*** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise good morning kilo hi reinhard i cannot reproduce your problem with --selftest must be something more general as i cannot start appserver at all... but i used to... should i paste all of the log? you can paste in private window *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise I tried to use apt-get to install the all.deb files at - http://ajmitch.dhis.org/debuild/gnue/ but was unsucessful. Is it beter in Debian to just install from source or is there another way. kreiszner: i think the debs just made it into official sid yesterday *** dcmwai has quit IRC did anyone on windows test the current release .zip files? also is it documented (i didnt look) that wx windows 2.5.x and designer do NOT get along (at least on windows) *** kreiszner has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise hi all bbl *** Amorphous has joined #gnuenterprise *** Morphous has quit IRC *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** jamest has quit IRC *** lekma has joined #gnuenterprise hello *** kilo has quit IRC *** lekma has quit IRC *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** dsmith has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** dsmith has quit IRC *** dsmith has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has quit IRC *** btami has quit IRC *** dneighbo_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** dneighbo has quit IRC *** reinhard_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has quit IRC bah can't even type my name *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise i think i fixed RPM generation for all tools if anybody wants to go through the process of creating rpms for redhat, suse and/or mandrake i think it would be a good idea and i think we would put them on our web site sigh i can try and find time to do it but no promises i would prefer somebody working with the distro in question daily ah, that's not me you have to add command line switches to setup.py like --provides --requires --conflicts etc. that means you do full blown packaging like a debian maintainer gack! j/k :) i think the optimal way would be if somebody contributed a script that simply calls setup.py with the correct parameters and we could then use that script for new releases without knowing much about the distribution that would be cool *** dneighbo has joined #gnuenterprise derek are you here? im here i can't login to fsf systems anymore to check copyright assignment receipt i think our release is broken for windows (or at least the zip files) kilo was aking about his jamest: i can't either joy * derek has on todo list to restore my ssh access to fsf machines i think reinhard has access also if the log wasnt read wx 2.5.x and designer are arch enemies :) jcater: you deserve god status just for being able to get docks and splitters to work *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise hi all reinhard: thanks for fixing my ...hmm, initial bdist_rpm hacks :) derek: what's wrong on windows? btami: it's the DDF derek disruption field it won't work in the presence of one :) *** lekma has joined #gnuenterprise jamest: do you know something about the usage of the new GFTree widget? no there was a sample commited ok :) but I've not had time to look gnue-forms/samples/tree IIRC yes, i'v realised, but ther's no sql/gsd there :( :( iirc florin created this but told me he'd be busy all this week so I'm not sure if/when he'd be around jamest: I have a problems with dropdown boxes since the last svn checkout I did a few minutes ago DB000: File "/home/malek/gnue-cvs/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/uidrivers/wx/widgets/entry.py", line 84, in _createWidget DB000: EVT_COMBOBOX(newWidget, newWidget_Id, self.comboHandler) DB000: AttributeError: UIEntry instance has no attribute 'comboHandler' m *** jbailey has joined #gnuenterprise with dropdownMode = gtk1 and i'm on gtk2... so forget it * lekma thinks he should sleep a bit more i have no ssh access to any fsf machine i only have a normal svannah account nothing more *** lekma has quit IRC btami: i was also wondering if the hack in paths.py is still necessary i think it's necesary, koz you can install .exe anywhere you want without running setup.py jamest: do you plan to implement list widgets as a new input style? (it would be useful IMO) as a variation of dropdown? i would like to see it happen yes ok so yes someyear :) if you don't mind, i will try to implement it someyear :) lol or ask kilo, to exercise his gnue skills :) i don't mind btami on the zip files widgets are a bit of a mess that might be a tad too mean i was getting problems with sys *** lekma has joined #gnuenterprise bbl *** reinhard has quit IRC in one of the designer modules if i would add the import sys it would then work but had other miserable problems derek: are you talking about wx 2.5 ? i then switched to svn which didnt have the import sys problem but still had other miserable problems with splitters gnue doesn't work with 2.5 downgrading to 2.4.x fixed those issues nor on linux i.e. i have it working fine now and know that 2.5 is evil but still think that our "official release" has broken sys.platform call without first doing and import sys i have another employee installing it as we speak sure, but this is not win32 reelated :) so i will be able to verify for certain btami: could be very true i.e. i just noticed it in the .zip file as on my linux boxen im running svn ajmitch reported this (2.5) bug before with linux too then someone committed the import fix but it's not enough for 2.5 :( my point is we have broken "release" packages we need that fixed if its the tar/gz and .zip or just one or the other i don't know if wx 2.5 was out when we released 2.5 is _NOT_ the stable branch of wx i dont think this is soley a 2.5 issue i am not saying we need to support 2.5 i am fine with us noly supporting 2.4 (the stable branch) my problem is i just downloaded GNUe-Designer-0.5.4.zip and in src/base/Icons.py here are the import lines import os from wxPython.wx import * from wxPython import __version__ from gnue.common.apps import GConfig however line 44 has if sys.platform != 'win32': which will fail because sys was never imported i dont think that is a wx issue i think it was imported in wx 2.4, but not in 2.5 but sure, we have to fix it if it works in 2.4 