the idea gnue-report is principally good yea I like that the time someone told me... :) but wouldn't it be nice to electronically send an invoice to antoher party than to print it and send it per snail mail? when I'm finding a replacement for the printing. SachaS: It would be but there are something else, security.. :( the printing part should be left out :) well it is more then printing now. dcmwai: very good point. security IS very important to business to business. but with using SSL, encryption, non-repudiation, public key infrastructure you CAN get security and there are business that someone authorization is require to after you have issue the PO right? yes public key... But it will still be hard... mfivis ( left irc: dcmwai: very good. someone within the company might have to say: yep this PO is OK. but that is inside gnue (maybe, some workflow system). ebxml only cares about exchanging messages, in a secure way, between parties unless we have something that will generate a hash with the same po and person and if it is not change... but that will be hard as the hash is changing with contents each po will have its own hash So unless there is a way to generate something all the time is same.. there will be not way to verify this hadn. no problem ok i am not sure what you are talking about :) HAHA :) I'll be back after having my lunch. let have your :) s/your/your's ok i am back from lunch...see you later ha :) Action: dcmwai is back and reading SachaS presentation good ;) time to make the doughnuts har aria is on the list on Page 39 :) ;) Done... SachaS: still want to know about the security problem in my mind? ok dcmwai. a very quick howto :) the collaborative business process is in the center first people HAVE to define those business processes fourtheca ( joined #gnuenterprise. fourtheca ( left #gnuenterprise. these business processes define which messages are exchanged, in which order, at what time etc. Well as you see on the public and private key world You have Your Private (which sotre in secret) and Public is on the outside... second each party creates a collaboration protocol profile wait wait :) ok, I'll let you finished it :) yes so each party creates a collaboration protocol profile (cpp). in this cpp the party references the collaborative busienss process. ok. so each party says in which collaborative business process they are active. also they have to say which role that they play the buyer role or the seller role for example or the shipper role or any role that is possible in the collaborative business process ok. thats NOT enough can we be all role at a time :) the idea is to have a party for each role ok ignore my last question. if the collaborative business process has four roles (buyer, seller, insurance company, shipping company) you might think that there are 4 parties playing a role each but it is possible that a company does shipping AND insurance so that one party could play two roles ok? ok YEs it is not enough to reference the collaborative business process and the role so this is your problem? each party has to declare HOW they are sending and receving those messages which are exchanged during a collaborative business process not my problem yet :) each party has to declare HOW they are sending and receving those messages which are exchanged during a collaborative business process got this one? yep for example the party who sends the purchase order says: I send the purchase order. I encrpyt it with algorithm X and here is the public key for it. ok the party who receives the purchase order says: I decrypt the purchase order with algorithm X and here is my public key for it 1st hint both NEED the same algorithm X, right? yep also each party says with which transport protocol tehy are a) sending the message and b) receving the message so it can be http or smtp each party then can go and say I use a secure transport protocol party a says in its CPP I use SSL for my secure transport protocol party b also says in its CPP that it uses SSL as a secury transport protocol ok with me? both parties define these information in a Collaboration Protocol Profile. dcmwai, with me? ok good next step: before next step.... ;) so both parties have a CPP. they then will register their CPP at a registry (a website) ok that is on your presentation they register that CPP along some more information( like they are into furniture, oprating in australia and malysia) yes. thats the one sceanrio... so I am searching for a CPP in the registry. I search for a party which is into furniture AND is in australia or malaysia and .... the registry returns my your CPP. with me? but that is not the real problem on the security . wait wait :) Yep I know what you meant ok Action: dcmwai is Samrt enough :) :) ok <_> then I have to crate a Collaboration Protocol Agreement from these two CPP's. 2 CPPs -> 1 CPA ok the agreement between YOU and ME yep ok the process of getting 1 CPA from 2 CPPs is called the CPA formation that was my study, the last 2 years! wow 2 years, time goes so quick... ok nevermind :) the tool spits out a CPA in this CPA is the information what role you are playing ... and what role I am playing it also has the information that you send message X via http it also has the information that I am listening/receiving message X via http. it has even the http port then it has information for each message the algorithm you use to encrypt the message the algorithm i use to decrypt the message boht have to be the same it has the information of my public key and the information of your public key so here we have the security part ONCE you deploy this CPA your ebXML messaging system takes my public key and encrypts the message and then takes your private key and encryptes the message the messaing system must know your private key (which is no problem because it is at your place) and it has my public key from the CPA. then you send the message my application then uses my priavte key to decrypt it and uses your public key decrypt it again. I'm still here following :) and when the CPA says that the message goes over SSL the messaging system can find my certificate in the CPA to authenciate my HTTP server and my messaging system also knows your certificate from the CPA. . there are open source ebXML messaging systems available! not gpl though oh is it? the or See to me the encryption is cute :) s/see/seem the ebXML specification are well thought specifications ... HTTP + Private key and Private (RSA) method by companies, organisations around the world from different areas ... Ok over SSL for example yes. so you can do it ... do what ... :) you can achieve secure messaging :) SachaS: in you method secure messaging only happen on 2 condition how do you mean? 1) You have an Fix Ip server Or Fix Cn name http over ssl check it own validation using the IP or CNAme When the Ip/The CNAME ( is not the same as the one on the CA it is invalide ByIt own. what is the CNAME? CNAME is a conacial Name in the Dns server ... Action: dcmwai wounder if he sleep wrong. SachaS: goto (This will be a right CA, self sert) but if you use this (it will still goto the same address but will say this is not the right CA) The 2nd Condition is .. There is a 3rd Parties to validate your SSL Cert. But this is more easier to achieves then the 1st problem s/sleep/spell :) works for me ... but dcmwai. i admit i have not implemented any security into my tools Yep but it will ask you say. This cert is not having the same name blah blah... Click YEs tono conform.. so i did not come around ssl problems first hand ... SachaS: Well it is something really new. and really Bad news is ... yes You need one IP Per SSL Address :( I'm not sure if that is solved in IPv6 but it will be an issue for Ip4 the server certificate has an IP which must be the IP the server has at the time a client access the server? the client checks that, right? YEp the client checks if the ip of the certificate is the same as the ip the server is running atm. SachaS: IP/NAME will work ok thank you dcmwai. i did not know that SachaS: you are welcome. so both parties need a fixed ip to enable ssl ... SachaS: wait :) :) if they have a fixed ip all good ;) ok i wait :) SachaS: what I meant is, at one IP, You only can have one SSL connection... so I'm a hosting company... I host Company A, B and C transection server over "one IP" ok it will not work, I'll need at least 3 IP for each of them to Work... em.. let me rephase... I meant I'll need 3 IP for all company to work That is the real problem behind. ok. the site you are surfing is on a dynamic Ip and Cert is bind to CNAME hmmm so I can only have one https connection but not another one... Action: dcmwai is damn in typing... you mean you can have only one certificate for it .... but that one certificate many clients can use s/one http connection/ one https services UES YES YEP ok can you assign more than one IP to a machine? (me thinks so) SachaS: you can have as many as you want.. but you need to pay for it.. SachaS: it is not cheap and most dsl company don't allow it. ok. so if we have an ip per party we have no problem SachaS: as you know we have limited IP per company. s/company/country ok so it is depend on your ISP. a goal of ebXML is to enable Small To Medium Enterprises (hope they achieve this goal) and then we can only have about 254*254*254*253 and alot of SME dont have fixed ip Yes that is the problem but because they are doing electronic business they want to use SSL. using another way is better RSA (public and private key method) they just want all security. the encryption is nice... can run with old technology But this encryption will need to be done this way... ok If A send to B and only B need to be the receiver. A send with Encrypted key (Pri A + Pub B) yes. then B will decrypt it with Key (Pri B + Pub A) yes but this will cause another Key management problem as the Private key is on the Server :( haha :) true any yet without password :) hey something I do is: i do backups of my homedirectory, including my private stupid is that? so my private key is on each cd :( so you have to make sure that the Server is secure. so for small companies a solution must include where they DONT have a fixed ip. or they dont even have a server on the net. a message then must be exchanged, in a secure way, via smtp. Yes that is a bad news... :( is the asian ebxml group two member from malysia :) Royal Malaysian Customs ( and DagangNet ( Hey that is something I cannot found :) what do you mean? Action: dcmwai never search for any government ... website :) ... SachaS: Something I don't like about gnupg... export of private keys don't need any password.... How stupid.. Action: dcmwai still can't find a reason to tell them why export private key need password... they give me a reason that the private key is uncrackable, Why need a password :) Action: dcmwai read xslt again... :) Action: SachaS goes back to his thesis reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry_ ( left irc: "Client exiting" hello all good morning hi reinhard i wanted to write an email to you reinhard, but never got around to write it :) :) thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello gnuers hello thierry, SachaS, reinhard hello dimas dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" thierry ( got netsplit. thierry ( returned to #gnuenterprise. good night everyone an early one tonight i am sure dcmwai will stay longer ;) Nick change: SachaS -> SachaZzz thierry_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) mdupont ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaZzz ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. w0rd siesel hi mdupont what's up? just getting organised :) ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all word to tha chillster damn, it's cold this morning yea was in the 60s yesterday in the 40s today :-/ 21F here it's a tit bit nipply hi all cold here too pretty warm in frankfurt its cold here too 34F and for us that is COLD! Here is 26 C :) haha not that Cold :) cripes 33F here Action: jcater thought it was warmer than that wassup derek ? Action: dcmwai goto bath agian :) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Fred_Frog (Fred_Frog@ joined #gnuenterprise. The Mighty Frog stirs. "Where's my goddam hammer of Thor?" the Frog asks. I left it right here when I went to sleeep... reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi dale hi reinhard_ hhehehe Action: dtm stumbles in bewildered and groggy Action: chillywilly steps over an annoying amphibian and continues on his merry way chillywilly: you're merry and bright today? sure :) reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) Nick change: reinhard_ -> reinhard wb reinhard deee teeee eeeemmmeee ahoy chillywilly: Good Morning! morning :) chillywilly: Did you give your wife flowers or something last night? *tee hee* uh.... Action: chillywilly is just high on life dsmith: hey!! flowers are personal! ;) gotta go take scotty to school brb jcater ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jcater' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. anyone know what you can use to parse the doc strings in python code? pydoc or something like that? pydoc, epidoc, etc err, epydoc whichone do you like? pythondoc and why doesn't gnue use it ;) ;P I just wanna see if I can generate webware api docs i'm going to start in common w/ something was playing with pythondoc last night w/o success chillywilly's gonna port gnue to webware. :-/ a gnue form servlet would be nice...or something ;P forms I have no clue how things would integrate at this point ;) a servlet eh? ;) webware has python servlets and psp ahh hah.. Action: Vee assumed you were speaking java Vee: i'm gonna assume YOU, here in a minute! yahoo! wheeee Action: Vee hears creditors rejoice :-o it should be possible to import gnue code into a servlet hmmm Nick change: mdupont -> bb1800CET-MD ? this might be fun :) chillywilly: what type of servlet? a java? webware I imagine ok later python servlet! java sucks rocks! ;P ok great otherwise you'd have to reimplement a lot of gnue common which is not fun ;P not to mention a waste siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all siesel: hi there ahoy dtm :) jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yo to all. hello hey siesel :) siesel, How do I actually pass a parameter from the php to grdcvs? $engine->execute("processReport",array("/share/gnue/gnue-reports/samples/foobulations/monthly2.grd", array("Subtitle=\"April 2002\" begin=\"04/01/2002\" end=\"04/30/2002\""), 0, 0, 0)); I'm not sure why but this way don't work :( array("Subtitle=\"April 2002\" begin=\"04/01/2002\" end=\"04/30/2002\""), Nick change: bb1800CET-MD -> mdupont wtf was bb1800CET-MD? be back at 18:00 CET be back at 18:00 CET would be my guess yeah, or that too CET == germantime haha ... liike that also can What's the -MD ? DOh. Action: dsmith is slow Action: jcater concurs *tee hee* Action: jcater isn't feeling the love I love. love? jcater? dsmith: yes and that's exactly why I keep telling phone users "Must to keep pleasing phone use partner while on talk, yes!!" dsmith: so THANK YOU. FINALLY. i tell people that again and again and it's like they can't even HEAR ME dtm: do do 900 numbers too? s/do do/you do pleasing phone use partner only 3.99 a minute Talk to on phone for no charge extra with amazing phone use partners. 900 and plus, no good. Not talking while paying, thank you. wow, moving back to KS has had quite the impact on you hasn't it dcmwai: you pass parameters the way ajmitch told you that day. dcmwai: but I've updated the example in cvs to pass paramters, so just look there siesel, ok siesel, you did read the log didn't you :) siesel, ok Night :) why not :) Action: dcmwai waves and say Good Night night siesel, hum.. you make me want to talk more :) siesel, the xslt solution you give me it only work for html, text, csv and fo/kspread ? how about pdf? did that part need some extra work or it is Just a few steps behind? Action: dcmwai linux server halt somehow.. don't know if pam.d if it fail :( Action: dcmwai is 2X km away from the server ... hum have to wait tomorrow ... No remote reboot and serial console? shame on you. =) jbailey, well teach me how to do that? You need hardware support for that. There's a few different solutions, my favourite one is.. erm Well I remote control using SSH all the time.. but in this case (suspected the auth services fail, ssh don't work) What's it called. CRM jbailey: low paid peon? that's my remote solution err, no wait that's what I wish I had jcater, what? I haven't bought one in ages. Basically, it's a PCI card you put in a machine that acts as a serial console and can do remote reboot. jcater: I try to avoid letting humans into my server rooms. jbailey, how smart :) Action: dcmwai also want to do that but things seem to be expensive... dcmwai: The cards are like $100CDN or so, IIRC, and they pay for themselves the first time you have to piss away a day going to a remote site instead of being able to just hop on and deal with the proble, Action: dcmwai had sechedule a reboot from the rhn But it never work.. jbailey, you call up to active the serial console? No, it's got a separate network cable to it and IP address. jbailey, I see :) jbailey, isn't that dangerous? Potentially, but I tend to also have those cards on a separate management network that's you need to VPN into. I also have rediculously long passwords on the things. that meant Money to me :) jbailey, like a91l-28zmf`4;=fpm4-9jsamf0819 :) Yup. =) Action: dcmwai can never rememeber something like that ok... don't care ... will shut it down tomorrow ;) night buddy :) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" Ah, dammit. I jsut found the web page for him. Oh hmm. This one's not ethernet, it's serial. I thought I had used an Ethernet one before. Probably better for him, cause then he could just plug a modem into it. I had one of those came with my dell server had to take it out after a year Yeah, dell's have them built in, don't they? as it wouldn't let my server boot up Why? how ironic :) went bad jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jcater' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. #gnuenterprise: mode change '-o jcater' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jcater' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. .oO(Hmm, ChanServ can't make up his mind) hmm strange Action: jcater bitchslaps ChanServ Action: chillywilly caresses ChanServ suck up :) oh baby services porn Action: jamest covers his eyes buuuurp I need a coke please don't make me see the naked gnue'rs hehehehee everyone should give me their number so I can call and harass them cause I have vonage now and can call anywhere in the US ;P and Canada ;) I talk to that dtm mofo all the time now reinhard ( left irc: "All things being equal, fat people use more soap." haha, true dat dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek! it's a party in here now Action: dsmith wanders off for a donut bring me back one jcater: Here ya go. mmmm Action: jcater just realized he should be 30 minutes into his lunch break doh! Action: chillywilly eats his noodles sjc ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) does gnue speak xmlrpc or soap? and does it do so for its whole scope of app service functionality? gnue abstracts remote calls so it simultanously supports xmlrpc, soap, corba, etc as far as which are currently implemented xmlrpc is our main focus (to get something up quickly) but I think some others may work too that's bad ass. noted. Action: dtm nods to mdupont dtm: at the moment just xmlrpc and pyro are implemented. soap is in pre- alpa state. "May 17-05-2003: It's raining compilers this weekend" -- dotgnu news hehhehe jcater: that is great i am having difficulties getting wxwin to link on my system ImportError: /usr/lib/ symbol _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow, version GCC_3.3 not defined in file with link time reference LuftHans ( got netsplit. dtm ( got netsplit. nickr ( got netsplit. dtm ( returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr ( returned to #gnuenterprise. LuftHans ( returned to #gnuenterprise. what exact versions is gnu-enterprise designer linked against in debian? i need to check that maybe i should rebuild that package from cvs there shouldn't be a big difference between cvs and debian package version. i am having linking errors but you probably need another wxwindows version i will build the designer myself and wxwindows designer is just python, so nothing to build. but wxwindows ... yes that i have built it from the dpkg source let me install and test 1906364 Nov 19 12:45 b people in #gnuenterprise have been complaining about wxwindows lately they have? they're a bunch of bitchy people in there though.. they complain all the time heheh, yea GBUe is pretty useless anyway cause king Frog deems it so they must be stopped GNUe too dtm: you sound so negative ! yea wth dtm ;P geez can't take you anywhere me hides Action: dtm howls at the wind SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. are there any test servers out there for gnue and for the appserver? dcl? btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) laci ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" hi laci Udv! mdupont: for dcl is one at ok thanks you have to search for demo. EZ a csomagolas egy kicsit tulnott azon, amire szamitottam :) laci gyere az #UHU -ra ok for appserver you have to shout "HERE", and I start one. HERE ;P anyone interested in a java interface into gnue? i mean a ejb frontend that serves gnue functionality "not I", said the fly but I suppose someone might i am looking for a test server to host that anyone have a server on the net that could be installed for a gnue test server ? Nick change: siesel -> siesel_tv morning all SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. Heya Andrew. Are you waking up in the morning these days? apparantly well before lunchtime, anyways :) laci ( left irc: "Leaving" The Frog stirs. There's a gunuewith eough backend to want a front end? Fred_Frog: fuck off Frog takes it that a gnue that does anything is said by sillysquilly to not yet esist. Action: chillywilly prods jcater to use his /kickban Written any usefeul code today, silly? Fred_Frog: please don't start today of course there's backends to want a frontend to we've said that over and over Action: jcater has absolutely no patience today Action: dtm accidentally shoves jcater into the kickban button oh my. The might Frog is pleased to find it has something in common with jcater. jcater: i believe that the response you're looking for is this --> /mode #gnuenterprise +b Fred_Frog!*@* He hasn't been that annoying yet. can we vote on that? jbailey: you haven't been here for a few days? :) dtm: no /mode #gnuenterprise +b Fred_Frog!*@* ;P ajmitch: True. Fred_Frog (Fred_Frog@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) erm somthing like taht even better! /mode #gnuenterprise +b *!