Nick change: alandd_awayforno -> alandd dneighbo: There is a proposal, more of a sort of fleshed out idea, to add a "models and features" capability to PCMRP. I know from the start that it is a bad plan. Bolting on top of other apps is almost always a bad plan. there just is not the will to dedicate the resources to do it right, currently. The gnue front end would slurp data from the pcmrp database to allow the user to create a feature/model definition and then feed the data back into pcmrp so the work orders, etc. all work right. Action: alandd tries to get the bad taste that plan leaves, out of his mouth. This is a different effort than the application we discussed last month. That effort is data read from pcmrp but does not go back into pcmrp. still a half solution but much cleaner since the data can come out and into something over which we have control. man.. those screenshots of the matrix spoof ballmer and gates did are pretty 'LOL' funny... Vee: A couple of geeks with lots of money made a goofy film. It is funny. The really funny part is that they feel the need to focus so much on Linux (and vicariously FS/OSS in genera) genera/general With all the growth of Linux in the last couple of years, it still has not made a big dent in MS revenue. They know it is coming and they are trying to stop it while still small because once people know and understand, it will roll over MS like a tide. alandd: you still around? if it is a data READ only is that what i am hearing or will you push data back to PCMRP? it appears you want a two way pump? Action: dneighbo is trying to get a good feel certainly you could access the data in PCMRP directlty with ODBC if you wanted short of that probably next easiest way is write quick python program (that uses ODBC/ADO) to read the fox pro tables and export to flat file then have your GNU Enterprise app "import" the flat files into postgres (or some other database) manipulate thte superset of data there then export back out to flat file at which point a python program reimports this should be fairly easy exercise as you are on windows so ADO/ODBC can really be your friend here worse case you take our ODBC driver and subclass it (like we did for DB2 5.0) to get features you need probably more reliable and less hassle than trying to get a dbf driver to work on GNU/Linux dneighbo: yes, two way I had to read what you wrote, twice. im crazy thats why its called double speak I think you have the gist of it i answered my own question after reading what you wrote again :) the thought is to have this application's client on a browser (otherwise on windows, as you said) I worry about getting the reimport right don't want to mess up the current running application Nick change: zzzz-md -> mdupont yeah but you have to right? yes morning dneighbo The goal: PCMRP requires that a full BOM be made for a product if anything is different ie. change the quanity of a sub-component, then either the rev of the current bom must change or a new bom must be created, creating a new part number the bom rev is not the answer because we have to build the previous version of the product along with the new rev. but if the bom revs, the old rev is now gone. BUT creating new boms for every variation of a product is a nightmare. the application we are talking about doing would be to take base product boms and build feature or models of them outside pcmrp and then feed the new data arrangement back into it to get the usual work orders and inventory and etc. alandd: i am working on something like that it is based on the idea of freezing and thawing the BOM and using inheritance and patterns to create it basically you have two databases one had the BOM metadata the other the BOM instances and a third (belongs in the instances) set of that tables that you can describe free form instances so you can make protoypes and then derived new classes from them reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. the trick is to use procedures for creating types out of prototpyes and for generation new tables to store the various types instances of the base class moin reinhard mdupont: interesting. This sounds like what we want but we are restricted ok what restriction` because we are adding on top of an existing MRP package. ? alandd: my model includes domain specific code generators and pattern language hi all that will allow you to create an existing MRP specific code generator to produce custom a BOM instances tableset that is modeled after the existing system and even generate GUI and report code sounding more interesting. where is this wonderful project of yours? you can try the code generator out now siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas_ (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) i am working out the model for the prototype and subclassing system now but when the pattern works i will be able to generate that for any system needed is the MRP system closed source? do you use postgres? MRP is closed source :^( It's data is in .dbf files and it is compiled from Foxpro. the web site speaks of metadata from the compiler and so on. How does the translate to a DB application? Action: alandd tries to shake the sleep out of his brain great i have lots of foxpro experience and know a really crack foxpro programmer what version you use? don't know. The application is closed source, third party. ok let me look what do you pay for the stuff? Incredible Price/Performance Ratio - Single User Version $695.00 the company has used it for a very