*** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** dsmith has quit IRC *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** mixi^ has quit IRC *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise good morning good morning * holycow waves good morning has anyone looked at gcd's already? okay, so i checked gnue out from cvs, setup postgresql as per wiki, ran gnue-common cvs setup script and it installed without errors how do i start up the gnue appserver and the other modules now? so close yet so far away, infos not on the site from what i can tell so askin .. :/ johannesV: yes, i quite like it but hi all i think parameter/procedure code should be like code="print blahblah", not the value or do i remember wrong? holycow: goto appserver samples dir, and setup the samplke databvase sample database oh! k. :) then if it set up with no errors, you can start appserver typing "gacvs -Z" in a terminal and then in another terminal you can run "gfcvs sample.gfd" and MAGICCCCCCC and read the readme in the samples dir, you got to tweak connections.conf ./setup-pgsql.sh correct? yes and read the wiki, install/suse is useful thats the problem i followed that bash doesnt recognize gacvs -Z and since i already created the users manually, i'll haveto remove them as this script doesn't like it. k! :) getting there please believe me i did read first tho i do believe, just dont remeber... gacvs is in ~/bin kilo: i don't know if there are length-restrictions on xml-attributes anyway, the procedure's code is better placed as the contents of a procedure which reflects the logical structure in a better way (i think) another possiblity would be to add a -tag so it would read like ... some proc-code but this is just more text to type which isn't neccessary cause the value of a procedure could be either a list of parameters or a code both items differ in their type and theirfor could be separated exactly okay almost there, on ~/bin/gacvs -Z i get the following error: ERROR: relation "gnue_module" does not exist does that look like i forgot a step? is there data in the database? six tables, all must include something iirc johannesV: and do we need the CDATA? okay, i'm liking postgress, fairly sensible db okay after deleting users and dbs... and trying ./setup-pgsql.sh, it says postgresql.sql: No such file or directory kilo: well you need CDATA if you have characters like '<' or '&' ... in your code if you don't like CDATA you can replace this characters by > or < and so on so you won't need a CDATA the bas script seems to have a 'psql gnue holycow: backreading irc-log ... ok * SachaS will do some gnue coding later this afternoon i appreciate you taking the time johannesV holycow: have you created the 'gnue' database successfully (using 'createdb gnue') SachaS: prima! actually i've created it successfully two times manually, and the setup-pgsql.sh script successfully creates the db and gnue user after i manually delete them according to webmin, yep, they are there ok, so you can enter the db with 'psql gnue' and run some queries like describing the available relations a wee bit over my head... we are testing whether or not i have access to the db via that user? god i feel like a git, heh k lemme try that well, actually we're testing if you (your user-id) has access to the db 'gnue' k, i'm in the db, okay i see \dD lists domains of which i have none for example ok, what results give "\d" only no relations found * kilo tries to program without < or &... basically it sounds like i have no data in the db....? ah, ok; so the db has been created, but no schema/data has been populated right ah! eureka so change to gnue-appserver/samples directory there run "make clean" k. "make postgresql" done after this you'll find a file called "postgresql.sql" in there now run "psql gnue < postgresql.sql 2>&1 | tee out" SachaS: did I read well, you applying for a job? if there are errors/warning you would find them in the file 'out' kilo yes. locally? oops, yes what errors/warnings do you get ? kilo, unfortunately there are no job offerings at bytewise ;) :) /bin/sh: line 1: --output=postgresql.sql: command not found so not locally didn't spit out a .sql file obviously i make cleaned again and tried once more, same thing ah, so there's the makefile (or gsscvs) making troubles should i nano the make file? seems as if there's no gsscvs available holycow: have you installed a deb-package or from svn ? svn, i wanna play with the big boys :) or just see what the playground looks like ok, after svn-checkout you have run the "setup-cvs.py" in the gnue-common directory ? yes, i did that and it worked without any errors, however, i did that after installing and configuring postgres according to twiki well that doesn't matter; have you done a local (per user) setup ? per user yes this would mean there should be a bin/gsscvs in your home-dir there ... is ... leme check (which should be a 'non-dead' symlink indeed) there is actually ok, so if you just run 'gsscvs' what happens ? nothing but... if i do ~/bin/gsscvs it works... of course errors out to No input file given, which makes sense well in this case your path hasn't "~/bin" included please add this directory to your path-envvar oh wait... i should of said yes to the two questions that ask if i wanted to symlink the config files? ohhhhhhhhh! hm, no i think your shell can't find the scripts at all :) yah *nod* the error messages are starting to make sense now you can check via "echo $PATH" or "type 'gsscvs'" well, the