jcater (~jcater@cpe-066-061-071-147.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client exiting" bddebian (~bddebian@ip68-4-154-50.oc.oc.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. snewpy__ (~markl@203-173-28-152.dyn.iinet.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. someon (~some1@h24-81-151-173.vf.shawcable.net) joined #gnuenterprise. snewpy_ (~markl@m036-083.nv.iinet.net.au) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) dimas (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. johannesV (~johannes@M1566P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (~danielb@CPE-24-167-201-211.wi.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) chillywilly (~danielb@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: snewpy__ -> snewpy someon (~some1@h24-81-151-173.vf.shawcable.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: icltlfatppl is back (gone 03:56:36) bddebian (~bddebian@ip68-4-154-50.oc.oc.cox.net) left irc: "Client exiting" btami (~btami@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. kilo (~kilo@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. johannes@Boston:~/prj/gnue-contrib/web-po$ svn update johannes@svn.gnuenterprise.org's password: U schema/po.gsd U schema/po_status.gsd A setup-svn U src/handlers/Login.py svn: Checksum mismatch for 'src/styles/.svn/text-base/default.css.svn-base'; expected: '0eaa236239f42904291f9c19d1917ee1', actual: '58bb6372bd7998746180c0ab34e18fc4' sjc (~sjc@cpc2-seve3-4-0-cust112.popl.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. can anybody help me with this error (i was trying to update gnue-contrib svn) sjc (~sjc@cpc2-seve3-4-0-cust112.popl.cable.ntl.com) left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). johannesV: delete your local repo and make a clean co btami: thanks, worked well btami (~btami@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: Remote closed the connection btami (~btami@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. btami (~btami@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: Remote closed the connection psu (psu@spc1-wear2-3-0-cust38.leed.broadband.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. kilo (~kilo@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: "Leaving" lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. holycow (~rtaylor@h24-86-227-162.vf.shawcable.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 14400 seconds dneighbo (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. derek (~dneighbo@ip68-109-180-32.ph.ph.cox.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: psu really likes jcater's new draft website good look & feel plus having as much of the site automagically updated from the comments/docs in the code tree is an obvious (so obvious why didn't *I* think of it?) solution to the problem of stale content dimas (~ds@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) dsmith (c23qqiu2hk@oh-strongsvillecadent1-1f-100.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest_ (~jamest@gw.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. johannesV: i corrected the typos and the data seed worked (imagine that) johannesV (~johannes@M1566P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Remote closed the connection lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Client Quit Action: psu wonders how we ever survived before google looking up info for a safety recall on our car Best sources of info were the Barbados Nation News and the 4x4africa.com website both of which would have been the 1st place I would have thought of to look at, naturally :) Of course, in practice any google search for +python +something difficult tends to lead back to www.gnuenterprise.org/irc-logs/ anyway as I believe jcater has found several times before the power brakes went out in our jeep cherokee a while back and I went to the autozone (autoparts chain) website to see what a new booster would cost me, their site's pretty spiffy as they have you enter the year/make/model of your car and after doing so one of the menu options is to check for recalls/safety notices where I found that there had been a recall issued for the brake booster.. :) Cool. Although i'm still a bit miffed that the first we were told about the recall was when the affected part broke down I mean, it's not like we've moved since we bought the car or changed phone number Of course, if the car was proprietary s/w, then the safety recall would be accompanied by a pro-forma invoice to "upgrade to FooSoft 2003 - now with 99% less in-car explosions!" (to bring things even vaguely back on-topic) hah So have you still been keeping pretty busy with the day job? same ol' same ol' ;-) Action: psu can speak fluent American when required :) johannesV (~johannes@M1566P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. morning yo 'sup chillywilly, jcater how can I dump a stack trace when an exception is thrown? :) reinhard (~reinhard@M1250P006.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: hmm sys.exc_info () [2] is a trackback-object; dir (sys.exc_info () [2]) would give you more detail hmmm what am I using... ,--8<- |cept: # Something wicked happened | self.requestHandler.sendResponse(req, Fault(1, "%s:%s" | % (sys.exc_type, | sys.exc_value))) `-->8- hmmm, guess I'll throe that thing in there http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/52215 that thing is loading slow as hell for me yeah if it will even load at all... argh! fsck [09:36] Last message repeated 2 time(s). why does our mailing lists hate me ooooo maybe i should ask, does someone keep unsubscribing me oh yeah, good day um no I'd never unsubscribe you *snicker* you sent as @math, but are subscribed as @gnuenterprise I think i thought i subscribe under both for this reason Action: chillywilly pulls on jamest_'s tail thierry_ (~thierry@AStrasbourg-251-1-1-7.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) thierry_ (~thierry@AStrasbourg-251-1-1-7.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #gnuenterprise. M7U90nt (~mdupont@p5080F006.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. w0rd hello jamest_: could it be that the gnue-contrib repository is fsck'd up somehow? reinhard@london:~/prj/gnue-contrib$ svn update U web-po/schema/group_members.gsd A web-po/schema/po.gsd A web-po/schema/user_preferences.gsd U web-po/schema/schema.gsd U web-po/schema/users.gsd U web-po/schema/user_status.gsd A web-po/schema/po_status.gsd D web-po/schema/PostgreSQL.sql D web-po/doc/Design.sxw U web-po/src/handlers/Login.py svn: Checksum mismatch for 'web-po/src/styles/.svn/text-base/default.css.svn-base'; expected: '0eaa236239f42904291f9c19d1917ee1', actual: '58bb6372bd7998746180c0ab34e18fc4' gee, that's nice Action: jamest_ goes to beat on svn well when we upgraded subversion on ash we didn't have an svndump Action: jcater kicks himself (err an svndump of contrib) so we had to reimport the directory tree so you might have to rm -rf then recheck out ok cool (this is my fault) so i have to recheck in our project though I'll blame derek if it's ok with everyone else (probably you didn't notice that johannes committed a gnue-contrib/hotline project) sorry we're getting dumps now np actually, I hadn't noticed but cool hotline? it's not checking out a hotline for me hi jamest, reinhard ah, did jcater, er i mean derek wipe that out in the upgrade? jamest_: correct ouch but luckily i have a local checkout can you recommit yes will do as i just reimported web-po (need new name) as soon as i'm finished with phoning :) and lost the history as it isn't critical at this stage hello M7U90nt, what's up? M7U90nt: you're so much cool3r w1th you0r b4 4$$ n1ck ;P this code is making me sick :( chillywilly,see 4 - Always