hum.. someone help me with the grd .... did anyone have any experiences on writting them? damn I'm alone again.. :( derek: want to know something who know most about the gnue-report and the grd files? I've much problem on the grd design. Action: dcmwai is away ... Away from keyboard... Action: dcmwai is away: I'm busy nickr ( got netsplit. LuftHans ( got netsplit. SachaS ( got netsplit. dtm ( got netsplit. nickr ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dtm ( returned to #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( returned to #gnuenterprise. LuftHans ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai_ (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning gnuers hi thierry hello btami " I love the Orwellian Work Product known as MSFT. Every time somebody say they won't exclusively use Windows, MSFT says, "You Have To! If you don't you're Anti-Choice!"" -- slashdot md-bb2200CET ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) if anyone saw siesel... Please do tell me.. I'm looking for him .. :) md-bb2200CET ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi dcmwai_ mcuria-away ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) mcuria-away ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: mcuria-away -> mcuria Nick change: mcuria -> mcuria-away SachaS: Hello :) have to run :( Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: md-bb2200CET -> mdupont SynrG (synrg@synrg.usercloak.freenode) joined #gnuenterprise. good morning hello SynrG is this interesting? if this subproject is, in fact, started and becomes a going concern, does it fit with gnue's goals? Nick change: mdupont -> mdupont-work gnue is not about debian or any os gnue is about free enterprise business programs obviously but debian is a consumer (or potential consumer) like SAP, or something... cooperation between related free software projects and an interest in each others' work is not entirely unheard of :) yes, in fact gnue is a gnu project i am a debian developer myself and cooperate closely with the maintainers of another gnu project, gtypist the relationship has always been mutually beneficial SynerG: my english is reaaly poor, so i'm suggesting to wait sure for dneighbo/jcater/jamest the core peop i know derek that's why i thought i'd drop in or jbaylei but he's in a timezone that's probably still asleep for some time :) SynrG: that's all been done for a long time now SynrG: to the gentleman who made that post, i present '' dtm: "debian for enterprise" has been done before? i dont know about debian for enterprise, but a community replacement for RHAS as a subproject within debian, involving debian developers internally? thierry_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. SynrG: i was referring to his first paragraph right SynrG: there was no niche left by redhat. the context is "this is a debian developer list" fedora completely fills the niche? with no room for competition? there are other projects i'm not suggesting there should be duplication of effort. but some of us feel that debian's way offers significant advantages stand by otherwise, i doubt if we'd be doing what we're doing at all hm. i dont use feeling when evaluating enterprise technology :) s/feel/know/ :) oic :) it is ordinarily my style to qualify statements but if you want me to be arrogant, i can try quite acceptable :) ok well i totally lost the link for now, but there's a metaproject and several subprojects who are stripping out all encumbered elements of the commercial-only redhat products. in addition to fedora and fedora legacy i have more than just a casual interest in this. debian is (quite obviously) my platform of choice. i have a full-time job and family of seven to look after, which perhaps narrows my time to focus on distributions outside debian, so that's what i recommend/support for my friends and family. neat that's a big family! thierry ( left irc: Connection timed out there are two users i support, and possibly a third (among friends and family) who might benefit from gnu enterprise and you're most welcome to it! i'd like to see gnue be of the highest quality possible on the debian platform unfortunately, it is off-focus for me to take on the project myself as a developer, that is but as a user, that's a different matter dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) we need more users too :) if it's fairly easy to set up and maintain, i could take a support role for these two (potentially three) users SynrG: maybe you'll try it out hey, we have packages in sarge one user is my father, who, on top of his lifelong career as a university professor, runs a volunteer-run school on the side SynrG: neato SynrG: there are tons of projects