makefile in appserver/samples uses a type-construct to find out where gsscvs (or gnue-schema) resides this script is used to translate a gsd-file into a sql file so if gsscvs is missing (or can't be found) we've got a problem :) well the othe problem of course is i'm a newb and can't decypher the errors because of the multiplicity of lacking skills in a few of these areas so i appologize for taking your time, this really helps :) i would prefer adding '~/bin' to your $PATH variable holycow: no problem, i'm happy if i could help okay so it would be 'echo $PATH ~/bin correct? run: export PATH="~/bin:$PATH" afterwards it should work for this session. you would have to change your shell-profile to do this in a persistent way (i.e. for the next terminal session you start) heh, well at that point i would hit tldp.org once more *nod* i just want to get one session up and running, thats it... after that its noodling ok, so after extending your path-var you can enter appserver/samples and run setup-pgsql.sh again now it should give you a result :) :D y'know i can actually follow instructions... ehe .sql file was created great ! its being populated ding! now to start server and then forms editor so 'gacvs -Z' should work too (since your shell is now able to find it :) *oooooo* :D maybe someone could add an entry/hint to the wiki describing how to check/change the path-env-var for a local-user-setup *ummmm* i think you need a bit more than that.... a few steps are skipped although quite frankly.... ill write up my 'understanding' of the process :) as a patch to the wiki page? perhaps a newb page? lol ok aaaaaannnd one last question my friend... how are each of the modules started in /bin? which modules do you mean ? i'm using bad terminology, sorry, forms editor, navigator, reports... well, first you could use '--help' option to get a short description of the tool (and it's options) ah, thats all i need, why of course :) there we go, my gratitude :) :) wicked new toy ! johannesV: should we give the opportunity to include a gcd from a gcd holycow: try gdes and you'll blown away 8-))) *oooooooo* :DDD kilo: well, maybe we could allow imports of class-tags since we restricted a gcd to have only one module (module is the root-object) like i have a module_class i would include in many other modules like update data in almost every class oh hey lookit that, i'm logged in to appserver :) one module per gcd? updateTime, updateUsr, they should be in a separate class referenced by each persistent class kilo: do you mean "address_person.address_updateTime" or "address_person.sommodule_updateTime" ? latter ok, so you would do something like: ... (you could also write ) where do you think should an import-statement be place ? s/place/placed/ ok, just a min * SachaS seeing kilo puring some whisky in his glass ;) SachaS: one-module-limit: this was a feature/restriction requested by reinhard in one gcd file and in other gcd file ... SachaS: fresh water and hot coffee i have here * holycow takes a swig of kilos whisky sorry had to, this is heavy stuff :) thx for helping me get up and running guys holycow: where are you from vancouver canada you? kilo: ok, but there's no problem with this sample -- it's valid hungary hey cool :) i flew there quite a lot, near comox i've never met anyone from hungary before this gives you a "AAA_update.AAA_time" and a "BBB_someClass.BBB_update" where the latter datatype is 'AAA_update' (virtually) ah yeah? heh! small world got family here i guess/ ? * kilo is civil flightsim and whisky fan well, i gotta grab a few hours of sleep before work but will the parsermagician know of that datatype? SachaS, i got gnue up and running, lookout! ;) hehe j/k nite night kilo: the parser check's for the base-types, and the reference-types, where a reference type is a type with two parts, separated by a single '_' or it does not count, it just puts it in the sql and appserver handles that later... so if you say 'type="address_person"' it's a valid reference to the mentioned class but if you say 'type="fooBar"' it would give an InvalidTypeError ok, i think i see got to drink this coffee quick --- but this is just an intermediate solution, unit gcd2sql directly communicates with a datasource all types get checked on a live-basis (using the class-repo) gcd2appserver as it seems i'd start with an implementation of 'gnue.common.datasources.drivers..Schema.Creation' today back hmmm kilo: not gcd2appserver, but 'gcd2datasource' (where datasource is a DBSIG2-driver) i think the question "did i miss something" would be regarded as a joke, right? yes, yes :) no, you did not 8-)))))) so until that's finished we would do the step via sql-files :) which doesn't strict typechecking of references *** mixi has joined #gnuenterprise someone would like to swap with me? I do gnue coding and you do thesis writing? *** holycow has quit IRC what kinda thesis masters thesis about some ebXML stuff ;) in german? in english at a australian uni ozzie? uh *** Vee has quit IRC yes dude although i am an intergalactically well-known honored expert in ebXML, and my speciality is expressing all thoughts and knowledge about it using the ozzie language, i would like to leave it to you as the personal achievement is very very needed to really deepen your knowledge on any issue 8-)) kilo: rotfl *** nickr has quit IRC * SachaS thanks kilo *** nickr has joined #gnuenterprise SachaS: it's 'yes mate', not 'yes dude' :) *** nickr has quit IRC *** btami has quit IRC *** chillywilly has quit IRC *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** derek has quit IRC *** kilo has quit IRC *** ajmitch has quit IRC *** nickr has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** chillywilly has joined #gnuenterprise *** ajmitch has joined #gnuenterprise *** derek has joined #gnuenterprise *** mixi has quit IRC *** chillywilly has quit IRC *** btami has quit IRC *** derek has quit IRC *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** ajmitch has quit IRC *** kilo has quit IRC *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** chillywilly has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** derek has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** ajmitch has joined #gnuenterprise *** mixi has joined #gnuenterprise if moduleA_classA.prop is not nullable, should a referencing properti also be not nullable or it does not count? *** mixi has quit IRC *** mixi has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC reinhard: you are a few-people firm, am i right? kilo: no, he is a one-man company :) cnacuba 8-)) huh :) hello all hi dimas hi btami we are trying to grab something from our russian memory :) it's not easy not at all hope you will not grab a wrong part :) i learned it from 8-20, oh man 12 years... memory.russian is fading i learned it for 8 yrs, but can't ask for a glasss of water... oh, no, i did not learn, i was taught btami: have you learned english the same years? no, yust 4 just kilo: then derek would teach you :) he knows more have to say, i'v whan i was 14, i communicated well with russian solders what? can he as for a glass of water? ask i think not only that brb *** btami has quit IRC *** havoc has quit IRC kilo: i think nullable in context of a field and a reference to a field has nothing common e.g. address_person.gnue_id is not nullable but hotline_ticket.hotline_person (which is of type address_person) is nullable since a ticket might have no person bound to it ok, thx *** havoc has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has quit IRC hi ajmitch, thanks for the correction mate *** johannesV has quit IRC *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise jamest: So how did svn fare last night? *** harsha has joined #gnuenterprise SachaS: it's "yes dude" not "yes mate" ;) hey SachaS bah :) hi harsha concerning .gcd: currently, all properties, calculated fields, and procedures are accessible question is if that is good. actually also classes would it make sense to introduce a way to not allow that access? would it make sense to have class, properties, etc which are not accessible by the outside (gnue-forrms for example question, who can access those non-public properties, procedures etc. maybe only calculated fields, procedures, and triggers of that class. SachaS: access policies or access rights is something which is implemented at class-level at the moment (gnue_useraccess) but this is just somethink like a placeholder i would think, that it must be addressed at one point *** harsha has left #gnuenterprise access-privileges are quite importaint defenitely so a mechanism for that will be implemented in a 'near' future ok. gotcha or if i send a patch ;) just kidding dsmith: dunno *** reinhard_ has joined #gnuenterprise johannesV a access list would be even more sophisticated than a simple public/private ok. *** jack29 has joined #gnuenterprise other opensource ERP out there? *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise jack29, if you query on www.freshmeat.net and on www.sourceforge.org you will find more thanks *** Morphous has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has quit IRC what is freshmeat.net all about? jack29: Software update announcements *** johannesV_ has joined #gnuenterprise in what language is gnue written python ok *** Amorphous has quit IRC *** dimas has quit IRC johannesV: may i ask a silly question? if modules define namespaces for classes, properties, and procedures why we can use the dot notation instead of undercore which is a bit confusing for me that (_) usually used in normal identifiers we use the dot to separate classes from properties *** johannesV has quit IRC and underscores to separate modules from classes / properties i know, but why * johannesV_ phone i mean, why we can't use the dot for modules too? ok, but how should we then distinguish between module and class and property how to translate this into db-columns/tables ? i don't know, just noticed, it's hard to read the code this way maybe the Python gurus (jamest/jcater) have some tips for this *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise btami: the problem is as we define a module context and the module part is optional and defaults to the current context using a dot would make things ambigous so if the current module context is "foo" and you write bar.baz.frob would that mean class foo.bar, property baz.frob or class bar.baz, property foo.frob *** jack29 has quit IRC hey guys http://www.python.org/2.3.4/ I didn't even see this... *** bluesbaron_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** bluesbaron_ has left #gnuenterprise *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise hi jcater morning how's it shakin'? bah dumb A/C repairman cut power to my computer room this morning dumb employees then tried to email me to tell me internet didn't come back up doh that's brillant stuff there hey... brilliant too it's funny how we rely so much on technology yet people are so inept