SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. is there an easy way to validate bookmarks? in mozilla 1.5 or firebird derek: what do you want to do? validate them? why validate them... against deadlinks? oh check if there are still useful or still active? hum there isn't such tools :( there's a link checker and a bookmark is just another web page yea that's what I was thinking.. only thing I found, while doing a quick check was checkbot in the deb repository hi, gnuers I'm sure I'm overlooking something Action: Vee hugs ajmitch there are firebird extensions for that stuff, derek nasty little things they are :) mozilla-checky - Online validation and analysis services for Mozilla ajmitch: :) ajmitch: someone really think that you are a bot ;) dcmwai: what are you talking about, he is a bot. haha let try ajmitch: Op :) !op nan Not responding... ajmitch: reboot :) The best bots are the quiet ones Action: ajmitch reboots ajmitch ( left #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek: a cursory check on for the keyphrase "link check" reveals derek: which i chose coz it looks sophisticated enough, and sounds like "dcl" ajmitch: reallt ack like bot :) ajmitch: are you awake? no ajmitch: then what are you doing? Action: ajmitch shrugs :) damn ldap... can edit but cannot remove :( can anyone tell me from report to html there is a xslt files it read right. can anyone tell me where it is? I've try /usr/local/gnue/share/gnue/filters/SimpleTabulation/ which is a link to gnue/gnue-reports/src/adapters/filters/SimpleTabulation/etc But after I change it... the output html didn't change (not even the style) part ... anyone... jcater ;) woo it is 2 am at jcater place... 3 Vee: help... I'm helpless man I'm helpless... not you. You are helpful :) not atm.. :) hi dcmwai vee morning SachaS Hello SachaS ... I'm helpless now.. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning gnuers hi thierry Nick change: btami -> btami_away dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" Nick change: btami_away -> btami btami ( left irc: Nick change: SachaS -> SachaAway hi all could I easily overwrite behaviour of what done by hitting F6 button (commit)? Nick change: SachaAway -> SachaS dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) derek ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" nenhum ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: Client Quit dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" Nick change: GNUPredator -> mdupont hi all hello Hello, I'm from the Fisterra ERP development team, are all of you gnue developers? hi nenhum most are guest, contributors Is there an active core of developers? a few developers yeah i think so, an active core of about 4-6 i would say hi is there a way to make a pgsql database case insensitive? Well, we are very interested in finding ways of collaboration with the Gnue team. We were talking with Richard Stallman about our projects related to Fisterra and he told us to try to collaborate with Gnue. And we think it's a good idea. wow this log gets read by most so just go ahead and i am sure one of the core will get back to you right. thats what'll happen. maybe an url would be a good start and some background information or an email to do you know about the Fisterra project? ( sorry I dont It's a GPL project trying to develop an ERP with Gnome technologies ok It's used by some companies already, and I've seen some comments on our project in some of the Gnue reports in the webpage, i think nenhum: you should talk with siesel, jcater, jamest, reinhard, chillywilly, and derek in no particular order dtm: nice, thanks, are they often in the channel? yes daily nenhum: you will idle here with us! welcome. to this place. of free enterprisingness. dtm rambles i think he does acid. all day. :/ will someone try and answer my question. :/ nenhum: from the webpage it says that it was (in the beginning) useful for garages oh, yeah! sure! hey! let's all just stop what we're doing and do what ADAM5 WANTS TO DO. adam5: ;) dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) nenhum: did you enhance fisterra to a broader audience? adam5: alternately, you might say hello to google adam5 if there is a way to make pgsql case insensitive? adam5: in the SQL queries? i want the relations to be insensitive SachaS: yes, we have now a team of people working hard in order to release Fisterra2. This is going to be a completelly new approach, more flexible, and valid for developing ERP solutions for any kind of sector. Well start to release Fisterra2 versions before the end of the year. im trying to copy over a mssql database adam5: frankly, I dont know it msut be able to and it should be pretty well documented :) i think mysql has a compile-time option SachaS: together with the new release of Fisterra we are preparing a new webpage with completelly updated information adam5: so is that implying that you haven't rtfm? adam5: i'm just curious! Action: SachaS is checking out fisterra homepage no, of course i greped tfm. oh good. nenhum: so is there any special reason why you didn't base it on gnue initially? nenhum: just curious. nenhum: to pose a blunt question. dtm: well, we looked at gnue at that time, but we had de feeling that it was too difficult to evolve the state of