*** lxf has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** lxf has quit IRC *** SachaS has quit IRC weii.. anyone can help me with some routing problem? *** Amorphous has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** Morphous has quit IRC reinhard: good morning samples/gauntlet on the 3rd page some messagebox wont display DB000: File "/home/gabor/gnue-svn/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFForm.py", line 928, in triggerActivateDialog DB000: self._instance.activateForm(dialogName,parameters, modal) DB000: File "/home/gabor/gnue-svn/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFInstance.py", line 333, in activateForm DB000: form.processTrigger('On-Activation') DB000: File "/home/gabor/gnue-svn/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/logic/GTrigger.py", line 294, in processTrigger DB000: function(self) DB000: File "/home/gabor/gnue-svn/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/logic/adapters/Base.py", line 181, in __call__ DB000: return apply (self.execute, args, params) DB000: File "/home/gabor/gnue-svn/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/logic/adapters/python.py", line 202, in execute DB000: exec self._compiled in self._context._globalNS, localNS DB000: File "", line 11, in ? DB000: File "", line 8, in _jumpto DB000: NameError: name 'Block_1' is not defined *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise good morning reinhard: appserver is running again. did reboot. now is working again. strange. did restart db but that did not help before... now is fine. SachaS: good morning hi kilo how are you? 3m: monday morning mood :) *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** Amorphous has quit IRC *** chillywilly has quit IRC *** dimas has quit IRC *** ajmitch has quit IRC *** Stoke_ has quit IRC *** johannesV has quit IRC *** btami has quit IRC *** SachaS has quit IRC *** derek has quit IRC *** holycow has quit IRC *** Vee2d2 has quit IRC *** Vee has quit IRC *** icltlfatppl has quit IRC *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** kilo has quit IRC *** havoc has quit IRC *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** havoc has joined #gnuenterprise *** Amorphous has joined #gnuenterprise *** chillywilly has joined #gnuenterprise *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise *** ajmitch has joined #gnuenterprise *** Stoke_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** derek has joined #gnuenterprise *** Vee2d2 has joined #gnuenterprise *** icltlfatppl has joined #gnuenterprise *** Vee has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard: I think the changes to your post() commit() causes a problem for me. in a procedure I do create object 1, later in the same procedure I create object 2. object 2 references object 1. when I commit(), I get an error, saying, that when it wants to insert object 2 into the db, that there is no gnue_id of object 1 in the db. i try with the previous release version to see if the problem is only with the latest version. try with revision 5626 same problem. here the message in the client: DB000: File "/home/sacha/gnuenterprise/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/datasources/drivers/DBSIG2/Connection.py", line 271, in makecursor DB000: cursor.execute (s) DB000: ProgrammingError: ERROR: insert or update on table "purchase_inventoryreordertransaction" violates foreign key constraint "purchase_inventoryreordertransaction_purchase_inventoryreorder_" DB000: DETAIL: Key (purchase_inventoryreorder)=(85502001492224511697851243741222) is not present in table "inventory_inventoryreorder". DB000: DB000: INSERT INTO purchase_inventoryReorderTransaction (purchase_inventoryReorder,purchase_processed,gnue_id) VALUES ('85502001492224511697851243741222',FALSE,'83659906884327364165675687188627') at one stage the code was working. hey sash hi holycow. appserver is running. seems like only i had a problem. oh neat :) so then i go to the samples dir in gnue-appserver and try to get the sample app started, correct? yes. you have to edit your connections.conf file you can add the two values of the INSTALL file in the gnue-appserver dir your connections.conf file should be in /home/holycow/gnue/etc/ its not where is it? ah wait yes it is ok. add the two entries, as shown in the INSTALL file [gnue] and [appserver] if they are not yet in the connections.conf file there is also one in /usr/local/gnue/etc but alrighty *nod* k [appserver] as well? i think its a leftover from my previous install... not sure i thought i cleaned everything out nevermind, make sure they look as shown in the INSTALL file. which python postgresql driver do you use? k. sorry for the really dumb question i use psycopg i'm not sure frankly... apt-get install python2.3-psycopg ;) i forget how i installed it in the first place, i may have looked it up in apt after reading the pdf hehe k. sec. lemme check the install file settings k i already have all those settings in the connections.config file DB000: Error: The PostgreSQL driver