boring... *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** Amorphous has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has quit IRC vcs grrr *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC good morning all hi kilo SachaS: what kind of datatypes are supported in context of appserver class properties ? i used postgresql without any obvious problems ... oh misread i mean: string, boolean, int and such yep. one second i wrote it down cant find it in the pdf its in the not yet uploaded one ;) oh date, time, datetime, string, number, boolean AND SORT OF id, exception ok, thx so int is not, i should use number with appropriate scale and length *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise yes. use scale and length for the number data type ok, thx how are you? will upload latest version in one sec. hmmm hmmm is svn up? i use scp to put it into the /var/www/tools/appserver/docs/ directory i am fine thanks. yesterday I could install the latest unstable version of the Business Integration Engine and got very excited! ok file is up. 1.3 MB :| yes its up. its not up to date. i did add a little the other day i started to fix babyerp for fixed return data types. and run into a problem somewhere ok, i will D/L it son soon kilo: the "official" document is gnue-appserver/doc/api i should put the source file into svn so others can edit the file ... * reinhard wonders why nobody seems to look at that document :-) reinhard: thx. because i have seen the appserver-doc-masta was online 8-)) SachaS: aye, put it in svn last night I wrote a little bit on my ruby xmlblaster client. connect and subscribe is working :) next i need to get the callback xmlrpc server working, so i can publish & receive messages to xmlblaster. kilo. what type do you prefer? currently its an openoffice document? currently its an openoffice document, i could convert it to a latex file, i know a little bit of latex and the source is plain text ... Ooo wouldnt be good, as it is compressed so binary, versioning wouldnt work then latex, latex.... hmmm..... yes, i know that name 8-))) but that's all i dont know docbook, so latex might be ok ;) ok go for it SachaS: and how do you add reference properties? do you put referencedModule_referencedClass in the type field? *** cedmo_ has joined #gnuenterprise kilo: yess thx *** cedmo has quit IRC reinhard: after inserting a new block, the resetForeignKey magix did not work at me, the dropdowns didn't include the new module name. Does it work OK at you? s/block/module *** dcmwai has quit IRC kilo: haven't tested in a long time it can be used this way too, so it is not an important thing at all *** Morphous has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has quit IRC *** Amorphous has quit IRC *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** uruboro has joined #gnuenterprise hi n ops i have this error trying to get gnue navigator 0.5.4 to work with gtk2 DB000: File "/usr/local/gnue/lib/python/gnue/navigator/", line 37, in ? DB000: import gtkhtml2 DB000: ImportError: No module named gtkhtml2 i tried installing various python gtk and gtkhtml dev libraries, removing and recompiling navigator, nothing uruboro: sorry, i don't know what the status of navigator is wrt gtk2 oh ok you need libxml2 python module from oh ok ill look for it. maybe its already packaged for debian powerpc plus pygtk and gnome-python bbl *** btami has quit IRC *** uruboro has quit IRC reinhard: can you explain me how a reference object should be regarded in the context of a rdbm i mean reference property *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise am i right to think that a list propery can be mapped as a 1-to-n connection between two tables? a reference property is acutally a foreign key field and that a reference property is also a connection, just a 1-to-1 type? whereas the primary key of the referenced table is always the gnue_id field a reference property is n:1 multiple objects can reference the same other object like multiple persons can reference the same country multiple invoices can reference the same customer ok i see and what about list properties list properties are kinda idea we are tossing around like if you have the customer it could be a quite usual task to find all invoices for that customer now you would have to (if the customer object is, say, "self") myInvoices = find ("sales_invoice", {"sales_customer": self.gnue_id}, ["sales_invoiceno"]) the idea was to "can" these requests in a kind of "predefined" query so you get "pseudo" properties you can use in appserver triggers and procedures and do like a view? myInvoices = self.sales_invoices yeah actually yes you could also have self.sales_notYetPaidInvoices to get the invoices the customer "self" still has to pay i think i see etc but as i said actually it's just an idea we've written down to not forget * kilo tries to get accustomed to appserver thinking because you can do *everything* already with a manual "find" would you then have to introduce the return of an array type? it will just help you to make things easier SachaS: no, this would *not* be a procedure the translation of the list property into a full blown "find" statement would probably even happen completely client side * kilo needs coffee and chocolate to make things easier, definitely not appserver 8-)) kilo: lol so if we are into mothodology now, what about compound properties? *** btami has quit IRC *** dneighbo_ has quit IRC metho... sigh i hoped so much that they will become forgotten someday ;-) the idea was to have for example delete from the whitepaper quickly... a kind of "currency" property type that consists of, say, an amount and a currency like a struct in C * kilo loves structs and i have not the slightest idea how that would be implemented it would be really good to have them type "money" = amount + currency or, for example, number + measurement (not sure how that would be called ) for example "2 pieces" or "5 inches" or "1.5 liters" i see i see i think i will print out the whitepaper and put it under my (non-existent) pillow *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** dneighbo_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** dsmith has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has quit IRC *** Amorphous has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** Morphous has quit IRC *** johannesV_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has quit IRC *** Vee has quit IRC *** Vee has joined #gnuenterprise *** uruboro has joined #gnuenterprise just in case somebody had same problem as me and finds gnue irc logs gnue navigator works with gtk2, it just needed libxml2-python2.3 and python-gtk2 python-gnome2 debian packages. uruboro: thanks! youre welcome *** jcater has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise is there a documentation how to write UI frontends for forms? in my tries to play with the curses frontend, i found out that i do not understand the whole system reinhard: no ok can you give me a "learn UI frontends in 5 minutes" lesson? :-) actually i think i understood that there are events passed back and forth when I've worked on a new one that the ui doesn't react on keypresses I emulate the wx/* structure or mouse clicks or whatever *** cedmo_ has quit IRC but passes an event to the GF* object the GF* objects then sends another event to the UI* object to change the UI state is that correct so far? the problem with the wx/* structure is i can never tell if a function is wx specific or it is *needed* to work for gnue and there is no clear documentation what every function is expected to do exactly you are correct so far all communication between the GF and UI stuff is via events so actually all implementation details except the event names are up to the implementer? is there a list of the events? yes* *(at least it should be) all events are caught in the main wx driver file iirc i'll look gnue-forms/src/uidrivers/_base/ looks like the tree widget stuff is also registering events but i haven't looked into why these are all events?? not more? thanks that's all i wanted to know (for now) should be oooo building the UI is a function call that is passed a GFObj tree of the form it should probably be an event as well though i don't understand the point in using events instead of simple method calls at the moment the original reasons for doing it were to reduce the chance we'd slip widget set specific code into the GF* backend *** mixi^_ has quit IRC and to (possibly) make it easier to run the UI seperate from the backend *** mixi has joined #gnuenterprise with the events it's also possible to have other pieces of the UI register for events if they so desired ok thanks i won't claim I wasn't on crack when I originally did it now i've got a question for jcater can you tell me anything about the mysterious ScreenContainer? it's used everywhere and implemented nowhere at least from what i can tell screencontainer is one of the original things the curses library used I didn't get it so I think I was in the process of phasing it out in favor of App iirc isn't that part of nevermind *** dneighbo has joined #gnuenterprise *** wendall911 has joined #gnuenterprise jcater: ok, thanks next question who did the gtk2 uidriver for forms? jan? or ajmitch? might have been a collaboritive effort between a few it seems to still need some tlc although it would (IMHO) look much better than the wx uidriver well the wx driver is the reference implementation gtk is missing a lot iirc a whole lot fwiw: it was never finished when it was written then it has not kept up with changes so it is very behind *** SachaS has quit IRC uh gtk2 is behind? i must bear it in mind until i am more familiar with gnue uruboro yes it is *** dneighbo has joined #gnuenterprise *** dneighbo_ has quit IRC it was never finished when it was written? in