grasping simple concepts about it ;P at grasping gasping * chillywilly thwaps nickr how's it going nickr ? :) * chillywilly looks at some python URL libs ow python url libs? isn't that builtin? yes I am looking at the system modules there's 2 different ones IIRC urllib and urllib2 I think something like that...I don't recall or maybe I need httplib just need to programtically POST stuff to this transaction gateway hmm oh, thats not url lib it is httplib no it says to use urllib and not httplib directly urllib2 looks bigger * jcater humbly recommends http://pycurl.sourceforge.net/ awesome if you are trying to post files via form posts I've used CURL in PHP before jcater: will need to post a url encoded form and/or xml anyway I think I will look at the curl python bindings * chillywilly installs the debian package hmmm? jcater: do you use an authentication plugin in gnue? * derek rememebers you having something at one time (or discussing it) I did a sample for you one time years ago the code is there but I don't use it HEH basically if you have anything as a start i would love to be able to make gnue go against a database to get user information it is not mandatory as of today but it would be a nice to have at a minimum are the login credentials used in gnue passed to forms? i.e. if i login as "foo" at the gnue login screen can i get that in a variable in the form? form.getAuthenticatedUser() sweet that will solve my today needs :) oh i think i found a bug... well it appears you can't rename your forms? there's a shocker ? * derek hasnt fully researched if you do somethign like form.trigger() it works but if you change the name of the form to foo foo.trigger() doesnt work i can try to replicate in very simple form wild unearthed designer bug :) * chillywilly gets out the mace *** SachaS has quit IRC okay http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~dneighbo/gnue/ has two forms formtestbad.gfd and formtestgood.gfd as simple as a form gets good has
bad has good works bad bombs with following traceback DB000: self.activateForm('__main__') DB000: File "/home/neighborsd/svn/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFInstance.py", line 325, in activateForm DB000: form = self._formsDictionary[formName] DB000: KeyError: '__main__' hope that is helpful enough to diagnosis problem * derek hears the crickets chirping chirp chirp um jcater: I tried to mace him ;) don't rename the form rofl HEH that is what we have been doing to date : ) :) even *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has quit IRC ok getAuthenticatedUser() works like a champ * derek is getting giddy i think we are going to have our first unveilings of things to stakeholders this week jcater: in designer the little drigger editor is pretty nice drigger? what needs to happen to make it have autocomplete? s/trigger/drigger i suspect there needs to be some way to do run time type info or something basically i know its a major feature addition BUT it would overcome a lot of document questions i.e. if i do blkFoo. and wait it gives me a list of valid fields (or other objects) then i do blkFoo.fldFoo. and wait it gives me a list of valid methods the editor supports it ? I haven't dug into it though oh i the editor widget.. not designer yes there is some code there that I commented out you just have to intercept a callback, iirc and tell it what can pop up im thiking the thing that would be difficult would be to find the "list" of values * SachaS sees derek with a happy face derek: probably not that difficult * derek likes that answer designer has all that information from its GParser tree SachaS: not the really big happy face er s/note/not *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise derek: difficulty is not having time to look at it jcater: understood the other huge plus for designer would be version control plugin specifically svn maybe sussman would be interested :) i know boa constructor had something at one time btw: these are not things that are critical to what i am doing... more things that i could see as things helping propogate the use of gnue *** Vee has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** dhill1 has joined #gnuenterprise jcater: may i ask some questions regarding Introspection ? * SachaS was doing some code cleanup, will soon start with TestRPC and new gnue-appserver example app SachaS: will it be "childerp" then? and your third app will be "adulterp" ;-) ahm ;) HEH might end with ?zzierp SachaS: that one's called SAP haha lol :) I don't get it.... jamest: are you there ? hmm, seems as if all other j's are away at the moment :) johannesV_: sorry you caught all the j*s at lunch time oh, so i'm sorry ... didn't thought about time shift :) * chillywilly should eat lunch too you're still at lunch ? jcater: is always at lunch ;) i.e. he can not resist the lure of a good glazed donut jamest IS lunch i.e. his lusers constanstly are chewing him a new rear end :) *lol* *** alt_ender has joined #gnuenterprise hi everybody anybody home? *** someon has joined #gnuenterprise SachaS: You still online? * someon has been back-reading logs, and have some thoughts.... hi someon yes i am here. Have a form type that can be loaded by Designer which would push the Schema to the DB. then have a Data-Import tool that could read to / from several different types (already in the works, right?) johannesV_, reinhard ... not sure what you mean someon hmm... Am I bugging the wrong person? johannesV_, reinhard are the application