Action: dcmwai wounder.... Who in #gnuenterprise undert fully how the gnue-report work... only the authors :) Who is the author.. I saw jamest , jcater and siesal on the list some crazy guy could be all three As far As I see.. they are.. Hum where is derek... possibly sleeping Nick change: SachaLunch -> SachaS Nick change: wtg -> wtg`afk nickr ( left irc: "Lost terminal" nickr ( joined #gnuenterprise. lupo__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. lupo__ ( left irc: Remote closed the connection reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning dcmwai: i'm pretty sure it's reinhard i think he wrote the current appserver originally the architect, as i know it chillywilly knows hi btami hi all dtm/dcmway: i confess nothing oh dcmwai not dcmway reinhard: confess... I confess after I read all the doc and example.. I still have hard time with it.... It is Not Easy can i try to explain something? do you have any questions? reinhard: Not really a question Is the way the report work... I think that I can do it this way Aria-->xmlrpc-->output.. But actually it was.. Aria--xmlrpc(without data)-->access database, get data-->format database using Gnue-report own way-->Output... which isn't much easy to customize it to print a PO/DO dcmwai: sorry dtm said about appserver now i read the logs and see you talk about reports jcater is our reports guru appserver.. Oh that isn't really what I've touch.. :) sorry reinhard: oh i thought he meant the appserver! sorry! ;) np reinhard: but you're still da man. reinhard: How is appserver going? the php and javascript is done ? jemfinch ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). reinhard: Sorry :( dcmwai: what is your actual broblem with reports? is it php related or gnue-reports or another? btami: Gune-report related.. i'm trying to answer, if i can :) It is about the UTF-8 code which send from database /grd files to the gnue-report. ah, this is siesel's patch issue the output xml always have an iso8895-1 code.. anyway to change it? I've that patch but what is the patch really doing i havn't tried it, wait a min... ok as i see, it encode to utf-8 the text data coming from db Yep please try that patch with html filter with gnue-reports first ? btami, there is another patch with html filter? where can I get that? no, that patch is for tabulator filter, wich has several output formats html,pdf,txt... btami: so you are suggesting that I do the same to html/pdf filter source no, the patch modifies only, tabulator/ and ye Action: btami talking about a patch, he never applied :) But something strange in the pdf filter... the fonts.. is not at the right dir... ArialUnicodeMS is a Windows ... Linux didn't have that... Action: dcmwai is thinking of getting a free unicode Fonts what have lots of the Code. :) yes, this the reason i'v suggested html to try first btami: let try :) and if it works, you can add more font_to_filename in :) Action: btami doesn't knows chinese font names dcmwai using btami: by changing the filter from raw to html I've this... The server returned an error (1): exceptions.AttributeError:'module' object has no attribute 'TransformAdapter' Action: dcmwai have no idea what fonts will be use.. but perferable it a Fonts that with everylanguages with int... So it might be ArialUnicodeMS siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning Action: dcmwai is so happy that siesel POP up in the middle on Somewhere... griassle hi siesel hi btmai, Griassle Lufthans, Nihao dcmwai :) dcmwai, it works for me with python(i have no php) Action: siesel reads logs siesel: HAHA... Action: btami is happy, da masta on the board Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway dcmwai: What report file are you using? Can you mail it to me? Or help me to translate monthly.grd to chin. ? So we have a common basis to test the unicode mode. I didn't used that code for some month, so I'll have to check if it still works for myself. HTML output I've allready tried and should work. I'll back in ca. 30 min, if you want to work on this issues. dcmwai: have you got a [simple:html] section in your report-filters.conf with engine=tabulator ? mdupont ( joined #gnuenterprise. just want to know the problem is only a font issue in and siesel's patch is ok Sorry I was away... np siesel: Now testing html.. I've try pdf but Just the charter isn't right other is ok btami: engine = sablotron??? why is the engine different? siesel: Will Do can I just do some simple translation :) there is too, one is XSLT, another(tabulator) is XSLT-less btami: So which one should I use? with sablotron you can produce any output/layout format if you write xsl i'm suggesting tabulator it has pdf output btami: then it shouldn't be a