*** Morphous has joined #gnuenterprise holycow: How goes the setup of your local repository? *** Amorphous has quit IRC *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise WRT: Date/Time fields... the extensible ERP I use at the moment stores Date Time fields as Unix Timestamps UTC... Not sure if that's doable or not... Date is stored at Unix Timestamp UTC of 00:00:00 So if you search the db on a date or date/time >= start date, it just compares the ints. pretty easy for the SQL to do... *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise It does do nice things for searching eg. > DATE or < TIME Other thing it does... if you enter a TIME in a DATE/TIME field, it assumes you mean today Blah. Logs haven't written in like 1/2 hr. *** someon has quit IRC *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise hi reinhard hi SachaS had a good last night. could get reports to do a "serien brief" with data from my invoices. has nothing to do with appserver but got me very excited. a couple of days ago, gnue navigator had problems switching between froms. now it has no issues. reinhard: did you see the screenshots? actually, it seems my server is down :( *** dimas has quit IRC reinhard: i get errors with intro.gfd like Runtime Error occured: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 4, in _messageBox File "", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to operator (, line 1) same comes from _jumpto, _about btami: when does it happen? seems the new trigger code doesn't accepts "-" in trigger names ah thanks np will fix *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise morning all hi kilo SachaS: can i take a look at the screenshots you mentioned last night? @weather LHUD kilo: The current temperature in Szeged, Hungary is 8°C. Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. *** btami has quit IRC *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise kilo. my server is down :( oh, i see my friends server is down as well...might be, that they have a network problem. *** PeterD has joined #gnuenterprise Hi Reinhard tried snapshot dated 20040330 and found problem with instaling Forms: Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup.py", line 229, in ? setup().run() File "/usr/local/gnue/lib/python/gnue/common/setup/GSetup.py", line 283, in run _setup.set_params (setup_params) File "setup.py", line 90, in set_params samp19files = self.allfiles ("samples/connections") File "/usr/local/gnue/lib/python/gnue/common/setup/GSetup.py", line 246, in allfiles return [directory + "/" + file for file in os.listdir (directory) \ *** lekma has joined #gnuenterprise PeterD: just a second i'm on the phone ok here now hi PeterD hi reinhard cannot install Forms found the problem i can provide a quick fix for you can you edit setup.py? got it ready ok search for "samp19" the first line you find there, please simply delete got it the second line you find, please also delete and change the line above to end in a ] instead of a , that should fix this thanks for testing and reporting btw you seem to be the only one playing with our snapshots currently at least you are the only one reporting bugs which is something we appreciate *highly* loks like did you already try appserver? not yet ok forms are ok now excellent uploaded new version of appserver dev. manual (includes howto create a pdf mail bulk report with appserver) also has a table of contents ;) :) SachaS: great reinhard: i could not believe how easy it is to create a pdf bulk mail with reports! it's so much more fun coding when people are acutally doing something with it :) SachaS: that's good reinhard: i had a test on this afternoon: i want to extend a class :) SachaS: I have not looked at reports until now ..that is ... i will do a test of extending a class soon. I got appserver runing with forms now reinhard: the canned tuna fish is also on my check-it-out list thanks canned-tuna-fish = canned list property PeterD: great PeterD: happy that i could help you SachaS: where did u upload 'new version of appserver dev. manual' ? lekma. hold on http://www.gnuenterprise.org/tools/appserver/docs/ the how to guide thxs I have to go, by to all bye PeterD *** PeterD has left #gnuenterprise the dcl doesn't seem to work on gnuenterprise.org... how can i report a bug? *** kilo has quit IRC lekma: write it here well... ok: import-tags are broken lekma: reinhard is a living dcl i.e. import tags in form and i'm too new to python to understand why *** reinhard_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise hello jamest (was that good?) ;-) hello reinhard the people in here are so friendly :) jamest: lekma had some problems with import tags in forms definitions that's something i have absolutely no idea how it works i did some looking yday but don't have a single usage example and will have to dig into the code to figure it out again :( jamest: can i help? sure, here's a bat stand outside my office door and if a user gets too close...... :) what is the error you are getting? reinhard: did you see sashas screenshots yday? *** dsmith has joined #gnuenterprise * jamest thinks you'd already left DB000: File "C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\gnue\common\definitions\GParser.py", line 431, in primaryInit DB000: form = self._xmlParser.loadFile(handle, self.findParentOfType(None)._app, initialize=0) DB000: File "C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\gnue\forms\GFParser.py", line 68, in loadFile DB000: initialize, attributes={"_instance": instance, DB000: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_parameters' when i try to import a simple datasource definition which works perfectly well in a form is your import library a complete form? i seem to recall needed that at one time nope only a datasource... you mean i must have:
... could you try enclosing that in a i think so it's been ages, in fact it was pre gfd format last time I messed w/ this stuff jamest: no, didn't see them and today his server is down :( shall I send them (in one tar file) to you reinhard? ah, heck, he's here that !@#!@# capital S always gets me SachaS: you all made me so curious :) yes please :) thanks :) SachaS: cc them to me too please if you don't mind jamest: can i send it to oyu here ? ddccsend? i don't think that'll work let me change irc clients and we can try brb *** jamest has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise ok. files flying. thanks SachaS: thanks jamest: doesn't work with
