derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. GNUPredator ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" md-eclipse-watch ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) gsoti ( left #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. wt ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: GNUPredator -> mdupont dcmwai (~dcmwai@ got netsplit. mdupont ( got netsplit. jcater ( got netsplit. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ returned to #gnuenterprise. mdupont ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jcater ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "rush to go..." reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning morning (alsways depends on when you got up ;-)) :) Action: siesel went to a party yesterday, i.e. moring = normal morning + 5 h family time reinhard ( left irc: "For each complex problem, there is a simple, understandable, obvious, and wrong solution." thierry_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry__ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi btami hello siesel hi hi dtm siesel: what's up Action: siesel 's working on appserver procedure support siesel: yeah i saw you've been kickin it appserver style siesel: good job, son siesel: i dont undersatnd your docs, but they look good :) docs? did I ever write docs? siesel: yeah your roadmap.. s/.././ ok, just send me a mail with questions, then I'll make it more verbose siesel: no need. im not a software engineer. wont make any difference at this point! :) thanks, though. so you concentrate on the packages? siesel: no, i have never used gnue except for DCL. i concentrate on things that surround GNUe and on community ok, I remember, you're working on DCL siesel: yeah i did the DCL roadmap and introduced the DCL and gnue developers cool most of my work has been totally fruitless because it involves organizing and motivating volunteer engineers :) and trying to align business interests, with no capital :) btw. is there a way to stop spam getting BUG numbers in DCL? but, that's how it goes. siesel: i'd guess shut off the email gateway, since there's no reason for having it yeah, you say it. Life is hard. One of the hardest. entrepreneurial life is hard! :) it would be easier to put my head down and STOP THINKING.... except that's impossible :) lol or have a whitelist or a spam filter yes, gnue needs that. Nowadays we have an autocreated roadmap. I would like to have an autocreated buglist too, oh really heheh do you have a TalkBack feature? :) Like a bug report created by dcl in another format, or something like that. hm. No, just the email gateway. But talkback would be great. And quite easy to implement. ah. how nice. Action: siesel thinks of using logged IRC instead of email, something like #gnue-tracebacks or #gnue-doomed ;) :-o btw. siesel: my triggers are ok with latest cvs ok, that's nice :) but there is an old problem, maybe you can solve prequery="Y" doesn't triggers triggers especially block level POST-FOCUSIN hmm? prequery imho shouldn't trigger focus triggers. but I know, that some focus trigger are a bit broken i don't think so doing a query manualy triggers it manually=from menu the reason why it is this way could be that we differentiate between record view and the query definition input mode so switching between these could trigger the focus triggers. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. using prequery there is no query definition input, so no prefocus is called. yes, but this is not correct IMO for what do you need it? Would an post-query trigger be the better solution? no, i'm just have some calculated (read only) fields on form btami: yes, it should be trigger for all or for no cases. ( me prefers the last one= anyhow, we need some standardization in forms triggers and document what trigger does what then anyone can complain and send bugreports :) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. btami: yes you're right. hello siesel :) I've got the mysql working now.. Now is thinking a way to write the grd files... I found out that its quite difficult to change the nowadays form, as prequery is something done by the database layer, i.e. it doesn't raise focus triggers hi dcmwai. cool. siesel, But it seem to be hard if you know what I meant... :( hi dcmwai it should be that bad :) dcmwai: there is a little wizard in designer for SimpleTabulation just describe which report you want to make and I probably can point you to the best sample to modify. For e.g the invoice po .. It get the from the po id, get the vendor id, then from the vendor id get that info from company (where address and etc is located) then get the item number, name and quantity and tec... Or better try btami's advice :) s/tec/etc... and the whole things Just become messy... btami, hello ok, so you have to do master detail datasources master detail datasource.. woo.. there put multiple entry into it? yes, have a look at samples/cross-tabulation will do .. :) Not time to bath and change courier-imap or the simplest samples/location/zip-by-state.grd Action: btami is dreaming about a jcater clone finishing universal reports is that going to be true? Action: btami wakes up hey guys, are you familiar with managing inventory and SKUs? if i have a candle with various scents, i need to know how to manage inventory generically speaking my understanding of SKU theory, is that a product line gets a base SKU regardless of cosmetic features like color or scent. if the base product is otherwise identical. and that an SKU is not meant to handle inventory is that true? or do you have base SKUs and sub SKUs? like 000001 for all candles, and 000001a for red, 000001b for blue, etc ? dtm, I don't know much about SKU but what I found is much different... i just want to know when I need to reorder the blue one! :) SKU should be including color, size and etc attribue dcmwai: oh really? and before SKU there is another Product Number ... So that Product Number is the Big Pieces, and sll SKU on the same Product is below it. interchange only handles SKU, and then options and accessories. but the SKU is the only serial number. s/sll/all interchange's demo store seems to use the model of 001a, 001b, 001c, etc for similar items such as various sizes of nails. what is that? what is what? interchange it's an ecommerce platform the best one, that is. Action: dcmwai is not so sure about it.. have to really got an SKU expert to answer all these question Action: dtm summon derek :) i encode my SKUs to include the hierarchy codes too they're about 7 digits long i'm not an expert about this area, but read something like concatenated field for identifying is a kiss of death instead use meaningless long numbers as id and use extra fields in your db for extra querying needs btami: ok, why kiss of death? why does that matter as conpared to a random-like number? concatenated field is restricted by the length of its peaces btami: how's that? let say you use 001a, 001b, 001c btami: btw i only have two levels of hierarchy. oh ok but what happens when you have 1000 things_? you can code only 999 oh, well, that doesn't matter. then i could still do anything i want. like add more digits, and modify my SKU algorithm. or go totally random, or anything in between. the only intrinsic restriction is that they're all atomically unique. if the parts of your SKU has no meaning, then ok no, doesn't matter at all. as long as my SKUs are unique. i see, then you are gold yeah. i mean, i could rename the SKUs, even. as long as all algorithms are updated i just dont know how to relate SKU to inventory. for sure. how would i know when to reorder a particular color? Nick change: btami -> btami_out well, thanks guys, ttyl ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" gsoti ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: btami_out -> btami hello dtm just reading the log, ya around? Nick change: gsoti -> gsoti_away siesel, how long more you will be around? ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm: SKU, Stock Keeping Unit, should identify a specific piece of inventory. You could inventory your candles as just 'candles' but it would be a messy system, how would you know what colors you have? Or scents? Or which ones you need to order? There may be another numbering system, beit related to the SKU or not, to identify the inventory in vaguer terms.. I use a catalog# (as I call it) for example, to identify a sh irt without knowing what size or color. I use a concatenated SKU and my catalog# is just the front portion of the sku sans the segments that describe the color & size.. Vee, You are still the expert :) I wouldnt claim that title haha :) I'm just familiar with some ways of doing things. Yes you always are.. Vee, it is 9'o clock on your time :) Morning :) 9:30 should be close to the same, evening time over there, eh? :) -exec -o time oop :) sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' sh: -c: line 1: `time' haha :) å 11 9 23:34:25 MYT 2003 ah this is better :) ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" is your clock set right? ;) I didnt think Malaysia was that much further east than Thailand Vee, You know West Malaysia? East Malaysia had adjuest the time according to them and this is same apply to singapour didnt know that.. I just know most of Thailand is 12hr difference from here I dont know if they do the daylight savings crap, however.. so I could be off an hour pending the season.. heh * btami is dreaming about a jcater clone finishing universal reports funny, I've been having the same dream gotta love those clones lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) btami ( left irc: Remote closed the connection lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) afternoon all hi thierry hello siesel Nick change: gsoti_away -> gsoti hello Vee howdy gsoti on SKU wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. I have also seen a single SKU tied to different inventory "numbers" So that various vendors can supply the same item. but as you say, it is still the same item and also be able to track the different item cost by ventdor. yes, in theory, on a shelf they would all appear the same. s/ventdor/vendor such would be the case with "house brands" vrs name brand items and then there is always the proverbial exception for every rule :-) those would be seperate items, where my products are concerned.. 