problem... ok.. I'm changing it. still the same ... The server returned an error (1): exceptions.AttributeError:'module' object has no attribute 'TransformAdapter' and siesel's patch is for tabulator :) I did read thgough python.. it is not hard but it isn't that easy... expecially the error message.. dcmwai: have you got a [simple:html] section in your report-filters.conf with engine=tabulator ? YEp That is what I do.. Action: dcmwai didn't restart the gnue-report server (didn I need to?) siesel: what is your email? am I lost? in space :) I'll back in ca. 30 min, if you want to work on this issues. btami: ah.. really I'm lost... I missed that... Action: dcmwai is sick... so what about a GUI for configuring GNUE? like a gui for making the config files and searching for databases and servers? mdupont: fell free to start writing a .gfd for that ok i think that is really needed there is a connection.gfd in common/utils ok great i'm packaging that for win32 stuff ok it's siesels work, but i have to say jcater don't liked the idea too much enabling *users* to write bad db config however win users likes it, IMHO ok well, let me see what i can do Nick change: mdupont -> md-work later btami: what jcater don't like about? btami: can I ask you to do me a favour? yes Action: SachaAway is checking out OpenGroupware live knoppix cd Nick change: SachaAway -> SachaS When the time that aria can use gnue-report can you packages a gnue-report for win32? sure btami: for *nix user it is not problem but for all the win32 user... It is hard for me to tell them what todo... Action: dcmwai had stop windowsing for 7 months :) btami: Thank You :) nice opengroupware looks nice SachaS: opengroupware is nice.. the webmail is really good. Just the same problem on all programming... International support ..."suck" ;) dcmwai did you check the live cd? SachaS: I've the server install it :) ok. :) i heard its not so easy to install ;) w thats why i got the iso SachaS: What is the different from the live CD opengreoupware compare to the one we have? s/w/back/ :) dcmwai it is on a knoppix cd . so no installation, you just boot the distribution and have an installed (demo) opengroupware :) Action: dcmwai have no idea.. why knoppix cd need opengroupware.. Action: dcmwai is thinking maybe they are trying to do a "diskless" Server :) dcmwai. opengroupware is installed n a knoppix cd ;) dcmwai: yes they are yeah , why not ... or just to allow people to check opengroupware out without any installation SachaS: ah I've miss type. dtm: diskless server? Really? siesel: is the email address correct? yes. I got your mail. Thx. dcmwai: well, i suppose so! siesel: but just wouner can it run? dtm: woo..... dcmwai: yeah dcmwai: html is working. but the page title etc. need a seperate patch, so we better leave it for later. siesel: that can be compensite... probably I should commit that patch to common but why your html work and mind don't... hum... seems like it don|t find the adapter so probably a path is not set correct. The server returned an error (1): exceptions.SystemExit: Database driver needs updated to not initialize DBSIG_DataObject_Object This is on the debug log... thats strange. this is the new error message (from test.php) The server returned an error (1): exceptions.AttributeError:'module' object has no attribute 'TransformAdapter' Seems like gnue-reports can't find the transform adapter. This is code from isn't that the html filter is html? yes, but there is much stuff added before that html what is in the [mappings] part of your report-filters.conf? [mappings].... wait there is not [mappings] then please add the following two lines: s/not/no [mappings] simple = GNUe:Reports:SimpleTabulation sure :) siesel: Mind I say.. I did miss again.. :( just saw mappings.. [mappings] simple = GNUe:Reports:SimpleTabulation mailmerge = GNUe:Reports:MailMerge labels = GNUe:Reports:Labels standard = GNUe:Reports:Standard siesel: sometime when you away, btami said it might have something to do with enging.. And I've change to engine = tabulator before that it was engine = sablotron ok, so it seems to be a different problem. :( mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) can you let python parse the tabulator/ file? IMHO the problem could be caused by an syntax error just do a python Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 33, in ? from gnue.common.foTraceback (most recent call last): File "", line 33, in ? from gnue.common.formatting import GTypecast ImportError: No module named gnue.common.formatting rmatting import GTypecast ImportError: No module named gnue.common.formatting Action: dcmwai is away: Dinner, Let get food and Go home :) dcmwai: that's good :) As the syntax is correct. When