enclosure welcome welcome ;) jamest: same error lekma: ok, can you send me the sample forms, i'll try and take a quick look as I don't recall any of this stuff :) SachaS: care if I pop those up on gnuenterprise.org in my personal dir case someone else wants a look jamest: ok, in a min jamest go for it cool http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~jamest/misc/sashas/ perms are now open :) can you change from sashas to sachas ? please :) gach! yet yes hey, if I have an account on ash, i might also have a pub web directory .... you do so i could put up my stuff there as well... yes ok not today :) cool. i can move it there now in fact if you like no no keep it. thats ok. ok http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~jamest/misc/sachas/ since SachaS didn't want a gender change haha one of my user is sasha so the fingers are trained in australia most sacha's are girls, that was sort of funny :) you're a he though right? right ok reinhard: so where are we wrt date/time handling in common *** dneighbo has joined #gnuenterprise jamest: jcater proposed to choose the variant forms/reports should tell what data they expect, common should try to convert into that format as opposed to common should try to figure out what the heck is coming over the wire from the database and actually i agreed and it seems like that would break our dtasources API (if we ever had a clearly defined one :)) lol i guess i still dont see how this will get us around the issue of the different dbsig drivers returning bad representations of time (the rounding) james, thx for the screen caps those look m arkedly different from the packages in debian now would our drivers, based upon requested type, try to format the values as strings then convert to requested type holycow: that's all SachaS's work, i just put a copy up since his server is down holycow: i think he said 2 weeks effort on his part *nod* looks lovely none the less yeah? neat :) jamest: re rounding i agree, but i'm not sure if we *need* time values with fractions of a second for business applications i believe it's not possible to have them portably over different databases reinhard: the problem comes in the update jamest: re type conversion i don't think we would always take the way via strings more like as we basically do a update foo set blah, blah, blah where field1=field1OrigValue, field2 = f2ov, field3 =f3ov, etc, etc if requested_type == 'date': if isinstance (value, mx.DateTime.DateTime) return value rounding errors mean the update will fail every time *** holycow has left #gnuenterprise elif isinstance (value, StringType) try *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard: makes sense return mx.DAteTime.strparse (value) except: what I was trying to do was not loose precision raise InvalidTypeError etc. as without an exact match we can't do updates yes well the question is how do those fractions of a second *get* into the database first? other than with a default = now () that's how but all my legacy apps do that and expect that and I can see places where you may want to have data w/ high level of precision if we simply say "we don't do fractional seconds" then we become useless for those applications i'm thinking scientific experiments with output from instrumentation i think then you are bound to psycopg for postgres maybe other drivers have parameters where you can set the format for the string they generate doesn't seem to be part of the std api correct IMHO DBSIG2 is ill defined agreed leaves much too much open okay so i've tried setting up gnue from debian packages but i'm told to upgrade to the latest packages should i download latest nightly from the website ... or? jamest: here are my forms not sure what svn is in other words :) jamest: the other possibility would be to store dates as strings - weee holycow: svn is a cvs replacement reinhard: no fscking way that java app in inherited did that * jamest shudders jamest: even another idea does LIKE work on date values? we could compare dates with LIKE instead of with = if we know that we have a rounding driver i was thinking some dbs don't do like *** derek has quit IRC lekma: thanks jamest: you're more than welcome :) *** holycow has quit IRC jamest: oh and designer doesn't seem to like import tags as well... :( lekma, dont get frustrated with the import tag if it is not working. you might solve it temporarly in another way.... SachaS: i know but it will be a pain in the a.. i know i know uploaded new appserver dev. manual. includes: a) procedures with parameters, b) how to call procedures, and c) how to create a master/detail form (heavily screenshots based) its a 1.3 MB pdf file. dah? cool! its a ~400K openoffice file *** lekma- has joined #gnuenterprise *** lekma has quit IRC *** lekma- has quit IRC *** lekma has