long time replacing it completely would be hard, both effort (time and $) and politically. the idea is to add the models and features bom creation on top of it and then let it do it's thing for all the other funcitons. mult-user version $1495. alandd: well if you need help i can help you with foxpro and foxpro/gnu integration this is good! you know it is possible to integrate foxpro with soap a good freind of mine is hardcore foxpro consultant and trainer and i did foxpro/dbase for years back in the days when it was new but you know, if you want someone to support non-free software, then it will have to cost ya something in the end yes the goal at this point is to do this "new" part with Free tools but keep the existing part functional sure interfaces a gateway we need a couple of those i would be willing to help out if the majority of my work went into the core and you handled the details of the interface into the other software do you have a detailed spec for what is needd? that would be fine no, it is not to the detailed point yet. it is at the "could we do this?" point. morning gnuers do you use a sql backend? and what version of FP you have installed? using a deployed exe? the web site speaks of metadata from the compiler and so on. How does the translate to a DB application? well, jcater ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) the db is what stores the metadata and handles the structure of the programs that deal with that i am working on focusing the introspector on business apps jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. so instead of reading form the gcc i am reading oracle dbs morning and other code hi btami hi all Action: mdupont is going crazy on ebay mdupont: I'm getting data from germany now so I am a bit distracted. bidwatcher/bidmonkey are gems no sql bakend the app uses FP on DBF files wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. using a deployed exe. do not have fox pro installed right now. Don't want to. ;^) hi btami alandd: where were you in germany? Action: btami is reading log hi siesel alandd: to be honest i dont want toeither so you are looking at a import/gateway that produces/reads these dbf files? can you make a set of files with sample data in them that has only 10 records or so each? the product is in germany. they are sending runtime log files. Must decode them. Read from database into client application. Get user input. Shove new data out to database for currnt closed source app to use. I think I could make a subset. cool bag it up and ship it over then i can estimate the effort Nick change: mdupont -> work-md dcmwai: IMHO reports is still missing two functionalities: 1. the "universal" backend, jcater created, which isn't finished yet siesel: what is the universal backend? 2. a way to calculate "the summ of formula results" like the total of all calculated prices (=quantity*price_per_piece) the universal backend is something like fo-xslt in xslt. i.e. a way to create fully customized report output i.e. you can say: MyText etc. or something like that, (you should ask jcater) oh... siesel: so it will easier the report create? hum there are some db driver update... no, but it will allow you to write customized reports. Action: dcmwai know nothing yet.. so will have to trial and error ... i.e. the result will depend more on your report definition than on the output backend oh.. I think I got it... Action: siesel would recommend to try to adapt the invpo report to some other query. Shouldn't be that difficult. Action: dcmwai agree with that :) dcmwai: now we have only SimpleTabulation layout markup for reports siesel: mind If I ask you ... how you run that invpo.grd? gdcvs invpo.grd? btami: that isn't enough.. :( it's limited to produse table like output only we need more... more ... :) yes Action: dcmwai is very greddy universal is jcater's next generation layout markup unfortunately it's stalled btami: How long it will take? if you can guess it :) dcmwai: grcvs -f html -d /tmp/test.html arias_invpo.grd purchaseid=4 ah... DB000: UnicodeError: UTF-8 decoding error: invalid data If I put a -S there it will be like this.. siesel: Something about UTf-8 again :( ... strange, as I don't use utf-8 in there. can you try without the -f html? siesel: No. still the same even if without -f what is the line above the encoding error? where does it occure? hi DB000: File "/usr/lib/python2.2/", line 601, in end DB000: return f(self, join(self._data, "")) DB000: File "/usr/lib/python2.2/", line 643, in end_string DB000: data = _decode(data, self._encoding) DB000: File "/usr/lib/python2.2/", line 141, in _decode DB000: data = unicode(data, encoding) There are more if you want... hi ajmitch siesel: on the query box :) hello ajmitch reinhard ( left irc: "All things being equal, fat people use more soap." Hum I see the company address and vendor address was an out in the grd files but it didn't seem to show... :( on in xml they do yes, that's just the simple tabulation, for address etc. we need the universal backend, or have to write customized XSLT files. Ah.... Where do I start... :) work-md ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) siesel: Well. I've got that problem slove... path problem... Now it time to Xslt.. again... I took a look at the universal backend. It still has a long road to go, because its a really universal approach. So XSLT will be better for the moment. There are XSLT files for simpletabulation, which can be adapted and changed to support an address etc. siesel: where it