returned the following error: DB000: FATAL: IDENT authentication failed for user "gnue" any thoughts? i have user gnue in postgresql and account doesn't need password (set via webmin module for postgres if that matters) running the postgress script was successfull however, just an fyi what was successful? did you do a: make postgresql in the samples directory? and followed by a: ./setup-pgsql.sh ? ./setup-pgsql.sh <-- only that, as per instructions in installer oh yeah that does call make postgresql :) that was successful? yep, no error messages now it just can't login to gnue user in postgres appearently and if you connect with the psql tool can you call psql gnue ? ok. i get a gnue prompt gnue=# i presume that looks correct? dangit, i've never had any exposure to postgres either, i'm feel so fookin useless, my thanks for helping heh :) do a: \d you should get a list with tables the gnue_* tables are used for appserver and the address_* are used for the sample application. yep :) its all there 8 rows ok. \q will get you back to the shell prompt ehehe so thats it! and try in one window: gacvs --database gnue -Z i assume you get the permission error when you call that... bash: gacvs: command not found actually no i get what i had originally which was unrecognized bash commands for the strange gnue apps :/ gacvs not found. ok looks like the links to the tools is not set. i will owe you money after this, heh do a ls (you might have to adjust the path) lots of money ;) ls -al /home/holycow/bin you see the symbolic links to the python scripts in there. gotcha so you can do a: /home/holycow/bin/gacvs --database gnue -Z what do you get? ohhhhhh i get it k sec lots of errors, last one being --> FATAL: IDENT authentication failed for user "gnue" ok. so you dont have the permission :) open the file (as root) with your favourite editor: ah yeh :) to the db or the directory? emacs /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf i have to following (not very secure, not useable for production server but lets you going) lines set: local all postgres ident sameuser local all all trust local all all ident sameuser host all all trust host all all reject *nod* oh i see, permission to postgres it self fuck this shit is gonna take long to master heh postgres + python + gnue oivey! i think the hardest will be how to organise your application server business modules! heh :) thats okay its a start i picked up linux because i wanted one set of tools for the job i have a few modules, a few classes, a few procedures and cant find where I create new business objects :| (this calls for a new start) not the endless pile of shit one has on windoz :/ :) lol :) *nod* oh i will be hitting my head against many walls however with that being said gnue is really the only framework that i have found that really understands some of the things we've discussed did you do a: /etc/init.d/postgresql restart = ? ok. heh forgot *nod* i should know that done try again to start your appserver gacvs --database gnue -Z nope same thing ok. i think i know why whats your current user whoami rtaylor oh that one has to in in post conf yeah i think or you can do a: su to get root than a su postgres and then do a createuser --createdb --adduser gnue createuser --createdb --adduser rtaylor yeah both already exist :/ tried that what :) dah if you do the ./setup-pgsql.sh again do you get an error message at the top of the script=? before i do that, just to check: ident in /etc/posgresql/pg_hba.conf should be set to sameuser or rtaylor? i think you even can comment that line to only have local all all trust oh i see what your saying, we completely opened all the connections to pgsql *nod* no worries at one stage we have to get it right with the permissions etc. *nod* this is something silly i'm doing for sure i can smell it i know its bad when you dont know what your doing starts to smell bad in here ;) hehe :) i appreciate your work, the first time starting the engine is the hardest once it gets going one can keep it running :) yeah lets hope we get the engine started lots of errors as everything exists cool that makes sense ? example: ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "gnue_id_pk_address_country" that makes sense as it was successfull originally yeah oh i see you might drop the database first do a oh right dropdb gnue and then again a ./setup-pgsql.sh and then start appserver with: gacvs --database gnue -Z and start the client with: gfcvs sample.gfd :) well dropping and setting up db is fine starting up server doesnt work again for same reasong gnue user authentication error gfcvs sample.gfd brings up a login screen and when i try to login as test test which i created my self out of curiosity doesnt work definately permissions issue yep. DB000: socket.error: (111, 'Connection refused') <-- generated for test/test which meanst its talking to the db successfully as far as i can tell ok. appserver is talking to the database the client is talking to the appserver in which window did you get that