you'd think he could afford a good tupe' ;) or a new head. uh... bionic hair thierry_ ( got netsplit. Vee (~mike@ got netsplit. snewpy ( got netsplit. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ got netsplit. thierry_ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. snewpy ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Vee (~mike@ returned to #gnuenterprise. dimas (~ds@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) sjc ( joined #gnuenterprise. holycow ( left irc: "Leaving" chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dimas (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi everyone SachaS ( left irc: "Leaving" sjc ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. thierry_ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) thierry_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. snewpy_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: "Kopete 0.8.0 RC1 :" jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. snewpy ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Connection timed out holycow ( joined #gnuenterprise. Sacha (~Sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi everyone hi reinhard hi hi hi I should hack. Or go exercise. or something. hi jbailey hi all hi Sacha i think i go for a beer with reinhard ;) better than exercise reinhard's a bit far away for me to go for a beer with. ok will drink one for u:) Excellent! Sacha (~Sacha@ left irc: "Leaving" jbailey ( left irc: "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz" argh I missed jbailey bye reinhard ( left irc: "Real programmers don't comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand." wendall911 ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Client Quit chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) wendall911 ( left irc: "Download Gaim:" snewpy__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. snewpy_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) havoc ( left irc: Remote closed the connection havoc ( joined #gnuenterprise. gsoti_away ( joined #gnuenterprise. holycow ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) florin5 ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey hi anyone awake? nope :-) :-} i need some hand-holding on referencing with mysql and gnue say i have two tables: a (id, a_desc, b_id) and b (id, b_desc) this would mean that a is having references to b. (or what is the correct term?) however... i need to have both tables in a form. (a is a 'transaction' to me, while b is 'currency'm as in EUR, USD...) a is the master table of b or a is the parent entity yes, that i figured out myself :-) now the problem: i need to be able to edit a (a_desc). that's no problem. but now, for one specific record of a i need to be able to browse through b and pick up an appropriate record the problem is, no matter what search pattern i give, gune always returns the first and only the first item in b. does not follow the link properly? (is it clear what i mean? i think i sound a little confused... :*) you want details records queried with the master records I think gnue does this but I don't use forms if i browse through existent records of a, then it follows the link correctly. but i need to browse _only_ through b while editing one specific (new or already existent) record of a. what do you use? a web interface ;) I just use the db abstraction in gnue common (or I plan to anyway) i'm trying to build a piece of enterprise software here :-) (emphasize 'trying' :-) we run out whole operations on a web based system what whats gnue-forms for if not for guy? (i know, i could do php or c++/qt... but gnue-forms seems more elegant) the gnue philosophy is very much a take what you need philosophy ;P I might need forms to replace the sales people's interface my philosophy is pretty much 'how the f$%@ does this work'? I don't know forms well enough sorry :-( who does? jcater, jamest , possibly ajmitch reinhard might, seisel does so how would i do this with gnue-common? what are the relevant structures? as i understand it's all about data sources... well there was some docs but last last I looked it did not cover master0detail stuff oh you can design forms with the graphical designer it hooks right into the db or the appserver if you're using that i'm using designer & emacs... whichever fits best... right it's all about the xml no appserver for now (maybe later) i have db connection, i can do all kinds of nasty stuff with simple forms (like triggers and the like) but when it comes to connecting two tables it all does down in smoke... for example: the master-detail approach won't let me search for entries in master with slave (a.k.a. b) properties specified. that is: i can search for 'foo*' in a_desc, but not for 'foo*' in a and 'bar*' in b_desc. well I am not sure what the fix is jcater probably does something in that instance what that is I do not know maybe he executes some sql query ? can't tell... don't have the source in front of me. i'm in an internet cafe... I have to run see id you can get a hold of jcater or jamest thanks for the chat :-) or mail the list np I am nto very helpful :( not* bye bye Action: florin5 desperately shouting JCATEEER or JAMESTTT! morning [16:05] Last message repeated 1 time(s). (g'night over here :-) bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. what's up w/ forms? hey cool, someone who knows :-) i have two (relevant) tables: 'transaction' and 'currency' both have their 'id' as primary key. ok 'currency' has 'short_name' which i'm interested in and 'transaction' has 'total_cur' which is a reference to 'currency' my problem: 2 use-cases. use-case 1: let's assume i have saved some transactions (with different currencies) in my db. and now i'd like to look for entries that have 'EUR' as currency. (and probably meet other constraints too, like transactions.whatever="foo*") the problem here: if i make 'dtsTransactions' (datasource) a master of 'dtsCurrency' i cannot specify any search patterns for 'currency' fields. what database? mysql ah would it work with postgres? i implemented query by detail record quite a while ago, it should work with any db that supports subselects iirc mysql doesn't mysql did not support them as of some 3.x version... i don't know