server developers sorry, I've to leave now ... I'm not 100% on what gcd files describe... I saw you talking about gcd2sql, etc... maybe reinhard as a little bit time left No worries... I know that there's a HUGE timezone difference here... they are working on a class definition file (.gcd) to sql file transformation gcd stands for GNUe Class Definition - such files are used with appserver to build all the classes actually thats working gcd2sql in the backend and the classrepository as well ok, but that's it for now bye ok bye *** johannesV_ has quit IRC hmm... Looks like I have to read the back IRC logs more carefully... what are you after someon? Just thinking that the fewer tools that do similar things the better. Allows people new to the system (eg me) to find the right tool to do the job fast I know that goes against the several small tools that do one job and do it well mentality ok I use a tool right now (that I would like to get rid of) that builds a definition file containing Form Definition (what it looks like) Form Automation (Lookups etc) Business Rules (eg. if Value X is filled in, make sure Value Y is filled in) and Escalations (At time x, check to make sure that y has occurred) That definition file sounds to me much like what a gcd file is. The tool that I use now interacts with a Server App, which translates the Form Definition into the schema, and adds it to the database The Server App also does data access to the schema, but a different tool is used to load the data into that Table (actually internally the DB uses views rather than tables, but the true difference I don't exaclt know) http://www.myvitalconnections.org/prank.jpg <-- hehe rofl someon I think reinhard acutally was thinking of a tool which takes a class definition and creates a default form for that ... SachaS: Nods, I was thinking along the same lines... build the schema that gets pushed to the DB and builds a base gfd for it as well. * SachaS thinks he has done enought code clean up ;) time to do some gnue-appserver stuff * someon can't clean code. Even with a vaccum cleaner or would that be a LINT-brush? * jcater rolls his eyes LINT ? lint: c code checker IIRC ok. how to populate the gnue-appserver? *** someon has left #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has quit IRC *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has quit IRC *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has quit IRC *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise hi kilo sigh actually i wanted to do a prerelease yesterday then i wanted to do it today now i'll hopefully do it tomorrow fingers crossed reinhard: ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- (reason: 553 5.3.5 system config error) fyi jcater: thanks jcater: i will beat my provider to death tomorrow you are lucky to actually get an error message some mails just get lost without any error message however i got it via the list jcater: thanks for your insight and your comments i think it made a lot of things clear we didn't understand before hi SachaS hallo a h-uile duine cool k. i have a more general question re: gnue i run lotus domino servers, and the one thing they do great is acl's and replication suppose you are using gnue in an enterprise and developing for based apps... how would access control be run on a per user/per application level? certainly sql server permissions would take care of that on a dbase level, just curioius about integration, would be neat for the forms to be encrypted/signed and user not be able to access them without a centralized acl, via ldap perhaps for the gnue-appserver this is a future feature reallY? *oooo* you thought of everything :) cool beans potentially you can set these permissions on each business class, including its properties and procedures sweet *nod* i'll be checking out your tutorial on setting up the first db in the next few days i hope i know it doesnt work with current cvs, but just to get my head wrapped around it holycow its outdated! oh ok. even how you create a new application changed completely ;) hehe *nod* i remember you mentioned that earlier... what? oh! nothing ... *ummmm* well then :) go ahead i'm going to have a bunch more questions for you guys :) * SachaS got his own .gcd example working with gnue-appserver * kilo loves .gcd my example: one module, with one class, with 2 properties, with 1 calculated field, with 1 procedure, PLUS 1 form. time needed: ~5 minutes heh damn, you guys make it sound so easy works like a charm ;) night all *** reinhard has quit IRC night reinhard are there any "python" application servers (frameworks) and the like' ? zope? ;P well i dont know :) i am not much into python, except in gnue-appserver procedures ... mod_python bbl *** jamest has left #gnuenterprise isnt mod_python "just" the apache module? thats what i read yesterday chillywilly i have a pyton question for you: *** cleber has joined #gnuenterprise why is: from gnue.common.apps.GClientApp import GClientApp not working for me? i copied two files (a test program) from the gnue-appserver/src directory into mine they are not working the gnue-appserver/src directory either actually its this line: from gnue.common.rpc import GComm SachaS: it probably means Python is not aware of these modules (.py files) there's the PYTHONDIR environment variable that you should tweak is this a cvs install? if you are running test files, you may need to run ~/bin/gcvs .py yes cvs install let me check jcater how can you make libraries