dcmwai: are you here? SachaS: YEp SachaS: what you want :) so what do you think of the slides? did they make sense? SachaS: yes they did but there are some grey area. Due to my limitation in knowledge of electricial transection I can't tell you much. I think I'll have to say... " It is not there yet" :) the people need to be in place is not there yet :( what do you mean? SachaS: in your presentation... (because I don't actually see you present so I will only imanage) reinhard (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. There seem to be many people involved. taken off the SSL and Encryption ... hi reinhard Action: dcmwai think ajmitch is a bot. :( :) This proved that ajmitch isn't Action: ajmitch executes self.shutdown() cya omg. FINALLY someone's designed the ultimate Turing test for ajmitch Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway now we have PROOF good morning * ajmitch executes self.shutdown() this reminds me of the terminator saying "i can not terminate myself" ;-) for goat in gnuenterprise: self.troutslap(goat) haha SachaAway: I don't know what to say any more. Nick change: ZzZzmd-zzzZ -> mdupont hi chillywilly, dcmwai, reinhard hi dtm dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Remote closed the connection SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-227.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaAway (~sacha@online.havanawave.com) left irc: "leaving" thierry_ (~thierry@musashi.xtensive.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) thierry_ (~thierry@musashi.xtensive.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. wb dcmwai ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: Y'ever heard the song "suicide is painless"? =) Nick change: mdupont -> md-afk-1900CET Nick change: SachaS -> SachaZzz jamest (~jamest@adsl-65-71-169-0.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard_ (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) Nick change: reinhard_ -> reinhard dsmith (~dsmith@mail.actron.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo_ (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) jamest (~jamest@adsl-65-71-169-0.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest (~jamest@adsl-65-71-169-0.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911 (~wendallc@guardian.nidaho.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection Nick change: dsmith -> dsmith|food jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. R45 (~r45@cuscon3136.tstt.net.tt) joined #gnuenterprise. ****** The datasource cleanup stuff has been merged into CVS HEAD caveat emptor ****** YES :) wheeeee that sounds like a good thing, whatever it is. so high fives. Action: dcmwai put fives :) fives are put all around! :) Action: dcmwai mozilla rpm is almost complete much more pleasant here today ;) wendall911, we are always pleasant, aren't we? yeah...just like to see friendly dialog no Fred is good Fred is nice when he is not pushing I couldn't ever understand a damn thing he was typing dcmwai: which means that he's not nice. :) lol true dat wendall911, you have to try to learn how a 60 years old people talk. lol dtm, well :) everybody will be not nice when something happen :) Action: dcmwai rephase i haven't banned anybody in a long, long time from irc...i had to do so yesterday as well...must be something in the planet alignments or something yeah. People will change when something affect his own advantage happen. wendall911, you ban fred? also we had to do that in #infoanarchy about 1 or 2 mo ago. same type of situation plus a bot. but then he did ban evasion. no, some guy in another channel that I op first time ever in years haha :0 ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) joined #gnuenterprise. it takes a LOT to get anarchocommunists so pissed off that they throw someone out. he has been coming around asking questions to waste everyones time...realized this when he asked why startx wouldn't work at his dos prompt under windows... +b we wrote up a report on the channel wiki page, and gathered reports of individual consensus, voted, and bewm. wendall911: aha. fuqn pinkos nickr: !!!! and the cool thing is that we didn't have any explicit channel protocol on how to handle that situation. that was just the naturally occuring procedure. dtm: that is nice to have...i unfortunately just ban people out of frustration dtm: rarely yeah. well it's not like they dont know how to not get banned. em .. who have the log bot here? none here can someone change the log bot so that it will be connecting/loging in Utf-8 wendall911, there is just that you don't know ajmitch, shutdown :) dcmwai: i see wendall911, well ajmitch is not the bot... heh but he try to act like a bot :) dcmwai: hahaha jcater: AI snack ajmitch: bot snack Action: dtm placates the machines so they don't rise up against us........ for now.... jamest (~jamest@adsl-65-71-169-0.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). dtm: You need a kill-o-zap gun. jbailey: hey hook me up dood jbailey: i'll add that to my arsenal of Thwap-o-Matic(tm) and Thwapmaster 5000(tm) =) it's my shock-and-awe deterrant u c it's a little ditty i picked up from Maniac of #dcl they do have a trout adaptor for it sadly not for the Thwapmaster. it's not real pretty to see 3000 rpms of trout. nature needs to engineer us some industrial grade trout! they're workin on glo-trout WE *HAVE* THE TECHNOLOGY. ... :-I ... Night.. Action: dcmwai went to sleep :) dcmwai: l8r dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" dyfet (~dyfet@pool-141-153-146-157.mad.east.verizon.