Vee2d2: is this the bot i suggested a long time ago that integrated into wiki? similar to debian's bot where you can call topics and it spits contents of wiki pages? *** chillywilly has quit IRC *** dony has left #gnuenterprise *** holycow has quit IRC *** mdupont has quit IRC *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise hi Vee hi Vee2d2 hi ajmitch ajmitch: arent you the gnue debian package maintainer? could do also the pysablot debian package? I think that package is still necessary for reports .... *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has quit IRC reinhard: bug: I cannot add a "non-nullable" property with the gnue_class.gfd form. *** lxf has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard: seems like the gnue_class.gfd could use some validate procedures ;) *** dcmwai|AWAY has quit IRC reinhard: for example the scale field of each property must have a value. otherwise ggcvs reports a problem in *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** jbailey has joined #gnuenterprise *** kingpin2k has joined #gnuenterprise howdy hi I've been doing a lot of reading (mail lists, code, etc)...I would like to help out...I need a "big picture" idea of what we're doing my main interest is the financial piece (erp)...I know what erp is, and I know how to do it (basically) but the larger application server platform - I feel like I could contribute, but I'm not crystal clear on what the goal is maybe the answer is to keep reading until it all makes sense hehe I'm hoping for some guidance where should I start trying to dig in my heels and write some code? kingpin2k do you have the samples working? haven't compiled anything yet sounds like a good place to start i just started, myself kingpin2k: Being able to build it is good. i am trying to setup a sample with the application server kingpin2k: Otherwise, it's the usual question? Why are you bothering? Assuming it's not just altruism, what doesn't it do that yuo want it to do? jbailey - a great ultimate motivation is to see the financial piece of the project thrive Learning a new project is hard, so it's always good to work towards something that you'll feel really good about it doing when you're done. kingpin2k: you are interested in financals? there are, I believe, foundational things that need to be done before that piece can be implemented so, until then, I'd like to fit into whichever area needs the most attention kingpin2k what in financials do you want to do? well...the accounting/gl piece is attractive major undertaking ;) no's sort of like eating an do it one bite at a time as you know there are the tools and there are the packages right apparently, the packages are from gnue stone-age. looking at the changelogs, I'd say you're right and there is currently 2 tier (client - database) and 3 tier (client - appserver - database) people are using 2 tier today... for some custom made applications you mean using the tools? people are programming on the application server tool ... no applications in use, yet 2tier apps: using the tools to a) setup the database, create the forms, use the forms. I follow so the place to contribute today would be in the app server 2 tier apps: business logic is done in the client with triggers 3 tier apps: business logic is done in the application server makes sense where do you want to have a general ledger / accounting system? because I am new, I am interested in the application server definitely app server there is discussion if you need 3 tier or if 2 tier is sufficiant ... hmmm it seems that 3-tier (or n-tier if you segment the app server into different layers) is the way to do larger projects why bind it to a single client interface? provide the functionality in the app-server and allow clients of any type to use it well there are advantages and disadvantages in both, i guess well I am generally interested in 3-tier or ntier true...3-tier being slower generally so hai.. all the few (2-3) application developers are having a) a sample in the gnue-application tree and b) a toy project (a hotline) in the conrit tree so the application server is under current development. you might want to try, if you get that sample working. it works here :) so it works. cool writing an application server alone is a huge task which parts are you concentrating on? i am not a developer :| oh i wanna ask, anybody know about accounting for inventory? sure what's your q? currently, I am a tester ;) nice...I love testers i wanna know about First In Firt Out method.. what, in particular, do you want to know? how is work? then Lot Tracking?? then Lot Management?? kingpin2k, can u describe flow from order to accounting? thx hehe that's a tall order lxf...just curious...what made you choose this venue for your question?...are you making a point? yes, i am developing manufacturing system user want use FIFO method can u help me, kingpin2k fifo simply means that inventory is sold in the order produced if you buy 1000 widgets...500 at $5 and 500 at $6 during the year, you sell 600 widgets you're going to allocation the first 500 to the $5 and then 100 of the $6 so your cost of goods sold would be $3100 (500x5 + 100x6) *** dcmwai has quit IRC make sense? yes, make sense *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise that's a simple example, I know, but that's really all it is so, how to system design/design table ? im confusing about the back end the back end really has nothing to do with what type of accounting you do generally, you will want to set up inventory locations and store inventory then when you add to inventory or remove inventory, you'll want to account for it yes there are plenty of systems out there that