Action: Vee whistles innocently Action: ajmitch looks at Vee how goes it ajmitch going ok ohhhhh.. I love the new nice oh, when was it changed? I havent run it in a long time Setup CVS environment for gnue-appserver? (Yes,No,All,neVer) [Y] ah yes Action: ajmitch ran it last week or so it's quite good dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. hmm.. I get a nice short and sweet traceback now, too.. instead of some milelong thing I got before.. hehe hi dcmwai Vee: Traceback? hello ajmitch :) dcmwai: I'm just testing my broked form against the recent changes that've been made recent == anything since hmm.. july/august? haha :) I've got fedora install on my workstation :) this is different that the upgrade that I've at home... :( earlier I was actually playing with various irc bots... it would be sweet++ if we could intermingle data from here and the web.. especially things like faqs and possibly even reference materials gnue specific and python, even.. maybe have it monitor cvs activity rather than relying on ciabot.. makes nice logs and has a neat feature in that if you want to say something 'off the record' you just.. [off] and this wont get logged.. ;) Vee: eleet. ah... irc logger.. well.. when I say use it for reference material I mean something like.. sql: toc union ( UNION Syntax) ah what is that? a quick means of pointing to source material .. rather than say spitting out that chunk of info to the channel sql: toc union ... dcmwai: #mysql ;) Action: dcmwai is blur... Ignore me :) Vee: yeah we need a google/dictionary/acronym gateway, a url paster, a keyword logger, and a piston-powered auto-troutslapper !php array array: could easily be !python import or whatever Vee: btw, hi 'sup dan the man? btw ;) ohhhhhhh just still kickin' how bout chew? just pondering... you're pondering chocolate. I know. wife just walked in.. bbiab hi @ wife !php array nothinw work :) !google Vee haha :) :) !google why is there no google gateway bot in this channel? well what I know still not running :) !google someone please hurry up and install a bot. i'm losing google queries by the minute. Action: ajmitch unplugs dtm Action: dtm head droops as he slowly powers down Action: dcmwai notice dtm is unpluged... and plug dtm again :) Action: dtm winds up SYSTEM CHECK no, don't be cruel to him 62357 BYTES FREE READY> only 62357 bytes? 10: PRINT "HI" dude. i *do* have an OS to load. 20: GOTO 10 RUN that takes at *least* a couple K. heh.. if it was good enough for the apollo missions, eh? then it's good enough for my Atari. a couple of K? what extravagant monstrosity are you running? I so love not having to run a fan in here now.. Vee: How is things going? Nice ok, been pretty busy, but that's a good thing dcmwai: you? Vee: I'm pretty the same.. Busy and much things to do causing me always our of my mind what I need to do... anyone have try design a Gnue-Report Design Files before? Action: dcmwai wounder how can I pass the design files with the SQL "Where" Script. Action: dcmwai is reinstallationg xchat brb dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. Vee: do you have any idea how can I do such a things? 1) I've a HDD (ext3) with CP950/Big5 Coded Filename... do you have anyway so that I can convert all of them into UTF-8? I am completely clueless in such matters.. :( This is killing... dcmwai: wow. i have no idea. dcmwai: is there a utility that'll convert them? you should search google,, and for f in dir/*; do mv "$f" "$(echo $f | iconv -f cp950 -t utf8)"; done :) :-o Impressive. however, you should enclose "dir/*" in quotes. md-zzzz ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dtm: I'm not quite how this work can you help me in that? md-zzzz ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm: how should I improve them? just like i said. for f in "dir/*"; do mv "$f" "$(echo $f | iconv -f cp950 -t utf8)"; done :) in case your source files have spaces and such. dtm: the "dir/*" is that a variable? s/that/what? dtm: the "dir/*" is what, a variable? Action: dcmwai fount using s/ is so hard :) no, it's your source pathnames. dtm: oop.. source path name... yeah. what will happen if I put ./ ./* I meant same as "*" cwd it's the current working directory dcmwai: do you need to just do one directory at a time, or do you need to do many? dtm: so it will work on every subdir under the current working directory all of them under a hierarchy? no, just the current. dtm many under a hierarchy.. Ah.. for f in "find dir/" ..... dtm: would that using a find command better :) yes. ah just what I 'm typing you got me the answer :) for f in "find -type f \"\*.mp3\"" ..... ;) haha :) should change to ogg :) oh yeah. So the whole command would be for f in "find ./"; do mv "$f" "$(echo $f | iconv -f cp950 -t utf8)"; done right :) yeah well. if you want to include directories and files both. instead of only files or only directories. dtm: I want to include both files and directory. ok. then you're fine. ah : ) Thank dtm :) Runtime Error occured: There is an error in one of this document's triggers. Traceback: Trigger "unknown" (unknown), line 13 'int' object has no attribute 'start' exceptions.AttributeError: ("'int' object has no attribute 'start'",) love that.. it's so much prettier to look at.. ;) mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: md-zzzz -> mdupont mornin mdupont hex Vee i mean hey! :) so i have come to the conclusioin that Compiere is a bloated monster and it is way over engineered doesn't surprise me :) it has tables for fields,tables and report generators mdupont: hehe and even the java processes it is one huge mess and batch oriented yay, another drop kick... i have never seen so many "run-ids" everything is just