that case i suspect it was siesel ;-) bah *** uruboro has quit IRC *** johannesV_ has quit IRC *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has quit IRC siesel? ;) why siesel? we pride ourselves in never completing anything in gnue *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise w00t! hi jamest chillywilly ello I was looking at BIE earlier when looking for a quick EDI solution * SachaS is still implementing a ruby xmlblaster client it seems interesting but a bit complicated xmlblaster? hey chillywilly, I saw your comment . I think we are going to use this service for a little while: thanks, will have a look at it. * chillywi1ly looks at: * SachaS has to draw a diagram, to communicate his ideas to the gnue team use purple purple is a good color chillywi1ly dont we need to talk we now run all our own EDI services i.e. we used a service when we were small ok then used a service where we did almost all the work as we got bigger the grand plan is to do our EDI jcater: purple? own we just bought a connection to the VANS and have wrapped the software but I don't have time to devote to parsing EDI right now i.e. we can act as a VAN now than standard is $645 for non ASC X12 members dood its WAY MORE than parsing EDI the fees and connection charges are what kill you yea, ytou send functional acknowledgements, etc. not for that service it is cheap so regardless of if ou write your own stuff you have to pay those the services are cheap in comparision as they spread that fee over thousands of clients $500 setup feee with $0.30 fr 250 + docs poer month for* i can guarantee you we will kill about anyone on price that's cheap compared to other crap now that we are setup as we HAD to pay the fee for our own stuff customer translations are $1500 for each unique mapping so we dont have to "spread" that over other people and we have all free software custom* running the client side so we dont need to recoupe those fees my costs estimates on VANs are way above that VANs are worthless i can have you contact jade and get pricing if you are serious VANS currently are a necessary evil you must pay them to play I have been getting pricing for tons of solutions are they worthless yes... for about 2 weeks but they are necessary chillywi1ly : you should have talked to me first we have already gone through this at LDC multiple times we have to be able to do EDI with Michelin Tire Corp. by July 1 no sweat give me a phone number to call you at k crap ... i dont have my phone here give it anyways I did ;) *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise hi kilo hi SachaS, howyadoin hi reinhard_ *** SachaS has quit IRC yo *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise jcater : were you ever able to look at my sample? that was broken on dropdown boxes we are seeing this en masse we are thinking it has to do with too many items in the list values are okay *** dsmith has quit IRC jcater: gtk2 list boxes seem okay i.e. i think it is a size thing only effecting wx *** sjc has quit IRC :q jcater: on that dropdown 530 items works 2790 does not so somewhere in between is the sweet spot in the sample db i sent you do a drop down against the actv table and it should freak for you :) ah I've hit that in designer bah humbug *** jamest has left #gnuenterprise *** dhill1 has joined #gnuenterprise btw: in uidriver/wx/widgets/ it appears to "load" all the choices and pass them to the combo box creation routine i think this might be wx freaking out yeah wx doesn't like large sets of data for combo boxes I hit that on the form creation wizard in designer I had a thousand or so tables in my system it bombed n Number of strings with which to initialise the control. there's a way around it but the fix is 2.4-specific has 2.4 been out long enough to depend on it? we do for designer hmm nevermind... seems that is not valid for wxPython wxPython note: The wxComboBox constructor in wxPython reduces the n and choices arguments are to a single argument, which is a list of strings. what is the workaround? you have to use virtual lists instead of static lists ouch :q reinhard thinks this his vi session im telling rms reinhard is cheating on emacs with that slut vi don't do it! bah can someone confirm something for me? add some trigger (doesn't matter which) to an entry (doesn't matter what) on-focusout is an example does forms bomb on startup? holy crap it's time to go home peace jcater: my forms is currently dorked or i would test for you jcater: mine does not bomb. hmm ok, thanks I must've screwed my checkout up hmmm damn cmbbox.append() doesnt seem to work derek: I'm working on a fix i was going to fix but wx mystifies me i put choices=["myass"] in the combobox creation and that fails as it says something about defined argument well, there's your problem so if i leave it as choices and pre assign wxPython isn't likely interested in your ass choices= ["jasonsass"] it accepts