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: any info of what is new in new datasource cleanup? * Split GDataObjects into a Connection and a DataObject class, separating connection logic and table query/update logic. * Eliminated DataObject extensions (old logic is now part of the new Connection class) * Schema discovery code is now in its own class, instead of being part of a DataObject :-o jamest (~jamest@gw.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: thanks sjc (~sjc@cpc2-seve3-4-0-cust112.popl.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dsmith|food -> dsmith jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: Excess Flood ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" gack reading the GNUe History forms 0.1.0 was released Nov 2001 wow we're making better progress than I thought R45 (~r45@cuscon3136.tstt.net.tt) left irc: "leaving" jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. btami (btami@3e70d82c.dialin.enternet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. dyfet (~dyfet@pool-141-153-146-157.mad.east.verizon.net) left irc: "Client exiting" btami (btami@3e70d82c.dialin.enternet.hu) left irc: megatux (~chrisg@22.pchl5.xdsl.nauticom.net) joined #gnuenterprise. mouns (mouns@kali.mouns.org) joined #gnuenterprise. I'm looking for an app server for my project and am curious what future plans exist for the GnuE one. ph3nix (adam@neo.outercell.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hi, anyone awake? hi hi is there a sql script somewhere to setup the schema the application server needs? ph3nix: yes, in the "samples" directory ph3nix: did you download source or did you install debian? im using the win32 big install but i downloaded the source also, just didntl ook there. thanks. how do i 'grant all on all' in pgsql? what no win32 support? :) No, get the hell out. hehe j/k and here i am about to /part. ok so the app server is running now. how do i make it so the navigator client will do something nickr: hehe do any of you actually work on gnue? development, i mean. sometimes jamest and jcater do but they seem to not be here at the moment it looks decent I just hang around and act important. I just hang around ph3nix: yer durn tootin' is there uh no operator status? no who? no @'s :) freenode is such taht people don't require to be ops all the time because of Serwices Sevrices we don't need operators because we never kick anybody yeah. we're in the 21st century and crap. shite SERVICES They can become ops at any time, to watch it. s/to/so/ smile. b3w4r3 gnue, the land of the fiercest typos on irc ;-) ok so, my pgsql server is configured on port 5433 lol which, i hcanged in connections.conf but the designer is still trying to connect to 5432 all shall be consumed in confusion and illegibility. no words shall remain. the munging is of extraordinary magnitude. there is no escaping. dtm: I am am the fearless mungaloid ;) beware my wrath :-o morning all Action: dtm b3w4r3 ajmitch: hi hi aj hi ajmitch just a general question, how ambitious are the goals for the GnuE app server? ..say compared to the likes of JBoss or Enhydra? thierry_ (~thierry@musashi.xtensive.com) left irc: "Client exiting" megatux: i've never found a satisfying definition of the term "application server" and it seems that the goal of our "application server" is somehow different from the goals of other "application servers" middleware middle layer chillywilly: odbc is middleware the gnue application server is an actual "application server", i think. :) it serves the frontend/data for the application rather than serviing just business objects Action: jcater thinks our application server is more a data/rules server jcater: no, it's a db api it's both ph3nix: not sure if i understand you imho i dont know if i understand me either since, i cant get it working. ph3nix: gnue-appserver doesn't provide the front end you should make it so it does. gnue-appserver works silently in the back where does navigator get the frontend from? to be the frontend is the task of gnue-forms and friends well we're writing an appserver in one of our larger projects but all it really will do it store and fetch data anf expose an xml api it's the middle layer between the client and database it's a data/rules server just like jcater says ;) hehe.. being new to "app servers" I see the confusion (: on www.gnue.org you should be able to find a whitepaper for gnue-appserver I see it as middleware that provides certain services but there' no hard definition which should explain what the goal of our appserver is I was at a place that had an "app server". It was a file share where the .exe's lived. reinhard: reading it now HEH it should be com kinda persistent server....one would think anyway sorry i can't give you the exact url because my isp's dns server is stable like a straw in the wind :( dsmith: hope that guarded write access to that server carefully :) s/that/they Action: ajmitch needs caffiene! jcater: It was all inside. webware has an appserver webkit ;P chillywilly: you hack that stuff. chillywilly: it's all up to you. ajmitch uses it too there are many things which may be called appservers in this world heheh Wouldn't it be a place where the application "runs" ? ajmitch: dont even be TRYIN to call ME an appserver! yea, where most of the logic of the app lives appservers are *imminently* logical, captain. facinating dtm is a server of verbose diagnostic noise a server of the "gab" openbsd just added support for those devices. 