*** jcater has quit IRC *** Morphous has joined #gnuenterprise *** Amorphous has quit IRC *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** derek has quit IRC *** dimas has quit IRC *** Vee has quit IRC *** Vee2d2 has quit IRC *** icltlfatppl has quit IRC *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise *** derek has joined #gnuenterprise *** Vee2d2 has joined #gnuenterprise *** Vee has joined #gnuenterprise *** icltlfatppl has joined #gnuenterprise *** LuftHans has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** LuftHans has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has quit IRC *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** dcmwai_ has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has quit IRC *** johannesV has quit IRC *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has quit IRC *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** hda has joined #gnuenterprise SachaS: hi hi kilo how are you? fine thx check Wiki please, in the Manuals section I put your conversation with holycow :) ok. will check. heavily edited... hi all where is the wiki? dimas: check on www.gnuenterprise.org -> community wiki kilo: looks good to me. SachaS: thanks http://www.gnuenterprise.org/cgi-bin/twiki/view kilo: we might have to think about the proper (secure) settings of the postgresql database. yes, that is thin ice, setting up security like that... most people will leave it as it is and forget about setting it back to secure mode yeah like me ;) hehe well i think i should give that wiki a real test eg set up postgresql on a machine following the directions in it or someone else up for the test? 8-) good idea kilo ;) kilo: FYI When you start the sample.gfd form and you get errors that end with DB000: TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) i fixed that yesterday :) and what does it tell you then? User 'foo' does not exist or Invalid password for user 'foo'. wow and it does not in the form of a traceback but like for other db connections, it shows the message in the login box unnatural, non-gnue-standard error messages??? hehe *** dsmith has joined #gnuenterprise I suggest SachaS and holycow replay the whole scene, I listen closely and rewrite the whole wiki 8-)) with updated messages... lol nevermind, i think with the new messages people will figure out what's wrong anyway reinhard: two country names are still non-ascii in the sample database Reunion and Ivory coast *** dsmith has left #gnuenterprise and in case someone uses an older snapshot, it's better to leave the warning there kilo: yes, they actually should serve as a test if the database encoding is handeled correctly at least that was my intention are there problems with latin-2 ? *** clad has joined #gnuenterprise hi guys reinhard: can you try the connection.gfd's Test connection button with appserver? hi clad please put the info regarding latin-2 in the sample docs then btami: yes, tried yesterday i'v updated it yesterday ah oh but fails with appserver Someone could help me about gnue designer, gnue reports?? * reinhard does svn up now i don't know how to use it kilo: what is the problem that occurs? clad: ask and will try to answer reinhard, if you doesn't spec encoding, sample.gfd fails i would like to create a report using postgresql data how can i do it? i took a sample report and manually edited it, but! there is a wizard in designer, from New chose wizard then simple report and there you go reinhard: do you still have the bug, when designer connects to appserver it does not list any business classes, on your list? SachaS: yes, we have not yet fixed that ok. btami: ah, thanks btami: ok, so the problem is that the makefile doesn't specify an encoding, i see yes in fact i have a problem with gnue-designer, because its not running and it give me an error message : gizmo error clad: are you on suse 8.2? I tried it also and havent had any success something went wrong during the gnue setup yes i'm working on suse8.2 yes wxpython or something else, dont remember exactly yes i gave up what can id do!! upgrade? you can ran reports or common without wx s/ran/run but it requires to hand-edit report code that is plain xml so shouldn't be a big problem however i don't understand, i have suse 8.2, which solution i have? allo kilo>?? are all prerequisits installed? python, wx, and so on i think when i launch ./gnue-designer i have ImportError: No modul name Gizmo havent you tried to download RPM from wxpython download page? yes i do bbl *** btami has quit IRC and did it install? what is the version