available to forms applications yep ~/bin/gcvs .py does the trick thanks! say i want to make an IsInt() function how can i reuse that in multiple forms (or in same form multiple times) i know you can import .py files (but that is whole triggers not just functions to be used in triggers) correct? what is best way so in a trigger one could do import MathFunctions I have my own set of ncs.whatever stuff and have those installed in python so my forms can import those MathFunctions.IsInt(foo) derek: have you checked out modeling.sf.net ? wouldn't it be worth using in gnue ? and is there a way to do an import one time in a form and have it be global well, in On-Startup trigger: global IsInt from MathFunctions import IsInt ... then all triggers can see IsInt or you could do the import in each trigger or must you import the library with each trigger? *** SachaS has quit IRC reread what I just posted *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** cleber has left #gnuenterprise *** kilo has quit IRC *** dhill1 has quit IRC ok. testRPC is working for my example application. with calculated properties and procedures have not tested any gnue-appserver triggers. oh one more general question re: gnue domino allows us to creat forms based apps and deploy them as standalone applications on the Lotus Notes client. the user can then run the app, input data, etc, and replicate the updates back to home base replication updates both the application and data as necessary to what end will gnue have such facilities? update the application? do you mean, that you can change your forms and then, next time you call the application, the user interface has changed as well? yes i can publish updated templates on the server, and the client can inherit them *nod* correct yeah as far as I know. you can have uri's or url's for your forms so the gnue-form client gets the form ( those .gfd files) from wherever they are. oh neat! so an admin can replace a test.gfd form with a new version of test.gfd *** chillywi1ly has joined #gnuenterprise and the client renders the new test.gfd form bah now what about standalone applications... say you then on a laptop and someone has to be in the field without a net connection ok can data be stored locally then replicated back tothe server as connection is available? hmmm i would say no, not as such. you have to ask other developers you could install a server and the appropriate database on your laptop cool, was just curious :) and then use some database syncronisation but i would not know ... *nod* that wouldn't really be the right way to do it imho but its a good idea but if the gnue-appserver for example access other databases, remote databases, and you cannot just copy that database locally, you probably cant do that. i am not sure *nod* just curious, thanks for the info :) there is some cache somewhere maybe you could load the cache somehow but i have no clue... sure holycow, so you played with appserver yet? no worries, its a feature that's not somethign that will make or break the apps you had the sample working, didn't you? yeah i got a bit going last night :) *nod* yip! ok so i suggest v v cool i must say :) look at the sample.gcd file thats basically almost all you have to do! sample.gcd? k. sending my self an email right now *** chillywilly has quit IRC ok you need the one or the other form, maybe even a report ;) sweet :) i will have a lot of questions for sure i am new too and i am amazed as well first thing i will do is document some of the steps i took to install the system as i think it might be good to share the steps that would be very good, yes. the twiki info is excellent, but i logged my conversation from last night, theres a few things more that the guys may like to add http://modeling.sourceforge.net/ that might work as well for gnue-appserver. maybe. *** chillywi1ly has quit IRC *** jcater has quit IRC *** chillywilly has joined #gnuenterprise ok. i am thinking of a tool (like gcd2sql) which takes the .gcd file and create a plain xmlrpc appserver interface. translations from plain xmlrpc calls to gnue rpc calls (exactly what test.py does) so we could have a gnue-appserver-interface which takes a gid (gnue interface description) file well have to check with reinhard and johannes on this one. ;) *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise some would call it a gnue-application server webservice ;) a webservice via soap and a wsdl xmlrpc is fine for me. night *** SachaS has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise sacha, the modeling link looks terric thx *** jamest has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** ajmitch has quit IRC *** holycow has quit IRC *** mixi^ has joined #gnuenterprise *** wendall911 has joined #gnuenterprise *** mixi has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** cw_powerbook has joined #gnuenterprise bah dialup sucks hmmm, this connection ain't too bad *** ajmitch has joined #gnuenterprise yo freenode... * ajmitch mutters split an hour ago & didn't rejoin this icewm has no background image just the checkered X look bleh la la laaaaa *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** bluesbaron_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** bluesbaron_ has quit IRC *** holycow has quit IRC *** jamest has left #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** cw_powerbook has quit IRC *** jcater_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** jcater_ has quit IRC *** jcater has quit IRC