs co -r dcl-20020215-branch dclgw but this does not have all the tables only a few more dcl_product_modul dcl_preferences dcl_session dcl_wiki dcl_wo_account dcl_wo_type the rest are the same i dont understnad cvs syntax very well. what does 'dcl-20020215-branch' have to do with anything dclgw/scripts/install/xml/dcl.xml that contains but there is no sql file with it hm ok here's the command i always used --> cvs -z3 co -r dcl-20020215-stable dclgw the -r "BRANCH" is the branch selector so i guess that's the same command except you're getting the development branch where I was getting the stable one? on the front page says to use that branch to help test so it should be the newest so in other words, "yes" ? yes ok roger that, big daddy ok well it seems that the schema is stored in xml ok, so i got now the new pgsql schema by using xslt there is a strong disconnect between the pgsql schema there and the xml ajmitch ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) mdupont: in DCL? yes Action: mdupont writes a bug report mdupont: you should consult mdean and derek ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. i will when the get online Action: mdupont posts a patch to dcl email is best ajmitch: hi well sf has a patch system Nick change: mdupont -> md-afk bbiab R45 (~R45@ left irc: "Lost terminal" ajmitch ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" SachaAway ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) SachaAway ( joined #gnuenterprise. gsoti_away ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: gsoti_away -> gsoti Sasha: hi oops -> Sacha ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: gsoti -> gsoti_away Nick change: md-afk -> mdupont dtm: they rejected my patch : mdean wrote : Don't use the XML for the current code - it is for HEAD. Use the files in the schema directory instead. jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection gsoti_away ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: mdupont hase now aria ported to postgres jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) gsoti_away ( joined #gnuenterprise. mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. gsoti_away ( left irc: R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: R45 -> so Nick change: so -> R45 gsoti ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyone awake? yip dtm: where are you? hey jamest probably watching sat. morning cartoon so i have gotten a large number of these packages ported to postgres aria, compiere etc did you get reply from them on the gpl thing? Action: jamest isn't up to speed on the issue but saw your post yes, he gave me permission to dual license i forward the answer to the list i haven't read my mail today so things are going well I wanted to get a copy of the phpgw schema a client decided I didn't need a weekend but most of it is hidden in the php code jamest: that sucks. I hope that they are paying? oh they'll pay SachaAway ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) good news gsoti ( left irc: "Client Exiting" so i am looking for a copy of the phpgw schema does anyone have it installed? i don't ok, well i can wait dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. i am not very impressed by what i have seen so far :( gsoti ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdupont, oh? what happen? all bad schema? SachaAway ( joined #gnuenterprise. i mean the phpgw schema is not as impressive as the other ones oh ah that one I know.. their ERP system seem to be very complicated.. and very advance.. yes? in phpgw? reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. gsoti ( left irc: "Client Exiting" mdupont, yes isn't that right? so, i have gotten these dbs under postgres : aria bbstatus compiere custom dcl dclnew(unstable) freemoney gforge gnucash ipac phpgw sqlledger xiwa xoops zbc their sql script seem to be on some files (which is make to be different and can be easily import using smarty) hi reinhard CrysMonkey ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard did you like that WinzerHof? that looks really like the perfect place to get all together and have a party mdupont, have you check nolapro Schema? (I think that should be much similary to aria but with some different) I'm a newbie with gnuenterprise - can anybody help me get GNUetools on windows working with my linux mysql backend server? dcmwai: let me see hi everybody by the way not yet let me get that CrysMonkey, that should be easy. CrysMonkey, as long as the gnue.conf and connection.conf is setup correctly. easy for you, it doesn't seems to work for me. GNueDesigner hangs when trying to connect CrysMonkey, I've try that and it work (but it was ages old) GnueDesinger in windows... hum I didn't seem to recall any halt there. mdupont: what was WinzerHof? was it the italian style bar? Action: dcmwai done this on the 5.0 version wiich is half year old. I suppose I should set up at least some sort of user/password for the mysql server as he might not be able to connect that is a big schwabish house near karlsruhe (45min with the tram) we can get room for the entire gnue and fsf team for the linux world did you get my mail? check it out dcmwai: do you need the response from the designer? this is what it says: reinhard: i also got permission to dual license compiere under the gpl/mpl DB000: ImportError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character u'\u0151' in position can anybody help? do I might need the unicode version of wxpython on windows? CrysMonkey, by default.. mysql didn't allow connection other than localhost... mdupont: that is not how I read their response CrysMonkey, thought so... no? did you see the last one? best I can tell, they are talking about writing programs that work on top of their base system not in using parts of their code for your code dcmwai : yeah, I know but it has been set up the allow the local network in jcater: good point, i will clarify that no problem with mysql mdupont: just reading my mails dcmwai: nolapro is not free CrysMonkey, I think is is a Python Problem I am not a lawyer, though I can get in via several mysql tools with the necessary