a run i want a sysem that is almost real time at least from the design and the processes should be not held in the database but by the appserver so, really this thing is not 3 tiered, but just old 2 tiered anyway, dcl is cleaner and SqlLedger is next on the review list yay @ dcl what about ck-ledger? :) mdupont: you are far more powerful than I could have possibly imagined. maybe i can take some stuff from compiere but i want to find some simpler models first dtm: you are far more dramatic than i could possibly have imagined ;) oic dtm? dramatic? ajmitch: i have downloaded ck-ledger already it is on the list you want me to up its priority? Action: dtm jumps upside down on his head, and spins some breakdance kicks at ajmitch, in bullet time doesn't worry me thwapthwapthwapthwapthwapthwap >=] :) dtm: did you take your medication this morning? you know what the doctor said... mdupont: he's constantly this nuts I think he's past medical help :/ :) just kidding dtm, you know we all like you ;) yes i know!! everyone luvs dtm! and I love YOU and YOU, and you Tin Man! Action: dtm scruffs up ajmitch on the head ok, i have this finnish girl to take care of. bbiab and YOU, Scarecrow!! mdupont: :-. mdupont: hi @ jaana Nick change: mdupont -> md-breakfast dtm: heip? hei dtm :-) that was jaana speaking finnish hi! <3 christoph (~christoph@ left irc: Remote closed the connection btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry_ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ajmitch: hey kiwi, see you in the semi's brother ;) should be a great game =) wtg ( left irc: Remote closed the connection btami ( left irc: wt ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Nick change: jcater_ -> jcater mornin mornin Action: jcater hugs Vee Action: Vee feels luvd say, what was that wiki and/or cms you spoke of several months back with an inclination to use as a document system, IIRC guess I could probably google for it, too.. ;) hmm it was the one zope uses, I think so go to, click on Zope Book and there should be a "Powered By" link not seeing anything, but this is all familiar so I'm sure it's what you referenced i think it's plone dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. dtm, are you still there? Nick change: wt -> wtg`sleep jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. gnue design is not running in fedora again... wounder if that is my fedora python problem... Nick change: md-breakfast -> mdupont dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jkk ( joined #gnuenterprise. chatzilla is pretty nice it's ok, but as far as IRC client go, irrsi > * clients* url? irssi for text mode, x-chat for X mode. =) jkk, It's pretty cool to take a browser and some xml and come up with an irc client. indeed jkk, But I think xchat is better siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. I've been using erc-mode in emacs a lot lately. i have never launched chatzilla before Action: jkk was a pretty hard code ircII user but i dont get on irc these days anyway what is the primary language for development in GNUe? Action: jkk reads the faq xml or python great! thank god its not c++ i'm not picky on irc clients, so long as i can converse. I've never understood the need for anything more ;) wendall911, Well, xchat is nice because it uses tabs for all the channels you have joined. can GNUe use a non-relational database backend i.e. ZODB i use the irc with gaim, it has tabs...they are nice...I mostly like gaim because It does everything I need in one program. I'm not much of a chat person, so what do I know ;) oh yeah i should setup an irc gateway on my jabber server I use gaim for one-on-one conversations, but I have 7 channels open right now, and can have up to 15. gaim just didn't used to handle that well. s/can/may/ Action: Vee has 17 right now color me crazy.. ;) jbaily: it does it just fine it doesn't appear to crash any more...i'm using 0.71 jkk ( left irc: "ChatZilla 0.9.35 [Mozilla rv:1.5/20031007]" there's 2 main things keeping me from using gaim.. it's seg happy, particularly whenever my connection drops.. and it's lack of robust jabber support for headlines and browsing services Cool, I'll try it a bit later. Vee: if I used those services, i'm sure it would be an issue, i just pretty much use it to converse jkk: yes, you just have to write a db driver for it. FredFrog (AmoCissaa@ joined #gnuenterprise. What's better: gabber for aim or gaim got jabber? s/got/for/ Hoderr all. f.e. we have a dbdriver for ldap etc. Action: Vee uses psi but is waiting for a better jabber client to surface, or gaim/kopete/sompn to implement better jabber support howdy FredFrog Vee, Interesting. What is gaim lacking that psi has? (I don't know much about jabber) dsmith: a service browser and headline support, AFAIK gaim drops jabber connections frequently Howdy Vee. I'm just lurking while I explore around here. Learning Python. Can I get read-only status on the CVS at Savannah? not sure if it is a problem or gaim problem Action: Vee uses a private jabber server Vee, I tried to set one up once, but I couldn't get pth to compile on our (old) qube2 gsoti ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: gsoti -> gsoti_away psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu hiya jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" hi psu long time no see good evening i'm off work next week so kicking back & doing what I want to do for a while starting with IRC ;-) *sigh* the good life.. ;) one week kernel cousins ? :) so kicking back & doing what I want to do for a while ;-) Action: siesel is happy. ok, cu l8r. siesel ( left irc: "heading to party" hi psu evening ;-) good morning, chillywilly heheh, it's morning for