'k sounds like you have a store in the mfg plant I use to work, we had several lines of products which could be sold under an assortment of different things, pending what label was stuck on them when they went out the door.. so we stocked them under a generic sku, and stocked labels each with their own sku.. to satisfy an order, we took 1ea generic and 1ea of whatever label was applicable to the sale and created a 3rd sku which identified the finish ed labeled product.. basically anyway. yep! jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). I used to work for brake products company they sold to several "brands" only diff was a last minute label and/or insturction sheets etc. right before going out door sorry about double-- i was typing when you were sending Vee: you are using GNUe? R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. gsoti: not right now.. gsoti: my intentions are to use gnue-sb as it progresses great! I think long term (> 5 years) most business going to be using FSF software. Already see that trend today in current work. getting to be thought of more and more in every meeting I attend. and some production solutions. short / long -- maybe <3 years, hard to say. But cost is big factor today. yea package solutions maybe on way out due to cost. package == proprietary software YEA package not always easy to work with, have to work around :-) I hear a lot of ads lately for sap's small/midsized business software on the radio bet they don't quote cost! course not.. they say "Give us a call.." ;) that is part of reason SAP and mysql are getting togethor... ( I hear the pied piper playing now "Give us a call...") Action: gsoti but i am not !! :-) hehe Vee: i tried the Debian Testing net install you doesn't set things up correctly at all...I'll have to reinstall and build from scratch mostly...:( Vee: It is a nice installer, but apt screws up Desktop configurations to the point that I cannot even log into failsafe xterm ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911: interesting.. which version did you go with? sid? sarge Vee: i chose the lazy package selection options Vee: not good Vee: it set up everything wrong, to the point that I couldn't get things running without reinstalling all gnome stuff again....i'll just rebuild and not be so lazy this time well, I only played with it upto the partitioning (not far) Vee: hardware detection rocks though :) but usually with netinst's I just get a very very very basic system and apt-get everything from there. Vee: that's what I need to do...I wanted to try the package selector out isn't working correctly I think I wonder what it is, actually.. aptitude? tasksel? I should play with it more I guess Action: Vee goes to finish rewiring his landlines lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" Nick change: gsoti -> gsoti_away dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Sleeping" gsoti_away ( got netsplit. jcater ( got netsplit. mdupont ( got netsplit. gsoti_away ( returned to #gnuenterprise. mdupont ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jcater ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Nick change: gsoti_away -> gsoti FredFrog (FredFrog@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. anybody around to answer a couple apt-get questions? FredFrog (FredFrog@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) wendall911, I have been known to, on occasion. dsmith: cool wendall911, So, whats up? dsmith: does apt have basic packages available for say xfree86 that I don't have to individually install every single package? Same for gnome. There are two things tasks and meta-packages A meta-package just has depenancies on other packages. THere are some for gnome and kde dsmith: I installed xfree86-server and xfree fonts, but there is no I installed is kinda strange package manager...practically worthless if I have to tell it every package along the way wendall911, It's a *good* thing to have fine-grained packages dsmith: agreed Somitmes you don't want a bunch of extra stuff There is also the tasks stuff. I don't remember how to use it. dsmith: but the absence of a metapackage that has the main components for getting xfree or gnome up and running is necessary imo dsmith; cool, i'll