of wxpython i try to install rpm wxPythonGTK2.2 and i have also an error another kind of error well, I did give up installing on suse 8.2 earlier you should consider upgrading to 9.0 or debian seems like gizmo that Jason uses in designer is not in suse 8.2 *** lekma has left #gnuenterprise ypu know where can i find an update of suse 8.2->9.0? well here severalcomputer magazines included it on their dvds you don't have it?!:) i have it on cd, but havent installed it yet could you send me it? or give me an access to download it on ftp server, it's verys important for me clad: sorry to ask this stupid question but can't you download from www.suse.com or like that? i have to buy it you know!! and i would like to try it before to buy it you can't install suse from the net?? * reinhard knows why he likes debian :) no *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise clad: got to go now, will be back in the evening *** kilo has quit IRC ok thank u * johannesV rebooting *** johannesV has quit IRC *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise anyone know the state of mysql support got an email suggesting it was broken but I thought all mysql issues were cleared up in svn johannesV: don't you have a mysql installed? also the only issues left in email are the dropdown sample reinhard set me (which I think he fixed right after he sent it :), and imports in gnue-forms which IIRC were going to be "fun" to fix *** lekma has joined #gnuenterprise jamest: what about the dropdown event passing weirdness ? sigh, i forgot about that, with the mouse right? yep reinhard: yes i thought we were so close johannesV: could you test if mysql works or not? works with not johannesV: parse error reinhard: sample.gsd ? johannesV: parse error == i didn't understand you :) works with not jamest: maybe you can paste here what you got in your mail and johannesV can test if it is true for current svn no details at all oh cool bug report "doesn't work" :) i can't even recall what issue was not even that much here did the mysql work now or should i learn Postgres? there were mysql issues like a week or two ago when the ML sprung back to life but i purged all the mails on mysql which indicats to me that I considered the issue fixed was hoping we had a mysql user in here that could say "yep, things seem ok" mysql: DB000: File "/home/johannes/prj/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/datasources/drivers/Base/ResultSet.py", line 307, in _cacheNextRecord DB000: rs = self._loadNextRecord() DB000: File "/home/johannes/prj/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/datasources/drivers/DBSIG2/ResultSet.py", line 72, in _loadNextRecord DB000: rsets = self._cursor.fetchmany() DB000: File "/usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/MySQLdb/cursors.py", line 186, in fetchmany DB000: end = self._pos + size or self.arraysize DB000: TypeError: unsupported operand types for + using woody with python-mysqldb package thats special! jamest: what's special ? that error :) ok, found and fixed the error in cursor.py thank you end = self._pos + (size or self.arraysize) instead of end = self._pos + size or self.arraysize some day i need to get a mysql 4 dummies howto as a typically get way too ticked off at mysql's security model setup and give up :) *** dneighbo has joined #gnuenterprise *** derek has quit IRC jamest: i still have this error whith checkboxes updating boolean in forms, would you help me track it down... lekma: you have "useParameters" set in gnue.conf? useParameters = 1, yep jamest: mysql is working with the latest commits johannesV: thank you lekma: can you please run with debug level 1 and tell me the DBSIG2 Statement and DBSIG2 Parameters lines? svn up running... in a minute reinhard: you think this is a parameter issue jamest: yes probably the sql generation stuff is completely new code when you useParameters ok, as iirc we had to cast booleans somewhere in common yes actually i *did* that on the python side at least i thought so i cast to strings then do it twice, maybe it'll stick :) '1' and '0' lol *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise DB001: [Connection:263] DBSIG2 Statement: UPDATE t_lang SET modified_at=%(new_modified_at)s, modified_by=%(new_modified_by)s, lang_valid=%(new_lang_valid)s WHERE modified_by=%(old_modified_by)s AND created_at=%(old_created_at)s AND modified_at=%(old_modified_at)s AND created_by=%(old_created_by)s AND lang_id=%(old_lang_id)s AND lang_valid IS NULL DB001: [Connection:264] DBSIG2 Parameters: {'old_created_at': , 'old_modified_by': 