create cool user id's for yourself.. you will get alot more repect on IRC. from http://packetstormsecurity.org/unix-humor/low-profile.txt : yeah, I have decided to bite the bullet and get gnue running finally, no more running away from the connections.conf connections.conf isn't scary jamest your right it is easy but it means i have to think so now, i got my brain back from the cleaners it is running so much better chillywilly: he's right, which is why I'm jam-est. the worst thing for new users is making them think or read the configurations at least the people on xbox live thought that was my nick gnue is sooo nice, all it needs is some way to run and give instant gratification the more people would use it on the first try. we need gnueppix at least the lazy stupid ones like me hehe gnueppix! cool idea we thought up some new german knoppixes I bet it wouldn't be hard to do a demo ISO with morphix Kan-nix, Tut-nix, Weiss-nix or even macht-nix jcater, but seriously that would be way kewl man this is starting to become a real worm vs. scanners war first the worms wrote themselves into a zip file to not be scannable then the scanners scanned zip files a month ago the worms started to password protect the zip file so the scanners can't find them and provide the password in the mail text the scanners must have caught up again reinhard, nice Try right :) because today i got 2 worms in a password protected zip reinhard, luckily mailscanner Get it where the password was attached as a gif image that is tricky reinhard! but something for sure.. zip virus sendmail from the owner not fake owner. so you know who give you the gifts :) dcmwai: you sure i wouldn't bet on that reinhard, YEs... reinhard, Get Mailscanner + Clamav + Spamassain + Razor2 ... :) for Maximum Email protection (which is not including mail proxy) dcmwai: sabine (my wife) got a zip worm from me (which i can't believe because i use evoltuion :)) johannesV even once got a worm with himself being the (faked) sender :) ... That is interesting.. Which is not the same as what I know but nvm.. :) maybe some spammer is using your email address :) haha Action: dcmwai hate Spammer... also we get lots of "mail could not be delivered, contains virus messages" replies sent to info@gnue.org which means info@gnue.org is used as fake sender address by worms oh :) nobody at all uses info@gnue.org as a sender address ok I see. but it seem that the outbreak of zip virus is so small ;) I'm getting a lot these days compare to all the "fool You "virus I'm gettig today.. maybe the outbreak is being delay... ./i2GFI8lN028707/your_archive.pif: Infected: is a security risk or a "backdoor" program [F-Prot] your_archive.pif contains Worm.SomeFool.Gen-1 One more virus today :( it is the 5x of today :( reinhard: what is hotline? it's our toy project toy? enter customer name select contact person from known contacts of customer enter problem description enter your activity enter status open/waiting/closed a sort of "DCL-lite"? sorta, yes haha :) that is a DCl :) but more customer - oriented that is like Symatec ACT? we import all customer data from our invoice software Action: jamest_ hasn't touched ACT since the mid 90s so may be mis-remembering it Action: reinhard has never ever touched ACT :) and the end-target is to generate a report from which invoices are generated that is it's not that much after "tracking" in the meaning of "nothing should get forgotten or lost" but more as a tool to record the time well i forgot to say as soon as you pick the customer, the time counter starts and when you enter the status, it stops so i can generate invoices at the end of the month reinhard: Epicor seems to be the current popular commercial choice for that sort of thing. Sounds good - significantly diff focus to DCL as you say well it's really a small toy project apart from the customer/contact maintenance, it's a single form and maybe 1 or 2 reports I know many legal offices have barcodes on all files - when lawyer picks up file he scans barcode, keeps charging their time until they swipe another file and (btw (sorry)) it's all in german Action: psu wonders if the toilets have their own bar codes on the door for "idle time" psu: lol it looks like the gnue debain packages dont suggest/recommend to install the python-psycopg module M7U90nt: ISTR from long-ago discussions that gnue-common should recomm all the db drivers well, the most interesting part about this toy project is of course but require none of them it uses appserver that's the reason to *actually* do it although gnue-common w/o any d/b drivers at all is a bit pointless just to "eat my own dog food" as derek would say :) hmmm .... eat .... psu, well it is just a service to the n000bs reminds me of something Action: reinhard is away: eat M7U90nt: I didn't do it because I don't use postgres, I use mysql. i mean, for all you pro hackers, this is all b0ring jbailey, i mean just recommends, that saves having to search for the driver modules Is the CSV driver built into gnue-common? I guess if it is, you *could* use gnue-common w/o a d/b driver anyway M7U90nt: File a wishlist bug. ajmitch is taking over the package, and can deal with it. =) Dan (~danhilf@d4-163.rb2.jax.centurytel.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey, i can also post a patch.... Action: M7U90nt gets the apt-src Hello. i was wondering if someone could help me troubleshoot and installation problem on Suse 8.2 an Dan: we can try so what other drivers are there? : Recommends: python-gadfly | python-gdbm | python-kinterbasdb | python-mysqldb | python-pgsql | python-popy | python-psycopg | python-pygresql | python-reportlab | python-sqlite | python-sqlrelay| python-tables Well. I did as the faq said and I installed egenix-mx-base wxPython PySablot and the GNUe-Common 5.3, but when got to GNUe-Forms 0.5.3, I received an error on install what's the install error? and is this from the tarball? it is right after printing /copying samples/zipcode/states.gfd (outut up-to-date) (This is my third or fourth try) It says /var/tmp/checkinstall.GkjVyA/installscript.sh: line 16: 1751 Segmentation fault python setup.py install it's from a tarball the procedure i used was: python setup.py build su -c "checkinstall python setup.py install" Action: M7U90nt sent patch 2 common-support@gnuenterprise.org boing hmm segmentation fault? yep at one time I had a --skip-tests in form's setup.py but it's not there any more :( I bet it's wxPython segfaulting because there's no X display so do i i shows up let late what shell you use? yes you need to unset DISPLAY bash it is set to :0.0 currently ok, then "unset DISPLAY" should unset it that will make it skip the wx test trying it again i'm seeing wx act this way on debian sid too :( It worked jcater: --skip-test died with old setup.py structure ah Thanks for the help Nick change: dsmith -> dsmith|lunch well that sucks I think I used that in doing autoinstalls too dan, np, i'm worried about things running after install I'll let you know what happens I am real interested in contributing to the project, but I am brand new at this. I have been programming for years, but I have never been involved with a GNU project. Any suggestions on how to get started. I already read the faq on contributing to GNU software, but it is a bit vague. Dan: what are your interests? My main interest is in the overall project. I am not a professional programmer, but I have helped several organizations with databases that essentially do what GNUenterprise will do. well, with gnue we ask that all contributors assign copyright to the FSF You mean that anything I code is GPLed. all of gnue is gpl'd so if you contribute code to the core then yes. if you create forms with gnue they they IMHO