message? i opened another cli and made sure i was logged in as user account rtaylor, not postgres or root do you have a username setting in the connections.conf file? in the [gnue] part username = gnue that tells appserver which username to take to login to the database actually no, thats weird, that makes sense true, doesnt it i think when you set username to gnue you can close down the postgresql permission file again, so that only a user named gnue needs access and not everybody okay i dropped the db and gnue user again, recreated them, restarted b db piece of cake still no go that means its sommin in the config file what do you get? pg config file same permission error? gnue-appserver returnst a whole bunch of py errors, finally terminating in sql driver returning fata; ident failed for user gnue ok. it cant be anything other than pg config file imho yeah. have a look at the file. good luck ;) thx dude :) appreciate you taking me this far we are not very far :| well, lets just say you helped another user get a better understanding of how the cvs install is setup and why i get why bin and etc are in the /home/user dir now, and how the apps interact :D there a whole new world waiting for you ;) once you can enter it hehe hey you left earlier before you told me how you find form based development in gnue do you find it fast, revolutionary, etc? form based development. hmm. as a beginner, i like designer very much. lets you create simple forms easy and quickly. once you want a little bit more complicated forms, you have to dig a little bit deeper, but not that hard after all. i'm certain i will hit some kind of wall suppose i wanted to create a form with a timer, say a to do list where you check off an action item and time spent working on it would that be possible? or drag and drop between list tables? i think there is no drag and drop yet i think there is no drag and drop. but your todo list should be possible, even as a starter project. *nod* perhaps that is pushing it too far towards a platform or traditional dev environmet yeah? :) cool, i'll have fun trying first be able to log in :) hehehe you know the good thing? back to readme files, i may have missed something its not working because we dont have the permissions right whats that SachaS? wow, now hat is a discussion... GNUe: Abandon hope, all ye who enter here 8-)) ah yes :) hahaha :) kilo. we need to get postgress permissions right i see, Sacha, i see if it gets right, i will commit it to a wiki, if you dont mind kilo, my thoughts exactly kilo please do so are you logging this? i will wait until it succeeds... heh :) irc logs everything you may wait a day or two, i got sleep and work ahead of me :) hehe v v close i can smell it most important part to outline here are a few separate concepts did you check the pg_hba.conf file? once i get it i will help commit to wiki extra info SachaS, playing with it now ok. my /etc/postgresql/pg_ident.conf file is empty (only comments inside) obviously same here bbiab *** holycow has quit IRC *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise okay reinstalled postgres :) heres an interesting factoid: after creating user and db gnue then running setup-pgsql.sh, psql says 'rtaylor' does not exist very interesting that would indicate it needs rtaylor account and gnue account? lets see what happens btami, are you here? i get a DB000: TypeError: dumpXML() got an unexpected keyword argument 'textEncoding' when saving a new form from designer I see you changed something in reports for revision 5213 5613 is the revision which includes a change from you. when I set LC_ALL="C" its fine yaaaay got it :) SachaS: yes it's me :( SachaS, you rock :) thanks holycow you were right, i misunderstood your instructions on the postgres conf file heh SachaS: will fix btami: i am not sure if it is a problem as now its working again :| the bug comes when you have a trigger in .gfd and want save indesigner btami. yep. it works without trigger but I get the error when I have a trigger (and button). woo hey :) form wizard rox holycow! is the sample working? is the appserver sample working? well the form wizard is, i just created a sample form from a table sorry i lost the sample form command can you post that again, i closed xchat b4 logging that line :/ did you connect to the appserver? with designer: yep yep yes great! ok. go into the samples file :) ok. go into the samples directory <-- v v happy and then call k. gfcvs sample.gfd nup lots of errors what? whats the last one? DB000: TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) do it again username: hacker password: secret oh he h works! :) good :) dude, thanks so much :) i knew you weren't far off, actually you were dead on i just misunderstood the permissions part sweetness :) btw nice touch on the human check box in that sample hahahaha :) oh i see gfcvs means gnue forms cvs version yeah. okay i see, this form wizard is really cool and fast way to create simple forms v nice kilo, okay solved it mmm, havent been following closely. what