joined #gnuenterprise lekma: ok, installing blah anyone know anything about EDI? sure what are some hipper alternatives? SOAP? XMLRPC ;P whaddaya wanna know? EDI is asynchronous well at least if you're talking about EDIFACT there's a mailbox type thing going on right? well at the "VAN" actually, EDIFACT only defines a file structure and nothing about the transport of the file called 3 places only got through to one place to find out that they aren't a van but they do cdocument translation then he tells me no business's documents are the same but it's quite usual to use some weird proprietary mailbox systems with edifact files that sorta defeats the purpose of the standard then eh? hmmm well for example, for invoices edifact defines like some hundred fields of which about 10 are mandatory and the rest is optional :) what is the format of the files? it's a 3-level record structure I dig some googling before but I can't find any real information just generic crap about what EDI is you have segments that start with a segment identifier (3 char) and end with a single quote so it is text? every segment is divided into field groups yes it is text bleh field groups are divided by + are they going to XML now? every field group is divided into fields by : no edifact is 30 years older than xml why do I see them mention it on the EDI group's web site? well anyway and IMHO will be there when xml has been gone again go on ;) I am listening :) :) that was actually the basics can I find some docs on edifact? lekma: :((( ok every message is composed of segments self._app = self._instance #TODO: Imports are broken do to #TODO: switch from _app to _instance i think this may be my fault er, dereks, i mean dereks fault jamest: :) whew, that was a close one jamest: so i have to find another way to do what i want... right now yes as i can't imagine it's a quick fix else we wouldn't have put in the todo i'll make a note to dig a bit more tonight and tomorrow jamest: thanks np, sorry for the trouble *** kingpin2k has quit IRC *** wendall911 has joined #gnuenterprise SachaS: would you care to share the navigator code of the screeshots at http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~jamest/misc/sachas/ ?? can receive dccsend? SachaS: i think so ok lets try can u retry my accept list was wrong ok. try again. ok. lekma at one point soon all source will be available thank you very much i'm about done setting that up ok done reinhard: i moved gnue-contrib to it's own unix group so that access to one doesn't mean access to both *** lxf has joined #gnuenterprise it works for me (tm) do we want/need a commit email from gnue-contrib? *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** lekma has left #gnuenterprise jamest: i don't think we want commit mails oh april 1 is heading i meant as a seperate mail list *** jcater has quit IRC eeeek weeeeee * reinhard runs and screams appserver is running under windows!!! and it works! that's not right lol we must do something against that! would anybody agree that it's about time for a release? yes i'd like to try and knock a few more bugs out that have been reported though but nothing major i don't think would you think we could risk using the new plugin loader for datasources? it seems to work nicely for rpc is it worth it for the release? i think so or does it gain anything vs releasing then flipping over in svn it would give much better diagnostics in case of driver load failure so if ppl use release and have problems with a driver dependency or something like that they would get probably better error messages are the drivers already converted or is this major undertaking? there is close to nothing to change in the drivers all you have to do is exchange the code that *loads* the drivers the only change necessary in the drivers is actually not importing the dbsig2 module delayed but immediately so that import of the dbdriver fails if not all dependencies are available didn't we do that for a reason? i seem to recall needed drivers to load to provide info to designer(?) we did that because the old plugin loader couldn't handle failed imports properly or was it docs hmmm maybe it was the docs i thought we had something that loaded them all and did something but my memory sucks *** lekma has joined #gnuenterprise i think we'll ask jcater *** dimas has quit IRC *** lekma has quit IRC also what's the state of forms on win32? are things still seriously broken nope seems to work just tested today great! my wife doesn't like me on her windows box i break too much stuff :) is this error still there? I can't use non ascii characters at all in triggers code, even in comments. I've remember a debug message saying somthing about locale, and looked for the reason. It's the debug line, at GBaseApp that says: 'Unable to load locale information falling back...' btw, i'm cool with a release in case i forgot to mention it jamest: IIRC this line was commented out months ago that debug message hmmm, i thought that bug report was against 0.5.3 *** lxf has quit IRC jamest: ok, we can keep the delayed loading and still use new plugin loader ok i'm not against losing that delayed loading just against breaking something :) jamest: i figured jcater can't do his dbdriver info page without delayed loading that sounds right anyway i tested non-ascii characters in triggers and it works for me :) cool hope I'm not annoying however i have of course to use utf-8 in the xml file i've started tracking mail threads from the ML because utf-8 is the default for xml files and tagging some as important if they have bugs regardless of what locale you have maybe that was his problem