are not. I am okay with that. however if you write apps using, say gnue-common, and only use them in house then you are fine keeping them secret j0 gnuenterprise is sooo kewl! that is my understanding where to jump into gnue is a tougher question parts of gnue are not python newbie friendly That is alright. I am fine sharing anything and everything I write. I am only an amateur programmer. well it is very nice looking and seems to work just fine, once it is setup. so i guess i'd suggest you find an itch and scratch it Is there anywhere where you are lacking support? docs end user applications sample apps docs w00t lol we mirror each other he copies me err, I mean we mirror each other I could work on sample applications for sure. At least until I become more proficient in Python. I have plenty of experience in other languages, but very little in Python. I see. :) this is like access, but kewler I'll see what I can do to contribute. I have a project right now that might be a good example app. Dan (~danhilf@d4-163.rb2.jax.centurytel.net) left #gnuenterprise. sigh missed him hey jcater, i wuz just reviewing the code for PropertyEditor::setCurrent, maybe it would be possible to overide this when the pagetexts are all the same to not reset the display. It is a bit of a waste of time to have that reset all the time, bad for the carpals.... what do you think? maybe some type of digest to compare quickly the pages? yeah it's on my wishlist of things to do ok then i leave it with u? I wuz just thinking, if you concat all the strings of the page.getPageText() 2gether then it would be easy to strcmp them and then call reset if needed. like 2 extra lines or so. anyway, I am really impressed with gnue-deziner itz nice!!! M7U90nt: deziner rox our sox! Doesn't it take more brain power to mistype 'its' than to just type it? who cares? jbailey: it's entirelt dependant on which its you mean psu: Well, I'm an audio thinker, so I have to double check my "its"'s usually. But my spelling is fairly automatic. crap htf can I take traceback.print_exc and get that output in a string? man it's hot in here hmmm jbailey, yes it doez take more time to misspel, unless you do it all the time! chillywilly: It's getting hot in here. chillywilly: So take off all your clothes. why don't you take them off first I'm at work - and we have a dress code. so am I putz I thought you worked at home. I think I'll use print_tb with a StringIO object not anymore I am pwn3d Ah, fair 'nuff. Half the fun of working from home is being naked. heh wendall911 (~wendallc@wendallc.icehouse.net) joined #gnuenterprise. why does cStringIO.StringIO not have a write method? wtf snewpy__ (~markl@ joined #gnuenterprise. snewpy (~markl@203-173-28-152.dyn.iinet.net.au) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) damn this is annoying TypeError: unbound method write() must be called with StringIO instance as first argument (got str instance instead) lame ? that makes no sense is this a StringIO() instance yep or are you calling the StringIO.write function directly StringIO.StringIO hmm passed it into erm traceback.print_exc(file=out) out = StringIO.StringIO before that ? is that verbatim? as it should be out = StringIO.StringIO() doh I forgot the parens yay now it works ) :) cooooooooooooooool Nick change: dsmith|lunch -> dsmith hi chillywilly: Greets wow i feel like derek today just call me Mr. PR Action: jamest_ hangs his head in shame we have any fedora users in here? jamest_ (~jamest@gw.math.ksu.edu) left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest_ (~jamest@gw.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dsmith wears a black fedora jamest_: But I've never used that linux fedora stuff rpm sux0rz :) yes, yes it does but so does segfaulting on boot trying to get latest win4lin running on debian after looking at gentoo i decided i still had some sanity left so installed suse and now fedora as it's supported by netraverse ogger (~ogger@57.Red-213-96-148.pooles.rima-tde.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) i just can't get their damn package management to work Someone had some really nasty things to say about fedora Action: wendall911 has in the past, maybe not here though Somethign like all the disadvantages of Debian with all the disadvantages of RedHat. Fedora === Symlink Hell esr seems to like it. all i want is a linux distro netraverse supports i could go lindows but debian isn't supported (go figure) jamest_: Lindows has apt-get lindows is debian based jamest_: would be a trivial thing to change it to Debian ;) jamest_: who cares what the desktop graphics are then i imagine i'd be back in segfault hell i'm trying to avoid fighting these machines any more they win I wonder if you couldn't just take one of the other kernels? ogger (~ogger@57.Red-213-96-148.pooles.rima-tde.net) joined #gnuenterprise. fwiw: fedora has apt-get too just not default jamest_: I think the Lindows install gui is built on apt-get jamest_: i just messed around with it at a Linux install fest is all johannesV (~johannes@M1566P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ogger (~ogger@57.Red-213-96-148.pooles.rima-tde.net) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) ogger (~ogger@57.Red-213-96-148.pooles.rima-tde.net) joined #gnuenterprise. /LEAVE #gnuenterprise no psu (psu@spc1-wear2-3-0-cust38.leed.broadband.ntl.com) left #gnuenterprise. we won't let you go darn You need a digital leash. Sacha (~Sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi everyone howdy burtj (~burtj@host-134-226.dhcp.pdx.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. Greetings, I had some questions about reports, anyone alive? No. I shot them all. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's a shame Well, it's mildly untrue. Y'see... I'm Canadian. We're not allowed guns here. So I used a crossbow. And an inuit seal hunting fork. reloading time is a bitch when you're trying to masacre with one of those Yeah. And unfortunetly, they're a little big to carry a spare around. indeed But these GNUe people, they like their Krispy Kremes. So they move slow. heh jcater: Thinking of which, the Krispy Kreme in Toronto *delivers*. do you know much about defining reports? I'm having "difficulties"? er maybe I didn't need a second question mark None at all. I'm the resident verbal abuse and Debian support. that works, and I guess the other 20 ppl here are bots burtj: ignore the canadian burtj: all that 2nd hand pot smoke makes them loopy no feeding him? burtj: That may be accurate. 24 people in the chanel. 20 bots, you, me, and two developers. jamest is one of them. =) burtj: Feeding me is good, if a little difficult sometimes. =) burtj: what's up? I'm trying to figure out conditions when defining a report ok what are you trying to do specifically, can I define a condition on a child datasource and have it affect the selection on the main ? what database? mysql Action: jamest_ goes to look at some code if I was using anything more robust, I would just create a view the subquery logic is still in gnue-forms not in common :( specifically, I am reporting against dcl. my primary datasource is workorders, personnel is a child of that, and departments is a child of that. I want to limit the results to members of a certain department so, I can only define conditions against my main datasource? I can work around that actually, i think you can do a natsy here but i don't know about future support IIRC you can set your table name as table1,table2 in a datasrouce that's ok, we're moving this to Oracle sooner or later how do you define the link between table1, table2? i don't recall, let me see if I can find something that does it wendall911 (~wendallc@wendallc.icehouse.