i am fine with releases if it doesnt work with 2.4 then we need to update the releases and re-release also we need to update probably our installer (setup.py) derek: have you tried the released .exe files? to complain if someone has wx 2.5 as it is hard to even find 2.4.x wx on the wx site.. they are pretty much only offerring 2.5.x unless you look hard btami: i did not try them for two reasons 1. my developers hopefully will be contributing back to gnue, so they need the code and dependencies separately 2. i was not sure if they were working or not ultimately we will be running svn copies of gnue for development, but am having firewall issues and only linux boxes are able to get svn currently.. cause the windows svn clients blow goats derek: in the last release the code and the athers are separated others btami: i need my developers to have development environment we will be using the .exes for our clients ? so it will get tested btami: my develoeprs need to be using svn ah, i see they just are not because we are fighting firewall nazis i had them using a snapshot (or planned to) then ran into issues so jumped back to main release .zip file only to find out the issue was not svn version, but damn wx 2.5 so your developers arn't gnue tools but packages developers? if yes, they better to use releases anyhow, for "old" wx you can use https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10718 *** dcmwai has quit IRC derek: your svn problems on windows are firewall issues or svn client related? *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise hi kilo! hiiiii gonna buy a new laptop tomorrow morning for relatives? not for myself sadly... :) they are making packages btami BUT gnue is too immature still to do development w/o svn even when doing packages or not sadly, happily. no need for another computer - 5 at home now... we know that we cant do release of packages w/o some changes to the framework but yes we will run both svn and release at same time (as i do on linux) as for the firewall/svn it is issue of both the problem is the windows clients dont use ssh properly and my firewall only has ssh port opened so windows cant get svn updates i do NOT want to do ssh goofiness on windows the tortoisesvn is working for me tortoisesvn is VERY good but slowwwww computers are slow, software cant be slow 8-)))) kilo: Incorrect. kilo: Bad algorithms can make things slow. people make bad algorythms. so people make things slow. so we, people make computers slow. if there were no people, computers would run very fast 8-))) Sure, but the effective result of bad algorithms, highlatency syscalls, etc. makes function calls return slower than they could. The net effect is that one piece of software runs slow because of another piece of software. I am whistling "always look on the right side of life" right now 8-))) derek: you can use "tortoiseplink.exe -l username" to do ssh or use plink from putty with command line svn client... kilo: i think computers, programs, people are all slow, but we can blame hmmm derek! :) * kilo cant find yesterday's two-hour work, a 6-page doc... it was late, but that late??? i really wish derek would get his act together and quit causing the rest of us all these problems jamest: did you have time to deal with any advance with my svn access? *** phil_ has joined #gnuenterprise anyone here anyone know gnue install roadmap for rh9? hello phil_ jamest is your best frend btami - how are you? and jamest is the guru? jamest: you can build rpms now, arn't you :) phil_: yes, jamest IS our da masta jamest, can't find rpms for the latest version , so i tried tgzs again but there are lots of deps problems etc phil_: i'v never used rh, but you have to install egenix-mx-base and wxpython packages at least btami, yes, I have been battling with wxpython packages so far you can some ideas from here http://www.gnuenterprise.org/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Main/SuSEQuickStart you can download rpms for wxpython https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10718 but use not 2.5.x ! sorry, but have to go now bbl *** btami has quit IRC *** lekma has left #gnuenterprise phil_: reinhard just commited setup changes today that will allow us to generate the rpms however we need people to generate rpms on the various platforms RPM ARRRRGGH! * jbailey withers away in pain. *** jbailey has left #gnuenterprise poor jbailey jamest, after suggestions from btami I have now the designer going and am looking at egs jamest, when I try to run the dialog form I just get an empty window titled "Console Output" egs? jamest, sorry - all the example forms when I run any of them I just get the empty window titled "Console Output" what platform you on? *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise jamest: where are the most current developer guides? i couldnt find any on the new site so i printed some off for my staff from the gnu.org/software/gnue/ location specifically i gave them gnue forms developer guide i think it was for version 0.5.1 so is slightly dated, but was better than nothing *** dsmith has quit IRC all currect docs are listed w/ the tools on their pages and most are out of date :( *** kilo has quit IRC *** jamest has quit IRC for log jamest: thanks... we need to get http://www.gnuenterprise.org/docs/ working as well thats where i was digging for the documents :) i am going to try to have my staff update manuals as they go night all *** reinhard has quit IRC *** sjc has left #gnuenterprise *** psu has joined #gnuenterprise *** psu has quit IRC hi psu sorry to see sunderland lose :( lets hope millwall does something with thier victory any english-spanish translators available? :) si but i am leaving now hasta *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise "favorites in spanish" --> "favoritos en espa?ol" ?? favoritos fajitos! hiya folk * ajmitch sees another poor user complaining about the 'run form' bug in designer :) i know how to fix it find the code for the menu entry and put a # in front of it! disable the menu item, or fix? yeah, I thought of that :) *** nenhum has joined #gnuenterprise *** nenhum has left #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has quit IRC *** wayneg1 has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** wayneg has quit IRC bleh bleh bleh *** phil__ has joined #gnuenterprise *** phil_ has quit IRC