look up tasks Try apt-cache search gnome THere is a gnome meta-package, iirc dsmith: i did that, it was not available in testing for some reason wendall911, apt-cache search task (or maybe tasksel) Then apt-cache show dsmith: i used tasksel, it is crap, now reinstalling istr a gnome-desktop package dsmith: in #debian now, someone is giving some shortcuts :) Good dsmith: there isn't a gnome-desktop package :( ok, my bad memory I don't use gnome or kde. Just a wm and a few apps. dsmith: no problem, ty for the time :) sure, anytime FredFrog (FredFrog@ joined #gnuenterprise. Ho hmmm, the usual crowd... wendall911, So, what is the correct package to bring them all in. dsmith: there doesn't appear to be one for gnome2...I found that x-window-system appears to do the trick for X..installing now wendall911, Yeah, x-window-system. I remember that now. I was sure there was one for gnome. yo dsmith: i'm in #debian now, nobody seems to think there is chillywilly, Hey dsmith: they are pushing that tasksel crap wendall911, Ok. Yeah, tasksel is the new improved way instead of metapackages dsmith: i need a metapackage called gnome-desktop-without-the-crap-i-dont-need heh like any apps just barebones gnome-panel and gnome-controll-center will probabaly do that dsmith: hey hey chillywilly, Dude, I've got one working eye ? what happened to the other? chillywilly, Went to las vegas for a convention and got a bad infections AND some scratches dsmith: my thought was gnome-panel gnome-core gnome-control-center chillywilly: lol dsmith: didn't I tell you to behave yourself in vegas? ;P Action: wendall911 thinks prostitution is legal in vegas I behaved myself very well. yea, but some may have a moral objection to it ;) Action: wendall911 hopes to not get infections and scratches there :-D oh Lord ANYWAY My iris is frozen too. A real pain. dsmith: too much monitor time? well I hope you don't loose your eye or something that would totally suck To much handshaking I think. heh I have a friend who got out of eye surgery two days ago to fix that sort of thing...can't even tell and he sees perfectly now and just *who* were you shaking hand with? ;P All the competitors. you shouldn't rub your eyes after shaking hands. or other things nickr, Now you tell me. aaah, so they're using biological warfare now ;) hmmm, I never get sick maybe once or twice a year Me neither, usually I need some lunch Hey, today is my youngest kids 13th birthday. I've got three teenagers now. So have pity on me. Action: dsmith sobs with his one good eye. ;^) wendall911, Yeah, gnome-core sounds good too. dsmith: i think gnome-panel is all I need dsmith: i did gnome-core, and it was selected for removal before install, plus gnome-control-center is a dep dsmith: tomorrow is my birthday scorpios rule ;P dsmith: you're the hip kinda dad ;) derek ( left irc: Connection timed out derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" I just ran across a thing on Sensenbrenner, the Wisconsin Republican we chatted about the other night. Seems maybe he's techno-competent after all. This is from a Slate article on digital TV appearing in Berlin but not in the US: Sticking consumers with useless gadgetry so the government can hit a self-imposed quota ought to provoke consumer outrage. A "Dear Colleague" letter sent last spring to members of Congress by James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., a jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly knew he was not clueless hi jeff I let whomever that was have fun with their political apathy \o/ Heya Dan ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: gsoti -> gsoti_away gsoti_away ( left #gnuenterprise. apt-get does not appear to work very well Action: wendall911 wonders what the big deal is about Debian What's wrong with apt-get? Action: nickr blinks. The usual big deal is that everything Just Works, is available, you never have to compile things, upgrades are easy, and you never have to reinstall. It also tends to be very well supported. yea. It also has the advantage that if you care enough you can always do something about the problem yourself. yea. (up to and including become a DD and taking over the package) my apt-get broke already the docs at are poor at best and #debian is not very helpful dpkg is broken #debian is hell dpkg <__ is required to fix dpkg how'd you break dpkg docs say do: apt-get -f install that does nothing and dpkg --configure -a results in an error how'd you break dpkg? nickr: i just did an apt-get install gnome-alsasound and then what happened? how do you know dpkg is broken? nickr: i don't know for sure...without sufficient help with Debian from the community, i assume apt-get is still beta quality and I should go back to compiling No apt-get is not beta quality apt-get is a shotgun with which you can destroy your leg. nickr: i love linux, but apt-get just looks like another rpm If