you back please do a cvs update, as I add some more debugging output to the filter setup to check for the error occuring on your system. mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas_ (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: dcmwai is back (gone 00:34:18) now back :) :) siesel: I find that most of the time the developer seem to use is to catch "Bug" and the error message of the programming is really... hum too not human like dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Client Quit so what messages do you get? DB000: UnicodeError: UTF-8 decoding error: invalid data what is the context? As this finally is a unicode problem :) Both of the context have this problem as long as the filter is html what about the old 'TransformAdapter' problem? Did it work now? oop... em. even using pdf on the original context .. monthly.grd it still problem What about it? siesel: I should say.. as long as there is a -S in the grcvs it will be the same error. So it works without the -S? it work for pdf, raw without -S on the original files Can you do an CVS update and try to reproduce the error, as I added some debug code to fix it. on the new files (unicode, Chinese) it will be UnicodeError: Latin-1 encoding error: ordinal not in range(256) that is ok, as I haven't commited a patch to allow unicode strings in grd files. siesel: still the same.. can you run it with --debug-level=12 and search for Import of Filter from XXX successful? Action: siesel doesn't understand why it doesn't work with the server. --debug-level=12 is on server or grcvs? dcmwai: is it working without server? btami: Yes but only pdf and raw but not html siesel: What error message you want. DB003: [ServerAdapter:358] Transform result None into 1 DB000: UnicodeError: UTF-8 decoding error: invalid data 1st line is server error 2nd line is grcvs error ok. the real error is that UTF-8 one. think so.. btw. pdf with titles work now too :) hey siesel that is not fair... haha.. I've dig the whole day for it and it work on your site.. :) Action: dcmwai is thinking about just sending all aria report to siesel machien :) yes, I'll have heavy patched version ;) siesel: commit! siesel: But it is running and I'm the labrat :) DB000: File "/var/", line 65, in processChildren DB000: dest.write(child.getContent().encode(gConfig('textEncoding'))) siesel: what do you see from here... btami: I don't like to break too much. ok, that's good. what is you textEncoding setting in gnue.conf? siesel: what should be set try utf-8 first. you can't, it's broken, at least on dcmwai's box :) siesel: No still the same.. anyway I've to go back .. it is 19:00 here. I'll try in my house applying all patch and then ... Give siesel an SSH account :) (lasttime the form problem was solve that way) :) by jcater :) good, so lets try it that way. so siesel Send me you ssh Public key and I'll make it easier.. :) siesel: Ok Night. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Client Quit dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. siesel, It is almost done.. cool. siesel, wait something wrong with my numpad.. :( dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. siesel, Yep it is done.. siesel, you can connect to my system using SSH is at port 22 siesel, If you need to page me my ICQ is 601356, AIM ia godinheavenchan ok. I'll be on the bed.. I'm really sick.. :( Action: dcmwai get change to sleep.. ok, hope you soon get better. hope tomorrow I'll get well.. else it will be a big problem for me. one second. it doesn't work. siesel, better try not... oop. I know why.. waut wait lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. I've typo in your username .. Now try again, siesel :) which username should I use? jan or siesel? which one is more perferable? jan :) siesel, sure wait. siesel, now you can really try try with jan siesel, the gnue files is on /share/gnue the configuration is on /usr/local/gnue/etc Action: dcmwai get change still won't work :( siesel, Oh that is something wrong... wait siesel, try again. Should be fine now.. yes. it works now :) oh saw you siesel, the cvs files installed is on /usr/local/bin alias I menat the gnue files is on /share/gnue siesel, if any progrem .. problem not progrem.. (this really meant I'm sick) ... ok. I'll try later. siesel, ok :) ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dcmwai is away: Sleeping, Good Night Nick change: dcmwai -> dcmwai|AWAY Nick change: wtg`afk -> wtg`sleep btami ( left irc: jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning sir james siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi siesel hi chillywilly how are you? jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. ok just dropped scotty off at