i18n and localization are completely forgien concepts to me I'm (l)american :) so I get really confused about what is doing what locale sets things like curency formats right? and date locale sets everything that's different per country date format, currency format, number format, language, character set are the most important and utf-8? that's a i18n font encoding? utf-8 is a special charset not sure what you know about charsets ascii defines 128 characters isn't unicode a mapping of several charactersets so other countries than the us took the remaining 128 codes to map to what they need different countries have different charsets so there is things like latin-1, latin-2, ibm CP 850 etc. win-1251 etc right? people figured that they should start to use more than a single byte per character jamest: right * jamest has to support lots and lots of different character sets hear acutally in TeX and mail and web so people invented unicode which is a 4-byte character set that means every character takes 4 bytes and the have defined codes for quite every character that exists in any living language and in most dead languages we know about like egyptic hyroghlyphes (sp?) etc. now using a 4-byte character set for files, screen output, keyboard input etc is quite inefficient and notable breaks compatibility with any given existing system so people invented utf-8, which is a mapping of unicode into a variable lenght character code where character codes from 0 to 127 use a single byte codes from 128 to 16384 (i think) use two bytes and so on up to 6 bytes ah the advantage of this utf-8 encoding is (among others) that files only containing standard ascii (< 128) characters are 100% identical with their ascii representation well am i boring? :) no it's interesting ok then i'll continue a bit i didn't realize utf-8 did that 'till you sleep ;-) Zzzzz usually applications use unicode (read: 4-byte character) strings internally and convert to utf-8 on read from file, write to file etc also most communication between processes is still with 8-bit strings to retain compatibility dinner time. will read the log. that's why no database sends unicode over the protocol all use some encoding so that old, not unicode aware apps can still use the same protocol that's why all databases have to have an encoding quite some time, all of datasources used the *encoded* strings instead of unicode (multy-byte) strings internally which led to problems when for example the database encoding differs from the encoding of your terminal that is the encoding you'd like your exception text in :) now the real problems arise when you mix unicode (multibyte) and 8-bit strings so the encoding tells app how to map from unicode to some local characterset? jamest: exactly jamest: first unicode problem that appears quite often is the use of str() str(x) will fail if x is a unicode (multibyte) string and contains non-ascii characters because str() simply doesn't know which mapping to use is that the reason for the "%s" % value replacements in dropdowns? that's a kind if cheat "%s" % x does * leave x for 8-bit strings and return an 8-bit string * leave x for unicode strings and return a unicode string * make a str(x) for all other types interesting so what you're saying is don't use str() so it's basically the same as str(x) with the exception that it doesn't break with unicode don't use str() when the expression can contain non-ascii characters python strings support unicode right? yes but their str() doesn't? you can do about all string operations on unicode str() is defined to always return StringType and like i said above they can't know which encoding you would want because the encoding isn't tied to locale normally yes as you may need app x in english, app y in japanesse but as i said wlel well not like that, but rahter you may have your terminal window using charset a for your X font you use charset b because the glyphs look better (as a lamerican it almost sounds easier if you guys all just used my language of choice and thru out these extra characters ;) and your database backend works with charset c jamest: :) argh! * jamest head just popped so *within* a single app you might work with 3 encodings or even more in fact i'm quite sure that siesel and dcmway have this case with 3 encodings where wx should use encoding a, tracebacks on the terminal window should use b and their database is probably installed with utf-8 encoding so what is stored in the db fields? that depends on the database unicode values? IIRC postgres uses unicode internally ok, this helps some but you have to tell them which encoding to use over the protocol so you can't ask postgres to *send* you unicode postgres will always encode somehow like actually all other databases i know of another problem that occures quite often is ok wow the % operator i think my brain is full with the % operator, unicode is dominant so if any of both sides are unicode, the result will be unicode, too which means that python will have to convert the non-unicode side to unicode which again fails if the non-unicode side contains non-ascii characters based upon the defined encoding for the app? nope we have not a single defined encoding for the app :) we can have 3 different encodings :) thankfully it's time for lunch so basically there are 2 paths to go :) as i can't take much more :) a) do not use unicode at all, use encoded strings everywhere b) use unicode everywhere and decode/encode just before read/write from file and/or protocol where for a), you would have to define for every single string parameter *which* encoding this parameter is expected to have like "this parameter must be encoded in the database encoding "this parameter must be encoded in the current terminal's encoding" etc. thus we tried to move towards b) where actually one of the biggest moves happened when siesel accidentally committed a change that he didn't mean to commit yet :) *** _florin_ has joined #gnuenterprise <_florin_> hello hi _florin_ hello _florin_ reinhard: sure it was Damn jcater and jamest, why they always so wishy washy about unicode support! you need unicode? yes, but they just don't understand! Ooops. Might want to cvs up :) <_florin_> hi reinhard, jamest reinhard: how soon you thinking release? *** ogger has quit IRC *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise jamest: today? j/k haha good entertainment, to read the logs :) jamest: seriously, jamest: i would think by end of this week? james bond release. SachaS: yes :) bbl *** ogger has joined #gnuenterprise *** kg_kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise hello ogger kg_kilo jcater hi jamest reinhard: i'm ok with release this week i'm wondering if it's worth the efforts to try and knock out some reported issues and do a prerelease on the list we seem to be getting better feedback now jcater: reinhard is intested in a release jamest: i would think by end of this week? are we ready? I'm ok w/it reinhard: have the masterdata_customer class. have the test_testBusinessClass. the test_testBusiness class added a new test_testProperty property to the masterdata_customer business class. From the test_testBusiness business class I can successfully access that new property of the masterdata_customer business class. *** johannesV has quit IRC jcater: he was merging the new plugin system to the db drivers lots and lots of recent changes i didn't see an issue as it works with the import trick you put in but I would like to get these bugfixes out too, though i seem to recall that import trick needed for doc generation? yes ok i'm also wondering about all the changes, i figure we need to prerelease at least once and there are several bugs I wouldn't mind fixed reinhard: a bug :) reinhard: i have a test module. one sec. checking again. anyone ever look at SQLObject? seems intersting doesn't give you enough control over the schema though reinhard: no bug :) it would be nice to use bigserial for primary keys instead of serial SachaS: is your server still down? kg_kilo: looking for the screens? http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~sachas/screens/ yes, exactly thanks! kg_kil no but there is a new link. kg_kilo: please tell btami that forms and appserver work nicely under windows jamest: I'm ok with any bug you want to fix :) :) i'll try and go thru them tonight i'm not 100% certain we need prereleases at all reinhard: test 2 works also. test 2 is: we have: masterdata_customer.test_testProperty . test2_testBusinessClass can access masterdata_customer.test_testProperty successfully. (access only assign and read. have not tested commit). must test with commit. now that our nightly snapshots are built as release tarballs however what would be nice is when we defined a string freeze and would give translators 2 or 3 days time to update translations *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise hi hi btami kg_kilo: please tell btami that forms and appserver work nicely under windows hi btami wrote that 5 minutes ago :) hi all btami: i have a windows error that was reported to webmaster@gnuenterprise.org reinhard: thx you want? =) sure where can I forward it? *** reinhard has quit IRC btami at freemail dot hu btami: reinhard told that forms and appserver worked nicely under windows 8-)) sent k btami: any outstanding issues w/ a windows release? i think we're targeting this week i'm ok with that *** ogger has quit IRC *** ogger has joined #gnuenterprise an addition to benefits os parameters in sql execute: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1041549&forum_id=30917 in kinterbasdb forum David Rushby's explanations are usually excellent *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard: you tried my 2. setup exe or svn? of course i tried your setup.exe ah err i still had problems with the connection form nearly forgot that but everything else worked on Me? yes on you ;-) yes on Win ME lol ok also that appserver works means that the new plugin loader works yes i like it the new setup exe has a plus advantage it contains all unmodified (installed) gnue tree (*.py) so peop can fix bugs i can confirm that the connection dialog is broken also on gnu or udate fixed files from svn btami: yes, that's good btw can you defined "canned" package selections? could make sense to define a "client" install btami: what's the new setup.exe using? where you install forms, reports, desinger, but not appserver py2exe+inno i didn't think mcmillian could package .py files and change ah, so mcmillian is gone then? reinhard: sure, i can jamest: yes ah, cool jamest: all files you need in gnue-common/packaging/win32 the _main_ trick was to exclude "gnue" in py2exe setup.py and just append the . dir to syspath in all startup scripts btw. re str() and % they not limited to ascii, but want to convert with sys.getdefaultencoding() whitch is ascii by default but on python startup can set with setdefaultencoding() as it was discussed before why we cant use it so is there a bug system or is there none? anyhow, using unicode internally in all gnue is the best i have an issue with Class Repository. reinhard: have you looked at SQLite at all? no issue with Class Repository. :) i have an issue with Class Repository. :) feature request to set default values in Class