Vee: l8r dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection alandd: and since you're learning, mysql is awful and you should use pgsql instead bah dtm: mysql was a convenient choice. I know it is already on one of my boxes so I picked it. pgsql may already be there too. Action: alandd likes the word "bah" chillywilly: oh hi there alandd: noted I think derek likes pg better too, IIRC Action: chillywilly smites dtm :-o alandd: everyone who knows anything about database design likes almost anything better :) than what? mysql it's a nonissue, other than compatibility with existing projects that aren't going to be ported well, mysqlcc seg faults on my fedora box here. time to look at something else. alandd: it's a strong advocacy statement, but also advice to beware if it's gotta scale mysql is fine if you like writing your own code to check referential integrity, etc. ;) yeah and wanna wait for it to do so :) chillywilly: Ugh! and if such code is at least as good as that which inherently exists in a real database haha, there's no foreign key concept in mysql in which case you're truly daft maybe you can get them if you use innodb w/ mysql can get transactions that way too rather than hear me babble like a fool, here just read this if you care -- side question: is there a way for apt-get to list the packages that the sources have available? alandd: 'apt-cache search ' or do you want a full list? dtm: no, that's perfect. thanks a'ight adn dtm doesn't even use debian ;) and neither does alandd. yeah not any more, but i do have a nice cheat sheet wimp half for apt which works on any supported system, and half for dpkg install debian or be banned from #gnue ;) which afaik only works on debian muwahahaha Action: chillywilly becomes the debian nazi that was not a change in status apt claims I already have postgresql installed. How do I prove it? ps aux | grep postmaster ;) dpkg --get-selections | cut -f1 | grep -i postgresql or 'which psql' Action: alandd should go find a howto dpkg --list |grep postgres ii means installed proved it. Trying to understand the initdb operation. found the howto you need debian it does all that for you :) ready initdb then su then su - postgres then initdb then createuser fill out the stuff then exit out of su - postgres and psql -u usercreated template1 alandd: so are you using redhat? fedora got through all that from someone's howto well then. I'm done for tonight. did more than I thought! yeah so my command to you was useless and you should have used "rpm -qa | grep postgresql" i could make you and chillywilly an rpm cheat sheet no, no. not useless. jogs me along when trying things. well, you couldn't have executed it :) rpm sheet would be good. fedora has apt and yum support so I use that when I can. ok stand by dpk -l | grep postgresql dpkg --list is too long ;) haha a'ight dpkg -l postgre* derek: dewd get a grip. any reasonable distro does that how do I exit the pgsql prompt? \q thanks! dtm: do I need to wait for you? alandd: i have no idea. do you? i have 4 more commands to go, if you're somehow asking about my progress you are typing this in? Just for us? Wow! yeah proofreading I was just going to head for bed but I'll wait till you're done. this is a link to what? a laptop going there. the debian users can proofread that doc and ensure that it's still accurate and optimal i got all the debian info from the former maintainer of debian apache and it always worked for me, although pointlessly unintuitive cool which is probably understandable given its early legacy how is -S any less intuitive than -qf for instance because that's a hierarchical command that means "query for a file" afaict, neither one is "intuitive" S means search it's as intuitive as a cli can get a command this involved has to be hierarchical, not split into multiple binaries and traversing the alphabet that's all dtm: thanks sure i forgot to check if it even renders; i wrote it in vi ;) looks fine. no fancy fonts but it all lines up and now for my latest trick... a border!!! chillywilly: that link you posted just chokes my mozilla. trying konqueror it lines up only at 70% but oh well doesn't matter anyway...I meant the command fit on one line if I zoom in some ;) thanks dtm I should just see if I can get apt for mandrake cooker ;P yeah cool now I suppose the apt repos for it do not have "official" rpms? i dont recall, but i think they do chillywilly: gonna send us each one for Christmas? HEH it's been so long since apt broke itself on me funny guy and i wouldn't use it now unless it no longer occupies 100% cpu and dozens of MB of RAM for a minute just to query something does debian's apt normally do that? it's been a while since i've used apt4rpm night all. alandd: take care Nick change: alandd -> alanddZZzz gthey have fedora and redhat but no mandrake well install the redhat one then, or rebuild the SRPM it just uses glibc and db4 afaik, right? er gdbm or something basic it's for 'noarch' afaik so it's gotta be :) yea but there's no mandrake repos oh yeah. that was kinda the point, wasn't it i forgot about that part. :/ well i've never looked for em! <-- you can thank google later yea and click the mandrake one adn tell me where mandrake is ;) I saw that page as it was linked to the frcik page frcikin! sdflsjkdflksdjf !!! yeah i'm one step behind ya there oh well :( what are you running right now dtm ? redhat8 using redcarpet for base OS updates not upgrading to fedora? ugh no reason to; this is a production environment if i was desktop only, i would be redhat 7.3 on up will be part of fedora legacy for quite some time and they're all binary compatible anyway what does it matter if it is a desktop only or not? because that would mean it's not a server, which is a production environment it's not like I need a new installer on an OS that never needs reinstallation bah, for personal stuff I like running the bleeding edge yeah i normally would but whatever ;) well, i normally wouldn't care, coz how can it possibly matter? in any practical way, that is if it's not macos10, it's a mostly utilitarian environment and hence bleeding edge is largely irrelevant it'd be a few years behind macos10 at best, unless i made a custom distro that gave me some legitimate tradeoffs macos10 is not even "open source" ;P which i have documented extensively when i worked for linuxppc, inc you can add that to you cheat sheet? ;) aha the last character in the command name corresponds to rpm's basic arguments pretty dumb that they don't use arguments, though yea lame ;P should be like rpm, one command with paralleling, hierarchical arguments they're french ;) what did you expect? ;) :/ hahaha dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi Hey What are you doing up? what are *you* doing up? Hacking ok, then me too I've got my .xsl working. ok Converts sylpheed .xml addressbooks to emacs bbdb format. I'm using Gnus for mail now, and it was a nice project to learn xslt. Gnus?!? ack ;P I'm using ERC Version 4.0 $Revision: 1.577 $ with Emacs 21.3.1! Don't even use xchat anymore freak Thass me I use irssi Thats text-only? it has gui interfaces but I use irssi in screen in konsole I can detach and reattach my irc session at will Konsole! Blech Gnome sucks ;P yes! So does kde ;^) kde is better though at least it doesn't suck a lot of memory not as much as gnome gnome seems more flexible to me. You can script it more. kde seems locked in to C++ and their funny extensions. I don't usually bother to script my desktop I prefer c++ to c trong type checking, classes, inheritance, and that goodness ;) strong Yeah, I've had all three of Bjarnes books. I never got too deep into it becuse they kept changing it. the standard has been stable for quite some time g++ 3.x is very standards compliant yeah, but now I'm *old*. it will bicth at you if you don't use a namespace Good. This xslt stuff is wacky. Seems to work though. it's pretty functional language like stuff you should like it ;) It's *ugly* heh if has no then you have to put when and otherwise blocks inside a choose s/no then/no else/ oh well I've got a better understanding now, and that's one of the goals. So I'm happy. And now I'm off to bed. Good Night! dsmith ( left irc: "Sleep ... .. ." btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) Nick change: md-zzzz -> mdupont siesel ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi thierry, siesel dimas hi mdupont whats happening wtg ( left irc: "Client exiting" not much :) is DCL more GNUE or more PHPGW? I think more GNUe, but I'm no expert ok derek ( left irc: Connection timed out thierry ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. lxf2 (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. lxf2 (~agus_tea@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) PeterD ( joined #gnuenterprise. PeterD ( left irc: "KVIrc 3.0.0-beta2 "T-Rex"" thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. alanddZZzz ( left irc: "Leaving" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: thierry ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. thierry ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry ( left irc: "Client exiting" thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. lxf2 (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. lxf2 (~agus_tea@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) lxf2 (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. thierry ( left irc: "Client exiting" thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. lxf2 (~agus_tea@ left irc: dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. varna ( joined #gnuenterprise. Good evening hello varna :) hi dimas :) sjc ( joined #gnuenterprise. varna ( left irc: mouns ( joined #gnuenterprise. wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. has anyone tried the new cvs access on savannah? no last I checked it was read only savannah is still read only. Did they every catch the evildoers? ever yea, they said it was this old guy named Dale Smith....he remains elusive aka Fred Fsomehting Action: dsmith wanders over to the Trout bin. heheee ;) Action: dsmith thwaps chillywilly with a 50lb monster! :-o the blow is of extraordinary magnitude! there is no escaping! Action: dsmith reveals the Emacs Lisp manual (both volumes) hidden inside. you stuffed that inside the trout? Action: dtm calls PETA Action: dsmith runs Time for Coffee Action: dtm captures dsmith with his special patented Boomerang Action Trout(tm) jcater, jbailey: I thought it would be good to check against any evil changes in the repository Action: dsmith returns to his desk using an escaping continuation like the removal of lines like "if username=="derek": raise Error" ;) hey dtm just about to install dcl and start working on that wante to know how dcl fits into gnue btw. does the gpg key savannah need has to be cross signed ? :) siesel: No. what about cross-dressed? cross gender ? :) cross eyed? cross pollinated Transgender gpg keys, hmmm. w/ meat :-o ajmitch_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. trout crossed ajmitch !!! yes? hows the land of the lord of the rings today? (and braindead) ok ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. cool does psql do SSl? SSL chillywilly: good question pgadmin3 supposedly does SSL, but I can't get it to work and I can find absolutely nothing about SSL in the psql docs Secure TCP/IP Connections with SSH tunnels hmmm, make a tunnel well yea you can always do that I suppose postgres does SSL and I have it setup and running just no client that can connect to it Use a tunnel for the client then why bother having the server have native SSL support? someone sadi section 167. 16.7 chillywilly: that's how I got SSL setup bah that's not helpful dumbasses havoc: That is a point. hmm, maybe if I require ssl in pg_hba.conf they say it will be ssl on the standard port if ssl is setup no extra crap needed to do with psql yeah, it uses same port for ssl and non-ssl Ewww ok, I got it figured out Tell Us the server pretty much determines whether it's ssl or not yea I got ssl connection now chillywilly: how? by connecting normally ah SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256) yeah, I guess it will try ssl, and fall back on non-ssl if ssl is unavailable but I'm going to set it to require ssl dsmith ( left irc: "Good Night Folks!" siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) wt ( joined #gnuenterprise. mouns ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). reinhard_ ( left irc: "Don't contradict a woman -- wait until she does herself." jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client exiting" thierry ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. sjc ( left irc: "Client exiting" jcater ( left irc: "home" Nick change: mdupont -> md-afk ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dang i missed jbailey wanted to give him crap about canada denying immunity to the cancer guy that was wanting to defect from america cause they wont let him smoke pot :) awwwwww so that was his fault? HE did that?! that atrocious monster its a long running political joke we always come back to canada being liberal about pot smoking so i was gonna tease him that they were selfish they only think pot smoking is good for canadians ;) awww those northerly anti-sick-people terrorists! dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch_ ( left irc: "Leaving" md-afk ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) md-afk ( joined #gnuenterprise. --- Fri Dec 12 2003