school morning jcater Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAwaway Nick change: SachaAwaway -> SachaAway ajmitch: are you aroung? mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911 (~wendallc@ joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo_ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dneighbo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: md-work -> mdupont hi all hi siesel did anyone see the slashdot article on compiere? johannesX ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) hi mdupont. which article? Url? Nick change: mdupont -> md-afk-1h lupo__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. marcose ( joined #gnuenterprise. marcose ( left irc: Remote closed the connection seisel: Compiere article: not very interesting thx. Action: siesel read just the article :) really not interesting. Nick change: md-afk-1h -> mdupont jamest ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. no the article is not very interesting but janke is going to get a suprise when I start taking away customers or better put gnu enterprise jamest ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywi1ly ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdupont: do you mean that 15 line article or something else? siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) gnue-appserver and gnue-navigator now in unstable. jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: (that's specifically aimed at you, in case you only search for your name in the logs) Great! Great! siesel, hi.. Nick change: dcmwai|AWAY -> dcmwai Action: dcmwai is away: I'm busy hi dcmwai Action: dcmwai is back (gone 00:00:03) Nice 5 hours sleep :) any good news siesel.... Action: dcmwai is away: I'm busy I couldn't try it out, as the scripts (gfcvs, etc. are set only user readable/writable) Action: dcmwai hate this away and back message But it should work no. /no/now/s siesel, Anything I can do to help that (how about a sudo) :) full right sudo ;) IMHO it should work now, as I've done some commits, and a cvs update on your computer siesel, I'm not really why it is user base I've install it as systemwide let try :) siesel, em.. after something change on the gnue-report did I need to restart the server? yes. Really? I think it just will pickup the update... ooh.. Up to now the server is missing a restart function, so you have to do a killalll python2.3 siesel, I know ;) can you do a "chmod a+rx /share/gnue/gnue-*/scripts/g*" ? done Now system is running tripwire.. hum Just finished.. :) /usr/local/gnue/etc/etc/connections.conf the configuration files is on the wrong dir hum.. where to change it /usr/local/gnue/etc/connections.conf This should be the right one siesel: yes jbailey: hooray reinhard: i am commited now to making the next generation of applications with gnue i am going to start with rewriting compiere in gnue from scratch table by table mdupont: seriously i don't think that makes sense field by field i will rewrite the entire database and rename it reinhard: Basically, just ping me when it's time for the next test releases, I'll throw them into experimental - It's easy for anyone using unstable to get those. reinhard: no? reinhard: Then I can toss the final releases into unstable and let them flow up. jbailey: ok mdupont, So compiere will be our default/template schema? mdupont: i don't think the goal of this project is to copy anything existing AFAICT, we're still aiming at a December release for Debian, so any changes need to go in now-ish. dcmwai: i will port the compiere into the existing gcd schemas oh so really just implement the gnu gcd files manually using the compiere as a fleshy source of field definitions mdupont: however i am not "this project" so i can't speak for all dcmwai: you have to edit : share/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/ jbailey: i don't really think we will have another release before sarge well siesel, haha.. It is you fault.. :) you reinstall it :) reinhard do you think i am going too far ? siesel, nvm let me do the installationg reinhard: we probably need small improvements, as an init.d file etc. and a way to kill the application server mdupont: i think you shoot too quick here but I agree, the really big changes (procedures support etc) we should be provide later siesel: i agree with you here siesel: however i'm not sure about the priority of these "little" improvements reinhard: just fyi, I agree with you wrt schemas IMHO: init.d script priorty 9 on a scale of 1 (high) -10 (low), but killing appserver is on 3 or 5 it makes me nervous copying someone else's reinhard: that is wise but i am now commited my fate depends on success mdupont: it _could_ make sense to try to translate