did you solve? the postgresql permission setup appserver connected to pg *nod* what SachaS said if you post to wiki, make sure you mention to change the /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf settings from someuser to trust probably extremely unsafe but for newbs kinda important the pdf on how to setup a sample app db is lacking in a few respects given what i've learned here ok, will parse through the log now time for some submission :) *** dcmwai has quit IRC SachaS: fixed it, can you try it for me, please? ok. nite all happy days :) *** holycow has quit IRC btami: it works when I connect to the db but i cannot connect to the appserver :| but that might be a problem of appserver ok. ok, thx lunch time SachaS: we recognized that in designer if you only change trigger code, it wont save that you need to change something on the form to save trigger code changes kilo: yeah i create the button in designer etc. but write the trigger code in emacs ;) ok then, lunch for me too finally here first of all btami: thanks for fixing this bug with numbers in identifiers np reinhard: btw. after yor apserver dbdriver rework i cant use "Test Connection" button in connection.gfd it fails ok i will look at it also SachaS has reported a bug thanks *** dimas has quit IRC wait a min., just commit my last changes to connection.gfd yes *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise ok, committed thanks just fixing another bug gefore before ok *** btami has quit IRC *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** _florin_ has joined #gnuenterprise <_florin_> good morning :-) hi _florin_ <_florin_> hi btami <_florin_> is there anybody in here to give me some details on the FSF copyright assignment? http://www.gnuenterprise.org/developers/copyleft.php <_florin_> yes, i know :-) i already have the form. my question is about something that's in the paper they sent me ah, ok *** kilo has quit IRC *** lxf has joined #gnuenterprise maybe reinhard can help you he is an fsf man IIRC <_florin_> cool -- is he around? yes _florin_: ask right away <_florin_> :-) <_florin_> just for my inner peace: it;s about part 7c don't know the numbers by heart what is it? <_florin_> it says that "[developer] will cooperate with FSF in defending against [claim of adverse ownership..." <_florin_> and <_florin_> "... will indemnify FSF for all losses if the claim is not spurious" <_florin_> if i understand that correctly, it means sth like <_florin_> if i say it's my code, but it actually isn't, and the FSF looses in court because i said it was my code (while it wasn't), i pay the damages. right? basically yes so if you for example knowingly steal code from SCO... :-) <_florin_> :-) but yes, you understand that correctly <_florin_> maybe i'm a little too paranoic, but what if it acutally _is_ my code, but the counterpart (SCO) has way better lawyers than FSF that's why it is so important to make sure you have copyright of your code <_florin_> and they prove i stole code from them, while i know i didn't -- would i have to pay to FSF? i.e. have disclaymer from your company etc <_florin_> i don't know if that's necessary. 1st: i work "privately", in my spare time on gnue. 2nd: i own my company :-) i don't think there ever was a case when the fsf did want money from the developers bbl *** btami has quit IRC i don't think there ever was a case (before sco) when somebody claimed that code was stolen <_florin_> :-) so "theoretically" you might have to pay if somebody can "prove" that it's his code but you have to pay in any case independent whether you assigned copyright to the fsf or you didn't just in case you *did* assign copyiright the "other" will sue fsf, not you, and the fsf will have much better lawyers than you have <_florin_> my thoughts exactly. the main difference is that i can choose to be a chicken if it's only my copyright (= not go to court), while the FSF probably won't :-) in case you didn't assign copyright, they will sue you <_florin_> :-) if you don't go to court, you might have to even pay more re disclaimer <_florin_> hm... <_florin_> good point you are from germany, right? <_florin_> yes 1st point is valid for you 2nd point might not be valid if you are a GmbH or something like that at some point you could sell your company and the new owner could make copyright claims <_florin_> no, i own a romanian S.R.L. i own my own company, too <_florin_> (that's something like GmbH in germany, ltd in UK...) and it seemed scizophrenic, but i signed disclaimer for myself yes, so you might at some point decide to sell the company <_florin_> ok. <_florin_> so would i have to ask the FSF for a new paper? or can i just formulate a paper on my own? huh? so is there something wrong with the current paper? <_florin_> i don't think so, it's just because of my company... that's a seperate paper a disclaimer see the end of the gpl, it contains an example <_florin_> but i'm actually writing code in my own name, not in my company's. and no one from my company is involved in developing