about 4.x (which i use) obviously not :-) and postgresql was my test db when it was implemented let me verify they are still working florin5: mysql5 is the only one that supports that florin5: it is still beta aha. do you know if it's available for debian sarge? florin5: heh florin5: in like 3 more years maybe :-) florin5: they don't recommend it for use anyway :) so switch to postgres... however, here's use case 2 (maybe related?): florin5: it is a bit of an adjustment, the documentation is kinda weak, but it is a very good database suppose i want to create a new transaction. then i'd like to be able to browse through all currencies available and pick the right one. (possibly with specifying a search pattern, like "EU*") i've tried that with blkCurrency.executeQuerry() in a trigger but that only returns the first entry of the table, no matter what pattern i give. florin5: i may have a sample of that too Action: jamest didn't realize he didn't have a gnue database setup on his new computer florin5: the biggest problem you'll have with mysql is the lack of utf-8 support do i care about utf8? florin5: yes why? all the cool kids are doing it or something :-) good enough for me :-) florin5: reinhard or jamest could answer that better than me ;) ah this is neat File "/home/jamest/svn/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/datasources/drivers/DBSIG2/", line 59, in _postChanges self._parent._update_cursor.execute(statement) TypeError: argument 1 must be str, not unicode something change recently in the datasources? you're asking me? jamest: I saw reinhard was doing some unicode stuff no i'm asking the other devels ok query by detail works at least on postgresql DB005: [DataObject:325] SELECT state,description FROM state WHERE state in (SELECT state FROM zipcode WHERE (((zip = '66502')))) ORDER BY state yep, that looks similar to the error i got (invalid sql statement near SELECT....) so it's because nested SELECTs not being supported by mysql... yes any plans of fixing that anytime soon? it would be a major pita to do that w/o subselects i used to do similar things with select ... where table1.field1 AND table2.field2... but i guess if you guys don't plan on working without subselects, i'll switch over to postgres. imho, our mysql 3.x support will likely stay limited i have 4.x we're not in the business of making databases behave the way they should themselves but that's just mho it's been a long while since I've been in there but i seem to recall thinking at the time that it wasn't worth the effort to support this on dbs without subselects as i think it required major changes in the datasources themselves i think the problem was that forms expects to work from the master block down and that assumption is throughout the code your code, your decision :-) i switch to postgres :-) we accept patches too :) as for the 2nd issue i assume a dropdown down isn't what you're after s/down/box jamest: I suspect at some point you'll have a fullblown database api that will support multiple data sources dropdown box would be neat, but i understand they're broken at the moment. anyway, i have similar issues which cannot be addressed by dropdowns alone dropdowns are broken? like a 'person' - table -- every transaction has a person :-) ah that's what i was told several days ago on IRC... it may be, i've not really gnue'd in months, been working mainly w/ writing stuff using gnue-common lately however my users haven't been screaming can't believe they'd pass up the chance (where dropdowns are not enough: suppose the relevant information in 'currency' or 'person' consists of more than just one field :-) (where 'person' is related to 'transaction' in a similar manner) not sure if this is what you're after i don't understand what you mean... claimValue = str(blkPICKTICKET.fldClaimNo) if len(claimValue): blkPICKTICKET.initQuery() blkPICKTICKET.fldClaimNo.set(claimValue) blkPICKTICKET.executeQuery() if blkPICKTICKET.isEmpty(): blkPICKTICKET.fldClaimNo.set(claimValue) ]]> sigh i have no idea if that trigger posted clean kopete puked on displaying it looks complete that trigger is tied to the primary key field of a table when the user enters in a claim # and hits tab it autopulls matching records bigerbrother joined #gnuenterprise. theoretically, i would be able now to browse through them with next/prevRecord, right? yes if no records were found during the query then it puts the user typed value back into the field and goes to the next record i tried something similar with another method: a search-button and a on-action trigger: blkPICKTICKET.executeQuery() basically, if there is a matching record in memory it is pulled otherwise it assumes this is a new entry s/memory/the database yes, i understand. why wouldn't my approach work (blkWhatever.executeQuery() without all that set()-stuff)? is it because of the missing blkWhatever.initQuery() ? you were only getting 1 record? yes. i'm only getting 1 record too. i think we have a bug :-) where i use this 99% of the time they are only looking for 1 record thus no one reported it broken :) that's because i'm lazy -- i use to type "fu*" when i look for "fubar", but i happen to have "funny" too in my data :-) or i just type "*" when i only have 3 records to choose from in my table :-) lol hmmm executeQuery in a trigger is tied directly to the standard processQuery used by a block seems like that should work derek must have something to do with this with the values already filled in as search pattern, right? yes another question: as soon as i somehow manage to find the correct record, hitting 'save' on the top toolbar should save the current master-block with the new record, right? bigbrother (eggdrop@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Nick change: bigerbrother -> bigbrother if you've pushed the queried data into a block that is a slave of the master then yes i do something like that with "quick set" fields what's a 'quick set' field? where i have a block of queried or entered data that the user wants to apply to all the detail records quick set is what i call them they are not part of the master/detail blocks they are in their own block and sometimes are not tied to a table at all then I have a button that does now i understand