*** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise hi reinhard hello ajmitch *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise greetings to hungary! hi there in milka-land!!! hi reinhard! lol hmmm is it jodli or yodli in english? hi btami, kilo :) hi ajmitch hi there somewhere far over the other side of the globe heh yodel, i found it! *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise hi johannesV hi ajmitch morning good morning SachaS hi johannesV how are you? I saw you checked in calculated fileds :) SachaS: I'm fine, thanks yes I've commited 'a first version' of them have you already tested em? unfortunately not :( SachaS: what? you are neglectful in your duty?? ;-) not sure how you guys do it ... i get tired sometimes ;) specially in the evening dont you have a life? :) johannesV: what was the other thing. now you have to set the return type of a procedure in the classrepository? SachaS: yes, correct you can leave it emtpy (which means a procedure has no result) ok. and when returning another type as specified you get an exception ... appserver now checks for this and throws an exception if a procedure returns a result but shouldn't or vice versa or even if the resulttype doesn't match the definition appserver checks for all types now (properties, procedure-results and -parameters) can u use calculated fileds in the statement, yet? statement of a ? not *yet* but that will be when calculated fields unfold their full power reinhard: concering your email about a) indirect, b) forumla properties and c) calculated fileds when i was reading it i was thinking about b and c that appserver could implement both ;) or have both in one as have the developer write the procedure in some language and the appserver decides if it wants to execute it itself or push it down to the database but that would be overkill atm in the invoice example it could first get the the number of invoice lines and depending on the number of invoice lines decide whether to read have query for each or let the db do the work but i guess thats for optimisation which comes much later first get it to work and then think of optimisation except you know what you are doing :) i very much believe appserver will implement both but with different "languages" the author of the classes will decide where to use b) and where to use c) because as long as it's technically possible to push a calculation to the backend this will be better in any case *** dneighbo_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has quit IRC *** dneighbo has quit IRC in some cases you have to assume that the app writer knows what they're doing :) :) (yes I am slow at replying ;) ) *** johannesV has quit IRC *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has quit IRC *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has quit IRC *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has quit IRC *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise l8r all *** reinhard has quit IRC *** btami has quit IRC *** lekma has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise *** dsmith has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** Arturas has joined #gnuenterprise Hello *** johannesV_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has quit IRC *** johannesV has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has quit IRC *** Arturas has quit IRC *** Muse has joined #gnuenterprise *** Muse has left #gnuenterprise *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise doh our muse left what are we to do? MUSE well we could move to the left move to the left move to the right move to the right now, slide... slide.... the devestating MASSAMAN COMBO um....you guys are loosing your freakin' minds loosing our minds? my mind is already pretty loose losing too my mind is tight like a hotel bedspring I heard that your mind isn't the only thing ;) * jcater worries about chillywilly sometimes cool at least someone cares :'( I don't care about chillywilly. you bitch * chillywilly trout slaps nickr with authority ... *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV_ has quit IRC *** wendall911 has joined #gnuenterprise *** jreynaga has joined #gnuenterprise *** jreynaga has left #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** _florin_ has joined #gnuenterprise <_florin_> hello *** jreynaga has joined #gnuenterprise *** jreynaga has left #gnuenterprise *** Konijn has joined #gnuenterprise good evening/morning <_florin_> good evening Konijin ah, another European :D <_florin_> actually there's a lot of europeans here :-) wow with all the europeans maybe there will be more football fans :) I come from Brugge they play pretty well in UEFA, I think suppose over there Atkinson is all over the news for his comments about Chelsea didnt even hit the newspapers or television here we used to have another belgian around LONG ago in this project dealt with steel recycling (iirc) m00set personally I'm an SAP techie currently working at Panasonic Batteries Europe cool doesnt gnue mean something in your part of the world? noops although it sounds good :D *** lekma has quit IRC better than compierre for example :D must be some part of scandanavia parlez-vous francais? bien sure :D comme chaque belge I am actually married to a French, so ... * derek always looks for the europeans that like soccer and ones that speak french all the better :) my written French is quite horrible though you wont learn too much from me at least that is what you tell her to get out of writing thank you notes to her family :) heh I just to work with her, she used to correct my emails :D what part of france is your wife from? *used she is from Bretagne, Brest at the north-west coast thats close enough to consider being British * derek runs and hides before he gets beaten *** wendall911 has quit IRC heh well, they have some language that is close to gaelic they still do a lot of fishing industry there? a lot of army marine activities as well and tourism of course she hasnt anyway lived in France since the last 10 years or so her dad was in the