compiere's schema as a "practice" for gnue or as a "proof of concept" but not for "real" gnue just to "try if it would work" mdupont: your fate should never depend on anything that's not in your hand but that's another story :) siesel, You fixing it? it is in my hand IMHO its important to look at and learn from compiere. siesel: skill -kill gnue-appserver siesel, I can now see the monthly2.grd able to get in ? but the text is still unreable. I meant unicode text i am going to make an ERP mdupont, GOGO :) and it is going to be GPL dcmwai: just try to set browser encoding to utf-8 and it is going to work mdupont, Remember to make it paperless :-) (can make authorized within the program) siesel, Pdf... also need utf-8? a micro payment micro ERP siesel, html filter still now working.. and grdcvs die when running it from PHP siesel, wah.. that is killing.. Ok I'll leave you here with my PC... siesel, don't do something really funny with the root :) siesel, ok? dcmwai: thx, but I don't need the root. morning hi ajmitch siesel: you asked if i were around earlier? :) yes. As I needed more info about dotGNU and Mono. :) ah I tried you dotGNU packages, but they didn't work as I expected :( oh? what broke? dotGNU? dcmwai: html is working now. siesel, what is the real problem? some configuration? dgee isn't starting, the different pnet packages have dependency problems and can't be installed. oh, doesn't surpsie me if you're using dgee from cvs :) did you happen to grab my daily build packages? dcmwai: no, I commited before I pressed save. ajmitch: yes, I confess. :) siesel: hehe, sorry :) har.. so it is borken in the cvs but not your machine. so I was forced to try mono. :( I have to rebuild the lot of them after pnet 0.6.0 :) bad siesel! ;) Action: siesel searches his beloved brown paper bag. Error processing css file: /usr/local/gnue/share/gnue/filters/SimpleTabulation/tabulator.css? ajmich: if you interessed, I got something working: siesel, but the html is generated hmm siesel: somewhere around there's code to embed pnet in with python :) Thank siesel :) ajmitch: Yes, I should have asked you first. :) dcmwai: its strange, that just happen when using the -d option Action: ajmitch goes about rebuilding needed pnet debs ajmitch: cdbs. It's Good and Right. siesel, very strange ... jbailey: heh jbailey: I'll consider it one day, perhaps :) Bah! The simplicity. The fine, fine simplicity! dcmwai: I checked it again, and its always there. its no problem. dcmwai: the reason why the other styles are not working is because they use sablotron or libxslt and both is not installed on your machine. siesel, Oh .. what should be done.. siesel: a start on pnet+python here: ajmitch: nothing there anymore :( hmm ok dcmwai: try to install the python bindings for libxslt best not for me to follow old links :) siesel, ok let do this tomorrow.. siesel, is all the changes in the cvs server? dcmwai: dcmwai: yes. siesel, is this changllenging :) siesel, you have found some of the problem that you never think of. :) Action: dcmwai xchat notification don't work anymore... ;9 yes, and every problem is leading to better code. mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. Ok siesel, I need to sleep It is 05:15 :) solve the rest of the problem tomorrow ... bye dcmwai ok, cu then. ajmitch, siesel, bye and enjoy your day. siesel, the last problem will be the encoding.. :) YES At last Action: dcmwai quit Action: dcmwai quit irc oop.. I think I'm still sick.. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" mdupont ( left irc: Remote closed the connection mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) wendall911 (~wendallc@ left irc: "Download Gaim:" reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911 (~wendallc@ joined #gnuenterprise. lupo__ ( left irc: Remote closed the connection reinhard_ ( left irc: "Don't contradict a woman -- wait until she does herself." reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Nick change: wtg`sleep -> wtg ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Nick change: jcater_ -> jcater dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" wendall911 (~wendallc@ left irc: "Download Gaim:" Nick change: SachaAway -> SachaS dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Remote closed the connection suman (~suman@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all is gnue suitable for building frameworks can gnu-e be used for building frameworks? suman: yes sir. jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" suman: i dont understand the question GNU Enterprise *is* a framework Nick change: dneighbo_ -> derek mcuria ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) how goes it derek, dtm? good on gimpnet not