is? however... I can get -S working but can't make it work like foolbule so that it is display in the html files :( siesel: why not creating a view from tables with sum etc. something is not right somewhere.. (on my configuration) work-md ( joined #gnuenterprise. i mean do some "preprocessing" before caling reports yes, that would be the pretty solution i mean sql preprocessing I just choose this way because of maintaining compatibilty with ARIAS btami: yes, I understand. It would be easier to use 1-2 views instead of 5-6 tables. ther is no way to do temp views in ARIAS ? i'v used this style in my old foxpro app IMHO it would be easy to add some views to the schema description of arias itself, but that is something dcmwai has to do :) :) creating temp views would have to be done by gnue-reports, and that ... is a bit difficult to implement siesel: i'v suggested to do it in ARIAS :) :) siesel: har easy to add some views to the schema description of arias itself?? ok.. so it is arias jobs.. :) Action: dcmwai is away: goto dinner SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) wendall911 ( left irc: "Download Gaim:" Action: dcmwai is back (gone 00:34:50) btami: how is you suggestion work? dcmwai: i'm sorry, i have no ARIAS nor php so my suggestion is yust teoretical btami: can you tell me theoritically:) to replace missing formular reports thing with creating a view with something like: select sum(foo) as x, etc ok Then what to do with it? then you can use it as a datasource, and use single field,summ in reports good morning did mysql support view? morning.. SynrG dcmwai: don't know Action: btami is a firebird guy Action: dcmwai don't think so... hi SynrG Action: dcmwai is stuck now... maybe it is time to use xslt... Nick change: btami -> btami_lunch Action: dcmwai is signning off anyone have something want to tell me? ... Action: dcmwai go offline... Action: dcmwai waves dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" thierry_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) rerwer (FredFrog@ joined #gnuenterprise. Hoderr folks. "rewer" is FredFrog -- and this machine is speaking Portugese again. have it talk to alandd, he speaks Portugese :) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dcmwai -> dcmwai|AWAY Action: dcmwai|AWAY is away: Away From Computer dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami_lunch ( left irc: reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) dcmwai|AWAY (~dcmwai@ got netsplit. dcmwai|AWAY (~dcmwai@ returned to #gnuenterprise. dcmwai|AWAY (~dcmwai@ got netsplit. dcmwai|AWAY (~dcmwai@ returned to #gnuenterprise. rerwer: portugese? where? alandd ( left irc: "Leaving" alandd, Brazil, I guess. This thing seems to be running under some scriptkludge named Scoop 2003, which comes from Brazil. There seems to be some Brazilian guy among the people who share this machine. Nick change: dcmwai|AWAY -> dcmwai Action: dcmwai is away: I'm busy dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. oiketohn ( joined #gnuenterprise. oiketohn ( left #gnuenterprise. thierry_ ( got netsplit. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ got netsplit. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ returned to #gnuenterprise. thierry_ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. thierry_ ( got netsplit. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ got netsplit. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ returned to #gnuenterprise. thierry_ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. thierry_ ( got netsplit. thierry_ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: work-md -> mdupont Nick change: mdupont -> md-afk Nick change: md-afk -> md-afk-2h wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard_ ( left irc: "Reality is for people that lack imagination." siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ajmitch ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. 'Nuther stunningly exciting day at the keyboard. ttfn. rerwer (FredFrog@ left irc: " »¡« Scøøp Script 2003 »!« com o mais novo mIRC totalmente em português! " wendall911 ( left #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Action: siesel is searching the docbook report example. does anyone has an idea why it is removed from cvs without traces? jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. lesterb ( joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all have you seen this: yeah Is that safe to open at work? depends are you an anti-QT shop? :) Yeah, but noone but me knows it. =) (I was more nervous at what was going to be 'revealed') haha jbailey: why, Rekall, of course! ;) I was walking down Queen st. after watching the Matrix on Sunday evening, and the local TV station had the TV in the window flipped to SexTV. he code is known to build under the more common recent distributions (RH, Suse, Mandrake and Slakware) with KDE3; Why is it that Slack and Mandrake get mentioned and Debian doesn't? debian? considering that we basically match RH's install based according to netcraft. what's that? Shut up, windows-lover. jbailey: Debian is an exclusive club to some wendall911: In what way? jbailey: it is just some peoples perception is all, not my the way they deal with their distribution tree mostly I think it is an exclusive club jbailey: i've heard people say that at Linux users groups...I always argue, but they all like RH, so what do they know ;) debian has the best private parties heh you think I'm kidding its why becoming a DD is so difficult. jcater: do you know where