track and account for inventory im try to learn NOLA .. not familiar with that one or you have reference, open source project about accounting for inventory using FIFO method compiere is a huge crm/erp may find what you're looking for there be's massive it's open source java with oracle stored procs...they're working on db independence right now yes, i know about compiere ok Nola is open source accounting software I try to dig more about compiere design system kingpink2k, are you developer? yes what language ? just about any 4gl out there like what? c++, java, c# - learning python syntax now...hehe O , you ever download and install compiere? yes I don't have it installed right now, but I have installed it in the past where are you working now? Nashville, TN, USA u? Jakarta, indonesia nice good to meet you good to meet you too how long u doing coding? 6 years u? hmm.. from 1994 what language(s)? but actually im working in 1996 my first working at University. There are using many language but i just know Microsoft one :( nothing wrong with that I try to know open source language know you've covered 90% of the market haha.. are you kidding? no...I'm not a MS basher they sell a product that many companies buy yes, i aggre with that what project u doing right know? I'm working in healthcare...writing a therapy/patient tracking system aha.. i have that kind of project too what is therapy/patient tracking system are you asking what it does? *** jbailey has left #gnuenterprise yes, sound , costumized one well...this project is for a specific company, it tracks patient admissions, treatments, discharges, and helps therapists track their time at work American healthcare is highly regulated, so there are a lot of business rules to comply with the law O ok *** dcmwai has quit IRC may be, i can say like medical record system how long the project? 2 years *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise hah, why so long? kingpin2k, where are u? maybe we can talk later. i wanna watch video. bye.. *** chillywilly has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** kingpin2k has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** havoc has quit IRC *** havoc has joined #gnuenterprise *** thierry_ has quit IRC *** thierry_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** kingpin2k has joined #gnuenterprise q: is the zope python mysql interface compatible? *** jcater_ has joined #gnuenterprise jcater, hi hi jason morning *** jcater has quit IRC getting set up...on windows...can I use the Zope python mysql interface? is there another windows compatible python/mysql interface I should use instead of zope? sorry, I'm not really here on my way out is what you need, I think' MySQL-python.exe-0.9.2.win32-py2.3.exe more than likely (if you have Python 2.3 installed) *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** lxf has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise thanks! *** dimas has quit IRC *** kingpin2k has quit IRC *** ogger has quit IRC *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** ogger has joined #gnuenterprise *** ogger has quit IRC *** ogger has joined #gnuenterprise *** ogger has quit IRC *** jcater has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** kingpin2k has joined #gnuenterprise *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise *** kingpin2k has quit IRC *** sjc has left #gnuenterprise *** kingpin2k has joined #gnuenterprise anybody hanging out? *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** kingpin2k has quit IRC *** reinhard has quit IRC *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** wendall911 has joined #gnuenterprise * dcmwai|AWAY is away: Sleeping, Good Night *** wendall911 has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise btami: hi i'm trying to find mcmillan but all i find is broken links can you give me some hint? hi reinhard i can put to ash what i downloaded when it was up wait a min... *** holycow has quit IRC tamas@beus:~/00$ scp "installer_5b5_5.tart.gz" Password: Response: installer_5b5_5.tart.gz: No such file or directory tamas@beus:~/00$ ls installer_5b5_5.tar.gz not_tuple_bug.htm what's wrong? tart ? bah jcater:thx #gnue-commits doesn't work? reinhard: was just noticing that too it was a couple of hours ago bbl reinhard: and *** kingpin2k has joined #gnuenterprise *** wendall911 has quit IRC arg mirc won't stay connected use xchat for windoze? ;) doh...thanks hallo reinhard *** kingpin2k has quit IRC *** kingpin2k has joined #gnuenterprise btami: thanks I'm so close to having this up and running on windoze any pointers on generating the mysql script? reinhard: per our discussion last week: kingpin2k: unfortunately I don't deal with mysql+GNUe much what script are you trying to generate? the one to setup the initial database schema jcater: are those generated with reinhard: yes great there's a .sh script and makefile that look like they would work perfectly to create the .sql file in *nix reinhard: shows the output of the commands appserver shows some make errors wrt creating schemas yes saw it (btw: on and off today) bbl again *** kingpin2k has left #gnuenterprise *** kingpin2k has joined #gnuenterprise oops I wish postgres had allt he cofniguration crap in a database like mysql does...that's my only real gripe all the configuration bleh where does postgre do it? *** dneighbo has joined #gnuenterprise some master config file? there's some system tables and such but there's also pg_hba.conf file gotcha kingpin2k: is it OK, if i generate mysql.sql for you un Linux ? are you have an empty gnue db? yes...absolutely thanks other than that I prefer to have transactions and referential integrity views