sure how to register a nick gimp net doesnt have services Action: derek has used derek there for years (i dont thtink i ever registered it) grrrr ah Action: Vee haunts #sodipodi, #gimp and when I find a bug you can find me in #gnumeric during the 5 minutes or less it takes jody or mort to fix it.. ;) (man them guys, rock) you there bugging the #gnome people to change their evil ways? :) no just #gnucash people ahh Nick change: SachaS -> SachaLunch Vee: hi alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek: How are you? LuftHans: How are you? Everyone: How are you? hi Action: derek still doesnt get what evolution doesnt like about your encrypted email trying to get thunderbird package on debian to see if it does same thing or if its sickness of evolution Hmm.. I forgot about that issue. I thought you were using tbird evolution is of the devil :) How about I send you some test emails. One plain, one signed, one encrypted and one signed and encrypted? derek: i have the enigmail plugin for mozilla! derek: that is my first foray into encrypted mail. Action: alandd puts on email client war armour and sits on the sidelines to watch. derek: hey dood, you wanna put me on the g4c local chapter list? I have GPG with Kmail and Kgpg. I like it so far. dtm: g4c? alandd: dtm: what are the lang. we need to know ? suman: did you read the web site? derek: test email sent as listed. dtm: ya i was python dtm: ya it was python dtm: also can u give me some starting points mcuria ( joined #gnuenterprise. suman: i'll refer you to the others here because i'm not a software engineer :) dtm: we are starting on a semester proj so we need some help in that direction dtm: ok ,who is good at that here? alandd: evolution is on crack... thunderbird works fine python and xml are two good things to know wrt GNU Enterprise tried evolution once. to bulky for me. went back to kmail. suman: what are you wanting to to do, specifically, for a project? i like evolution (to a degree) i was using thunderbird as evolution pissed me off but its offline mail sucked so i went to evolution and started using its calendar and offline mail well latest version offline mail is fscked so going back to thunderbird i think :) offline? you can go offline? what a horrible fate.... :) yeah... carpool :) i did get wireless networking going thtough so wattching broncos vs patriots as i talk :) Hey. Guys. suman is asking questions. suman: ajmitch is a good one :) I finally found out how to select stuff in evo last night, it's the big open field right in the middle GUIs really confuse me mutt doesn't have a gui LuftHans =) wtg: yeah, but mutt's worse than a GUI :) wtg: i question if mutt has a UI at all i think it has TI (torture interface) haha Action: LuftHans uses pine, except it isn't Free Software, so I have to use something else for our non-profit ( by my own ruling ) Action: LuftHans generally manages to annoy everyone with his list of the 3 worst user interfaces: dselect, mutt, emacs :) order depends on what I last had to touch ;-) lol well i got nothing but <3 for mutt =P~ dtm: no, I'm crazed & deranged & quite unstable, not 'a good one' mutt >> all well i agree on all but emacs :) ok :) ajmitch: sorry dewd LuftHans: hehehe ajmitch: sorry for delay ajmitch: we want to develop an application framework for eduactional institutions ajmitch: r u still there? yes I'm still here if he was, he'd answer :) :P good ol ajmitch Action: ajmitch is not exactly a GNUe developer - derek is the one to talk to about it derek wont even answer ME! poor dtm ajmitch: so can i use gnu e for that? we were planning to use j2ee,web services,oracle and Qt poor poor dtm suman: I guess so derek: ^ man, mudvayne apparently still rules ajmitch: but gnu e doesn't support web services right define webservices :) ajmitch: SOAP+XML over HTTP Action: ajmitch guesses a combination of GNUe & DotGNU might have what you need ajmitch: i think thats 2 much to learn for a sem project and j2ee/oracle/etc isn't? :) ajmitch: geez yeah you took the words outta my mouth! ajmitch: also can u tell me about the userbase of gnu-e. i want the numbers? suman: nobody could ever know that! it's free! :) suman: I don't know - I'm not that involved with GNUe again, derek is the man to talk to hush, dtm :P ajmitch: nope, cuz we have J2EE is part of our curriculum,so we atleast know half of it ajmitch: ok man thx for the suggestion derek: can u respond sorry doing work... let me read back log ajmitch: can u ask derek to help me out Action: derek is getting used to jabber at work where it "flags" me when people say my name derek: thanks for the response,catch u later ooh, you have jabber at work? :) he works everywhere, always suman: it depends im not sure what you want to do if you want to build database applications i think GNU Enterprise is a suitable framework if you want to build an eLearning system or the likes... likely GNU Enterprise isnt the right tool we do support webservices in our application server Action: ajmitch knows of phpgw people doing elearning stuff or even in the 2 tier client if you wanted to use python modules to do so derek: nope we want to build database applications only suman: oh yeah. lex is doing elearning. dtm: yes, lex.. i was just trying to remember who was doing stuff.. suman: then GNU Enterprise is suitable what confuses me is you say... suman: he's replacing that Blackboard app, whatever it's called. "we want to build a framework" derek are you sure you should tell people that they can get your attn by mentioning your name on irc ? GNU Enterprise is a framework i mean it's a great idea ... i just wouldn't tell anyone =) ajmitch: yes jabber at work and where i iconsult derek: also we want to make it a full fledged project that schools and colleges esp in developing countries can use,so that people can customise it and use it,may be sometimes as easy as changing some options numbers... dtm: blackboard is not a nice system, it's installed at uni here :) we have over 30 people (iirc) with assignment to FSF for GNU Enterprise (so over 30 coders) about which 5 or 10 are fairly active derek: true gnu-e is a framework,but what we want to build is also a framework, but it is domain specific we have at least 2 production sites using gnu-e and i mean using heavily actually make that 4 production sites (i forgot about 2 of jcaters businesses) derek: ok thats cool we have several other groups investigating derek: also one of my doubts was if i base my framework on gnu-e will we face some problems because a very less people will use it,because at the end of the day what we want is that our application should be useful dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. derek: also one of my doubts was if i base my framework on gnu-e will we face some problems because a very less people will use it as less people know abt gnu-e ,because at the end of the day what we want is that our application should be useful i still dont get this "base my framework" GNU Enterprise is a framework... why not just contribute to GNU Enterprise suman: gnue's marketing is irrelevant. you'll always need to market your own product anyway! suman: the directoin you're wanting to contribute to gnue in, is its own niche derek: ok i can,but it's mostly bussiness process oriented not oriented towards schools and coleges dtm: i am not going to sell it, i jus want to see people using it suman: also irrelevant commercial usage or not, it's your job to market your niche first of all, free software probably is not the most popular cohesive enterprise framework to start with. so any framework that bucks the trend is going to go uphill. dtm: ok i agree with you,that's why i am asking about gnu-e, free software is used in the widgets and components and low level platforms, but isn't always recognizable at the top it's up to all of us to change that :) dtm: maynot be for enterprises,it is good for schools it's good for everything. whether people actually use it at this point in civilization is another thing. and if someone such as yourself breaks through into a niche, then that increases marketability dtm: nope,it's only that the good apps are written on commercial platforms ne way we are onn the same side,so yeah :) dtm: ya mine is a niche area,thats why i shud carefully tread the path suman: yeah and gnue is a pretty mature framework as far as free software goes in general, my understanding of the world is that every platform requires vast investment regardless of maturity or price in order to integrate it into an organization dtm: ya thats a good point so basically you should jump into gnue dtm: not so quick,i guess ,coz dtm: since i am writing a domain specific app it should be easy to maintain i mean you should have your functional specs and design specs and map those to gnue's capabilities suman (~suman@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) I was about to mention jamest's using the framework to write a game.. ;) jcater uses it to get chicks pimp and donuts but then, he's gone and I have work to do.. :-. when i was at ksu i hadda use the Newton er wait, that didn't work. no, it was macs. that's what worked. :-/ using macs gets you donuts? Action: Vee seriously reconsiders his choices in platforms.. :-I and i lent my Newton MP100 to a buddy and he gawt chix0ringz they're like "hey is that a computer in your pocket?" naw babe *wink* heh yea, I can see where a mac would be more useful there.. --- Tue Nov 4 2003