'malek', 'old_lang_id': 'DL', 'old_modified_at': , 'new_modified_by': 'malek', 'new_modified_at': , 'old_created_by': 'malek', 'new_lang_valid': 1} the boolean is lang_valid lekma: thanks what python version do you use? DB001: [GBaseApp:264] Python 2.3.3 (#1, Feb 13 2004, 15:28:56) DB001: [GBaseApp:264] [GCC 3.3.2 20031218 (Gentoo Linux 3.3.2-r5, propolice-3.3-7)] DB001: [GBaseApp:265] Run Options: [('--debug-level', '1')] DB001: [GBaseApp:266] Run Arguments: ['customizing/language.gfd'] with useParameters=1, checkboxTrue = '1' and checkboxFalse = '0' in gnue.conf it's the same lekma: thanks, i think i have what i need now must boot my notebook where i have a python 2.3 installed *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise bye (dinner) *** SachaS has left #gnuenterprise reinhard: which section of gnue.conf does useParamters go in as i put in common and was about to report I don't see the boolean error but debug level 1 shows that sql is still not parameterized i put it in common jamest: you have a typo in useParameters? at least you had one here :) it should be in common reinhard: btw i use psycopg as the db provider atm sigh, ignore me i was reading the postgresql error dump not the gdebug line it shows parameters there :) and the value is being passed in as an int, not a string jamest: the problem is checkboxes always send 0/1 (integers) to the dbdriver they never send booleans not even for python 2.3 (which IMHO isn't correct) at least i wasn't aware of that so i quoted int's only for python < 2.3 jamest, lekma: please svn up and try again *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise and thanks for reporting :) reinhard: well it works for me, thank you very much for fixing it lekma: thanks for reporting and testing btw i would really appreciate if useParameters was used it would be good if we could make it default after the release and completely remove the old way after the following release (in case everything works ok) i've got it on at work now for me anyway jamest: thanks fwiw I strongly disagree that a checkbox entry implies that boolean should be returned you could make the case that forms needs a boolean type for fields which might solve the problem but having an entry style determine/affect the returned datatype breaks our UI separation goals erm now every checkbox returns an integer i don't see any basic difference if it implies an integer or if it implies a boolean I'd consider that broken then which we have always considered the checkbox implementation broken ok :) so the tag should have an attribute trueValue= and falseValue=? i thought we set this up to always return a string '1' or '0' that way booleans worked even without the style checkbox jamest: unfortunately not jamest: checkboxes always return ints the user just entered the T, f, 1, 0 0 or 1 and common then has to typecast *all* ints into strings because common doesn't know whether the int comes from a checkbox or from a real numeric entry jcater: i'd agree that an option to have the checkbox return whatever we like would be best but even then i'd think the default should be to return booleans not ints did i scare you all away? hmmm nice code snippet else: return 0 return 1 else: return 0 else: return 0 :-) lol where is that? in the pypgsql driver as we were talking about duplicate code there are some drivers that seem to throw exceptions on fetchmany() if there are no records left instead of returning none notable popy and pypgsql these drivers have the complete _loadNextRecord duplicated in their code would it be considered a good idea to have a _broken_fetchmany = True in the Connection class make the resultset ignore this exception and therefore not having to subclass ResultSet at all? fine w/me *** dcmwai has quit IRC reinhard: yip *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise *** clad has quit IRC what is the exact syntax of form.setFeature()? form.setFeature('GUI:MENUBAR:SUPPRESS',True) doesn't seem to do much form.setFeature('GUI:MENUBAR:SUPPRESS',1) neither where you putting that? in on-activation form trigger I think that needs to be in on-startup those have to be in on-startup on-activation runs whenever the form becomes active which is after the ui is built ok the best place to see samples is gnue-forms/dialogs/*.gfd as they will all use that stuff in fact it's a good example of using on-activation too :) i've seen those dialogs but there where no definitive explanation about where to put them btw does form.setStatusText() can't reside in on-activation? it throws me File "/home/malek/gnue-cvs/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/uidrivers/_base/UIdriver.py", line 452, in updateStatusBar if event.recordStatus != None: AttributeError: Event instance has no attribute 'recordStatus' odd, i can try to look at after lunch thx for your help guys... i must say it's quite difficult to grasp how everything works in GNUe all alone i would be lost *** johannesV has quit IRC *** mcDeke has joined #gnuenterprise any windows users here? having serious issues getting gnue forms to recognize mxDateTime not sure if syntax has changed or something is broken in the svn nightly running python 2.3 and mx 2.0.5 for python 2.3 running gnue-forms.bat from the install instructions yields "This GNUe tool requires mxDateTime to be installed" however from a python shell i can do an import mx.DateTime and it works not sure if some path some where is dorked or if the call in the nightly snapshot of SVN is horked i am going to try to switch to the known releases, but am fearful that might make things even more muddy no known release will not work on windows ? 0.5.3 is dead on windows hmm i have 0.5.3 working on a machine here might have "issues" but it works dropdowns? yeah odd at this piont the svn is dying horribly on me and im not sure why it can not find mx i was informed it was dead but mx is installed jamest: for true usability it IS dead but at this point i need to find out if mx is my problem or not if you can help me with path issues it would be great as im thinking its something silly i can try to install on a win98 box in a bit or a version issue between mx and our code where did you get install docs? what version of python we are win200 etc, etc python 2.3 mx 2.0.5 win2000 hourly snapshot from late yesterday afternoon using the instructions from the WIKI * mcDeke used these instructions with the other 0.5.3 stuff and everything installed it appears to have no failures, it just cant find mx what is crazy is installing forms checks for mx and FINDS it but running gnue-forms from c:\python23\scripts\ cant checking mxDateTime library is from the forms install checking wxPython library: ok ( as well i'll need to d/l everything to install so it's going to take a while okay i will check back in later have meeting to run to *** mcDeke has left #gnuenterprise mcDeke should try from mx.DateTime import DateTime, mktime as that is exactly the line which is appearantly failing maybe some versions of mx don't define mktime? (though I would prefer assembly or C, others have voted against them...) writing an ERP in assembly * jamest shudders writing an ERP in c? * jcater shudders at that thought too :) :) *** dimas has quit IRC sigh latest mx datetime from windows installer goes in from mx.DateTime import DateTime,mktime I heard someone mention assembly or C 8-))) er, wait, that's what you said yes i know 8-)) that was you ? its you!!! * jamest thwaps kilo with a goat * kilo assembles an assembly assembly what is the status of DCL? *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise bye all, see you tomorrow (at least for me) *** lekma has left #gnuenterprise kilo? it works Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "localhost" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432? . in /usr/share/dcl/www/pgsql.php on line 74 Template Error: filename: file ./templates//login.tpl does not exist. Halted. that's what i get *** _florin_ has joined #gnuenterprise <_florin_> hello hi _florin_ hello _florin_ hello SachaS SachaS: do you have any outstanding bugs? <_florin_> hi SachaS, reinhard hi reinhard: no outstanding bugs (as far as I know). but some feature requests :) just back from dinner. SachaS: any chance you could upload that stuff into gnue-contrib? jamest: which "stuff"? ;) jamest: the documentation of it is incomplete :) *** mcDeke has joined #gnuenterprise baby erp, it's still a great reference as is jamest: i saw the email: user are calling: we want code, we want code ;) exactly! don't make us come and take it! :) er, where do you live anyway? :) in a tiny little country between the high mountains seriously, even some good file defs would be a plus as samples jamest: i could manage that if need (go and take it) ;-) hehe /msg reinhard remember to use the softer bat, don't want to scare him off lol jamest: were you able to look at windows at all * mcDeke is grabbing the hourly and trying on a machine i have working currently with 0.5.3 mcDeke should try from mx.DateTime import DateTime, mktime as that is exactly the line which is appearantly failing i am on win now reinhard: import mx.DateTime works i will try from mx.DateTime import DateTime, mktime yes maybe you have a version of mx.DateTime that doesn't define both these 2 symbols reinhard: second one works too for me mcDeke: i got mxdatetime installed that from line reinhard suggests works for me no farther yet from mx.DateTime import DateTime, mktime works on his machine in a python shell next i would try is in GFDisplayHandler (in gnue/forms) remove the try: - except: block around the import line so that you get the importError in form of a complete traceback a thought i have been playing with is if we catch exceptions and raise another one like we catch some native exceptions in the dbdriver and raise a ConnectionError to provide a property "detail" in these exception classes that contain the traceback of the cought exception and for example in an error message in forms have a "detail" button that displays that traceback so we never lose the information where the actual exception happened and what kind it was welll batman good and bad news good news.. i think svn was hosed up bad news i dont know why in his copy its from mx.DateTime import DateTime, strptime NOT from mx.DateTime import DateTime, mktime and removing the error trap yields mcDeke: that was about 2 days failure to import strptime until we found out that strptime isn't available under windows btami reported it reinhard: i believe he got the hourly.php snapshot from the website last night about 4:30pm Arizona Time he must have taken a nightly snapshot err as long as its explainable we are all good what? * mcDeke just grabbed teh hourly and i will tell you what it has then i think the hourly snapshot doesn't work we fixed that several weeks ago from mx.DateTime import DateTime, strptime from http://www.gnuenterprise.org/downloads/hourly.php about 10 minutes ago good news is we have static ip addresses now so it should be very short time before hole is punched in firewall for us to get svn the normal way can someone update the hourly? so i can download adn test? -rw-r--r-- 1 jcater jcater 6309582 Mar 20 13:05 gnue-svn-current.tar.gz check the .zip remember WINDOWS :) -rw-r--r-- 1 jcater jcater 7958648 Mar 20 13:05 gnue-svn-current.zip besides, current versions of winzip can unzip .tar.gz files well download and try for yourself i just downloaded winzip is non free (tsk tsk) i think either 1. the hourlies are not pulling new copies of svn 2. i have some goofy cache happening 3. the change is still dorked in svn (i.e. its not fixed there yet) mcDeke: 4. hourlies are not built any more since Mar 20 appearantly mcDeke: you have a *free* tool to unpack zip files under windows?? yip that was my number 4 that this dumb thing did yes GPL http://www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/ actually looks like its BSD can someone run the process to build a nightly .zip? * mcDeke can use ssh from here (yet) :( hmmmm i can find where the nightlies are created but not the hourlys i meant hourly but if a nightly that is full svn tree exists that woudl be okay too um we don't even list nightlys on the site anymore http://www.gnuenterprise.org/downloads/snapshots.php http://www.gnuenterprise.org/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Main/WindowsQuickStart#Install_GNUe_SVN_Snapshot_on_Win i imagine building these newer sdist releases every hour would be asking a bit much of poor old ash step 4 ah, it's in the wiki, looks like something you can make notes on and fix :) I took hourlies off svn wasn't up to it (found it it was what was locking up svn) s/it// jamest: fixing wiki now sigh <_florin_> does anybody have the time to give me a brief introduction on how to implement trigger support in a widget? just wanted to let you know that i actually pointed staff to gnuenterprise.org and told them to install to see what kind of problems our users normally bump into it actually all went smooth except the datetime piece documentation updated also there is no mention of configuring gnue reports on the wiki how-to have had duane pencil those in and will add them later for now must really grab food :) sachas can you post to the net your gpd files for baby erp? *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** ogger has joined #gnuenterprise jcater/jamest: as it seems, there is nothing to fix before the release (except maybe the mouse-dropdown issue) mcDeke: wait one minute. not even SachaS knows of any outstanding bug wow, not even SachaS so it would be the perfect time to release ;-) reinhard: the sap dbdriver is broken i'd like to get drowdowns