*@ someone might listed if you could understand a word the freak typed do it not while he is away you won't have to kick him ;) s/listed/listen jbailey: it seems he's from toronto, want to pay him a visit? lol s/not/now/ nicks are easy to change you could talk him into joining one of the channels on freenode that trap your screen name IPs are not ;) wendall911: ??? bbiab i wonder why he quit. there are some channels on freenode that make it so you can't log into freenode any longer 15:27 < jbailey> He hasn't been that annoying yet. jcater: op me! you are mistaken, sir ;P people do it as a joke...admins don't like it much though bah, gotta go bye farewell chillywilly chillywilly: l8r ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Fred_Frog (Fred_Frog@ joined #gnuenterprise. if i can vote: +1 ajmitch: Hmm.. 656 Yonge street. Lemme see the cross-streets. Oy. hi jbailey. That seems about right. One of these days someone is going to put a porn site on ampquest, and I'll be in trouble. Machine 23, just past the cash register. The mighty frog will pay for jbailey's dinner as we see what we can do about this pathological bit of the softwareiverse... Ah, north of wellesley. My favourite ethiopian place is near there. Makes it a web café, I'm guessing. There's a pile of them in that area. Cybermax. The coffee is free. *lol* We'll walk over t Spadina for dinner. I've got an exam on Friday, so I can't really go out this week. The Mighty Frog is getting rater tired of asking each new customer "Are you jbailey?" I'm not near Wellesley street right now. =) jbailey, I'm patient. Wanna have lunch omorow? No, like I said: I'm studying this week. Always an excuse. GNUe is vaporware at every stage. Not a goddam thing to it. ok can we vote now? ...thus ends the tail of Fred the Frog who, once kissed, turns not into a charming prince, but into a beastly troll from the bowels of IRC. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+b *!*@' by jcater! Fred_Frog kicked from #gnuenterprise by jcater: jcater tail? :) or tale. Action: dtm applauds!!!!!!!!!! roffel jbailey: take your pick jcater. You need a bigger range than that. Lemme give it to you, just a sec: roffel*2 Rmm. How do you ban on a /27 mask? jbailey: using asterisks is the only ban syntax So *!*@* ? i think so. It should really be .224/27 try it. you can set as many as you want. anyone know if only works with indentd ? this log will be very funny /mode #gnuenterprise +b *!*@* #gnuenterprise: mode change '+b *!*@*' by jcater! SachaS: doesn't need it. wendall911: yeah after several days, when I cool down maybe a week. dtm someone using mirc cannot log in. person is behind corporate firewall :( ;) SachaS: oh! SachaS: never heard of that. #gnuenterprise: mode change '-o jcater' by jcater! SachaS: i dont have ident. can you ban mac addresses? wendall911: no damn wendall911: mac addresses never reach past approximately their originating LAN they're at the ethernet level hehe oh yeah, hehe dtm are you using mirc? SachaS: :-o oh are we in the middle of frogging? SachaS: I say, sir! Just what *ARE* you implyinG?!?! :) SachaS: Do you bite your thumb at me, sir? dtm i know I know :) maybe mirc works under wine ;) :-o horrors so just what ELSE are you implying, sir? OK OK :) :) i must apologize for the inconvenience, but i only use real software, and it does in fact work :\ i dont know though, coz i haven't used identd since i went "hey why the crap am i using identd???!" and shut it off. man it's cold when i used it, it fully randomized my username and everything OK OK OK. its soooo cold in manchester mirc has a windows port i believe :-I gnue is a worthless piece of shit whoops, just a sec :( oh yeah Nick change: jamest -> doug_dog gnue is a worthless piece of shit lawlz ho ho Nick change: doug_dog -> jamest durn skippy The dog lifts his leg of indignation, in the general direction of the potty training blanket that is GNUe. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. The scrappy wee Dog exhibits his natural incontinence upon the dingy GNUe-covered floor of Dog's whelping box. Frog has me on edge. i just about jumped when i saw this: 15:56 -!- FriedBob [] has joined 15:56 < FriedBob> G'day ;) i thought OH NO HE'S STALKING ME golly oh wait, it's just FriedBob. not Fred_Frog msg chanserv help autorem jamest: sure, it's a worthless piece of shit but a piece of shit that exists and can be used :) wait. that's not worthless, then. okay back to the drawing board! and team, let's get it WRONG this time! Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway gnue is in desperate need of canadian input? so that it sucks less s/sucks/would suck heh jamest: you know you wanna set that ban do they have good software in Canadia? ;P openbsd is canadian well, theo is, i guess theo is something.... canadian riiiiight i really thought the frog was well behaved after our little warnings yday too that's what I was getting at ;) mysql is canadian i think ;) HEH I thought mysql was swedish? i think that's right havoc...just a little sarcasm ;) yup, swedish theo was south african. iirc hey all of you dsmith ( left irc: "Later..." do you think you could help me get this gnue installed i want to use it and try and get it running but this wxwindows is killing me i just need some help figuring out why it is not linking or installing even mfivis ( joined #gnuenterprise. check this out : good evening hi ToyMan ( got netsplit. wendall911 ( got netsplit. ToyMan ( returned to #gnuenterprise. wendall911 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+bb *!*@* *!*@' by i have installed the wxwindows from the debian package I came last night lookin for a little work, does anyone have anything that needs to be done mfivis: we need someone to clean up the frog guts from off of the walls, please. they'll start to turn. everyone has their itch mdupont: what is the broblem?, debian has all deb for gnue the problem is : ImportError: /usr/lib/ symbol _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow, version GCC_3.3 not defined in file with link time reference maybe i should reinstall that libgcc but i did hmm you just have to path-get install gnue-designer, and it will bring all dependancies then, if you want the last cvs but seriously though, I'm for GUI work/ photoshopping / web work etc GUI work? path-get? that is that? you good with icons? graphics are my thing, as is intermediate python stuff just run in gnue-common apt-get or logos? sure i did reinstall all the stuff it is not happy we need someone with artistic talent to create logos that make sense for a database app the ones we use are not really good for that purpose sure they're just close fits from the gnome2 icon set :( jamest: and icons too for tools yes, icons for tools our logo probably could stand some work as the shadowing is off and I'm not sure it's meets the needs of a "good" logo so yes, mfivis, we could use some help :) well sure thing. I'm waiting on a case from newegg so I can put together a new fedora box. Until then I'm stuck on XP and a slow fedora PentiumII mdupont: to tell the truth, i'm not the best people to help in debian (i'm a newbie), but maybe jbailey/james/jcater/cw/ etc. Wha? :) what is fedora, an attempt to make redhat not suck? wendall911 shh Action: btami points to mdupont's problem Yes. wendall911: redhat discontinued it's desktop (free) distro jamest: Fedora existed before that. as a testbed though right? i see, so it is an admittance that they had things pretty screwed up then okay enough wendall911 wendall911: no it's not. knock it off. Not as far as I know. I heard that it was a community thing to add stuff that RH wasn't interested in. ;) redhat sucks Vee who was the guy I was talking to yesterday yes redhate i think this will have to wait till i get a new computer running night all btami ( left irc: "Kliens kilép" mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection carefull around Vee he gets all huggy yeah he's neat dtm heh downloading windows build so I can have a looksee k I see what you mean jamest heh :) l8r jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" some of those icons make me think I'm using AIM express Nick change: mfivis -> mfivis|studying ajmitch_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. sjc ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). Nick change: siesel_tv -> siesel hello all hi ajmitch mfivis|studying ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" hi dyfet dyfet: !!!! all hail the mighty dyfet im still recovering from the gnome summit dyfet: whoa! hi dyfet mdupont ( left irc: "reboot" SachaAway ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdupont ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: Connection timed out jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater Nick change: mdupont -> ZzZzmd-zzzZ dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. hello dcmwai :) hello ajmitch_ I'm having a server halt due to a postgresql problem :( oh dear :( I'm not sure where to start to solve/find the problem what happens with the server? it freezes? runs out of ram/swap? it freezed wendall911 ( left irc: "Download Gaim:" finally... It is solved :( dyfet ( left irc: "Client exiting" jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" ajmitch_ ( left #gnuenterprise ("Leaving"). SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. --- Tue Nov 25 2003