it but when i try to loop through the values to do a newWidget.Append(val) jcater: wait, I just did something that made it bomb on startup. it says wxcombobox doesnt have method append and im like wtf... the manual says it has an append hmm it has an append dunno why it's saying that nope it has an Append append fails Append works but it still draws the friggen box wrong grrr i think you have to statically set choices=[''] as that is what you are diong in trigger code in designer but freaking python is not liking it DB000: File "/home/neighborsd/svn/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/uidrivers/wx/widgets/", line 86 DB000: choices = [" "], wxCB_DROPDOWN,) #|wxWANTS_CHARS,) DB000: SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg neighborsd@soleri:~/svn/omb/ChartOfAccounts/forms$ maybe just a freaking list change wxCB_... to style=wxCB_... that error is not wxPython-related hmm that fixes the error but i still get a null combo evil little bitch i wonder if its windowsComboHandler that is having the issues grr have to go review some design spec... will be back in the morning *** kilo has quit IRC jcater: my trigger causes a crash on startup now. ok jcater: i looked at his machine (twice) i think that is what is causing his crashes... i can't speak to why yours is crashing ;) fixed it was in svn, I think sigh I need some skittles *** wendall911 has left #gnuenterprise * jcater is getting a headache skittles... cures headaches... you learn the coolest crap in this channel skittles distracts jcater from gnue code distraction from gnue code makes headaches go away headache goes away, so can work on gnue code some more i figured if you were taking enough of the pain medicine lying to yourself and calling the pills skittles woudl make it seem okay ah, home roflmao (to derek, not chillywilly) sigh I should be on vacation some where my brother (who lives with me) i wont have time (and even if i did it has me stumped) to look at that empty dropdown is vacationing at a fishing lodge in alabama my son is vacationing for a few weeks with the grandparents in TX my wife is vacationing with friends on a houseboat a few hours from here for the week i just got back from Vegas!!! and sending 2 of our 3 kids to Missouri with grandparents for a few weeks :) jcater is at work what is wrong with this picture? jcater: ah so you have LOTS of time to squash gnue bugs... cool heheh i thought vacation = skittles + coding I have about 4 bugfixes I'm about to commit go home jcater fwiw trying to do heads-up dataentry of magazine subscriptions in gnue btw: we definitely have to do the GNUE conference in vegas nearly every major casino has a krispy kreme in it do they have plenty of skittles? and donuts? cool Jason Carter mr. kata killer jcater: i dont know about skittles BUT they have a 4 story M&M shop fwiw, that form is a lot more complicated than it first looks it requires double data entry where you can get M&M in about 50 different colors (i.e., all important fields must be keyed twice and must match, before the record can be committed) m&m != skittles * derek notes jason falsified this application NO ONE in LA writes that nice or spells that well. :) must have been a phone order this is a teen magazine most orders are grandparents ordering for grandchildren so address on form has nothing to do w/who placed order but we can pretend I falsified this order whew... i was losing my disrespect for LA that's a-ok by me :) sigh food time... sigh? SIGH?? wtf? not sighing about food ah just tired *** dhill1 has quit IRC get in my belly! um dneighbo: isn't dhill1 one of your guys? * chillywilly eats cookies like the cookie monster yip you have them using bitchx? yip you must be a bastard boss lol ? rofl um its only thing we can use over ssh at least let them use irssi ;) they can use whatever they want they asked i showed them what i use irssi kicks bitcha in the nuts * derek kind of likes bitchx bitchx too wait a sec how can I bitch have nuts... a* geez nice typos... that's a funny typo so, you're saying bitchx is really a transvestite? yea, something like that chicks with dicks I wish there was an IDE out there that had a neural interface and I could just think in code and not have to type damn I'm lazy... *** reinhard has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** dneighbo has quit IRC jcater: what sort of application is that you had a link for? headsup ? * SachaS needs to eat more gnue dog food * SachaS needs a gnue application he uses (best) daily will ask jcater tomorrow again ;) night *** mixi^ has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has quit IRC *** mixi has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise anyone know much about sms here? * dcmwai dcmwai is searching for an sms engineer :) *** Vee2d2 has quit IRC *** Vee has quit IRC *** jcater_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** Vee has joined #gnuenterprise