password however, I've been known to play one in IRC mdupont, Yes it is not... dcmwai: that's what I think as well. CrysMonkey, try to update and retry again.. You shouldn't get any charater/Font set in windows. i'm using 2.3.2 the latest release dcmwai: I have aria, and that is like nola, basically a fork of python but for wxpython there are 2 versions, one for unicode, and I have the other can it be a problem? yeah I think that is the problem CrysMonkey, Maybe .. I'm not sure but you problem is about character ma so it is highly possible mdupont: wrt compiere et al basically it is a good idea to look at other programs to "learn" from them ok I'll try this, thanks dcmwai wrt? however we always have to be careful to not include proprietary code into gnue wrt = with regard to yes, reinhard. Compiere is MPL and someone could see SQL schema as code and I am just looking at the database model i am trying to get permission to use that model under the GPL dual licensed with the MPL yeah saw that so it is not propreitory just wanted to point out that you have to be very careful yes, i am trying to be very careful ok just wanted to make that sure :) ;) thanks for the concern i am planning on making a new model with a clean naming convention mdupont, Just check if there are change... and sythesizing all these models into a new one mdupont, but I'm doubt that they will :) i dont think it is really worth it to just copy all the schemas togeather I will have to to a clean re-write mdupont, haha :) mdupont, GOGO :) but want to have a solid set of inputs and requirements to begin with dcmwai: i have designed huge databases this thing is just a set of concepts and patterns mdupont, How huge it is? most of it can be generated from a core set of classes mdupont, can aria use it ;) what i have designed? or compiere? dcmwai: in the past for worldcom, i made many database some with hundreds of tables or at least 150 but most dbs have redundant stuff in them well aria is gpl compatible i think oh I see i am not in design mode right now, i am in collect mode and port mode Yes it will always be .. as long as I'm one of the developer. soon i will have all these models running on my postgres server dcmwai: you an aria developer? mdupont, You don't know yet :) ::) mdupont, I hide well :) thats funny mdupont, I didn't hide just that you didn't seem to know it :) siesal know that :) dcmwai: i really have not done too much research into the packages just got the tarball extracted the sql and loaded that into my postgres server but that is really cool that you know aria it is my number #2 pick in terms of db complexity :) CrysMonkey ( left #gnuenterprise. mdupont, but still I think that it is too much tables :) well, we will see what I can do i want to match up the gnue requirements to the tables from each system and see if they meet them so then we can compare the tables from each system via the requirement with each other and produce a new clean set of tables mdupont, gnue-sb DB is from Nola (aria-erp mom) so it is likly to be compitable.. but I think aria db schema is no good enough. hmm well, i have not look into nola in detail mdupont: you might also want to look at because aria seemed to have the same stuff at first glance it's very outdated but the basic ideas should still be valid mdupont, it is not seem It is :) ok, well then i need to do nola as well ok yes, well i will stick to the gnue standards reinhard, any report guide? :) no reinhard, oh that too bad do you knwo any have it? even the design of grd design... dcmwai: i have to confess that i didn't look much at reports :( reinhard, Nvm :0 reinhard: about the winzerhof, the reason why i think that it is a good idea is because we will be able to get everyone in one place and it is not expensive not for the cooking, but for the price/benefit i think a house for the whole group has a advantage mdupont: ok i understand but its ok, what is winzerhof? i am just making a suggesstion dcmwai: it is a large house where they make wine and rent rooms : like a vacation house reinhard: i have also written a couple of mails and we might be able to get a place at a school where a good friend of mine teaches in KA I can't go ... :) why not? you would not make it to the expo? mdupont, I'm at Malaysia, don't have much money to be there. :( hehe! that is funny mdupont, how funny, I'm broke :( ohh did not mean that If I've time and the money I'll sure be there but No beer, just cola :) hehe so you are muslim i assume, if you live in indonesia sorry, malaysia mdupont, Guess wrong, I'm a Malaysia Chinese and I do speak Chinese and Malay. :) no, indonesia is the muslim one, malaysia is the non muslim one thats cool Indonesia is a theocracy, iirc. ok, no insult intended Action: mdupont has to get ready for another party because I'm practice buddhist and a vegetarial so I don't drink beer or alcholic. dcmwai: that is good for you. I should do that as well. Action: mdupont is a normal consumer of toxins mdupont, I love that :) Nick change: mdupont -> md-party malaysia is an antiresting place, I used to have a friend from there buddism is really cool. I read alot of buddist texts md-party, Nice try :) nickr, antiresting? interesting see you all tomorrow? sorry I can barely see my screen bye md-party, bye Ok time to sleep.. Night.. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" Maja-STB (S-T-B@ppp-105-92-SMIN.Verat.Net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Maja-STB (S-T-B@ppp-105-92-SMIN.Verat.Net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) sjc ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater_ ( left irc: "Client exiting" hi md-party: you party animal R45 ( left irc: "leaving" mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. sjc ( left irc: "Client exiting" dneighbo ( left irc: Connection timed out reinhard_ ( left irc: "If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody." Nick change: md-party -> mdupont Nick change: mdupont -> md-ZZzzZZzz wendall911 ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) anyone know much about report? dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. --- Sun Nov 2 2003