fixed if at all possible btami: seriously? imports too but that's a pipe dream btami: i have no means of testing err wait i'v just tried the plugin.py i think maxdb is gpl now, isn't it? i was going to see if we wanted to do a freeze and let translators do their thing yes sap=maxdb is gpl if you look at the nightly build logs there are still some broken translatable strings so maybe a day or two of bug stomping w/ no new features i just wrote johannes a mail he should fix them tomorrow and how about some, um, damn, what do you call them begins with a D ducks no, no, docs rofl yeah! that's it! how about some docs! well i'd say reinhard: just run python plugin.py let's do the last fixes jamest: let's do the last fixes within, say, 24 hrs then do a prerelease tomorrow about this time i can try then do translations and docs and then release 2 days later or so would be holy friday or saturday btami: you probably have to gcvs python.py err gcvs plugin.py ok so my outstandings are : dropdowns and import s/outstandings/outstanding issues i can try and take a look at dropdowns tonight btami: i get sapdb.sapdb: DependencyError: Module 'sapdbapi' is not installed. ok which is correct for me :) what else is out there? no jamest: i know of nothing install sapdb's python modules and try again :) jamest: except the weridness of a single form not working for PeterD but for everybody else ? classrepository.gfd i got me some mandrake cd's to try ah but didn't get to it yet i've got 10 installed really? well you've got appserver working there? yes seriously? suse9 , fedora, sid, mandrake 10 nope i don't have gnue working there ah ok nevermind yes, seriously i'll try one of these days i planned to do gnue install tonight mandrake and my system had issues i believe are now resolved * jamest has 240GB of HD space for OS installs for testing, as long as it's freely available i'll add it to my list and do a quick run thru with it jamest: cool jamest: although he has no problems except with a single form with a form that only works with appserver btami: any chance you can save me from having to install and configure sapdb? reinhard: ftp://ftp.sap.com/pub/sapdb/bin/linux/sapdb-python-linux-i386- IOW i have nosapdb installed too could you give me the error/traceback/whatever? ah oh how do you know it's broken then? just the gnue sapdb driver loading fails can you give me the error message? plugin.py man! it's your pupy :) wait a min... connections = GConnections (r'D:\Python22\etc\connections.conf') i wonder who wrote that... not me :) i figured that much [Announce] babyerp is a new gnue-contrib project (licenced under GPL). project is uploaded. announcement email is on the way. sapdb.sapdb: NameError: name 'DataObject_Object' is not defined mcDeke: you find all babyerp files in gnue-contrib. reinhard: i think it's half converted by jc :) btami: just compare RecordSet.py to DataObject.py and you see what's up with the sapdb driver... hmm, yes i would be curious how many of our dbdriver actually work and how many was used ever... thank god python is an interpreter language otherwise some of them would probably not even compile ;-) btami: right seriously i'd say we should "remove" the drivers we aren't able to maintain "remove" == put into some branch in svn btw. this plugin.py is wery useful to check if installed dbdrivers are OK or not reinhard: it's only my list i've got 45GB set aside for db installs :) jamest: :) i imagine it'll basically be bare bones testing btami: yes, i think there could be an option in GBaseApp --list-dbdrivers or --list-installed-dbdrivers must be there. i remember translating it today... reinhard: I get an exception. in a commit() call. File "/home/sacha/gnuenterprise/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/datasources/drivers/appserver/appserver/Connection.py", line 100, in commit self._sm.commit (self._sess_id) File "/home/sacha/gnuenterprise/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/rpc/drivers/Base.py", line 232, in __call__ return self._adapter._runMethod (self._methodname, *args, **params) File "/home/sacha/gnuenterprise/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/rpc/client.py", line 115, in __init__ Error.