the project to what our clients were demanding. We had a deadline for that garage software and that was an important priority. We also had some differences in the technologies to use, and in the way of focusing the solution, but it was always in our mind the idea of collaborating with gnue in the near future. And I think we n be now in the rigth moment, at least to see if we can collaborate. nenhum: oh. deadlines! nenhum: is fisterra backed by a company? or is that a development team based on volunteering? nenhum: well gnue is certainly cross platform in every way. it's got display and UI abstractions for which GNOME could be a new target. SachaS: it is backed by a small (~20 developers) "community company" without any big company behind not all of the developers are currently working in Fisterra dtm: deadlines + some differences in the technologies and approach, that's it, yes nenhum: I am sure with more brain and horsepower, these projects (fisterra, gnue, one of each, both, other ERP initatives) can evolve. Is gnue only based in volunteering? as dtm mentioned you might want to talk with the core developers nenhum: no, it is in commercial production nenhum: it's a money maker :} DCL is entirely built by corporate support, afaik nenhum: as far as I know yes. some developers get time for gnue by their employers so is bayonne SachaS: which in other words, means "no" :) there is no company backing gnue as a complete project two different views :-? however some of us get paid to work on gnue when it applies to the company needs nenhum: gnue is a metaproject so it's pretty big. if that makes any sense jamest: can you rephrase that in the form of a question please nenhum: you might also want to talk to dcmwai, who is developer of arias and collaborates with gnue jamest: *BZZT* nenhum: yeah, in other words, idle here nenhum: and talk all ya want. they'll read the logs. logs? Is the whole project developed using Python? yes, it's 100% pure python pure python pleasure (obvious question) and why Python? say that 3 times fast! chillywilly: i just did mentally. but i refuse to vocally. it's a clean language, very powerfull, quick to develop in and easy to maintain pure pythonic pleasure chillywilly: i could type it three times fast. dtm: that doesn't count chillywilly: i'd prefer to use the keybd buffer though we started w/ C/C++ long ago, then started coding stuff in python, eventually everything went to python I've experience with quite a lot of languages, but I've never used python for "real world" projects, is the language performance a problem? not really the plan was to recode performance bottlenecks in C jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. however fixing bad designs have reduced any performance bottlenecks we've encountered jc is in da hizouse that sounds very attractive, we are using C/Gnome with a component based approach for the development off to bed Nick change: SachaS -> SachaZzz what is the rigth doc/article/tutorial/webpagesection to understand correctly the whole architecture of the gnue metaproject? (I want to read that to find easily possible collaboration points) nenhum: i think its the python code ;) wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. thats an old joke in this channel (but I guess it has more to it) SachaZzz: no other nice doc available? wow you know I haven't looked at the doc section in ages nenhum: if you cvs checkout the project you should find doc directories in various places SachaZzz: and is that doc updated? :-) the overview docs are horribly out of date :( nenhum: I think thats the best you can get hi all hi mdupont hi SachaZzz sigh, we need clones jamest: but first we must learn to control them. lest they RISE UP nenhum: or the alternative is to ask here as much as possible... nenhum: here in this channel and no jcater, the clone would have to be of yourself, you can't pick anyone else as I don't want you distracted we rented T3 Monday night Action: jcater knows who he wants a clone of :-o SachaZzz: yes, but before asking, I wanted to read, just in order to avoid newbie stupid questions ;-) nenhum: yep I understand. Nick change: SachaZzz -> SachaZzzzz are all the developers from the states? jcater: Arnold? because I wonder how difficult would be to have some kind of meeting :) nenhum: no nenhum: ha! a physical meeting? why? dtm: no real need for that, but it could be that we are just neighbours :) and it's good to know. Sometimes a physical meeting is useful and nice nenhum: we call our meetings "irc" :) nenhum: i've tried organizing summit meetings, a week in advance, and it's a buncha cat herding :) we've been thinking in organizing a conference about Open Source ERPs to try to create more collaboration yay dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. would you think that would be a good/useful idea? siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi :) siesel, ... nenhum: how would we do it? siesel, the xsl you told me... did it active at the time we change or we need some extra jobs to make it active? I'm try to make a few modification on the style so that some New style can be use and it beem that it is not getting in the output jamest: we could do a conference organized by some local university, for example, with the collaboration