navy i was gonna say brest was big for its sailors still a lot of boat races there i think mostly for it's navy port yeah it's also know for bad weather :D *known cool so you plan on using gnue or just looking at it just looking at it right now the main issue is that I dont know Python yet it owuld be nice to get a SAP perspective and that I have quite some issues to make it work python is easy to learn it seems indeed easy to learn so I'm still checking it out also it is sad that quite some samples just dont work :( none of the history samples even parse and the pig latin script in the intro.gfd doesnt seem to work either <_florin_> python is indeed easy to learn it took me 30 min :-) and how long did it take to learn the api's ? to know which methods are in strings etc. is there a kind of java doc for python ? <_florin_> hm... try google (good python doc :-) heh I still dont see how to easily fix the \gnue-forms\samples\intro\intro.gfd <_florin_> what exactly is broken there? it works for me (though i'm not an expert... :-( ) * _florin_ doesn't really know what intro.gfd is supposed to do anyway ... <_florin_> but a window pops up if i call gnue-forms intro.gfd :-) well, if you press control page down you can fill in your name when reading the code, it should change Tom Demuyt into like mtoyan Tdemuyan or something like that but it keeps saying 'name is too short' which is really awfull error handling if you look at the code check the trigger PigLatin and the 2 forms in \gnue-forms\samples\history dont work at all * ajmitch blames jcater <_florin_> Omtay Emuytday you see it ? <_florin_> works over here... that is not good it doesnt work at my side <_florin_> i have yesterday's svn checkout, though. I have todays <_florin_> so perhaps the problem you have has already been fixed... <_florin_> oh <_florin_> revision 5756, right? <_florin_> (at least that's what svn update says...) <_florin_> works for me. it worked for me as well that is annoying so you just filled in Tom Demuyt and it worked ? <_florin_> yep. I am also at 5756 <_florin_> win32? yes and you guys ? <_florin_> i'm using linux-ppc <_florin_> would be nice to know if anybody else using w32 can run that thingy... yes um how can I print something in python to the console ? i could as of the other day i have a pissed off firewall so can only get on linux currently (svn copies) * derek slurps up to minute cvs er svn Konijn : silly question print google does like python http://www.rubycentral.com/faq/rubyfaq-2.html when you type Tom Demuyt it should do nothing until you exit the field I get the message then ' Name not long enough.' wow i dont get that even if i leave it blank what language are you using * derek is wondering if there is some i18n issue going on ??? win32 english how can I get the real error message since there is an exception you are getting a gnue expection or other? python what version of wxWindows are you using and what version of python are you using except: out = "Name not long enough." SampleBlock.CodeNameEntry.set(strip(out)) Python 2.3.3 (#51, Dec 18 2003, 20:22:39) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 im running python2.3.3 here with wx 2.4.2 for python2.3 wx wxVERSION_STRING = '' no difference there try using gfcvs --debug-level=20 intro.gfd where gfcvs is whatever command you are using to run forms this should give you more debug information im wondering if you python install has issues okay will try that gives not more information what I did is I rewrote the exception block like this : the other thing you can do is in intro.gfd put checks or keep moving the try down except (TypeError, ValueError): print TypeError print ValueError to see where it is "except"ing at exceptions.TypeError exceptions.ValueError is what I get then sigh i would remove the try except altogether just comment them out and move everything left two spaces this way you can get the "raw" python error or just do a "raise" in the except: block accomplishes same thing ... i.e., re-raises previous exception im wondering if it is not liking the string. references print TypeError print ValueError is only printing internal constants i have found that some of the code lately in forms is not windows friendly because of some python changes yuck i know the one i hit was actually relating to dbdriver datetime calls my install in Debian was even more painful to use then windows this one seems pretty simple.... so its kind of odd ? wow debian gnue takes about 12 minutes to install (including download) and works nearly flawlessly for me svn that is... i havent tried the debian packages I think I screwed up by first installing debian packages & then svn so stuff gets confused could be for word in string.splitfields(s,' '): if word: print word # check for punctuation p = 0 while word[p-1] not in string.uppercase+string.lowercase: p = p-1 if p: punc = word[p:] word = word[:p] else: punc = '' print word , 1 it never gets to the last print statement I have of course no clue what is wrong it does print the first 'print word' hmm p = 0 print p while word[p-1] not in uppercase+lowercase: print p it never gets even to the 2nd print here so it really doesnt like uppercase+lowercase I also tried string.uppercase+string.lowercase well, the misses is calling I wish you all a good night *** Konijn has quit IRC *** jcater has quit IRC *** jreynaga has joined #gnuenterprise *** _florin_ has left #gnuenterprise *** xreynaga has joined #gnuenterprise *** sjc has left #gnuenterprise *** dsmith has quit IRC *** ajmitch has quit IRC *** mdean has quit IRC *** ajmitch has joined #gnuenterprise *** mdean has joined #gnuenterprise *** gsoti_away has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** Vee has quit IRC *** Vee has joined #gnuenterprise *** Sacha_away has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** jbailey has joined #gnuenterprise *** Morphous has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** Amorphous has quit IRC *** jbailey has quit IRC *** jamest has quit IRC *** dneighbo has joined #gnuenterprise *** dneighbo_ has quit IRC