sjc ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch_ (~ajmitch@ joined #gnuenterprise. bddebppc ( left irc: "Client exiting" dimas (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. alright, who broke php on ash? Action: ajmitch_ looks for someone to point the finger at looks like the module isn't even being loaded in the apache config sjc ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). johannesV ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) thierry ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard hi ajmitch and ajmitch_ is either of you planning to sid yesterday's releases? ;) Action: reinhard remembers the usage of release names as verbs sometime ago in dwn like "gnome finally sarged" yes great if you read logs you may see that I've had some issues getting to the website :) ah oh I might just scp the tarballs from ash :) could help you too seems like php is no longer interpreted by the server but you get the source code instead yep [23:19:18] looks like the module isn't even being loaded in the apache config well oh, I did manage to grab the tarballs earlier.. I just remembered but then I got sidetracked by the weekly dotgnu meeting again ;) i've managed to earn my money w/ computers for 12 years now without even touching apache i won't touch it now for sure :) you might want to take the chance to upgrade to current debian policy :) and also it could be cool if you divided the forms package into the separate ui's bbl Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away sure :) greyboy (~pat@ joined #gnuenterprise. greyboy (~pat@ left #gnuenterprise. dimas (~ds@ left irc: "Вышел из XChat" bah wonder if mailing list server is down hmmm I haven't gotten commit emails since Wednesday anyone else have that problem? siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. yes, but as the wednesday mail came in yesterday, I think the mail server is just slow. very slow :( btw. jcater, can you enable php on ash again? doesn't work bbl jcater: i get commit mails with a delay of several days Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard scotty ( joined #gnuenterprise. scotty ( left irc: "games" chillywilly ( got netsplit. nickr ( got netsplit. gsoti_away (~gsoti@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr ( returned to #gnuenterprise. you all figure out issue with mail server yet? Action: dneighbo is thinking it is possible that ash was hit by our power issues i.e. the data center is having power issues everything is on UPS but our stuff is only on like 8hr UPS instead of 16 to 24 hour UPS and not on a generator so if the power flips out on the weekend the boxes get restarted and its possible some services are not starting automagically dneighbo@ash:~$ uptime 10:03:26 up 3 days, 4 min, 4 users, load average: 1.57, 0.76, 0.29 dneighbo@ash:~$ looks like it had problems a few days ago mailing lists are on servers siesel: php has been fixed that's one of my pet peeves w/woody apache whenever I install anything new related to apache it comments out mod_php during the DSO scan does it on every machine I have i have some questions regarding translations first of all does anybody remember the rationale behind using textEncoding in gnue.conf instead of just using the user's locale? (for the encoding of message output) and second point i've changed the translation code to use a separate domain per package so we have translation domains gnue-common, gnue-appserver, gnue-forms, gnue-designer etc. we basically did agree that we want that i found a way of finding out the module of the code that called the _() function and in the _() function i set the domain according to that any objections against committing this? not from me and I have no idea about textEncoding... I really don't understand how all that works congrats everybody on the release I just use _() on my text strings and let you guys figure the rest out L) :) :) siesel: xcdroast is great...nice gui frontend bddebian ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: i thought you were using swahili exclusively now? Nick change: dneighbo -> derek reinhard: commit siesel: ok (cleaning up before) do you have any answer to does anybody remember the rationale behind using textEncoding in gnue.conf instead of just using the user's locale? I can't tell you much about the original rationale, just that there was a formsFontEncoding which developed in the textEncoding setting. hmmm... currently, translated strings are encoded over textEncoding i'd like to change that to encoding according to user's locale you'd think that would break a lot of stuff? I'm not shure how to do it with locale settings, but IMHO it should be possible to use f.e. textEncoding utf-8 with locale de even if this locale is set to iso8859-1 I'm not shure how much stuff that would break, but I would say before we do that we directly use unicode strings instead if we do unicode strings we will not even be able to do print _("Some message") ok. it will raise an UnicodeEncodeError if the string contains character which are not in the current locale yes exactly but if you move the conversion up into the _() function, you will get the encoding error there, so its just a question of the place conversion like _() ~ catalog.ugettext(...).encode('myencoding') but we get the same kind of error for all other unicode types, ... so IMHO this is no problem the bigger problem are all other function which still raise errors on unicode values that, too so splitting up _() into a unicode _() and a normal n_() function would be an option. vice versa is ok too: u_() and _() not sure how xgettext would get along with that johannesV ( left irc: "Client Exiting" it supported by pygettext and xpot xgettext I dunno but should be possible via the -k command arg siesel: ok, then i will do it that way holycow (~rtaylor@ left irc: Ping timeout: 14400 seconds another option is to use a unicode _() and overwrite the standart "print" command to support unicode strings i think we can change _() to return unicode when most of the code is unicode safe until then i think it's best for _() to return local encoding ok? ok. so you mean using u_() when we need unicode translations? not sure if we need unicode translations at all all translations are essentially done to print to the screen somehow aren't they? if we need it, we can always introduce u_() later IMHO at the moment we load unicode and encode it to local encoding. this can lead to an information loss so if the output accepts unicode (like gtk2 and qt uidrivers) I prefer to send the unicode directly to them ah ok this can't should not happen if we have locale = textEncoding = database Encoding what i am thinking is if we want to change _() to return unicode at some point i don't like to make a u_() now and use it all over the code when in a month or so u_() and _() will be exactly the same But because it has sometimes to be a bit more flexible, I recommend to use unicode as often as possible and differentiate between database text and locale encoding thats the reason, why I put the _() n_() first yeah but that would break lots of occurences of _() now and instead of changing all _() to n_() where it bombs we could just as well fix the code to accept unicode properly there the best choice depends on the number of places where we need unicode and the places where it crashes something i think for now i will commit _() returning local encoding and we go through the code to make it unicode safe and as soon as we think we're done, we change _() to return unicode and fix those few (hopefully) points where it still bombs ok, I will create another global function o() or something the like which convert unicode to locale encoding, to make the conversion changes minimal yes, we should go this way ok i can do the o() function that would be nice :) if isinstance (msg, UnicodeType): return msg.encode (encoding) else: return str (msg) is that what you were thinking of? (where encoding is the current locale's encoding ) yes, but remove the str() and encoding could/should be a global variable. then we don't have to do gconfig("textencoding") too often most instances of gConfig('textEncoding') appear as in foo.encode(gConfig('textEncoding')) and we will do that as o(foo) and why remove the str? ah ok i understand :) we could even remove the foo.encode and replace it I just dunno if we then should still use o(). or probably oencode(). we could even use s(foo) = foo.encode (encoding) u(foo) = unicode (foo, encoding) both with type checks as above that is, non-string types won't be touched but still not sure actually, it's still a hack bbl will commit tonight reinhard ( left irc: "For each complex problem, there is a simple, understandable, obvious, and wrong solution." reinhard: as you read the log :) IMHO we should add a typecheck but comment it out for the production release and add a counter which tells how many conversion were done but thats just ideas time to sleep siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" sjc ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: bddebian -> bddeb_away derek ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) su ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. su ( left #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) sjc ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). Nick change: bddeb_away -> bddebian jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Client Quit jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( got netsplit. jcater ( got lost in the net-split. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: you here? I saw some commits where you removed the executable flag on some files in CVS how did you do that? CVS=SVN rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: svn propdel svn:executable thanks hmm it's again past my bedtime i think i'll commit tomorrow still got to fix the install procedure for new po schema night reinhard ( left irc: "There are two kinds of people: those who divide people into two kinds, and those who don't." reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Remote closed the connection holycow (~rtaylor@ joined #gnuenterprise. _holycow_ (~rtaylor@ joined #gnuenterprise. holycow (~rtaylor@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) holycow (~rtaylor@ joined #gnuenterprise. rdean ( left irc: "Leaving" _holycow_ (~rtaylor@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) _holycow_ (~rtaylor@ joined #gnuenterprise. holycow (~rtaylor@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) gsoti_away (~gsoti@ left #gnuenterprise. Nick change: _holycow_ -> holycow --- Sun Mar 7 2004