'teh gab' chillywilly: lolz chillywilly: YOU ARE CORRECT, SIR mouns (mouns@kali.mouns.org) left irc: Remote closed the connection Action: dtm bringz tha noize whata long day. so noone answered my question how does the navigator get the forms? they have to be stored locally? yes ph3nix: you are an intrepid one, on the path to righteousness. ph3nix: seek and ye shall find you like star trek, dont you. thats silly ph3nix: i *think* you can also give an url where to find the form what if i dont want them to be stored locally that would be better. what is this 'web interface' option wit hthe appserver its confusing me; making me think it does things it doesnt. yes, form names can be any valid url http, ftp, file, etc well, not *any* valid url but the more common ones rtsp://, mss://, dsn, etc what wouldnt work? what dtm just said :) right, so you wouldnt stream them. interesting. data flowing in a stream of pure digital consciousness the appserver has you!! does paris hilton have naything to do with the project? who? ph3nix: if you create a shim between gnue and giFT-fasttrack, you could perform a search that will reveal the answers which you seek chillywilly: shes like "brad pitt" but for heterosexuals. courtesy of kazaa Action: chillywilly is not a homosexual but doesn't match up actress names very well i stay away from kazaa. nor do I really give a fsck either Action: chillywilly gets out the big 10lb trout Action: chillywilly swings it around the channel wildly do I need to proceed further? yes there should be ops on this network. Action: dtm shoves chillywilly toward nickr ph3nix: why? ph3nix: but of course Action: ph3nix pees on chillywilly. Action: dsmith waits for his "apt-get dist-upgrade" to finish on the dev board. there are ops Action: chillywilly thwaps ph3nix with 10lbs of Lake Michigan trout Action: dtm whips out the Troutmeister 45(tm) some people here just don't know how to act politely around guests Action: chillywilly is in a squirrely mood now if I were an IT professional investigating GNUe, what would I think of this? ajmitch: shaddup ajmitch: you'd think it's the happeninest place on the block ;P yeah, or that chilly whats your email address. ummm ! why do you want that? im going to forward you the last 10 emails i got about paris hilton. i get about 6 an hour. 23 hours a day. no thanks I don't need people to forward me spam...I got my own spam! anyway brb you must not. ph3nix: hhahehehe@*)#% since, you dont know who paris hilton is. oh well ph3nix: i've never seen a thing about her. the only way i'd know she exists is comments made by David Letterman Action: chillywilly waddles away into sunset she is the hilton heir are you people american? some I'm Ugundan she's like jackie o, but naked. I'm from Ohio she's a cutie jcater: what do i have to do to get the navigator working I am not american.. she a spoiled rich kid, period she is. but i'm not going to be obsessed with her. ajmitch: we still love you :) aww thanks jcater Action: dsmith hides before it gets too thick dsmith: all you need is love love, love the same could be said of beer im still having this port problem, also. havoc: but those make the best naked chicks rich and spoiled bah Action: jcater /clears that one little brats ph3nix: is it giving you an error? which problem there should be some sample .gpd files for Navigator the port entry in connections.conf doesn't seem to be working oh the connections form reads it ok; but im getting the stock pgsql "are you sure the server is running on :port" jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client exiting" where the host is right, but the port's 5432. hmm anyway, im installing pgsql locally so i wont have the port conflict. ph3nix (adam@neo.outercell.com) left irc: "EPIC4-1.1.12[524] - oblivion : no animals were used in the testing of obv" adam5 (adam@open.phenixamd.com) joined #gnuenterprise. oh the fun. :) jamest (~jamest@gw.math.ksu.edu) left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). night all reinhard (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "I haven't lost my mind. I know exactly where I left it." Yayy. It's done. megatux (~chrisg@22.pchl5.xdsl.nauticom.net) left irc: "leaving" sjc (~sjc@cpc2-seve3-4-0-cust112.popl.cable.ntl.com) left irc: "Client exiting" dsmith (~dsmith@mail.actron.com) left irc: "Well, I'm going home, gotta work on this tomorrow." Nick change: SachaZzz -> SachaS ToyMan (~stuq@user-0cevdks.cable.mindspring.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@CPE00062579efac-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@adsl-65-71-169-0.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "Client exiting" jbailey (~jbailey@CPE00062579efac-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left irc: "Sleep time." jcater (~jcater@cpe-066-061-071-147.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. gsoti_away (~gsoti@adsl-68-23-162-192.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) joined #gnuenterprise. GNUPredator (mdupont@p5080EE71.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #gnuenterprise. md-afk-1900CET (mdupont@p5080E55B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-227.wasp.net.au) left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). ToyMan (~stuq@user-0cevdks.cable.mindspring.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" gsoti_away (~gsoti@adsl-68-23-162-192.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) left #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@adsl-65-71-169-0.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left irc: "Client exiting" jamest (~jamest@adsl-65-71-169-0.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911 (~wendallc@guardian.nidaho.net) left irc: "Download Gaim: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/" Nick change: dneighbo_ -> derek --- Wed Nov 26 2003