gnue stuff :-) yeah as i said 1st point you had is valid and probably enough so for you there would be no need for a disclaimer <_florin_> ok then, the copyright assignment is on its flight to the US :-) *** johannesV has quit IRC *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard: there is another problem, that appserver is not revealing any business classes to the designer. reinhard: will paste you error message in other window *** lxf has quit IRC *** dsmith has joined #gnuenterprise *** dsmith has left #gnuenterprise *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise * kilo who ami i... err... *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** lekma has joined #gnuenterprise hello everybody hi lekma who's in charge of navigator? i have some questions... i think that was siesel ... dont know well it seems that navigator can pass parameters when the process step is of type 'report' but can't when the type is 'report' u already know more than i do :) another question (about forms) how one can retrieve the list/dictionary/tuple of all fields in a form from the same form on-startup/onactivate trigger? *** reinhard has quit IRC *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise i am not sure but I did use the prequery once lekma: there isn't a way currently i am sure jamest has a good answer you want the list of fields you've defined in the form right? if you set the prequery to true (thats a datasource property) so when the screen is shown, it shows the form with the first entry of the datasource ... if thats what you try. jamest: yes lekma: why do you wish to do this? jamest: cause the form 'revert changes/rollback' is horrible from an end user point of view when the form is in readonly = True so instead of putting the form readonly i wish to put all fields readonly all of this in on-startup trigger based on db query well in fact the form 'revert changes/rollback' is horrible even when readonly = False it clears the form instead of going back to the previous state jamest: any idea?? if you're going to mark them all readonly why not do it in the gfd itself? * jamest is just trying to understand not claiming what you are doing is wrong cause for some users it will be readonly and for others it won't * lekma is really appreciating any idea or suggestion than show him the way of GNUe :) um ok * lekma is really appreciating any idea or suggestion than shows him the way of GNUe :) at one time you could get the children of any form namespace object, i don't think that is the case anymore though, so we'd have to readd that as for the revert changes/rollback we set this up the way Oracle SQL*Forms did it as these the way I recall SQL*Forms doing it it may be possible now to do a real revert as i believe we now track initial values and offer a revert and clear that would be better for me *** jcater has quit IRC in fact i tried yesterday to get form._children in a trigger but type is '_NotSet_' so you can't do much to find out what it is that you're dealing with right *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise <_florin_> how do tell python to convern a variable of unknown type to a string? str(x) works for everything except for unicode strings :) <_florin_> i need it to work for field's getValue() types :-) <_florin_> (do those return unicode?) yes they do what type of encoding do you need in the string? <_florin_> i think a plain python string will do -- it'm passing it to wx widgets (wxListCtrl) <_florin_> i don't know whether wx accepts unicode ah ok then you need wxEncode that is available somewhere <_florin_> wxEncode(whatever)? so what you would have to do would be if isinstance (whatever, UnicodeType): foo = wxEncode (whatever) else: foo = str (whatever) <_florin_> so wxEncode() returns a string from Unicode? yes <_florin_> ok thanks. encoded with your current X locale <_florin_> kewl :-) you have to import something to use that <_florin_> from wxPython.wx import * should do... :-) reinhard: what are your thoughts on a release? brb my name is bond, james bond <_florin_> does anybody know UnicodeType is defined? .oO(maybe that's what reinhard meant with "you need to import something") from types import * <_florin_> is that a wx or gnue kinda thingy? if the file already has a "import types" then you can use types.UnicodeType it's a python thing <_florin_> oh ok <_florin_> thanks :-) *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise brb have to reboot my windows :( *** reinhard has quit IRC *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** dimas has quit IRC *** chillywilly has quit IRC *** chillywilly has joined #gnuenterprise anyone used debian/amd64? * jcater wonders how well its working jcater, But me one :) s/but/buy lol jcater: just want to tell you you were right master/detail inserts do work even with generated primary key i just had to fix appserver's dbdriver *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise btami: we looking ok for a windows release this week? jamest: are menu-tags in forms working ?? nope ok :( there is interest only lack of time to implement jamest: i'm ok reinhard: is appserver's sample.gfd working for you? btami: last i tried it worked let me try now btami: btw i fixed connections.gfd some parameters necessary for appserver connection were missing ? btami: afaict appserver sample.gfd works hmm, maybe something wrong in my side... let me try it again sorry i have to run for lug meeting will be back tomorrow l8r all *** reinhard has quit IRC are the triggers in navigator?? navigator is in serious need of some tlc it is basically just started more proof of concept IMHO unless someone did a lot more to it than i recall so i'm stuck: i can't use navigator cause it doesn't pass parameters yet , and i can't use forms cause it doesn't handle yet it's hard to build a real world application with this navigator deosn't pass parameters? nope not to forms what OS/UI are you running under? because I show it being passed in wx wx hmm I'll test in a minute thx "# TODO: Pass parameters" in UIwx.py UIwin32.py UIgtk2.py in func runForm() the following enable passing parameters to forms apply to gnue-navigator/src/UIwx.py --- UIwx.py 2004-04-05 19:04:26.000000000 +0200 +++ UIwx.py.new 2004-04-05 19:06:32.000000000 +0200 @@ -226,8 +226,6 @@ # need to structure your processing so that you periodically # peek at the abort variable - # TODO: Pass parameters - if os.path.basename(step.location) == step.location: try: formdir = gConfigNav('FormDir') @@ -237,6 +235,11 @@ else: formfile = step.location + parameters={} + for child in step._children: + if child._type=="GNParameter": + parameters[child.name]=child.value + self._runForm(formfile, parameters) can someone test it? hi ppl code borrowed from GNObjects.py *** dneighbo has joined #gnuenterprise another stupid question: is there anyway to know from a form trigger what is the name of the form running? *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** derek has quit IRC lekma: i can't test atm if form.name doesn't work then I don't believe so a few lines in GFForm.py would allow that though *** btami has quit IRC *** ogger has joined #gnuenterprise hi ogger hi jamest *** wendall911 has joined #gnuenterprise jamest: can i have any hope that the rollback in forms will be fixed? fixed? i mean not clearing the form but going back to previous state ah, you're talking a new feature, not a currently broken item um :) i think it's possible from an end user point of view it's broken, believe me that's the first remark i got when i asked colleagues to test my forms to do that as long as the datasources provide the original copies, which i believe they do so if we implemented a clear and a rollback then you think users be ok w/ that yes definitely (well i hope so, you never know with users...) well, lets see if jcater, reinhard, or any of the others have objections or concerns first *** johannesV has quit IRC no never hit a need for that myself but can certainly see why others may *** clad has joined #gnuenterprise hi clad hi guys, i just install gnueReport / GnueDesigner/GnueForm on linux suse 8.2, but i have some probleme when i launc ./gnue-designer => importError : No Module named gizmo erreur de segmentation someone coule help me????????????????? gizmo? let me see where that's imported yeah "gizmo" i think it 's a modul from python someone know how to use gnue designer? some links to help? i need help guys...Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaase help me give me the solution!:) clad: do you know your version of wxPython? http://www.gnuenterprise.org/tools/forms/docs/Developers-Guide.pdf is about as best a guide as we have right now for designer python-wxGTK wxgtk 2.4.0 wxgtk-devel 2.4.0 i have already read this pdf document looks like suse's wxpython doesn't include gizmos until 2.4.1 when i launch ./gnue-forms then => Error : No forms Definition File Specified erreur de segmentation how can i get it? gnue-forms needs a .gfd file specified on command line it is strictly a client ok and if i want to create new form , i must use gnue-designer isnt it? have you already use gnue-designer? jcater wrote it ;) either use gnue-designer or hand edit it but I recommend gnue-designer :) http://www.wxpython.org/download.php#binaries has a link to RPMs SuSE 9 has updated RPMs dunno if those rpms work with < 9.0, though clad: here a teaser: http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~sachas/screens/ all created with designer (some later edited by a text editor) do you know if it s possible to make report with gnue-designer like another commercial tools called "Crystal Report" from crystal decision?? do you think it's possible? night all *** SachaS has left #gnuenterprise oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's wonderfull its exactly what i want!! someone else could help me. ? <_florin_> i doubt i can since i'm a newbie to gnue myself... but ask your questions :-) clad: what's wrong? the report thing? i've not used crystal reports myself but with gnue reports you can define a