Repository. wendall911: not specially why? reinhard: looks kind of useful for quick evaluations. Doesn't require setup or configuration... Not ideal for production, but may be useful for small scale things. jcater: you think you have some time to gnue today? wendall911: ah wendall911: was not sure what you mean wendall911: we have an SQLite driver in common reinhard: not sure why? reinhard: ok, cool, didn't see it. wendall911: if you have it installed and have some experience with it we would highly appreciate if you tested gnue with sqlite and gave us feedback reinhard: might be nice to use it for an evaluation install for app server. as i'm not aware of anybody using it currently reinhard: ok, I'll give it a shot, just looks interesting is all jcater: i've finished transition of dbdrivers to new plugin loader and could commit jcater: however, this would break your website generation code jcater: as the DRIVERS= lines would be removed wendall911: thanks jcater: but i could let the DRIVERS= in there for the time being and we can remove them later once you've adapted the website code reinhard: SQLite doesn't support alter tables, will that be an issue? depends on what you want to do :) for quick evaluation i'm pretty sure it will be no issue for production work it could be hard to update an application then :) reinhard: i start to see the need to extend business classes reinhard: yeah, would require some extra coding for updates and such if it was used as a solution i have started with the masterdata module, where i have the inventory business class everything was fine, i added the property i was using in the beginning (name, description, id etc). now i am working at the inventory system. why not leave for now and I'll fix asap (which might be tonight) reinhard: I think the same issue applies to oracle 8 and partly with oracle 9 iirc SachaS: isn't that wonderful how you more and more understand the reasons why i'm doing stuff the way i do? if only women could do that too ;-) jcater: i'll commmit and leave the DRIVERS = in there now i see, that the inventory business class needs more properties of the masterdata_inventory business class, such as "reorder point" and "reorder quantity". so now i am thinking, should i add them in the masterdata module, or in the inventory module. jcater: ok? :) haha can you give your thoughts on my example? its like there are 100+ different ways to do it ... SachaS: I'd try to see modules as "features" that can be wanted or not wanted for example, info like "reorder point" are parts of the feature "automatic ordering" or however you would call it yeah so i would probably create a module "autoorder" and put these fields there i see the point as well as the logic behind that because there might be companies that don't use that feature for any reason yeah the logic would be in the autoorder module. and then these fields should not even be there the thing is yeah. damn :) it would been the old inventory form is still ok. which of course makes it not so easy to design a form for inventory :) eg the person who adds new items does not have to know aobut reorder quantity and point yeah thats the point yeah so a inventory or autoorder guy must have to provide these infors so a inventory or autoorder guy must have to provide these infos so there would be a new form. that's why we must go for autogenerated forms a new form in the autoorder module. that are not statically defined by xml autogenerated forms? a new subproject? :) but dynamically created from the list of available fields reinhard: one question concerning extending a class I don i was extending a class and then there was the "nullable" option but that will require much beating for the forms guys ;-) i have not tested it should work I don't see that as the only option, fwiw but ... if an extended property has the not null just security added to forms could that cause problems, as the original forms do not have those properties? in theory, it should be ok. because they still use the "orignial" class. jcater: you're refering to the reorder point problem in forms? SachaS: I don't see where that could cause problems yes in which table does the new, extended property go? SachaS: in the same table so if there is a NOT NULL statement (in the SQL def.) File "/home/tamas/svn/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/datasources/drivers/DBSIG2/Connection.py", line 258, in makecursor (s, p) = self.getattr ('_Connection__param_' + paramstyle) (s, p) AttributeError: Connection instance has no attribute 'getattr' ------------------------------------------------------------ t jcater: the point is that if the reorder module is not installed, the fields do not even exist in the backend and the user addes a new inventory (orignial class), then he can never add those new NOT NULL properties. SachaS: the user needs to have a form that also shows the newly added properties reinhard: sorry for interrupt or the initialization procedure must init the property ahh but the original form ... does not avhe those field. btami: no problem i get this when presing save SachaS: that's why we need dynamically created forms but i repeat myself ;-) reinhard: so there is a problem ... btami: latest svn up? yes ah oh ok. i see how you want to have all these modules independent.... yes dah? no comment above all those modules should be independent btami: just a second i always thought every pthon object has a getattr () method but if you have a combination of these modules ... you get into a bit more compilcated waters doh it's getattr (object, name) as i am currently building one fat (in fact slim ;) app not object.getattr (name) where i am aware of all modules installed. so thats the easy one. *** kg_kilo has quit IRC if i am aware of all those modules, and their classes etc, then I can simply access them etc. or change forms, so everything works together. SachaS: i think you now get the point :) ok. i have not started to think how to rather design modules, than an app. and all the installed modules result in the app. btami: can you try again please? all the modules make the app not the other way around.... ok ok. ah ;) and i remember you talking about having "module" packages (as in debian packages) reinhard: it's OK now, thx btami: great!! btami: could you please test with useParameters = 1 ? (in gnue.conf in [common] section) reinhard: quickly. can you say if the concept of modules will implement the package (as in HR, Finance, AccountsReceivable) are i'v used it with =1 btami: cool SachaS: sorry, parse error with that sentence ;-) have to sleep now, good nigt all remove the trailing are *** btami has quit IRC ok in that case yes. ok. so module = concept to implement packages somehow ~ yes ok.parse error! haha *** nickr has quit IRC ok. i think i got another thing tonight. i will do a little bit more on my fat application compared to the desired independent modules making together the app *** nickr has joined #gnuenterprise well reinhard: i bet you have your thoughts on how to realise those independent modules. yes :) ok. cool approach. its interensting. i think you tried to tell me that last time. and i just did not get it :) i feel like throwing away my app before I even got started and to scratch my head on those "independent" modules. those lego bricks ;) yeah i start to see my app as a granite block. there are modules in it, but they are pretty much interlinked with each other...eg. if a class (from one module) isnt there, it simply does not work. ok. if you want to have such a "module builds the app" approach, then you need to know what you are doing. ok enough. damn i am adding a property called "inventoryChecked" to the sales module. dah? :) to a sales order. dah? :) ok enough. i just realise, i have no clue what i am doing. instead of having this information "the inventory system has checked this sales order" in the sales order, it should go into a "inventory system sales order processing" table. and that table references the sales order. hello nickr hi nick nick nick na nick nick niiiick, nickelodeon no yes * SachaS removed inventoryChecked from sales_salesOrder :) wocher * SachaS added salesOrderTransaction business class in the inventory module. hmmm inventory relies on sales order. hmmm looks also wrong. but better than before *** dsmith has quit IRC * SachaS removes the masterdata_reorderPoint and masterdata_reorderQuantity from the masterdata_inventory biz class. * SachaS makes the masterdata_inventory(should be item).inventory_reorderPoint SachaS: there is a very basic programming rule don't write a program while you are still confused ;-) *** ogger has quit IRC however think i broke enough for today night all *** reinhard has quit IRC :) how about learning by doing? shit looks like I'm going to have to resign what jamest? don't write a program while you are still confused no more gnue for me :) bbl *** jamest has quit IRC *** nenhum has joined #gnuenterprise *** sjc has left #gnuenterprise *** jcater has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** nenhum has left #gnuenterprise *** _florin_ has quit IRC * SachaS likes how stable appserver is (when adding, removing, changing business classes, modules, procedures etc) *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** wendall911 has quit IRC jamest: in a form, there is commit(), why is there no rollback() ? because no one asked for it :) that's basicallly a clear() something is probably named badly :) ok. but there is no clear() on the level of commit() ... i can call commit() but have to call block.clear() ? is that right? [01:44:30 am] because no one asked for it :) i'm sure we can add it :) let me finish up what I'm doing and I'll take a look :) do you think thats of use? not really or else someone would ask for it oh wait you *are* asking for it SachaS: there is a very basic programming rule don't write a program while you are still confused but there is also "but they dont know what they are doing" please read our web site no where do we claim we know what we are doing i think a rollback() might be useful, as useful as a commit() :) :) but then there'd be no gnue i think i would like business class instance procedures. Then again i am confused what bound procedures are. gnue-import? does that work? i am pretty sure a bound procedure is not a business class instance procedure. what is that? a bound procedure? NAME gnue-import - GNUe Schema Importer SYNOPSIS gnue-import [ options ] file DESCRIPTION GNUe Schema Importer reads data from a GNUe Schema Definition and imports it into a connection. ah you are talking about gnue-import SachaS: i no nothing about appserver yet er know jcater: gimcvs um if it does work it's poorly named imho but that was gonna be a part of gnue-schema I dunno if it works or not though * SachaS makes a feature request: a rollback() on the same level as commit() :) * jamest thwaps SachaS [01:45:58 am] let me finish up what I'm doing and I'll take a look so give me a minute! ;) i'm docing and I just *love* docing jamest: can you finish fixing designer? docing? writing documentation? bring docs up to date making a script to make it a tiny bit easier ok. thanks anyway. SachaS: it's minor change I bet i just want to finish this up give me 10 minutes great. its 4am here