behind freesoftware in education currently he only has linux deployed on his firewall. but he and my mother have both repeatedly been frustrated by the microsoft stuff on their desktop systems and are open to alternatives SynrG: start with the apps! basically, their situation is that they need SOHO stuff SynrG: get em on OOo and Mozilla SynrG: and such yes, that was my thought SynrG: is that feasible? SynrG: apps, then file formats but beyond that, what might gnue offer them as a SOHO? sounds like they're pretty "with it", so liberation takes its course have to go for 1 hour, bye SynrG: there's a subproject for gnue for small bidness btami: l8r user number two is a sort of "branch office" of that organization Nick change: btami -> btami_out SynrG: neat he is a pastor, with no prior exposure to Microsoft software ahhhh. how nice. we bought him a computer and installed debian + KDE on it (back in the days of the furor over KDE licensing, no less ... it was a pragmatic choice) dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. he has run that successfully for a few years now, in a remote location of our province i have had to handle *very* few service calls Nick change: mcuria-away -> mcuria SynrG: on the same insatllation of everything? a few upgrades neat. when he needed upgrades, i'd either patch remotely (he'd dialup and email me his ip#) or he'd bring his system into town (a few hour's drive) and i'd service it over a weekend (including some hardware stuff) my third potential user is my brother, who is setting up a side-business he is the managing editor of a magazine. he is selling remaindered books on the side. since he gets them free from work, which just throws them out, he can turn quite a profit on them :) so, having all of these people in mind, i would like to give a bit of thought to each of their varying business needs. SynrG: by what means does he sell them? are they in high bulk? he sells them online. SynrG: where? amazon auction type place? i think so ok huge bulk? his current challenge is that competitors seem to use auto-bidding hundreds per month? and he loses out to them hm. i'm not sure what kind of volume he moves what's that mean more specifically? is that some bot they use on the amazon-type auction site? or do they have their own sites? he is starting to teach his family members how to participate in the business too. ok. he has noticed in the bidding patterns that he always loses by the same increment he supposes this is because they have out-auto-bidded him so his competitors are outbidding him on a shared public bidding site? a la amazon? he raised the issue with me a month or so ago. i haven't heard from him recently on whether or not he has overcome the problem. i believe that's the problem, yes. :/ i have some interest in web scraping & building interfaces to web sites see my focus has always been on the home: building procedures that will make daily living easier yeah. but it's not a big leap from that to the needs of business we often face web sites over which we have no control, and we have no other means of access to the services provided to automatically interact with those sites, we need web bots i initially wrote alibi in perl. it then evolved into a python app. i have toyed with the idea of switching again to ruby ... but in the meantime, it remains as a python app because of broader library support er, routine libraries, not book libraries :) <-- web scraping proxy like that? yes, except that has a detestable license oic just from first perusal, anyway in what way, briefly? i read about wsp in DDJ ianal, but it seemed to not be dfsg free SynrG: so you wrote a web scraping proxy too? no ... i did it the "hard way" howzat well, the application started not as a web bot, but as a "screen scraper" which interacted with a telnet-based system so i extended that design to interact with the web instead the web scraping proxy is a general solution. a very elegant one too. Hmmm. so yours isn't a web scraping proxy. hm. basically, i acted as "human web scraping proxy" between myself and the system i was interacting with i talked to the system and observed the results heh! then i wrote custom code to deal with it this is not a very extensible model i'm hoping to refine that to make my code more general based on what i have observed from interacting with a few such systems SynrG: maybe you should rewrite AT&T's wsp ;) SynrG: er, no, you should look at take a look at "point 1" here is a comment back in 2001 on this license: it doesn't look good :( "We want everyone who receives the source to know what we have done vs. what changes have been done by others that we have not yet approved. This is primarily an issue of quality