report using XML and output it in a varity of ways html, pdf, rtf|ps merges with templates, text, raw html etc <_florin_> what's a "report" after all? er, raw html = raw xml allo...still here?? someone know how does gnue designer works? How to create new report? afaik reports are still created w/ text editor of your choice :( clad: what kind of report are you looking for? *** kilo has quit IRC i m working with linux 8.2 suse, i would like to make report in order to show data from sgbd like postgres you see what i mean?same report like crystal report ok we do not have a gui to create them, which i imagine crystal does but in need help!:) but I can find some simple samples yeah, could you send me or explain me? * chillywilly sends clad to clad with an explanation attached * chillywilly runs away gack! maybe i can find a simple one gack! ??? i don't have any newbie friendly ones this is as close as I can get :( do you know if i have to edit gnue.conf? http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~jamest/misc/reports/ no, you dont you will need to edit report-filters.conf [mailmerge:amc8fax] description = AMC8 Fax engine = merge_psfax #engine = merge_ps template = /home/jamest/cvs/gnue/reports/samples/mailmerge/fax.ps is what i think i drive that report you'll find in that URL with it basically takes data, plugs it into a postscript template page, and sends via my hylafax server to fax numbers included in the records pulled so while the grd is fairly simple the setup is more convoluted i also have an hylafax server, and also want to fax my pdf reports!:) can i have your email address? then I have raw text reports i use to create my tinydns records, and dhcp config for our department jamest@gnuenterprise.org great! do we have no reports documentation? but basicly, if i just want to make a basic report, showing my pg data i have it, but it still not very easy hmmm anymore i have some error message when i lauch gnue-designer,and i don't know if its normal what error? *** mcDeke has joined #gnuenterprise when i launch ./gnue-designer => importError : No modul name gizmo but when i launch ./gnue-designer -n reports it seems to be ok jcater: you around? sorry? mcDeke: yes clad: looks like suse's wxpython doesn't include gizmos until 2.4.1 http://www.wxpython.org/download.php#binaries has a link to RPMs SuSE 9 has updated RPMs dunno if those rpms work with < 9.0, though can you add debian-np to the list of available channels for irc-proxy? * mcDeke is trying to work with mako on some stuff ok i m a beginner in linux you know:( if i understand you, i have to update my release of wxpython?? rpm -i wxPythonSrc- ah yes, but not wxPythonSrc does suse have something like up2date or apt? or does redcarpet or something work on it http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPythonGTK-py2.3- dunno but suse 9 will work * mcDeke is just thinking being new to linux a tool ike that would be nice for you in general for now we can point you to packages you need yast is suse's way of dealing with things ah yes yast * mcDeke will probably have to learn suse soon i don't have suse 9!:) i m sorry=>je suis désolé de t'embeter!:) unless i can make headway with hp to get me debian hardware :( if you download that package on suse, and click on the downloaded rpm via konqueror, then yast will start and help you thru the install sweet a french speaking person! at least it would on suse 9 must be canadian as its late in france thank you very much james, i try i now jcater: by the way.. your april fool joke got me i owe your ass i seriously stopped our team from installing gnue that day until i figured out that it was april 1st :) jamest: i never got an email summarizing what you needed tested for windows mcDeke: you can run apt on any Linux distro i gave it in irc at the moment you asked but it's all been tested now, thanks anyway mcDeke: best to do so on a Debian install however did sascha ever commit to gnue-contrib his samples for navigator as im getting ready to do some mockup screens and was wanting to see his syntax for navigator no jamest: sorry i didnt get to test that day... i never made it back from where i went :( should have a whole team of users able to test for you soon getting holes punched in firewall for svn today (with luck) they are assigning us all static ip addresses first and getting restrictions on software installs removed for last of team members after downloading the rpm, i have to make rpm -i ..rpm?? clad: jamest mentioned if you open konqueror and go to taht file and double click it... that it will install for you (or at least that is what i interpreted what he said) ok:) c'est facile avec debian je suis pas encors au point sous linux, je n'y bosse deçu que depuis qqs semaine mais je prend mon pied!:) * mcDeke is too out of practice to speak french cant remember if facile was right word there i am rusty, but i think you have a colloqialism in there i dont understand you are new at linux? you have only been using for a week and i dont get the part about