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) danke wendall911 (~wendallc@wendallc.icehouse.net) joined #gnuenterprise. i have nothing that does that thanks for checking this may have been so long ago it was with older datasources :/ maybe jcater has an example as he's the reports master I thought that you used to be able to specify raw sql as a datasource, was that ever true? datasources took a sql="" tag let me see if it still has that I think you can just do but how do you specify the join column? cool it's something simple like that though I don't have an example in front of me that helps alot though, let me give that a try sql="" seems to have been removed from the datasource which is probably for the best :) such is life, I didn't see it in the dtd we're not far from being able to do select foo, bar from table I actually added the base code for that in 0.5.3 just need to polish that off of course, that doesn't help burtj for the immediate problem Sacha (~Sacha@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Is it in CVS, can I play with it? no, not at the actual level ok I added it at a higher level that's the next step like I said, doesn't help you much at the moment but for me at work, if I can just wrap some existing complicated SQL statements I have, I can convert my stuff to GNUe Reports faster another question I had while I was here, who is doing the crm stuff? I've worked as a CRM consultant for several years and I was looking to contribute um nob'dy heh isn't that in gnue-sb he's a real hard worker ;P or was planned sb? small biz someone was working on crm but I forget who derek and Vee started gnue-sb iirc it's listed as a package on the site I thought sb was.. oh wait. That's s *o* b.. ok, just got two more bug reports related to Fedora jamest_: Now I'll say Fedora just plain sucks i can't get to gnu.org so i can't look at the crm link i'd venture to say it's idle at the moment i'm almost to the point I'd like to see gnue-common/appserver based apps w/ as much forms, reports as possible but custom ui where needed then we can find the problem areas that reports/forms can't cope with and address them sjc (~sjc@cpc2-seve3-4-0-cust112.popl.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. well sure, but you still need to define the data model and the functionality for the app you being whoever is doing the work on that part well, i think quite a bit of data model work is sitting there in docbook Action: jamest_ gave up on trying to get docbook to work so doesn't know for sure ha well, truly doesn't matter one way or another to me, just thought I'd see if help was needed yes! always! we can use the help I'm bias, I'll admit it but parts of gnue are really quite impressive IMHO, we lack the manpower, and in some cases the knowledge, to implement good solutions sigh put a newline in before the IMHO Most of my experience is with dcl, which I know is just recently added to the project, but I am indeed impressed jamest_: so long as you don't mind rewriting and implementing proper standards as you go, things will work out just fine ;) Sacha (~Sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: I gave that thing but it appears that field is not supported for mysql, so I tried cfield which doesn't yell at me, but I get no data. Any thoughts? ah I think cfield was right I would run with a --debug-level 5 option it will show you the actual SQL statement being used cool which will help tremendously in debugging yes, yes it does ok, well, the sql statement works fine in any other environment. What I am noticing in that I am getting a Master record changed; Notifying Detail Objects after it writes each row. Could that be causing my lack of data? any chance I can see your .grd? sure, it's just something I threw together to test this multiple table join on one datasource. it's on a different box, can I mail it to you? jcater at gnue dot org sjc (~sjc@cpc2-seve3-4-0-cust112.popl.cable.ntl.com) left irc: "Client exiting" you got it hmm this report is simple enough hmm is that I said I don't have a database with this stuff here (or mysql) I thought I defined it like the rest I've done, but with that complex datasource definition can you run it again with --debug-level 20 --debug-file /tmp/output.txt and email me that output.txt? I live to wow dont' say things like that to jcater ? he's not used to people being nice to him or doing as he requests, let alone living to do as he requests and it's preferable that he remain unused to it? you need to start all conversations with him with "sigh, gnue is useless, i can't get it to ....." I find that when I'm begging for help, manners help burtj: i agree with jamest, you can get some good examples from the current discussion on the mailing list SCNR night all night reinhard (~reinhard@M1250P006.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody." jamest_ (~jamest@gw.math.ksu.edu) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) ah try this --> change to I can't, it's ambiguous sigh, I now remember this I could chose another column, but it would make it quite difficult to create my report as I need these two tables and that column I think it is mysql-specific Action: jcater is trying to remember a work-around I noticed it converts personnel.short to short, is that causing my problem? yeah and since short is ambiguous, it is flailing? not exactly it's pulling all the records but reports then asks for "personnel.name" yeah, I'm getting all 28 rows, just no data gets back a blank because it's stored as "name" err, name==>short try adding an explicitfields="personnel.short" to the datasource (was that the workaround?) bah, I don't think that'll help as it already knows to grab that what about prequery, does that grab the data all at once? yes but I don't think prequery is useful in reports it's mainly used in forms where you want to pre-populate a table w/o an explicit query but reports always queries well, it's saying the data is changed, possibly cause it's making multiple calls to the db if we can only make one call to the db.... I dunno, just looking at the options in the dtd you know, it's funny, my report title doesn't populate either are you running the latest release, or from svn? reports version 0.1.3 common version 0.5.2 Nick change: dsmith -> SpoonBoy Nick change: SpoonBoy -> dsmith spoooooon!!!!!!! "There is no spoon" http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/they-called-it-lisp-for-a-reason-list-processing.html I just had to laugh at "Spoon Boy" damn, and here I'm thinking there's gonna be spooning going on, got my camera set up and everything wendall911 looks like the videocard broke :( jamest (foobar@adsl-66-142-221-144.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left irc: "Kopete 0.8.0 RC1 : http://kopete.kde.org" jamest (foobar@adsl-66-142-221-144.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. burtj (~burtj@host-134-226.dhcp.pdx.edu) left irc: Remote closed the connection dsmith (c23qqiu2hk@oh-strongsvillecadent1-1f-100.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: "Good Night" SachaS (~sacha@217-173-231-14.dialin.powersurf.li) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (foobar@adsl-66-142-221-144.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard should really look at dcl for his hotline stuff its pretty similar i think decisions are being made on version we are running and we are like 5 versions behind :) Nick change: dneighbo -> derek jamest: the discussion that is on the list now came from my work on debian non profit list we have someone bundling a morphix cd that will run GNU Enterprise already just the person that complained on our list forced the discussion off of the np list because they didnt want to see GNU Enterprise mentioned there Action: derek at least think it was something like that anyhow i have been working with the debian folks on morphix jamest (foobar@adsl-66-142-221-144.