you approach it like that, then you will get what you expect. Why do you complain it's broken without pasting a single error message? jbailey: isn't that what #flood is for? wendall911: It's worth noting that apt-get is sufficiently non-beta that it's been ported to redhat and other rpm based platforms. wendall911: This channel doesn't follow the usual flood rules. jbailey: cool If it's excessively long, it's polite to check first. jbailey: i'll figure it out, but it doesn't look good when there does not appear to be sufficient support for apt-get from the Debian community and it breaks on basic things #debian is not the debian communit y its a cesspool wendall911: There's no such thing as a debian community. nickr: thanks, I didn't realize that more like a gladiator's arena for trolls :) heh that's what it appears to be this channel is probably the most useful debian help channel I know of ;) Action: ajmitch reminisces of the long hours spent here... cool, I will get a specific on the problem, brb...on another box To expect a single community for the second-most used distro according to netcraft would be putting a bit high of an expectation on a several million people. yea also one ofg the largest collections of software ever assembled. I'm here and there for the next little while. I have to get some work done, but I'll try and help wendall911 on his stuff with everyone else. jbaily; the problem in in one of the sound libs jbailey: i'll be able to fix it manually I think jbailey: i need to rebuild dpkg available in /var/lib/dpkg/available why do you believe you need to do that? nickr: it is erroring out everytime I try to remove a package and bombs on line 1 with that file referenced The only time you should need to edit that file is when something's eaten your harddrive. yea Need a specific error message, or all we're doing is guessing. jbailey: ok, it is in a different console, let me get the error...I want to know if there is a utility to rebuild that file though gsoti ( joined #gnuenterprise. FredFrog (FredFrog@ left irc: " »¡« Scøøp Script 2003 »!« pegue o seu em" wendall911: I have a vague idea about how I would do it. But I've b0rked my system in some incredible ways and never needed to. I think wee need to know wahts going on, or we're still just guessing jbailey: i think i know what happened...I think I killed it writing the file out after an install night dudes jbailey: the file is corrupt wendall911: Shouldn't be that - It writes to a file and mv's it in place. All the operations are atomic. You haven't convinced me that there's any problem with the file and aren't likely to until you show me an error message. jbailey: it looked like it stopped before it was written out all the way...i cleaned it up and it works, but I know information is missing jbailey: the error message is couldn't process that file error on line 1 missing colon jbailey: upon further inspection only half the gnome-alsamixer entry was written jbailey: so I removed the rest of the entry...I'm sure that will screw something up later if I cannot repair it sorry to bug you guys, i'm going to just reinstall...i'll figure out how to fix things once I have a chance to work with it a bit R45 ( left irc: "leaving" wendall911, I'm back. What kind of problems are you having? dsmith: i'm reinstalling...i corrupted /var/lib/dpkg/available wendall911, I think there is a backup somewhere. dsmith: it was corrupt as well available-old i believe Weird dsmith: i'm not sure when I killed it, i could do installs fine, but remove would error our s/our/out dsmith: no worries. I just had some doubts about apt-get...jbailey assured me it was rock solid apt-get will not let you hoze your system. dpkg will. dsmith: is there a way around deb packages that use dpkg? dsmith: or an alternative A deb is just an "ar" file with two tarballs inside. It's possible to open it up and install the pieces byt hand dsmith: i see dsmith: is there a known way to fix dpkg problems? dpkg allows you to overrride and force things, apt-get does not. dsmith: i hand edited the file and got things working again, but had a question about the validity of my changes Well, all the databases are text files, so you can edit them if needed. But I've never done that. Well, I did once, but I don't remember. dsmith: i don't have a problem reinstalling...i like to be familiar with things, this is as good of a way to learn as any dsmith: can I use unstable packages with testing? If the depenancies are met, sure. dsmith: some of the desktop packages are so old, they don't work anymore If not, just rebuild from souece. apt-get -b source dsmith: what is the process for doing so? from unstable that is nm :) That makes a .deb dsmith: very cool...does it automatically install the .deb, or do I have to do and apt-get install afterwards? You need to install it. dpkg -i dsmith: ok, is there a packages db? or do I need to DL the source locally? ? sorry, i mean sources db Ah In /etc/apt/sources.list sweet, ty dsmith: can I use sources not in the sources tree? From local sources? I don't have a Debian system in the house, or I'd paste some lines. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith: i'm almost back to where I was, so i think i'll be ok...thanks for answering all my questions wendall911, Sure. Local source? Hmmm. I know i'm asking for alot ;) There are some tools to automate building a new package. Or you can just install from source to /usr/local/ wendall911, There is some info on createing your own .debs, but mostly it isn't done. wendall911: Look at alien. You can use it to create simple packages from binary installs and stuff. Almost all .debs are from Deban, very very few "outside" packages. dsmith: I'll want to build some packages for things I've written and such, figuring it out once I understand the system shouldn't bee too difficult jbailey: great. is it available via apt-get? Yes Yup I've installed quite a few .rpms with alien Binaries from ibm. awesome...i'm liking this more and more, even given that I killed things once ;) Like viavoice and tsm dsmith: For my private source stuff, I usually do a make install to a different prefix, make a .tgz file, and use alien to install that. Action: wendall911 hates rpms jbailey, Yeah, I'd heard you can use alien on tarballs. Never tried it. jbailey: that would work perfectly for what I need. Much of my work is in PHP and Perl, so they aren't complex to install dsmith: Yeah. I want to hack alien to point it at an install dir to save me a step. jbailey, What about debhelper or dh-make or whatever? dsmith: I didn't know that viavoice had been ported to Linux. cool. debhelper and all that is way too much work for simple little packages that you don't want to share around. jbailey, There are some tools to help building .debs, but I'md not familiar with them. Like really, most of my debian/rules files are 2 or 3 lines tops because of cdbs. (I've cowritten some of those tools) jbailey, cdbs? apt-cache show cdbs I'm not near a Debian box Heretic. =) This package contains the Common Debian Build System, an abstract build system based on Makefile inheritance which is completely extensible and overridable. In other words, CDBS provides a sane set of default rules upon which packages can build; any or all rules may be overridden as needed. Just a FreeBSD laptop and OpenBSD firewall. Cool. It sounds like the freebsd-i386 folks will start up again in the new year. Nick change: gsoti -> gsoti_away jbailey: the new debian installer that Vee pointed me to works fairly well...doesn't do the greatest setting up Grub, but that was an easy fix...want to set the boot to / with no option to set to /boot which is where it installs it, no biggie, i'm sure it will be fixed wendall911: Yeah. The new installer isn't even considered beta yet. I've just installed 4.9, it's working well so far. jbailey: not a bad piece of work for pre-beta It might be cool for you too email them and tell them that - I think they mostly hear people yelling at them for things not being good enough. The nice thing about Debian is you only install it once. The installer team has it rough. 11 different processors, 3 different kernels, and having to autodetect everything and such. It's just upgrades from then on. jbailey: i'll do that, it is really close to being a brainless install Thanks. I think I need to hop off irc. I'm not actually getting any work done. back later today or tommorow, folks. Action: wendall911 is the problem...i'll shut up later jbailey Not at all. =) The problem is that the chat screen is up, and my programming window is not. =) I have to own this one. *poof* jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" heh :) wendall911, There is a really nice page with lots of Debian "tips". wendall911, It's bookmarked on my work machgine If you remember, send it my way tomorrow wendall911, Just basic info on using apt-get, apt-cache and the like. wendall911, If I can see. dsmith: understood wendall911, I'm not sure when I'll be back to work. dsmith: no hurry, once i get this Deb box up and running, i play to use it a workstation and test box for server apps, I'll end up having to learn it that way wendall911, Check out Action: wendall911 looks Good info there sometimes. Also has a link to the official unoffical apt sources list. dsmith: cool, thanks desktop apps are the main apps I'm concerned with for more current releases. I run gnome 2.4 on this desktop (Gentoo) and things like GAIM have to be updated frequently because, Yahoo and M$ tend to break things (on purpose) thierry_ ( left irc: "Client exiting" wendall911, Check out the unofficial apt-get sources list. You can get packages that are not (or not yet) in Debin. Like developer prereleases and packages that track the cvs of some