assurance." ... where "quality assurance" == "institutional paranoia" Action: SynrG nods Action: SynrG looks at metawrap Action: SynrG boggles the scope of that project is staggering ok, i'm going to need a bit of time to absorb all of that thanks for the reference :) i have to get myself ready to go to work (incidentally, professionally i am a software developer, and have primary responsibility for the webification of our legacy interfaces :) i have worked at the same company since 1985, developing first on VAX/VMS (actually, i came on when we were migrating to the system from PDP-11/RSTS-E) yeah it is staggering. holy crap. 1985?! well ok have a good one! :) thanks. you too Action: SynrG idles, hoping derek will take note of the first topic and comment SynrG: you can also post to the gnue mailing list dcmwai_ (~dcmwai@ left irc: Remote closed the connection ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. rerwer (AmoCissaa@ joined #gnuenterprise. Hoder all. Hoderr, dat is. dimas_ (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: thierry_ -> thierry Nick change: SachaAway -> SachaS dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly peeks in Nick change: mcuria -> mcuria-away Nick change: btami_out -> btami SynrG: jamest is your man to talk, "da masta" like derek :) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. i'm a lurker at least that's all i am lately and is derek active much anymore? i think the project has been taken over by the europeans! :) the "germans" :) yeah the GNUtonators :) haha jamest, what are you trying to do? or "GNUminators" jamest, em... do you know of anyone who know more about grd? jcater! jcater But jcater is not here :( jamest: hola hi ever'buddy what's up w/ the grd? S/nick SacahZzz Nick change: SachaS -> SachaZzzz siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all dcmwai: siesel is here ;) hi siesel hi SaschaStillAwake :) zzzz Ha... Siesel is here... finally jamest, I'm trying to design a grd to print Purchase order and also Invoice.. and I feel stupid for doing so... rerwer (AmoCissaa@ got netsplit. mcuria-away ( got netsplit. LuftHans ( got netsplit. SynrG (synrg@synrg.usercloak.freenode) got netsplit. SachaZzzz ( got netsplit. dtm ( got netsplit. nickr ( got netsplit. siesel ( got netsplit. jamest ( got netsplit. dimas_ (~dimas@ got netsplit. btami ( got netsplit. ajmitch ( got netsplit. siesel ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jamest ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dimas_ (~dimas@ returned to #gnuenterprise. rerwer (AmoCissaa@ returned to #gnuenterprise. SynrG (synrg@synrg.usercloak.freenode) returned to #gnuenterprise. mcuria-away ( returned to #gnuenterprise. btami ( returned to #gnuenterprise. LuftHans ( returned to #gnuenterprise. SachaZzzz ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dtm ( returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( returned to #gnuenterprise. damn netsplit.. :( that's a bugger to do jamest, Yes I think so.. but there must be a way.. siesel, any.... purchase order would print some items, an address, etc. all linked with a purchase_id right= /=/?/s Puchase Order will print, 1) Company Address and info 2) Vendor Address and info and also Vendor sales person. 3) The Purchased item (code id) Item name, quantity, Prices and the total Then the Page number. oop is page footer.. Here is some query on the aria.. ok. select vcompany.companyname,vcompany.address1,vcompany.address2,,vcompany.state,,vcompany.phone1,vcompany.phone1comment,vcompany.phone2,vcompany.phone2comment,vcompany.email1,vcompany.email1comment,,invpo.ponumber,invpo.ordernumber,invpo.duedate from company as vcompany,vendor,invpo where and and'.sqlprep($invpoid) Only to get company and vender address and info. oopp this is only to get vendor info and this is to get our own company info select,gencompany.address1,gencompany.address2,,gencompany.state,,,gencompany.phone1,gencompany.web, from gencompany where".sqlprep($active_company) IMHO it needs three/four datasources And this is to get the Item select item.itemcode,item.description,invpodetail.itemqty,invpodetail.itemprice,itemvendor.vordernumber,invpodetail.unitperpack from invpodetail cross join vendor cross join invpo cross join item left join itemvendor on and where and and and item.companyid=".sqlprep($active_company)." and invpodetail.invpoid=".sqlpre p($invpoid) siesel, It actually need 5~6 table ok, so 5-6 datasources 3 for company info (vnedor/own) and 3 for item siesel, what I don't really know here is that the cross here and there .. one master datasource (purchase order) and the rest datasources Yes Ok, I'll try to setup an example. what will you do if the purchase order is > 1 page? jamest, Break it.. how? reports doesn't do that well company name and info is the header.. jamest: how about leaving that to the end processing step? jamest, haha :) :) end processing step? i.e. report --(XML)--> XSLT --(latex)--> LATEX (page break) --> PDF/PS siesel, do you read php I can send you a files so that you can take it as example. dcmwai: I can ... I hope ... :) siesel, you must :) email? which file is it in arias? Or isn't it ready yet. siesel, it is :) invpoview.php did I still need to send it? Action: siesel looks into arias dir ok. got it. siesel, can read :) siesel ( left irc: "switching 5" siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dcmwai is away: Goto bath... dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai: one question: you have one invpo line per report? siesel, one invpo line per report? again? Action: dcmwai now really going to take bath.. be back by 15 ok. hi siesel hi thierry commet ca va? btami ( left irc: siesel, ? hey siesel all hello chillywilly hi chillywilly dcmwai: I have a first version, but couldn't test it because of missing data. siesel, let put in some data.. siesel, do you have mysql and aria running/ ehmm, no. :) s/\/? Action: siesel is setting up mysql db now. siesel, hum that is too bad.. siesel, get the latest cvs version of aris aria ok. siesel, all done? postgres 7.4 release :-o chillywilly: Wow. Why would anyone want to sue anything else? Anyone know anything about this "Apple Computer's Rendezvous zero-configuration networking protocol" ? only speed/control freaks ;) s/sue/use/ dcmwai: done siesel, then what now .... :) mysql up and running, but I don't like to install arias now, as I allways have some php problems. are there some invpo data in the filldata.sql script, or do I have to create it on my own? siesel, you will have to create your own.. hum let me see if I can spear some... wait 5 ok. dsmith: what about it? siesel, I can just export and let you import isn't? dtm: I saw it in that postqres url chilly posted. Never heard of it before. dsmith: oh. well i can verify that it exists! heh dsmith: were you looking for someone to retype the RFC or... did you have something more specific? dsmith: look it up on it's an open standard! yay dtm: Ok. It's dhcp then? dcmwai: I think so. but I haven't used mysql for years, so ... dsmith: no, it's below dhcp bah! dsmith: it's wireless or ethernet based autodiscovery of hosts, based on default nonroutable IP addresses, who discover and adapt to each others' presence in a p2p fashion dsmith: er, it's *before* dhcp if not below it I mean't It's NOT dhcp then. dsmith: no, they call dhcp "dhcp" dsmith: it's what you do if you have no dhcp Sounds Intresting. I'll have to look into it. dsmith: or if you're on a transient network, like at a coffeeshop, friend's hoouse, or walking down the street within range of a potential pal yeah so it negotiates an impromptu LAN wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. if you've configured yourself to be open to such things siesel, ok.. DCC files send? dtm: Thanks for you explanations. siesel, it is ease... :) siesel, mysql -p < the unziped files dsmith: ok :) siesel, the database base bane is siesel ah.. damn siesel, the database base bane is aria siesel, the database base name is aria Action: dcmwai is sick again... :) :) mcuria-away ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) ok. datasoure populated. one question about the data. Yes If I would use "for i in X" loops to describe the query, how would I do it? IMHO invpo, it the most outer loop, then comes vendor, itemvendor, invpodetail, item right? Action: dcmwai is thinking... siesel, you are talking about this query select item.itemcode,item.description,invpodetail.itemqty,invpodetail.itemprice,itemvendor.vordernumber,invpodetail.unitperpack from invpodetail cross join vendor cross join invpo cross join item left join itemvendor on and where and and and item.companyid=".sqlprep($active_company)." and invpodetail.invpoid=".sqlpre p($invpoid) yes. I think the answer should be yes from item, invpodetail, vendor, itemvendor, Action: dcmwai is blur... there is too many cross join .. :( from invpodetail cross join vendor cross join invpo cross join item left join itemvendor ... I use the trial and error method :) Thank siesel :) Action: dcmwai owe siesel one :) hmm, its still a bit buggy. siesel, anything wrong somewhere? mcuria-away ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: mcuria-away -> mcuria mcuria ( left irc: Remote closed the connection no, just have to code a bit more :) Action: dcmwai have bought a python book and try to start learning python. siesel, then thank you :) dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi dneighbo, chillywilly siesel: es geht mir gut ;) :) Your german is probably better then my french, as you leave near the border (close to Freiburg, if I remeber right) dcmwai: it seems, like reports doesn't support >2 detail master sources very well. ajmitch ( got netsplit. dimas_ (~dimas@ got netsplit. dimas_ (~dimas@ returned to #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( returned to #gnuenterprise. siesel, oh.. that will be a hard for printing this kind of report .. maybe the database structure is wrongly design derek ( left irc: Connection timed out jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: "Wouldn't it be wonderful if real life supported Control-Z?" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: mdupont-work -> mdupont Nick change: mdupont -> afk-15 hi jcater one report question: are 2-layer master/detail sources supported? I mean, 3 datasources connected between Master-Detail in one "line". Nick change: afk-15 -> mdupont siesel, good night I'm going to sleep not :) siesel, good night I'm going to sleep now Action: dcmwai waves :) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" is there a status page somewhere that you can check the status of sarge's migration to stable? jcater: problem solved, seems like I have to add 's in each section and subsection. siesel: iirc, there's a so you can indicate a field breaks at a higher section than it currently appears in but it's been a while hmmm, that probably won't help in this case, as I just need the detail fields ToyMan ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) but I'm trying it with prequery's at the moment. which doesn't work :( ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: ping anybody here know of a university or city library that uses Linux for internet access or daily use...maybe ltsp If by "city" you mean a village of 300 people, I think there was a tiny town in British Columbia that did. It was basically what would run on the 486 they had. jbailey: well, any town will do :) Next time I talk to Elenore, I'll ask her. Should be in the next month or so. jbailey: my local library is looking into getting away from m$, i'd like to find a library that is using linux as a resource is all. If you find out, i'd be grateful for the info wendall911: ? you mean university wide? jamest: just going to ask if your library uses Linux for internet access dunno jamest: just interested in the library mostly ok, np my department is over 50% linux on the desktop very nice but that's not library, our library here is windows terminal services at ksu, city still uses old vt terminal setup (that works as opposed the the univ library system) wendall911: The library could use GNUe on Windows, get that all running for them, and switch to Linux. They could even do it slowly. jbailey: in what capacity would GNUe be useful to them? I can see several ways, just looking for feedback. Card catalog system, checkin, checkout, and inventory. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jbailey: that would be great, I think the first step will be to get them using linux for public internet access Even there, they can do it in baby steps. If they take Mozilla, customise it all up to what they need, they can change the underlying operating system at a later date. jbailey: agreed wendall911: Bonn (Germany) University is using linux on all internet terminals for students. siesel: great ty, do they have a website for the Library? The University is providing access to old Windows only catalog CDs via Windows NT + Citrix Metaframe. So you can use their unix client to access it. thanks siesel I use Citrix on Linux to use Windows apps all the time. sjc ( joined #gnuenterprise. sjc ( left irc: Client Quit sjc ( joined #gnuenterprise. sjc ( left irc: Client Quit sjc ( joined #gnuenterprise. any gnue-designer experts around? I would recommend jcater :) can you please try this out if you have a minute? What? it needs perl it generates sql that could be imported into designer, is that hard to do? it is pgsql I tried it and got the sql, but it needs to be imported into a database to load it into designer ok reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. thanks hi reinhard well, i guess i have to install desginer, hi reinhard! hi i should yes. Its great stuff from our master ai. hahaha jcater is the GNUE MASTER CONTROL PROGRAM MCP(tm) Action: siesel is happy that the G-MCP is a friendly one :) i nee wx-windows python do you use debian? yes i found the packager thanks libwxgtk2.4-dev apt-get install libgtkwx2.4-python thanks! siesel your cool siesel: what you been up to latly? reinhard: how you doing? heard anything about the Karlsruhe linux tag lodgings? mdupont: preparing stuff for the big taiwan exhibition in bonn ... i.e. not much gnue time E: Couldn't find package libgtkwx2.4-python oops: libwxgtk2.4-python taiwan? what you selling? doing there? bingo! I did some translations and will work as guide cool you speak chinese? tiger and dragor was a great movie yes. But its a pity, I had no time to go to the movies, when tiger and dragon was performed. Now I'm still waiting for the DVD/VCD ... i have the video wendall911 ( left #gnuenterprise. jcater: another question: are there special calculation "helper" fields in gnue-reports? I need to get the summ of the price for all items of an purchase order but I have to calculate the price as the product of price_per_part and quantity which I don't know how to store without triggers yes look at summaries Action: jcater is in a series of meetings, so can't be much help I think foobulations has some examples In foobulation is just the "summ" function, so I'll have a look at the code itself reinhard ( left irc: "Anything is good and useful if it's made of chocolate." But thanks, for being around. ok, I found what I need. Its the grformular stuff. Its just missing some lines of code :( jamest: you don't have any uncommited changes ? :) Nick change: SachaZzzz -> SachaS reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway ? changes to gnue? i wish Action: jamest now lives out his life as JavaBoy(tm) I'm looking at the GRFormular stuff at the moment. i seriously doubt you'll see any changes beyond maybe some common work in the next 6-8 weeks from me I'm not quite shure about the implementation you (or jcater?) planned, if this is the one liner function support then it's jcater's idea do you have five minutes for some design talk, as I would like to implement it today talk away, i'll be a bit choppy and i'm no jcater :) i also find myself ending python lines with a ; now its something like some code so I'm a ruined shell of a man tainted with the vileness of java we love you all the same, jamest - shell of a man. Action: Vee hugs jamest does holy water helps, or garlic ... (me is thinking) shaving cream & a good razor, maybe. jamest: I was looking at some of my first python code and started to laugh at the ;'s. Although, I was looking at gcj the other day thinking that Java could be a reasonable language. ok, back to gformular: I would perfer: hi guys but a calc\n calc....\n more calc \n return result would IMHO be ok too. jamest: what do you think? jcater? i think i prefer the latter but that makes me wonder how it'd be different from triggers Action: dsmith weeps for jamet don't cry for him, argentina jbailey: java is ok, but i really prefer python for any code that requires the use of the = sign jamest: it would be different in that way, that it returns a value. then i'd have to ask why not have triggers return values with a default of None Action: jamest is just asking questions out loud here File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wxPython/", line 20, in ? import wxc ImportError: /usr/lib/ symbol _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow, version GCC_3.3 not defined in file with link time reference i think i need to compile my own version of this stuff triggers IMHO should return values, and stop if the return value is false jamest: None and tuples are my favourite parts of Python. jamest: as an alternative the GTriggerOk or GTriggerStop Errors could be raised. jbailey: dictionaries too C++ has map<>, and it's type safe. i don't want type safe Dynamically typing things still bites me in the ass on a regular basis. Action: jamest loves mixed type dictionaries in ways he doesn't want the church to find out about siesel: i'm not really set on anything wrt to triggers/functions, i know jcater had something specific wrt functions as the related to reports i was thinking functions were for 1 liners multiline functions remind me of triggers so i'd hate to see two almost compatible systems with two seperate code bases gnu enterprise designer is not running mdupont: ? do i have to get an older realse to not use this *feature*? my disk space is overflowing so i cannot compile it myself right now what platform? debian unstable maybe i should upgrade them all again these the debs? i should apt update allthose files again cvs was working for me on sid a few days back i've not tried since saturday though jamest: I think code duplication will be almost null. But i think I will write some code to allow both version. so they'll both work from the same base yes, its just a question, where to take the fetch the code from. and if we need to add some wrapper code. sjc ( left irc: "Client exiting" jamest ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. wt ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: wt -> wtg =) there's always 2007 ajmitch =)) rerwer (AmoCissaa@ left #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client exiting" wtg ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Nick change: SachaAway -> SachaS jamest_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dsmith -> debcat mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Nick change: debcat -> dsmith reinhard ( left irc: "Wouldn't it be wonderful if real life supported Control-Z?" dsmith ( left irc: "Goodnight!" Nick change: mdupont -> zzzz-md siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. dyfet ( left irc: "Client exiting" suman (~suman@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all is derek around? hi ajmitch are there any open source projects for managing schools? hi suman just got this url a couple of days ago: might be for you or have some links ok SachaS suman SachaS thx man thats was what i was looking for 1st link SachaS btw r u interested in this stuff too? ok. not really. SachaS so wht r u interested in? r u a developer of gnue? dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. i am interesed in ebXML ( and interested in gnue supporting ebXML (in the future) SachaS: there is one openebxml :) dcmwai ;) i know the better one is have 2 main ebXML components implemented not sure how up to date openebxml is... was on a phone conference with the lead devleoper (of openebxml) this morning SachaS who proposes these XML standards ? ebXML is proposed by OASIS ( and UN/CEFACT (UN agency for commerce) SachaS: why can't people make the standart "FOC"... instate of making it close... SachaS ok is ebxml commercial cuz it is a .org if it isn't why is there openebxml? dcmwai FOC?? suman: Free Of Charge dcmwai: the ebXML standard or the ebXML specifications ARE free of royalities. you can take themand implement them (there is one thing with an IBM IP but if you implementat htat part you get a licence from IBM). ebXML "only" provides the specifications or the standard openebxml or freebxml provide implementations of that standard gsoti_away ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS: ah I see.. SachaS: so because of gnue-report ... aria might be a "part" ebxml compitable :) lol SachaS: Well.. At lease, Purchase PO are xml compitable and also all the report so it is nice :) yep alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. Tell me about dealing with .dbf files. What Free Software tools can manipulate them? BTW, hello everyone! .dbf is from which app? dbase hang on suman: Foxpro based PCMRP is the name of the product. what do you need to do? jamest_: pull data out into a gui and then update the database according to user input. very rough definition so far just researching feasability now. brb we have a read only dbf driver in gnue, i've not used it i think (but I'm not certain) that it uses the dbf driver from i use that dbf drive in standalone python apps to dump data nightly from a postgresql system to a dbase based system works ok b "to a dbase system" implies write ability, correct? i create the dbase files with that library i don't modify them, i recreate from scratch nightly Hmm. I evidently have to leave for a while. I'll come back in an hour or so. Action: alandd grumbles about leaving i'll be gone jamest_: OK, I'll have to live with that for now. but i think btami wrote the gnue drive thanks and I can probably share what little code I've got if you contact me at i need to get permission first :) l8r All right. Let's see how far this project gets. jamest_ ( left irc: "Client exiting" Nick change: alandd -> alandd_awayforno suman (~suman@ left irc: alandd_awayforno: what do you REALLY want to do is it mandatory to keep the .dbf files long term? is there willingness to convert? my suggestion (seeing how its foxpro you have windows clients now) is use the windows ODBC driver and make GNU Enterprise front ends once you have replaced the badness there then you can look at converting the backend to something else normally i would do this in reverse but i dont know the problem domain precisely or the time lines or the driving factors i think i know a decent way to convert from .dbf to postgres (that come from foxpro) gsoti_away ( left #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: Don' think there is a way ... I've try to convert from dbf to postgresql and it is a mess dbf-->ms access-->postgres dbf-->ODBC-->postgreSQL always fail because of the database character stuff (using big5 code) :( dcmwai: you are not magic i am :) dneighbo: Hey... dneighbo: then teach me how .. :) jcater_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater_ ( left irc: Client Quit --- Tue Nov 18 2003