me ;) Action: chillywilly was honing his mad interchange skillz Action: psu is planning his week off much of it will have to go on tasks around the house but i've negotiated a full day to re-install GNU/Linux on the desktop re-install == as the only OS, not dual boot try teh new Debian installer the* :) I 2nd that suggestion Action: psu was going to try a non-Debian distro as I've done debian with the old installer chillywilly: i'm getting a box ready for a Deb you have a link to that? I have high bandwidth, so the minimal install will work for me. not impossible, but fiddly compared to other distros & yes I know it's worth it for the benefit of having apt thereafter Of course, this desktop PC only has a 33.6k modem to talk to the outside world I've been doing alot of installs from Knoppix... so I was planning to do a CD install, which means Debian 3.0, or various Linux mag cover discs wendall911: Knoppix was my first thought too, but I appear to have lost my Knoppix CD *VERY* suspicious... it is really great if you have bandwidth, you just fdisk, chroot and wget whatever distro tarball env you want and away you go. Knoppix makes a great way to install a Debian box s/makes/is/ FredFrog (AmoCissaa@ left irc: " »¡« Scøøp Script 2003 »!« com o mais novo mIRC totalmente em português! " wendall911: one sec FredFrog (FredFrog@ joined #gnuenterprise. doh ty np derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyone up and about in here? no zzz psu!!!!!!!!!!! wassup hey vee Uhh can both of you hit and tell me what you see? Arizona Open Technology Organization To subscribe to our mailing list, send a message to I still get "Coming soon..." & logo maybe isp cache is getting in the way A derek, What vee said Nick change: gsoti_away -> gsoti wb gsoti hello Vee Vee: am in the middle of house / car maint. Action: Vee is sleepy Action: Vee goes to lay down but since oil is draining right now... ga night Vee psu, derek all I get is "Coming soon..." so some people are getting coming soon others getting mailing list? i expect this as domain services just got changed those that are getting coming soon derek, Yep have more efficient domain servers :) thtose that are getting mail lists... your dns servers of your isp are slow :) just was curious if had propogated out fully derek: links shows new site, mozilla shows old side Action: derek didnt expect so, but was curious both browsers on the same machine well refresh you cache :) host from that machine now shows new IP derek: it's pissing me off that 'reload' doesn't work yeah with mozilla you have to kill mozilla sometimes then reopen and that means all instances bah, if I have to do that I'll probably open galeon i had that problem other day anyhow with mozilla and one site wife uses that changed dns hmm, cleared the cache and it still pulls up the old page none of my tabs have it in their history either just cuz I haven't posted that in a few weeks :) shift-reload *bzzt*, try again use galeon then ;P :) got to get going to the InstallFest anyway 23h38m48s IN NS only sat down to check on a couple of batch jobs at work derek: take look at 23h38m9s IN A LuftHans: that image is HILARIOUS vend a goat gotta love it installfest crap looks like i miss another one :( derek: yeah, I find a reason to show it to someone every few weeks... Poorly designed vending machine. They never did a test before release. Nick change: gsoti -> gsoti_away psu ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) wtg`sleep ( got netsplit. SachaAway ( got netsplit. SachaAway ( returned to #gnuenterprise. wtg`sleep ( returned to #gnuenterprise. wtg`sleep ( got netsplit. wtg`sleep ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Vee: the good wikis are twiki and wikipedia. Vee: those are worthy of doc mgmt systems I used UseModWiki (iirc), Just a single perl script. Very simple to install. It was whatever uses. Someone was demonstrating twiki at a CLUG meeting a while ago. He seemed to have lots of trouble getting it running, so I stayed clear of it. gsoti_away ( left #gnuenterprise. R45 ( left irc: "Changing server" gsoti ( joined #gnuenterprise. FredFrog (FredFrog@ left irc: " »¡« Scøøp Script 2003 »!« pegue o seu! Grátis em " derek ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Nick change: gsoti -> gsoti_away mouns ( left irc: "A Bientot" dsmith: Those are not valid criteria for the use of a wiki. :) particularly for document mgmt. if i evaluated software by how easy it is to install, my life would be torture. i'd probably live in a proprietary world. but i digress. dtm, Yeah, you're right. I just wanted to get something runnning. But somethimes good design and plenty of testing makes for easier installs. sometimes! derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. FredFrog (FredFrog@ joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: gsoti_away -> gsoti derek ( left irc: Connection timed out FredFrog (FredFrog@ left irc: Client Quit dsmith ( left irc: "Leaving" wendall911 (~wendallc@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: gsoti -> gsoti_dinner Can anyone see the eclipse? All I see is clouds yes! it is great! frankfurt am main germany Action: dsmith only has one eye anyway, until the borked one heals. dsmith ( left irc: "Bah!" Nick change: mdupont -> md-eclipse Nick change: md-eclipse -> md-eclipse-watch ajmitch ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. night all Nick change: gsoti_dinner -> gsoti R45 ( left irc: "leaving" derek ( left irc: Connection timed out wtg`sleep ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. alandd ( left irc: "Client Exiting" alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. alandd ( left irc: "Leaving" --- Sun Nov 9 2003