ajmitch (~ajmitch@ppp144-189.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net) left irc: "Leaving" ajmitch (~ajmitch@ppp144-189.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. derek (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-250.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. sjc (~sjc@cpc2-seve3-4-0-cust112.popl.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (~ajmitch@ppp144-189.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net) left irc: "Leaving" ajmitch (~ajmitch@ppp144-189.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: sjc -> sjc|away Vee2d2 (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Nick change: dneighbo -> derek Nick change: sjc|away -> sjc Vee2d2 (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-250.conceptual.net.au) left irc: "Client exiting" marcello (~marcello@adsl-114-73.38-151.net24.it) joined #gnuenterprise. is the current svn snapshot of gnue ok to download or does it have outstanding issues? its cvs er svn so certainly "buyer beware" clauses exist :) but it likely is moderately safe i wouldnt overwrite a production environment with it but if you are just wanting to play around its a good place to start ok thank you so do with have an anon solution for access to svn now? howdy, btw. :) i dont think sos er so Action: derek has not been in touch much lately fighting other major battles like getting a very large government to adopt free software yea, I've been burried in a lot of stuff of late as well.. btami (~tamas@wrr.napnet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. rover_ (~rover@ joined #gnuenterprise. rover_ (~rover@ left irc: Client Quit florin (~florin@p5085FF6B.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. greetings who * anybody here? help btami (~tamas@wrr.napnet.hu) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) i doubt i can help you as i'm a newbie myself but if you feel like asking, florin... dyfet (~dyfet@p509245CF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #gnuenterprise. well hello marcello (sorry, was away... are you still there?) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" siesel (jan@xdsl-213-196-214-249.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi hi florin, reading the log, you said you have some question... florin (~florin@p5085FF6B.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) kilo (~Kmetyko@fw.i-trade.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. kilo (~Kmetyko@fw.i-trade.hu) left irc: "Leaving" dyfet (~dyfet@p509245CF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) dyfet (~dyfet@p509245CF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #gnuenterprise. dyfet (~dyfet@p509245CF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: "Client exiting" reinhard (~reinhard@M1264P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "There's always one more imbecile than you expect." sjc (~sjc@cpc2-seve3-4-0-cust112.popl.cable.ntl.com) left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). marcello (~marcello@adsl-114-73.38-151.net24.it) left irc: "Leaving" jcater (~jcater@cpe-066-061-071-147.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. siesel (jan@xdsl-213-196-214-249.netcologne.de) left irc: "Client exiting" jcater (~jcater@cpe-066-061-071-147.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client exiting" dneighbo (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. derek (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) left irc: Connection timed out --- Mon Jan 19 2004