your foot :) i take my foot? is that maybe == one step at a time darn now it makes me really want to find a fluent french channel :) i enjoy it!! french expression!:) * mcDeke notes he misses theirry and eric from france that used to frequent here one last question then i will quit bugging you for now oh my god, i have now another error!!! NameError: name 'wxObjectPtr' is not defined !!!!!!! did btami get anywhere with windows .exe installs? mcDeke: April 1 was a good day :) wxObjectPtr? yeah that can't be a good thing :) does opening python then hand typing from wxPython.wx import * work? python >>wxPython.wx import * i have to do this? jamest: it works for me not for me Name Erro : Name 'wxObjectPtr' is not defined maybe in have to install gtk2 ? jcater: on linux are the tool boxes modal when released to frame? or is that a windows only thing and was it by design, on accident or a limitation of wx clad: maybe gtk2? bbl *** jamest has left #gnuenterprise jcater: also cant figure out how to resize a form properly anymore (short of editing the xml file) i think windows is having "repainting" issues as well drop down boxes kind of disappear in the property inspector but if you click in them they come back jcater: well i can drag/drop the form to make it bigger (very cool that was broked before) but i cnat find the the properties anywhere :) mcDeke: limitation of wx iirc (re modal) err, I assume you mean, always on top, not modal but I did what I could w/them on resizing *** ogger has quit IRC click "Page Layout" in the Object Navigator then click 2nd Layout Tab on Property Inspector (dunno why there's two Layout tabs :) the grid box's edged are supposed to be draggable but that is having issues as the grid panel covers the draggable edges for some reason (for non-obvious reasons, or I would've already fixed it) <_florin_> ~ gotta run home *** jcater has quit IRC *** lekma has left #gnuenterprise *** lekma has joined #gnuenterprise *** mcDeke has quit IRC *** _florin_ has quit IRC *** clad has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise are conditions in datasources supposed to work?? if yes, can someone share a working example with me? yes you mean from the gfd? yes hang on i'll grab a simple one is about as simple as it gets :) we can move up from there as needed :) mine crashes when i use cparam instead of cconst DB000: File "/home/malek/gnue-cvs/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFObjects/GFParameter.py", line 72, in getValue DB000: elif self._parameter.type == 'number': DB000: AttributeError: GFCParam instance has no attribute '_parameter' but when i use getParameter() i have it correctly i mean the value of the parameter did you define the parameter in your gfd file? outside the logic and layout sections no, i get it from the command line *** jamest has left #gnuenterprise should i define it also in the form ?? *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise whoops :) should i define it also in the form?? that i don't know lekma: yes i think you do need to you just don't have to give it a default like in my example yep it works fine now *** jamest has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise i have trouble with boolean and checkboxes when i try to update a boolean through a checkbox in a form i get File "/home/malek/gnue-cvs/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/datasources/drivers/DBSIG2/Connection.py", line 269, in makecursor cursor.execute (s, p) ProgrammingError: ERROR: operator does not exist: boolean = integer HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You may need to add explicit type casts. and it was working yesterday sigh that's a sign the driver passed a 1 instead of IIRC a '1' or 't' i didn't touch this form between yesterday an now, and it used to work... i'll look at commit messages in a sec looking into an email reported install bug *** _florin_ has joined #gnuenterprise brb, rebooting into different os *** jamest has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise hey dudes hi i was thinking today about linux on the corporate desktop and the roi on a transition to as well as problems with a transition and one thing that struck me is that gnue is really spearheading the roi value proposition of linux on the desktop if you look at the planned packages... if companies and small businesses could just buy turnkey servers with the apps preinstalled and get support for them using linux all of a sudden becomes a very attractive proposition i'm into linux for the naked chicks with tux wallpaper packages that's instant roi wendall911: :) hahaha :) <_florin_> night all *** _florin_ has left #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise hi dcmwai hello jamest what bring you on here today. i live here just banging out some bugs, trying to prep for the release (hopefully) this week haha what are you guys releaseing this week? i believe a common, forms, appserver, designer don't know about nav or reports *** jamest has quit IRC cool :) *** wendall911 has quit IRC