project. dsmith: ty np wendall911:, see cafod Action: wendall911 looks If you tread very very carefully, sometimes it's good to ask on #debian-devel maybe s/dist-upgrade/upgrade/ on that doc, I'm debating that today... ask on #debian, just be aware that several regulars there are very, very caustic :( ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. #debian is the seventh layer of the pit LuftHans: I found that out the hard way Action: LuftHans wishes those particular people would move on to *BSD... :) LuftHans: that is very useful, ty heh LuftHans, #freebsd is *way* more caustic than #debian. wendall911, Kernel building on Debian is very cool. dsmith: i haven't done that yet, but i'm sure I will dsmith; does it use the hardware detection? dsmith: certain #hurd personalities have their moments :) wendall911, make-kpkg compiles a kernel and make a .deb thay you can install anywhere. wendall911: no prob, glad it helps ajmitch, heh I can imagine most people can use the default kernels, though LuftHans, True. Action: ajmitch can't use default kernels, iirc I always think that I can, then end up wanting to do something that requires me to recompile dsmith: what was the rpm->deb conversion util? alien alien ok, so it will do that as well, very cool other than testing SCSI patches at the last job, I haven't needed to compile a kernel in years avoid alien and use debs whenever possible, though LuftHans, yes. LuftHans: I've been messing around with some wireless cards that have me compiling custom kernels almost every time LuftHans: I just need it for personal use and some desktop apps that need to be current I haven't been able to rebuild a kernel at work. It always panics. I'm not configuring it properly. I hate it when that happens So I've been using stock kernels. wendall911: ah, ok. well hopefully those problems are going away :) LuftHans: that would be awesome siesel ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel_ ( left irc: Client Quit bah, just went through Tom's HW review of new video card manufacturer and no Free Software references :( LuftHans: what card? xgi or something, article link from /. dsmith: what method does Debian use to start items at boot? update-rc.d? wendall911, That updates the sylinks in the /etc/rc.N dirs. The rh equivallent is chkconfig iirc update-initd then? There is a local rc file you can edit, but I forgot the name. dsmith: ok, I'll find it Fred_Frog (~Fred_Frog@ joined #gnuenterprise. update-rc.d allows you to reconfig the startup scripts you can use it to add your own startup scripts s/reconfig/reconfig startup orders and run levels/ LuftHans: ty Bah! I've been googling for that tips page, but I can't find it. :( There are plenty though. the cool thing about google: it has everything the sucky thing about google: it has everything heh Google for "tips apt-get apt-cache dpkg" viva la command line editing :) dsmith: the quick way to get a Gnome desktop -> apt-get x-window-system, gdm, gnome-panel, metacity ...start gdm and away you go :) Action: wendall911 thinks they would know that over at #debian wendall911, Cool. I'm glad you found it. dsmith: i just figured that out by talking to you :) Action: dsmith is just an fvwm and aterm kinda guy. i used to use macs on the desktop and unix servers for over ten years, so I got spoiled by gui interfaces, but understand and use cl Anybody know the e-mail for James Thompson, he of the "GNUe Common: A Developer's Introduction"? Or is he here sometimes? FF: he's probably the jamest that's in here Fred_Frog: he is here often That'd be my guess Action: LuftHans only knows full name of Derek and only because he's a Neighbor :) Fred_Frog: i have it, but I'd have to have his permission to give it out....some people get upset over things like that I have a bunch of pesky (noobie-typoe) errors, and would like to pester him with my error message file -- which I imagine he can solve by inspection... Action: dsmith troutslaps LuftHans, chillywilly style Couldst send it to me? I'm Fred_Frog: he is here during the week FF: either post 'em in here or put them on a web page and post the URL in here dsmith: hey, that was almost a good bad joke :) I don't think it will go through my IRC: too many blank and short lines. I'm trying to run the Hello World from his into -- and getting apparently invisible characters. When I hand-type the thing, it complains "No module named gnue.common.GClientApp" LuftHans, Exactly, hence the troutslap Anybody got any thoughts? Troutslap is what you do if you don't have any eels left, I assume. FF: can you put it up on a web page somewhere? gsoti_away: hi Vee: thatnks I can mail you a .txt file.
UNIX/LINUS Administration
UNIX/LINUS Programming