gack! i think i have 10 minutes :) geeze late night? a couple of late nights in a row .... gnue is just so good *** jbailey has joined #gnuenterprise he can't put it own s/own/down *** jbailey has quit IRC it's like crack! only more dangerous why do we have gdes and gfdes * jcater wants to phase out gfdes sigh (but that was 2 yrs ago, and don't think ppl are using gdes yet :) blocks have a processClear and a processRollback both do a rollback on the datasource * SachaS uses only gdes * jamest thwaps SachaS again dah? don't encourage him! :) jcater: remove gfdes that'll motivate us * jcater thwaps jamest I'm going to make it rollback() instead of clear at the form level to me clear implies clearing out current record not reversing all records in memory so I agree yeah not sure about clear in block hmm iirc we say clear or something in the menu appserver can create business objects in memory. they only get stored to the db, when a commit occurs. block-level commit may be dangerous really, it should be either form-level (for all connections) iirc we added that for the papo team or connection.commit() SachaS: you running svn right? jamest: yes svn. ok, you want to test this for me or do i need to make a test form jamest: yes svn. i can do a test. a rollback test? yes it's global so rollback() will work ok. DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery rock! ok, commited if anything you may get ui corruption but at 4am i'm not sure you'll notice gnaraloo:/home/sacha/gnuenterprise# svn up gnue svn: Berkeley DB error while opening environment for filesystem /var/svn/gnue/db: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery so I should be in the clean ok. got it. would someone shoot the svn server for me i'm starting to wonder if setting up apache2 for svn would be a good thing me too hmm the more I think about it the more I think you should you were volunteering, right? :) um sure why not not like I have anything else to do just think of it as Grand Theft Auto: Fscking Ash Up rofl dneighbo: i've taken care of the dtd those with small children or delicate consitution please shut off your screens FUCKING SVN!!!!!!!!! ok, turn them back on now DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery how does a sql update look like? update () db where (x = y) how do i set the field and the value? it has been ... ages. :) update jamest set mood="calmer"; thanks. yep ahhhhhh jcater: could you commit that please hang on have a few more to do wiser, smarter, sexier course those aren't moods insert into todo (person, task) values ('jamest','svn update'); insert into todo (person, task) values ('jamest','designer crashing'); insert into todo (person, task) values ('jamest','web-po'); insert into todo (person, task) values ('jamest','gnue-contrib emails'); insert into todo (person, task) values ('jamest','gnue-sb'); insert into todo (person, task) values ('jamest','adrius'); insert into todo (person, task) values ('jamest','ajrs'); insert into todo (person, task) values ('jamest','math'); oh, yeah commit; argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @weather 38654 jcater: The current temperature in Olive Branch, Mississippi is 50°F. Conditions: Clear. jamest: as far as I can tell is rollback working. the ui ok? ui? do you want to know if the icons are set accordingly? fields all clearing properly in master/detail forms i am running commit() / rollback() so appserver stores/clears allocated business objeccts. have not checked in the form ... hmmm ok. will test with another form, where i have master/detail in the form. jcater: you forgot begin; ah damn postgres begin is implied in oracle (btw, this is one of my pet-peaves with psql) bleh (if I'm in interactive mode, it should damn-well assume I may want to rollback) jamest@jamest$ killall postmaster w00t! I'm saved! ok. just as a remark: rollback() is not in the namespace of a buiness object procedure. ? jamest: as far as i can tell is rollback working in forms. all fields get cleared, and the save icon gets shaded again. wow that cant be right it worked ok. good night. thanks for testing nite *** SachaS has left #gnuenterprise *** mdean has quit IRC *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise hi holycow hey :) jamest, dude, boy do i need to get cracking on gnue in need to do lists and project tracking that actually works! heh getting to be hard to track everything *** jamest has quit IRC okay, so i executed the subversion code above... what next? i realize they are all python scripts... did that place everything in the right places or are there other steps for proper installation? what did you do? well uninstalled the gnome packages and ran the svn command from topic it looked like it downloaded everything... i presume it must be in a subversion folder somewhere now, correct? yes should be a gnue/ directory cd gnue/gnue-common; ./setup-cvs.py --auto will set up symlinks so you can (doesn't need root) that creates a script in ~/bin/ for all the gnue tools to run them directly from the subversion checkout that you did (i.e., doesn't require you to properly install them all) i can't fine any documentation on the svn tigris website :/ sorry for the stupid q's i'm a bit lost as this is so new to me on a lot of levels http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ ah! danke :) anyone use optimistic locking much :)? seems like a nifty strategy for concurrency red-bean rocks heh yes extremely helpfull ah, gnue now supports 2 tier and n tier neat ? i always thought of it as 3 tier, always requiring gnue-appserver ah, no, not at all *** mdean has joined #gnuenterprise *** jcater has quit IRC