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. also note the detractor has a similar product to GNU Enterprise (iirc) called calendula for non profits he was one that convinced bkuhn to not use GNU Enterprise solution at FSF iirc Action: derek has poor memory now a days anyhow... 'for non-prefits'? yip hey nickr you mean free for noncommercial use or just targeted at non-profit businesses?L long time no talk um targeted at non-profit ah but it wasnt free software at one time oic Free for noncommercial use is insidious non-freeness what detractor? sigh, mr neighbors got away again shifty little devil was he talking about someone on the mail list? this I do not know burtj (faust@nightfall.forlorn.net) joined #gnuenterprise. so derek was rambling randomly again eh? indeed poor man, too bad he doesn't have friends that would make sure to get him the help he needs hey burtj ello again HEH Action: chillywilly smacks derek around some he has the shortest IRC attention span I ever saw in my life i think it has something to do with having, what now, 35 kids it's hard to type with dirty diapers in both hands lol im here yea 20 mins later got called to dinner (and you all know i dont miss meals) yes someone from the mail list that pointed out GNU Enterprise was dead last one to the table gets the scraps sorry for the delay in pointing that out.. .been busy at work i think several issues they raised are valid tomorrow the top management will be lobbying for final approval of free (as in libre) budget system what is the FSF using? nothing emacs and flat files (or they were) gee..... jamest: yes most of the points had validity that's highly technological of them gnue-sb was supposed to be a quick and dirty application to show off gnuE i am disappointed it didnt get more love our buy in Nick change: burtj -> IdleBob i am excited highly about your web-po except that it only uses really one component of the system Nick change: IdleBob -> PopeBob damned scripts ? which is still killer, but sadly re-enforces the major gripe that people bring about GNU Enterprise over and over i'm using gnue anywhere I can gnue-schema that the toolset as a whole is not mature enough to do anything useful :( gnue-reports gnue-common Action: derek disagrees with that philosophy, but that unfortunately is how it will be viewed brb PopeBob (faust@nightfall.forlorn.net) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" the only things not used at this time are forms/appserver yes but we dont have gnue-forms -u html which is a major sticking piont er point as to date the official position was web apps suck so not high priority i'm ok with that though not web app is demanded and we are going out side system for that as what I'm learning about mod_python may be applied to a -u html Action: derek will likely have to do same thing (so im not criticizing like that) just pointing out people will use it to say forms is worthless for them burtj (faust@nightfall.forlorn.net) joined #gnuenterprise. i think in many ways it proves the power of the other tools i.e. that they are not dependent on each other :) im hoping to have 4 FTE's at work to start a major application i will use GNU Enterprise if i can this record will be ON THE RECORD as well i.e. it will be approved by the county administrator and they WANT to share so they WANT people to know they are using free software :) then may i make a suggestion FTE's? full time employees don't push forms as the only UI option or reports as the only reporting option they are great tools but not a perfect fit for everything i'd rather see common in use, or appserver, or whatever with custom uis and reports where our tools break down as then we have new targets to strive for in the tools (to replace the custom UIs) gnue-common is a great devel start point for lots of apps brb 5 min have to get info for youth bulletin to one of my youth so they can make vi video announcements tonight the only thing I am insterested in using is the db abstraction in common jamest: part of me thinks forms might work (gtk2 version) why's that we a clean grid er native grid gtk2 is broken last i knew but yes i hope to use at least gnue-common then appserver then reports then forms i.e. i hope to use gnue-common at all costs if i can get appserver usable great night nite ok back anyhow i will do what i can also ldc wants to do applications we were thinking of extending appserver (then reinhard and co stepped up so we might have to do some of the work we thought) and then use custom gtk2 interface sadly while i am not in love with gtk2 it is now very easy to make work on windows and looks better and performs better than wx qt is similar but has jacked licensing on winders :( Sacha (~Sacha@ left #gnuenterprise ("Leaving"). wrt to PR i keep thinking if only we could make GNUe so add inches to ones penis we would be golden but bu but how would we ever test it? where would we find someone with a small penis that could test it? we do all testing on goats Action: derek can see it now.... "holy crap, that goat has an 18" rod! what the ???" oh yeah he is a GNUe beta tester btw: i did start a blog for GNU Enterprise i think it might be worth using (seriously) if each developer took 5 min to jot down what they had done towards gnuE on a day they worked on it it would be a huge step up in communication it is interesting to see evolution and other projects do this as the developers are very realistic w/ frustrations and issues it is just hard because irc is so much easier :) real time complaining is better but for example i didnt realize jcater was doing web site overhaul as i have been away for several weeks :P chillywilly: i agree 100% with that a blog? where? derek: read the freallin' commit list also it could easily integrate into next gen website chillywilly: that is how i found out http://www.livejournal.com/community/gnue/ hahah in looking back i stated what the mail list confirmed back on feb 18th :) that's cool as we blame you for it anyway bloggin....I am just not into that stuff I want my thoughts to remain mine :) but you already knew that chillywilly: i agree chillywilly: unfortunately currently that is the problem the thoughts are in the heads of too few and since people cant see those they think there is nothing going on i want your penquin tainted thoughts to remain yours i figured a blog that was specific to the project (not personal lives) might have a chance Action: chillywilly stares at jamest and burn holes into his brain it might die a radical death who knows i figured i would try maybe blogging would work i dunno i attempted a wiki on ash, but cgi was giving me very little love i saw that as USER generated documentation though there is/was a wiki on ash for a test case wiki wiki i'm happy to report however that the postgresql update on ash pretty much trashed everything w00t so I'm sure nothing dependent upon postgresql functions anymore mmmm I smell somethign good cookin' Action: chillywilly goes to investigate makign beer bread and I don't get any bastids argh! beer bread is the shiznit i need a name for this web thing it's driving me nuts "web thang" wang for short ;) heehe Action: jamest thwaps chillywilly so dcl thrashed? "hey did you see ym release my wang?" do we have a recovery plan? s/ym/me/ i think we're toast wrt to the db it was a fscking .deb based install no back up of data? oh well I try to be funny really I do Action: derek still has not had problems with deb based installs i thought i did the other day as it h0rked hard SachaS (~sacha@217-173-231-14.dialin.powersurf.li) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: chillywilly unpacks the wang and "installs" it but created a file that told me exactly what needed to be fixed basically i had to kill my pg_hba.conf file and then dpkg-reconfigure postgresql and it self healed itself completely erm i've had 100% success with it destroying itself i was then able to do a diff of my pg_hba.conf and the one created and viola was back up and live never seen one complete jamest: did you have automagic upgrades enabled? but always i pg_dumpall the thing :) ah just in case pg_dumpall won't work on ash dcl used large objects pg_dumpall can't cope w/ that ? what automagic upgrades suck i didnt htink it did for anything which IIRC was the start of the downfall all files were stored as reference well if we lost it i wont be devestated as i will install 0.9.4 instead though honestly as outdated as some of the bugs in dcl were as it is much nicer we would be better off w/ a fresh start and we can start fresh why not just use a BUGS file ;) whatever gets used i want it simple use something with small words ? chillywilly: a BUGS file is NOT sufficient imho we need something searchable grep? and able to have comments and ability to track hehe but you could copt the current buigs outt dcl into a BUGS file bugs out of if we want gnuE to have greater adoption we need to be able to track bugs and such much much much better i would rather generate the BUGS file from DCL actually you could just run a query anyhow and pull all the info out and then parse it it has never been a huge issue yet and stick it back into a new dcl freak as the number of production installs of non developers is small and the BUGS file was a joke Action: chillywilly smacks derek I have a production install it is when we get non developers using en masse that its important so i would rather be ahead of the game :) burtj: sweet is dcl a bug tracker? i though it was a job tracker? it's project management both it has a ticketing system which can be used for bug reports it works the same way as peoplesoft defect on "products" or "projects" Action: jamest combined those lines visually I just built some auto workflow into mine saw defects on people or projects closing tickets when the related work orders close, etc.\ jamest: haha heh um argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ? jamest: it really should be the best of BOTH most of the last few nights web-po changes are gone it has "ticketing" which falls under the bug category BUT well, actually, most the last weeks then you can promote BUGs into Work Orders which are ways for developers to project work all features would come in as work order requests way i am think of it is that "versioned releases" would be "projects" then new features are work orders and you assign them to the "project" (ie release which they need to be delivered) really, we ticket everything and only promote things to work orders after they've been approved you can also assign tickets (bugs) to projects (releases) as well this way our "project" report would be a version roadmap jamest: how'd you do that? burtj yes that is the idea this sounds very complex jamest it is very simple (compared to say bugzilla) you just need defined biz processes but we will NEED it as we grow it is compilicated DCL has virtually no docs it's complex if it's anarchy i am hoping the developers don't have to do a ton with it other than use it daily we're developing a knowledge base for it there's one doc where mdean explains how he uses it internally i.e. hopefully we can discuss what we want in different versions then a "project manager" type can go create the work orders so then you have to sorta take that into account and figure out hwo to adapt it and projects and the developers just hit the crap in their inbox i realize there is little buy in now but eventually with someone getting time to "administer" it i think you will see the value for example the stuff at the county i want to do, it will be a HUGE feature sell to give visibility as one thing big companies hate about free software is the "lack of support" that is cause they see no company y'all need someone to do that? I can administer it if they can see that a band of disparate hackers are more organized than a company in handling support requests and feature plans its over.. :) burtj: that would help sell me on it #1 reason we are leaving current vendor is crap support the issue with the old one was and no feature maps of the product 1) it was packed with spam we've been running the university on it for a couple of months now jmaest: and we will turn the email gateway off :) 2) it was packed with spam 3) out of all the mails in it, most were spam i cleaned out all the spam and reassigned things recently and there were a LOT of real bug filings seriously 4) I could never remeber my damn password =) heh yet another web account YAWA :P derek: were any of those bugs against recent releases? the only person who is going to know if bugs are fixed or not is the developr though...so how does having some other person to "manage" it help? crap i have a board meeting for soccer be back in a few hours jamest: yes i thtink so chillywilly: it's one less thing for the developers to keep running if it runs on ash there are only a few people that maintain it which sucks chillywilly: to ensure it's running, make mods, maybe even keep track of aging requests gack! you mean you'll harrass us when the requests start getting old? dcl still sucks no, I was more referring to checking to see if it's been done by testing the product closing stuff the developer forgot to ooooooo well, now, that's ok heh I'm not volunteering to be yer mom good that's derek's job ;) exactly is it ok to call derek mom? good thing he's a bad mother too yea he neglects his children always running off to his parties, leaving us all alone to gnue bastid dude, that's our mom sorry bitch would seem more appropriate a name to use ho damn, was typing that she's a ho anyhooters need caffiene lol came in on the tail end of this conversation and like it already hey there boss I have absolutely *zero* interest in programming w/gtk2 fwiw :) uh? Action: jcater scrolled up Action: chillywilly waves his Gnome desktop around la la allal al laaaaaaaaa! and read stuff about gtk2 yea yea derek using at work you kde/qt biggot not biggot just biased yea, biggot heh if I'm going ot have to learn another toolkit I don't want to learn one that's not gonna benefit me personally burtj: I committed what I think is a fix to our svn but I can't make it work with the old release so, I need the new release? probably HEAD well, I always need head but that's not a conversation for here holy crap haven't checked mail in ages twiki is on ash fwiw yeah i pointed that out burtj: hmm, well, better address that with someone else :) mom! /msg chillywilly you did say she's a ho right? HEH you know what pisses me off? midgets? sheep? you create mailing lists for people and they are too lame to use them salmon colored cop cars? oh goats of course! geez this is #gnue midgets in salmon colored cop cars chasing cheep? Action: burtj 's blood boils you all suck a LOT anyone ever configure mod_throttle ;P no liar jcater: I'll give that a try in the morning, I'll let you know how it works ok been up for twenty hours, too tired to do more tonight good to meet y'all nite burtj (faust@nightfall.forlorn.net) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" fwiw http://www.gnuenterprise.org/demo/project/search.php www.gnuenterprise.org has searching now (of website, irc-logs, and mailing lists) (ignore the gawd-awful icons that came with htdig... I'm replacing those) oh great I am in that paper greeeeat :( Action: chillywilly was jsut now reading gnue lists and found out he was in the case study thing-a-ma-jigger whtf was up with that guy ;) he's nuts i didn't read it well lets just say there's some things I regret doing... url? http://www.ics.uci.edu/%7Ewscacchi/Papers/New/Elliott-Scacchi-GROUP03.pdf I am in that thing :-/ man...I had issues back then DanielJ (~danhilf@ joined #gnuenterprise. Good evening. I am having a problem running GNUe-Designer, I was wondering if anyone could help me troubleshoot. I'd just like to make a public apology...I think I was on drugs or something sure DanielJ: sure chillywilly: 3 days lol I was on here earlier (As Daniel) jamest: 3 days? I got everything installed fine, but now that i am running designer, it gives me a Segmentation Fault on initialization It crashes on creating user interface I am running SUSE Linux 8.2 with a mysql database. it was doing this during the install too right? and we unset the DISPLAY Correct what version of wxPython is installed *sigh* unsetting display again didn't help you have to have that now in fact. it cause more problems. yes without display set no X apps will launch from that shell wxPython gotcha. ok, that's the exact same version I'm running is this designer 0.5.3 or from svn? 0.5.3 I figured a stable version would be best to start with is anything displayed at all before the segfault? Erm, I don't yet support pulldown toolbar buttons (LayoutEditor:FocusOrder) is in the terminal but nothing visual yet? that's normal :) In X, it says Creating User Interface hmmm i wonder if any gnue x app works A splashscreen displays with said text and then a small window begins to open in the lower right corner of the screen and then I get the error have you ever run an older version of designer on this account? no It is a brand new install do you have a gnue-forms/samples directory Yes i assume we put that in the tarball does uh oh does gnue-forms intro/intro.gfd work? i'm getting a nasty traceback here!!!!! jamest: i'll test yes. It works ok, so wx is sane Yes jamest: works fine for me under Gentoo i had old copy, my bad rm ~/.gnue/gnue-des.ini and try again maybe something in there got corrupted There is no gnue-des.ini Would that be a problem? no that just saves your window settings when you close designer understood i'd be curious what a gnue-designer --debug-level=10 shows er, um, ignore any references to how the fsck did I get here :) The last event is DB002: [Docker:730] Adding tool Trigger Editor [triggerEditor] hmmm wow is your wxPython from source or from a suse package? Data source editor is the last window displayed (only partially) wxPython source I believe. I have one from Suse and one from source I followed the faq How-to Nix that -- its just the source package hmm where do you have gnue installed into? /usr/local/gnue ? yes can you add this to your /usr/local/gnue/etc/gnue.conf file under [designer] I didn't change the directory ForceSimpleEditor=yes holycow (~rtaylor@h24-86-227-162.vf.shawcable.net) joined #gnuenterprise. daniel, I saw jax.centurytel.net earlier... is that Jacksonville FL, or Jackson, MS? (or another) Jacksonville, Arkansas ah I am just outside of Little Rock. (Just north of the USAF base) I'm just outside of Memphis I don't see many centurytel.net ppl here Cool. I am not centurytel by choice, I am just so far out in the stix, its the only option. yeah Where outside of Memphis are you? Olive Branch, MS (It keeps on crashing after I added that line) hmm [21:20] Last message repeated 1 time(s). On the northern border of the state can you get a suse package for wxpython Would that be more desirable? and is the version of python wx is compiled for the same version as you're running designer under iirc it gives a warning on startup if not iirc? if i recall correctly jamest: that's only a very recent version I think it was that version though http://shfs.sourceforge.net/ doh that looks sweet As far as I can tell, Suse doesn't have a version. On a side note, why is debian the preferred distrubition for the project developers coincidence that we all use it me too :) i beat those that dont lol be nice now ;) er, um, it's a coincidence that we all use it yea a *coiincidence* or something apt is really a great package manager there's a zillion packages DanielJ: we're grasping at straws here on the segfault issue http://wxpython.org/download.php#binaries ok will those RPMs not work on suse? but I seem to recall on the source installs of wx and not ever having to go to rpmfind.net makes me infinitely happy (I am asking b/c I am not completely satisfied with SUSE we love debian it's highly upgradable snewpy__ (~markl@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) that there were some optional modules that get compiled in I have some more information that might help you too. it's built by the community some people rightfully complain about being frustrated installing debian but once installed iirc i had major issues on solaris with those issues you never have to do it again wx issues, not debian what I love about debian is it's ease of maintaining larger number of boxes teh newest installer is a lot better, imho chillywilly: yeah but there's one wrinkle with selecting apt sources Another event displayed on debug level 10 is: DB003: [EventController:102] Unknown Event: MakeClean you have to cancel out of it and then go to the next step manually which kinda sucks unless I have been doing something wrong other than that it sorta flows...except disk partitioning...you have to use cfdisk which doesn't bother me but other people want some sorta partitioning scheme picked for them...or so I have been told by others that was the one thing i noticed about the new installer that I thought was unfriendsly didn't have any other issues w/ it DanielJ: anyway, i'd be tempted to give those rpms a try holycow (~rtaylor@h24-86-227-162.vf.shawcable.net) left irc: "Leaving" Would error messages about wx.widgets.box.pyc not appearing to be a valid ui widget be normal? if that doesn't work I'd try to build wxpython making sure those extra things are shut off in the configure/makefill um, that seems odd in fact, there are 8 such messages about box, button, entry, image, label, page and scrollbar ah, no those are ok And a few messages saying How the fsck did I get here? yeah, um, ignore those too :) ok. :) so a DB005: [UIdriver:164] wx.widgets.button.pyc doesn't appear to be a valid ui widget is ok? yes designer uses forms UI widgets but does unholy things with them Understood. :) i wonder if the python debugger would catch that segfault gnue-designer --interactive-debugger will do. Are those two parameters, python specific or additional functionality in GNUe? (the other being --debug-level=10) those are gnue-common app specific they are based upon python modules though ok. No. --interactive-debugger didn't give me any additional options or output we just make them a bit simpler to use via our base frameowrk dropped you back to the shell again? yes sigh So even though Forms works, you still think it may be a wxPython problem? I'm guessing 95% of our segfault issues are wx releated if not 100% So i should uninstall wxPython and then reinstall an rpm version? if you don't mind trying that certainly Will i need to reconfigure the GNUe applications afterwords? i don't believe so as long as you can do python I am giving it a try import wx then we should be fine So you want me to write a quick python program? nah what do you mean by import wx then? if you can import wx from python then our tools will be fine nope. I tried it from the command line editor -- you were right .. it failed. With a Segmentation fault you mean python import wx failed? yes is this with the