does Tove know about this gig? i did update-initd --enable 'gdm' guessing from the man file, that adds it to the startup group...just a guess though...just rebooted, i'll see it works! LuftHans: hehehehe LuftHans: finally a book on how to administrate Linus!! Fred_Frog: its a bit outdated. LuftHans: his family must be overwhelmed You have to change it to: gnue.common.apps.GClientApp what would the cover pic be? Seisel -- And here I downloaded it yesterday, saw all the "TODO" notes, and thought it was a work in progress. Thanks for the change, Siesel. I'll give it a shot. What sort of change (i.e. version? whole new API? Whutt?) does that represent? Vee: i tend to agree with ya. i dont see any other way to sanely manage inventory in a way that's unified with physical retail operations and online operations.. it is a work in progress, ... just that the progress got interupted :) 12[1siesel12]11 Uh, that's rather what I suspected.... the API is almost the same, just some files got moved around, you should have a look in gnue-common/src/README Of course "interrupted" rather suggests a sense of direction that is not altogether apparent... In the Savannah CVS? Where is that src? in the tarball, either savannah cvs or gnue-common-0.5.2.tar.gz OK, I'll give it a shot tomorrow, when I'm at a Linux machine. Many thanks. btw. the version of the developers guide in cvs already hase the change to gnue.common.apps.GClientApp You're right. I've got it here now. OK, I'll switch to using that. Thanks again. siesel ( left irc: "night all" Fred_Frog (~Fred_Frog@ left irc: " »¡« Scøøp Script 2003 »!« pegue o seu em" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith ( left irc: "The new openbox looks cool, gonna try it out" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: gsoti_away -> gsoti ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyone around for a quick question wt ( left irc: "Client exiting" gsoti, Just ask ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith: figured it out. I am in process of building woody and wasn't sure which version of debootstrap to ftp get used "woody" Sorta makes a weird kinda sense. looking at the dir at the site, there was a pattern of daily time-stamped files. the deb site has a lot of versions to pick from, being new ... which one do you go for. the install instructions don't really say I dunno, never used debootstrap, except to make an nfsroot filesystem for a mipsel dev board. ever see this: I think I just apt-get source debootstrap hmmm never thought to look for apt util on suse wtg ( joined #gnuenterprise. unpacking now... I got a warning message from perl ugghhh Action: dsmith shivvers LANGUAGE = unset I know, but that is what the msg says gsoti, No clue, sorry LC_ALL = unset and others. Did people in #debian send you here? I have been learning/reading/running python using several manuals from that site gsoti, If not, you might want to try #debian. deb build is also part of getting up to speed. thankyou but the log said that was "hell" is that really true? heh I never had a problem. or were you salmon slapping? heh Welll, they did yell at me for /away messages picky picky picky :-) no life ?? them I mean... Lots of people. Every line is precious to them. oic dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. too many on the channel sort of makes sense I don't get too bent over an away msg though Well, they did. There are some good people there. Action: gsoti glad i managed without going there :-) heh They have no patience for people who do not want to learn. Action: gsoti I love learning anything new but still like to ask a question A lot of answers are which man page to read. oic "How do I configure my nic?" "man interfaces" apt is a cool bot to play with yes that might warrant a trout slap /msg apt news is good to do from time to time we all do make a slip of not thinking first on occasion. gsoti, Are you trying to rebuild all of woody from source? Or are you just installing it? installing from web site looks like it is stuck on unpacking cron nope, scolled down. x/sco/scro/ s/sco /scro :-P I've always installed from cd can't type anymore a distro ? Debain or copy from debian site hmmm I've dl'ed cd's from places and purchased cd's from cheapbytes. okay I think the last time I just used an installer cd. One of those little ones. No packages, just the base system. the instructions from the debian site seemed to be pretty straight forward. dsmith: okay on base sys I sort of anticipated a small sys over the net. The info made no mention of size. looking at what is still running.. got down to console tools and then more messages. ermmm got >> warning:Setting locale failed. Hmm. appears to still be running. hmmm. your distro a single CD? done Action: gsoti going back to install instructions for next step dsmith ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) Nick change: gsoti -> gsoti_away Action: gsoti_away enough for one night gsoti_away ( left #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. bear (~bear@ joined #gnuenterprise. --- Mon Nov 10 2003