the docbook reports example is ? Action: wendall911 looks no dtm: funny *tee hee* siesel: you still working in the Universal/ tree? Action: jcater is itching to do some reports work those two urls seem to be the epitome of why to not use mysql as in, "friends dont let friends..." jcater: I commit everything I did some minutes ago. I saw however I'm very passively interested to learn more about pgsql's high availability and fault tolerance which i hear is new wendall911: I only wonder because compared to RedHat I don't see how we could be. if it doesn't fit with your concepts, please change. Our Bug database is online, the packages and source are all easy to get. It's just worth knowing for when I deal with this. things, rather. jbailey: agreed I did some basic stuff, but will try xml-fo and passivetex before looking deeper at the issues the parser has with unknown namespaces. sjc ( joined #gnuenterprise. wow, makes for an interesting (and long) read btami ( got netsplit. wendall911 ( got netsplit. you know you're a hopeless geek when you take the time to read technical implementation details about a product you'll never use er, um, wait, wrong channel ;) you know you're a hopeless geek when you connect to irc with the nick 'jamest' ;) so... anyone who does that... just might be a geek. be on the lookout. jamest: was there any question? also, if you *talk* to someone named dtm then. well, then, too. No talking. Only typing allowed here. Action: jcater stops talking towards the screen, then then you're pretty much guaranteed to be off the rocker of quantum geekdom jbailey: sometimes it helps people operate the keyboard if they can say the letters outloud Action: dtm . o O ( Helloooo, computer. ) jay ay em ee es tee wow jamest! he spelled it right did it work? wendall911 ( got lost in the net-split. btami ( got lost in the net-split. Hello? must have, i spelled it right Is this thing on? Action: dtm mutters to the keybd OMG. now, irc is narrating my very thoughts and behaviors!!! argh subversions is slooowwww today coz just now, i really *did* .. mutter.... to .. uh. So, you've got the correct foreign key syntax and remembered to add TYPE=InnoDB; to tables where referential integrity is important (which would usually be all of them - and if not, what's the data doing in a SQL database in the first place?). Mysql supports referential integrity? When did that start? jbailey: now that i knew of no I could use that in alot of places. InnoDB supports it somewhat jbailey: you use mysql? which mysql can use as a backend All over the place. iirc wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm: we've tried to lead jbailey away from his masochistic mysql ways but some people you just can't reach but as soon as the weather warms up a bit in canada and the roads thaw we'll be able to reach him hey we're swicthing to posgtres w00t! ;P chillywilly: congrats heh We are pleased to inform you that you will receive a credit on your next billing statement.* Please be advised that you will still be charged for taxes and incidental charges such as international calls that are not covered in your monthly plan fee. *Up to a maximum of $40.00 jamest ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). Nick change: md-afk-2h -> mdupont sjc ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). "Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis. " woops, I pasted that in the wrong tab oh well ;P that was for you dtm I get a free month too jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client exiting" siesel ( left irc: "night" lesterb ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) dsmith ( left irc: "GoodNight All" wendall911 ( left #gnuenterprise. wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911 ( left irc: "Download Gaim:" wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. :) no dtm eh hey dneighbo you know the minddog? ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" wendall911 ( left #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: are you disappointed? Action: chillywilly sees dtm there he is right there --> dtm I think it is a virtual impossibility to have an irc conversation with dneighbo ;) true dat works more like an email conversation Action: jcater has been telling him to upgrade from his carrier-pigeon backbone heheh Action: chillywilly got the FSF Bulletin Action: jcater got two for some strange reason Nick change: mdupont -> zzz-md-zzzz man this thing has lots of text ;) jcater: are you an associate member? I was thinking of signing up Nick change: zzz-md-zzzz -> zZz-md-ZzZz chillywilly: yeah well, kinda they haven't exactly stayed on top of it I think I was one of the first few to join (like first 10 or so) but they charged my card once (this was many months ago) but my credit card # changed and I've told them several times it has changed ok but they haven't corrected it heh you'd think they'd want the $$$ guess hey don't want your money ;) they it's green too :( chillywilly: its not impossible to have a conversatoin with me you just have to be REALLY patient :) Nick change: dneighbo -> derek no one is THAT patient ;P w00t my datasource branch now works with gnue forms Action: jcater does a happy dance well, it's more of a head bob now if I had any clue how to use appserver I'd test it jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: pretty-fied eh? it's so purdy now SachaS ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" Vee ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. --- Wed Nov 19 2003