rpms? No. This is with source ah, i bet it's one of those damn extra modules i switched my last solaris box off over a year ago so I don't recall the details I am looking at my Yast2 package list now -- this will sound naive -- but should there be a build Package and a wxPython package both installed? i don't know anything about suse packaging wxWindows is a C++ lib wxPython is a wrapper for python to that lib I knew it was long shot, but I had to ask so you'd need both those while we wait for the rpms to install i'll mention my #1 gripe with debian debian comes in 3 flavors (stable, testing, unstable) which translates to stable: rock solid but long periods between release testing: all the bugs of unstable with a 2 week window before fixes migrate in unstable: usable most the time, usually pretty cutting edge How is that bad? i love the stability of stable but the long wait times between releases have forced me to resort to mutant boxes Isn't that pretty standard? the last major stable release was released 8/2002 iirc So you prefer not to have to install any software not in the release? and been been in a semi frozen state for almost a year before that i prefer to not build from source stable Debian is mostly useful if your software doesn't need to conform to newer specs, but will run well wendall911: exactly it's a wonderfull distro however woody (last stable) was a little outdated at release time iirc for new software that you mostly compile from sources, Gentoo is the best choice imo and my users needed features, updates only available in newer systems gentoo is for the insane or people with only a few boxes :) I run it on 6 systems, fastest is a dual PII| 700 So you are an administrator of a fairly large network? jamest: called distcc ;) not that large i'm running about 35 debian boxes not including my ltsp install or servers our department is over 50% linux on the desktop jamest: I manage my own personal network, otherwise, I'd be running Deb for sure Wow. That is awesome, how did you manage that? (to convince your company to run 50% linux) I'm at 80% or so fwiw thanks to LTSP :) i work for mathematics dept at a local university That makes sense I'm at 100% :) I run 50% (at home. :) ) i have a local compnay here in town with a ltsp setup too however, I do need a windows box to test, just never can bring myself to install it Unfortunately, Uncle Sam is choosing to support Microsoft for the moment. (The hammers from them cost more) I use linux only at home. they are almost 100% linux with the exception being 1 accounting computer running dos app, and one app they can only get on a windows box what rocks there is I have them setup witn winvnc so for that 1 app they only need occasionally they use krdc (kde remote desktop client) to access that windows box jamest: I'm running photoshop 7 under native wine now...got my graphic artists using it now, that was the only need for windows before and message each other via jabber to tell each other when it's in use that's way cool an approx ~20 person call center hopping on and off 1 winxp box all day :) wendall911: you have graphics artists? what do you do? multimedia development /msg jcater grab the shackels, we may have someone that can create icons ranges from website solutions to cdrom jamest: yeah, I've been using Inkscape lately...fork of Sodipodi very, very nice however, I'm messing with gimp 2.0 and still feel like I have to use photoshop i can understand that I'd be into doing some icons for you guys at some point cool i was just giving you crap though :) but our icons do suck as they don't convey data well DanielJ: any luck on that rpm? working jamest: I am going to do a portage script for Gentoo as well My internet connection was kind of slow there. Just finished the download jamest: just been busy is all...and I want to be able to commit to maintaining it jamest: have it running on a test box right now...reinhard wanted me to see if it ran fine...runs perfect :) cool http://www.gnuenterprise.org/twiki/ is working now if anyone wants to play Action: jcater hasn't skinned it yet to match the main site, though bbiab jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "home" I just found a python-wxGTK version installed by SUSE 8.2 never mind. My brain is going to mush Why does everything seem to work better when compiled from source??? Everything I install using Yast2 causes problems. You should have seen the trouble I had with mysql because Yast2 set the permissions all wrong Designer works now one thing worth noting I had to uninstall the python-wxGTK version that came with SUSE 8.2 and install a new version when using the property editor on the left when you change a value hit to make it take not ok enter == segfault my test victim pointed that out to me a week or so ago :) roger So how does the project organization work. Are you and jcater leaders on these project? this well, on paper derek and I are co-maintainers of the project but in reality it's based on who does the work That makes sense. So the corporate sponsers that you have, are they major contributors/ ? lots of people contribute, then lurk, then contribute some more, including myself at times yes right now reinhard's company is putting in a fair bit of work on appserver and common we've had companies in the past put a lot in to i18n work jamest: we're working on our i18n stuff right now, it isn't a cakewalk cool that you got some help How long do you think it will take for the project to proceed out of the beta stage? 8 more years for Debian stable at least ;) DanielJ: which part? Reports, Forms, Common and AppServer (Forgive me for my ignorance, but they seem connected) From my understanding, Forms and Report are the Input and Output control and AppServer is the business logic that glues them together, correct? thats a hard call holycow (~rtaylor@h24-86-227-162.vf.shawcable.net) joined #gnuenterprise. for the most part common is solid today we do major work on it but a fair bit is transparent to the end apps i have no issues using common, forms, reports daily but are they feature complete? no i'd love to say "in 1 year they will be complete" but so much is based upon the free time for the developers and their needs i know that's a crappy answer but at least it's honest :) Actually, it was more helpful than you think. It is one of those amorphous questions. i need to leave, wife's orders One of the first things I notice about Designer is that the interface feels cramped. Is that just my monitor settings or is there some truth to that? i'd agree ok. Well, thanks for your help and it was good talking with you. I love what I have seen so far and I want to let you know that I appreciate your project you can drag the layout area bigger but the lines to do so are hidden we hope you find it usefull and will try and help out when we can see you guys tomorrow jamest (foobar@adsl-66-142-221-144.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Kopete 0.8.0 RC1 : http://kopete.kde.org"). wendall911 (~wendallc@wendallc.icehouse.net) left irc: "Download Gaim: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/" Goodnight all. DanielJ (~danhilf@ left #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jcater@cpe-066-061-071-147.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater is twiki python based? btw: this could be very interesting : http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/IrcLogPlugin jcater: you there? I believe it is written in the evil perl moin moin may be python yea, twiki is perl yo not here but for 15 minutes or so http://shfs.sourceforge.net/install.html <-- I am gonna play with this :P erm, chop off that install part cool to see the main page and blurb about what it is --- Wed Mar 17 2004