__init__ (self, info [1]) IndexError: list index out of range --help-connections (anyone willing to fill in that TODO part is welcome to :) jcater: you know the designer bug that editing only a trigger code in trigger editor, then save doesn't save the new code but if you modify another object, it's OK with new triggre code saving btami: i fixed that last week IIRC have you committed it? i hope so * jamest always gets burned by svn's reversal of log entry/password prompt sigh no i guess not i'll have to commit tonight when I get home ok, thx it'll probably be close to 2 hours before I can commit SachaS: fixed the exception handling i have a hair cut after work the server side exception should now be visible correctly can you please try again? also have a fix for named trigger additions from the popup menu to commit it seems sigh i suck :) reinhard: will try again. reinhard: of course still a traceback, just a longer one ;) reinhard: i think i see the problem in a procedure I do: create object 1 then create object 2 object 2 has a reference to object 1 when i call commit it looks like it tries to create object 2 first, which fails as there is no object 1. SachaS: so you get an error from the postgresql database? probably yes. saying that there is a violation of foreign keys yes that's from the db hmm seems like the order of creating objects ... is reverse? or random? creating objects -> inserting into db tables. random actually committing objects. hmmm what? random ;) i think it's not possible for appserver to determine the correct order of inserts oops a = new ('aclass') b = new ('bclass') a.foo = b b.foo = a bang! now what should appserver do? :) shutdown? ;) rofl my procedure might be bad practice ... actually i'm surprised that postgres check referential integrity on insert and not on commit SachaS: no SachaS: IMHO even the above code should work if .foo is null, it should be ok. foo in both classes. will have to think about this one for a bit at least it made you find the exception handling bug :) ;) SachaS: just added your problem to BUGS IOW i don't think i'll be able to fix this quickly *** reinhard has quit IRC dah. OK. *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise welcome back. SachaS: just added your problem to BUGS IOW i don't think i'll be able to fix this quickly :( you think you can work around it for the time being? would it be possible, to create them in the sequence as they are created (new())? i could with setting the property to null, right? of course i can work around ;) i don't think creating them in the sequence they are created would be right it might be quite usual for a procedure to create a master and several details err skip that you might be right :) but i'd like it to not be dependent on the order you create them as a first work around ;) but yeah I agree i see the problem. *** jamest has quit IRC actually you even have the same problem with deletes you also have to do the deletes in the correct order true off to bed for today night all *** reinhard has quit IRC *** btami has quit IRC *** kilo has quit IRC *** jcater has quit IRC *** ogger has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise hi ppl jason whaddup dawg? word up? hey all just an FYI win32 sucks arse haha that's w32 or windows, fewl bad and mean things should be done to those that make people endure it * chillywilly points and mcDeke..<-- ha ha haaa haa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jcater do you know if you or jamest is using an auth plugin? * mcDeke is getting ready to get head on into gnue app development of a grand scale and would you be opposed to me checking for operating system on login and if win os then attempting to grab domain login name and if it doesnt exist attempt to grab local machine login name * mcDeke notes i would make this a gnue.conf option vehemently opposed turned off by default as long as an option, I don't care * mcDeke is looking for documentation on how to obtain active directory credentials as a passthru ugh *** nickr has quit IRC *** mcDeke has left #gnuenterprise *** sjc has quit IRC *** nickr has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise anyone know what OS kilo runs? jo momma is that a BSD variant? yea mon yo mamma is like netbsd she'll work with any hardware you throw at her ba da bing yo momma is like Win98 she goes down all the time wooo hooo I'll be here all week * chillywilly holds his lighter in the air jcater! jcater! *** icltlfatppl has quit IRC jamest: was he a suse person? or a gentoo we've had one of each lately, and I can't remember who's who gentoo == people who have too much time on their hands ;) ja *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise holycow! :-D oi :) *** Vee has quit IRC *** jamest has quit IRC *** holycow has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise anyone here? *** roche has joined #gnuenterprise *** jcater has quit IRC