of some interested companies, and invite developers from all the ERP-like projects in the world (that are quite a lot, i think) local to where? where are you located? we've got people from all over in here now jamest: local to any of us (that would act as organizing comittee) :) in my case, i'm from the north-west of spain Action: SachaZzzzz would like to go to Spain. ;) SachaZzzzz, you are dreaming :) dcmwai ROFL Nick change: SachaZzzzz -> SachaS dcmwai: what are you still doing here, at this hour? SachaS, well... same quesiton to you :) jamest: we could try to organize such a meeting, if it's interesting for the people Action: dcmwai and SachaS is trying to catch siesel :) haha nenhum: it's always nice to meet but i'm not sure how many people in here can afford to travel great distances Action: jamest has only seen a few gnue developers in person Action: jamest only wished they would have been nicer looking ones of course they had to put up with looking at me to, so I guess it's even jamest: where are you from? Action: SachaS is currently in Australia Action: dcmwai is Currently in Malaysia Action: SachaS knows reinhard is in Austria Action: SachaS thinks siesel is in germany yaya.. chillywilly, where is chillywilly? Action: SachaS thinks chillywilly is in USA Vee, should be in USA as well Action: SachaS think jbailey is from Canada Action: SachaS thinks dneighbo is from USA Action: SachaS knows ajmitch is from New Zealand mdupont is from Germany? yes from NJ live in frankfurt New Jessy? New Jesse Ventura where is nickr from? Uganda oh there are many beautiful girl there :) Uganda? dcmwai: haha ummm Zaire SachaS, Really :) dcmwai: where is that? you don't believes ask mdupont ni germany? lots of prety blondes ah.. Uganda.. where is jcater from? i belive it SachaS, See :) hello? dcmwai you havent been to Australia! ok, then instead of starting with a conference (I still see that as a nice option), let's start with a multi-erp-project mailing list... what do you think about it? chillywilly, YEs :) SachaS, No :) we could host the list in our company without any problem Action: SachaS goes back into dreamland Nick change: SachaS -> SachaZzzz jamest and jcater are USA people are all around the world :) so what about a multi-project mailing list? Action: SachaZzzz supports multi-project mailinglist siesel, ... that might be nice jcater, you there? dcmwai: sorry, was reading news Action: SachaZzzz supports multi-free-erp-project mailinglist siesel, what news/ nenhum: spain is good. dcmwai: yes but quite busy dcmwai: lwn weekly kernel news ah.. :) siesel: goot for what? ;-) jcater, nvm I'll ask siesel to help me Thank. siesel, the xsl location you give me /gnue/gnue-report/src/blah blah/Simpletabalance/ yes, and it will be installed at gnue/shared bla bla/... after I edit the html.xls it will work or I need to do something else? so you have to change the installed version I think har? no, just change the xsl are you sure you're using the xslt (sablot) engine and not the "tabulator" what does your report-filters.conf entry look like for that? SABOT ROCKET the tabulator engine doesn't use the xslt files iirc jcater, I'm sure I'm using the tabulator engine :( dcmwai: ok then: engine=sablotron so I've to change the report-filters.conf to use sablotron (how come this name is so hard to spell( em..I'm using sablotron... wait.. let see there is 10 line long.. [simple:html] description = HTML 3.0-compatable markup. mimetype = text/html # using XSLT engine = sablotron template = html.xsl # using tabulator engine engine = tabulator formatter = html encoding = utf-8 anyone see something wrong? I'm using 2 engine together... dcmwai: please comment out the second engine. Unable to load PySablot what is this again :( you have to install pysablot. like blizzard said.. bad news? I've alot :) but its probably easier to install the python bindings for libxslt ... what siesel, what is recommended? I would recommend libxslt engine=libxslt Just that ? Yes and install libxslt from siesel there are new version why shouldn't we get them? /usr/local/gnue/share/gnue/filters/SimpleTabulation/html.xsl:81: error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: body and xsl:for-each This is a very bad news :( DB000: styledoc = libxml2.parseFile(xslfile) DB000: File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/", line 970, in parseFile DB000: if ret is None:raise parserError('xmlParseFile() failed') DB000: libxml2.parserError: xmlParseFile() failed nenhum ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). dsmith ( left irc: "Later..." sjc ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel, ... sorry, have presentation now, but, some tips: if you get the parser error means: that your xslt file is broken check it with "xmllint" ah.. :( Action: dcmwai will goto sleep and fix that tomorrow. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" if its working then try to build the html version by hand, i.e. xsltproc .... Nick change: siesel -> siesel_away dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. ources/drivers/postgresql/psycopg/", line 51, in Connection DB000: from Driver import Connection as C DB000: ImportError: cannot import name Connection jcater_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater_ ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). wait Nick change: mdupont -> md-afk File "/home/ds/cvs/gnue_new/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 39, in ? from gnue.common.logic.GTrigger import TriggerRuntimeError ImportError: cannot import name TriggerRuntimeError anyone having troubles after last commits? I'm sure TriggerRuntimeError is not exist in the common code Vee ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi dimas and all i'm just reading log in current cvs there is from gnue.common.logic.language.Base import LangIfCompileError", line 39 have you updated all gnue-* ? plus the dbdrivers are half-way converted, so you have to wait a little, or fix them yourself :) l8r btami ( left irc: btami: thanks.. and bye 'Industry wags are saying that God invented SCO to give people a company to hate more than Microsoft.' hmmm but I hate them equally ;P oic the campaign has failed in the eyes of the public yuuuup Nick change: jcater -> jcater_ Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: jcater_ -> jcater Vee ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. night all reinhard ( left irc: "Reality is for people that lack imagination." mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: md-afk -> mdupont chillywilly: i think that "hate" is a pretty strong word. how about "loathe through your every moral fiber with the intensity of a thousand suns?" chillywilly: i mean, all things in moderation, etc TypeError: exceptions must be classes, instances, or strings (deprecated), not unicode Uggh!!!! Action: jcater really dislikes unicode why can't everyone just deal w/English!! Action: jcater ducks i had a colleague who said, "*I* don't have any need for globalization!!!" peace dtm, jcater, chillywilly today i have decided that the fastest way to the market is to resell free software. the first thing i can do is take the applications as they are and install and test them then i can also do customizations and then when i have figured out how to use them, start with the reverse engineering again anyway, just want to let you know that i am aware that i might have stepped on your toes and want to try and buildup first a stable relationship of me being a good client of yours instead of trying to first reverse engineer your systems from the getgo argh! I really dislike that our strings are not longer StringType s/not/no what are they now, system strings? UnicodeType mdupont: are you addressing someone in particular? Action: jcater is just bitching outloud jcater: noted you can safely ignore me dtm: yes, you mostly but directed at all the people oic hmm. noted how much do you get paid dtm? dtm: has been explaining the finer parts of building relationships adam5: what?! i am learning from him you know US Dollars the thing about trying to setup a crm system is that you have to concentrate on relationships and relationships also are built functionally for example, the shipping function requires a network of people around an area but also a sales network has a diffrent relationship in fact, you have service providers broadcasting offers for products and customers listening I get paid in donuts that's standard, right? and trading yes jcater how many? i sell software to the donut company a dozen a day and they use shipping from somone who gets his hari cut do you roll any of them into your 401K? i guess you could set up a commune I have a hard time saving them an internet commune that just trades in good plus wife seems to confiscate 50% of my earnings and distributes farm goods to computer workers basically a barter system with a HUGE network that allows trades over 10 routes mdupont: go work on that. just the idea think about it you could write a front end in gnue to manage the whole thing. it could a network of gnue server please hole up in the basement until you are done. a huge hard of them are repair shops who work for barter i think that would be a revolution all you need is a fusion generator and then you wont have to worry about power. in the way people work sure it is far fethced Action: mdupont googles Nick change: siesel_away -> siesel it's called things like "gift economy", "barter", and probably revolves around such buzzwords as "communism" and "anarchy" there are international barter and gift economies, completely off the grid or partially meshed with the grid with their own currencies siesel ( left irc: "night!" in technology, this is implemented as p2p networks with advanced algorithms revolving around reputation such as and Action: dtm takes off his hat in honor of the late mojonation but what about pearfeer? Fear the Pears! in the SF Bay Area there is BREAD Hours jcater: yeah i hear that imho, there are two main levels of effective and sustainable voluntary communism... barter (which already exists in mass business infrastructure, via hub-like web sites, and is IRS regulated) and the aforementioned off-the-grid reputation-based non-barter gift economy which is at least as effective but slightly less prolific, and not IRS regulated dtm and feels a whole lot better because it's its own meritocratic network how much do youy get paid dtm: that would allow people to keep from starving people with houses could rent rooms to people who clean and cook what is peerfeer? mdupont: if yo'ure talking about public welfare, you're talking about forms of society and govt which have been attempted since forever and which are unsustainable so far, due to a lack of surrounding meritocratic structure such as capitalism capitalism provides an excellent meritocratic and success-based primary superstructure, with an underlying secondary socialized superstructure which is a lot of the original theory behind the US well i am thinking about what it takes to build a trading network that optimizes the trades so that you dont need cash if each person would do thier optimal work and then you have pockets and networks of voluntary socialism and gift economies within that mdupont: you're in entirely the wrong community for that, here in this channel. now you're talking about infoanarchy and p2p and that would automatically be traded at the optimial rate mdupont: the main structures that underlie what you're talking about, are sophisticated p2p-networked algorithms of reputation and privacy yes and the main expert on that is the Burtonator, over at author of Newsmonster and of economic trading, there must be a key size of the network he's the reputation and RSS guy where the trading is done automatically as far as overall management of it as a whole network, you're talking about the late mojonation whose culture has redispersed into infoanarchy.rog org i am just thinking they had a working implementation. i will talk to someone else sorry to be OT but of course. but maybe i should look at that burtonator yeah he is a guy i know burtonator's pretty much as crazy as you are and I know you'll find him compatible from the emacs scripting he's an emacs fiend he is hiring programming yes he is not telecommuting only local to SF i know bizarrely enough almost as bizarre as the concept that someone gave him angel money well maybe they will publish a spec eventually bonne nuit which seems to violate all principles of nature i need to look at peerfeer again but i wish him all the luck mdupont: he's basically you, in about 2 or 3 years mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection mdupont: except he's primarily interested in the aforementioned p2p stuff, not primarily in the TUNES-like stuff. he's quite pragmatic. he's applied it, finally although its resource requirements are absurd nobody can tame him. he is a pure force of nature. except for his hair. ok i need to do some heavy research talk to you later he's actually skimming the realm of marketability Nick change: mdupont -> md-research yeah sure you go ahead and do that. you just take on communism now. last week it was a code generating, self reflective computing system. the week before, it was an enterprise app server architecture. now global economic unification theory, p2p theory, and communism. great. i'll toss some urls out if i cna can i dont know much about communism myself, but gosh darn it, it's about TIME that SOMEBODY took that project up! hmm. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Sup dudes sky also jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" nickr: What's that? pure evil or pure good depending is it up for a vote? No Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith: uh. yeah. okay. we'll do that. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: hi. hi ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" sjc ( left irc: "Client exiting" R45 (~r45@ joined #gnuenterprise. dehgenog ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45` ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45 (~r45@ left irc: Nick collision from services. Nick change: R45` -> R45 Nick change: SachaZzzz -> SachaS dsmith ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). R45_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. R45 ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Nick change: md-research -> ZzZz-snore-ZzZz- Nick change: ZzZz-snore-ZzZz- -> ZzZz-snore-Zzmdz Nick change: ZzZz-snore-Zzmdz -> ZzZz-snore-Zz-md dtm: nite and yeah communism, that is not the goal cutting out of goverment tax that is the issue there is no tax on a barter system and you dont have to give IRS any of it that is the great thing R45_ ( left irc: "leaving" jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" jamest ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. ZzZz-snore-Zz-md ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ZzZz-snore-Zz-md ( joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911 ( left irc: "Download Gaim:" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" ZzZz-snore-Zz-md: barter is completely taxable and regulated by the IRS ZzZz-snore-Zz-md: that's why people have created entirely off-the-grid non-barter systems based on gift economy and alternate non-monetary currency. jdv79 ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm: sir, are you present? ajmitch: yeah what's up dawg you are m4d interchange h4x0r, no? that is the theory and goal behind the madness. spill it! is there any kind of projection as to when this project is guessed to be up and running with all components at least beta? i can handle it. all components? jdv79: as a metaproject, it's neverending. the components work now though. jdv79: so, go ahead and use it. you have permission now --- Thu Nov 27 2003