are nice too I agree...I went the easy route since the only thing I'll be doing is developing for projects like this with it mysql was a very easy install kingpin2k: if you are wanting to use this setup to help with gnue can I ask why you chose mysql? ease of install mainly * jcater isn't sure if you read my post on the mailing list or not about state of mysql are we looking to avoid mysql? kingpin2k: no, we want to support mysql we just run into issues so you might have a bumpier ride with mysql than something else btami: don't you use firebird on windows? firebird? i'm using _only_ firebird on win/lin kingpin2k: I would recommend checking out firebird since btami is our resident Windows+GNUe expert so if a problem comes up we have help on staff :) :) I'm not saying you can't use mysql nice but I'm saying it would be easier on you if you didn't no problem...I've got absolutely zero preference...easy is better hehe * jcater has to run away for a while is firebird *nix only?...I only see install docs for those platforms works with cygwin? there is a .exe for win doh...just saw the faq...sorry thanks btami i'm using ibacces as gui for admin it works on Linux too what is firebird? just another db? an opensource predcessor of interbase hmmmm look at I don't think we will switch dbs yet again ;) you swithed from what to what? mysql to postgresql well not yet ;) *** derek has quit IRC jcater: the problem is that gsscvs is not in the search path night all *** btami has quit IRC hallo reinhard reinhard: I have a problem with ggcvs are you around? reinhard: i thought ggcvs just gets every table and their entries from a db? when I run ggcvs against a database it does not get the useraccesslist values. in the resulting .gsd file I find the table tag for the gnue_useraccess table but there is no tabledata tag for that table. SachaS: ggcvs does not export data (currently) the purpose of ggcvs is to export the table schema and the metadata for the class repository but it does provide the tabledata for other tables ... but not the real data right i see :) i *think* johannes has considered adding that for a later version i started gdes but could not log into the appserver ... thats why, the gnue_useraccess tabledata was not in the ggcvs .gsd generated file. but it's not the original target of ggcvs later version ;) ok. so I add it by hand. yes did you see my other two questions? or comments? yes ok. one was gnue_nullable missing in gnue_classes.gfd and the other was problems with lenght/scale being NULL yeah i must make the nullable, otherwise there was a problem. yep. correct so that could be a validate procedure ;) right? the latter is even already in our BUGS file in appserver ok- ok. theoretically yes i was thinking. but we want to go the other way around we want to make NULL be valid for those fields and appserver behave meaningful if it is NULL ok. other question (basically behave same way as if it was 0) i think i came accross the need of a "reference property" that's possible and thats not there yet? you just have to enter the name of the referenced class as the type of the property that is instead of type "string" or "number" you say type "testerp_customer" :) but i want a property ... so testerp_customer.testerp_name ? oh or the type is the class and the name is the property? yes yes err no which one? testerp_customer might be a class and testerp_invoice another class then testerp_invoice.testerp_address could be a property of type testerp_customer that would mean testerp_invoice.testerp_address would really contain a gnue_id of the testerp_customer table or in SQL speak a reference property is always a foreign key and the primary key is always the gnue_id ok *** reinhard has quit IRC oops *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise oops what was that?? my X server just restarted are u on unstable? nope woody ok had it as well 2-3 days ago on unstable weird never had it before, and use woody on this machine with X for years now literally did you get a dump or something? not that i'm aware of i'm not too concerned at the moment i'm off for today anyway probably i'll be here tomorrow in case you have further questions, SachaS night all *** reinhard has quit IRC ok reinhard: ok will fix that I think reinhard reads the log ... reinhard: i get a error when deleting a property in the gnue_classed.gfd form reinhard: also, I do not get the gnue_id as primary key in the .sql file *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard: even if I put it into with the gnue_classed.gfd forms or even if I do not created as property in the gnue_classes.gfd is there a gui front-end for Firebird?...I see one mentioned in some of the Borland docs, but maybe it has been dropped? is what btami mentioned *** jbailey has joined #gnuenterprise *** jbailey has quit IRC *** jbailey has joined #gnuenterprise *** jbailey has left #gnuenterprise *** jamest has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard: I have to ask you tomorrow about that gnue_id. night all *** SachaS has left #gnuenterprise *** jcater has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai|AWAY has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise * dcmwai is away: I'm busy *** jamest has left #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** dantony has joined #gnuenterprise *** dantony has left #gnuenterprise *** dantony has joined #gnuenterprise *** dantony has quit IRC *** jcater has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** dantony has joined #gnuenterprise l *** kingpin2k has quit IRC *** DavidPesta has joined #gnuenterprise *** dantony has quit IRC *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise