*** dimas has quit IRC *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** wayneg1 has joined #gnuenterprise hmmm looking at the logs it seems i don't miss much here when i'm asleep :) *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise good morning johannesV you still working on gtk2? or is everything fixed now? *** wayneg has quit IRC :) morning reinhard good morning SachaS how are you? what do you think of a gnue-beer meeting somewhen soon again. Close to you and johannesV? *** wayneg has joined #gnuenterprise not sure i'm quite busy at the moment i will go on holiday in about 2 weeks and have to finish a lot of stuff before that maybe a short beer, yes :) so after your holidays is no problem at all *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise good morning ! morning johannesV reinhard: just commited the last 'known' bug in gtk2 i was telling reinhard that we should go for a gnue-beer one day, maybe after reinhards holidays. well, there is something i'd like to fix: accelerators in menus atm they're just added to the menu-label using "%s\t%s" % (lable, hotkey) and gtk2 has an Accelerator support (which could do that automatically and correct aligned and so forth) yeah i would like that better however what would be really cool well this needs some additional functionallity in the KeyMapper if you could care for the german translations for appserver and common today n.p. so we can release with updated po files for german what do i have to do ? btw. speed has been improvemed quite well, i think we're on the right way ... :) see ya later by SachaS * SachaS gone writing thesis s/by/bye/ :) *** SachaS has quit IRC reinhard: do i have to update my .po files in order to start with translation ? hi all hi btami johannesV: po files for appserver and common should be current btami: i have a improvement proposal for win32 ui driver for forms hmm, but then if i look at GBaseApp in common, the docstrings need an urgent fix hi reinhard, johannesV can you help to fix this: DB000: File "/home/tamas/svn/gnue/gnue-common/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/definitions/GObjects.py", line 340, in dumpXML DB000: textEncoding=textEncoding, xmlnamespaces=xmlnamespaces) DB000: TypeError: dumpXML() takes at most 3 non-keyword arguments (4 given) i just wanted to save gauntlet.gfd after tweakin on it a little... *** wayneg1 has quit IRC from where did you get this error ? i was fighting with dumpXML in several places before... gesigner designer yeah, me too when presss save so if you safe a gfd from within designer ? *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise yes, with gauntlet.gfd hi all hi dimas btami: you can now implement a method messageBox (self, message, kind, title, cancel) to display a native message box message is the message to display kind is "Question", "Info", "Warning" or "Error" (Question is a yes/no message box) title is the text for the title bar cancel is a boolean defining whether cancel button should be available the method should return True on Ok or Yes button False on No button and None on Cancel button -- *** holycow has quit IRC hello btami reinhard: so we will prefer native instaed of .gfd for messages? i'm OK with it johannesV: may i add some items for gtk2 ui TODO ? please listbox entry type fix scrollbar widget status line messages for menu items btami: do you have a sample for a scrollbar gfd status line messages for menu items ? when you step through menu items, the long description of the menu item can appear in the status line btami: yes we prefer native message boxes they look *much* better johannesV: i will try to add a sample gfd for scrollbar reinhard: OK johannesV: the last one is clipboard handling (cut and paste with mouse ctrl-c/v/x) ok, will look at this after finishing the translation johannesV: thx anyhow, the gtk2 ui is now better then wx! it has working dropdowns! btw. you guys now diving into forms more and more, so i bring my wery old unsolved issue can you remember the "antry width not accurate" bug in DCL? if you define an entry with width="4" hi and you type 1234 tha last char you typed (4) is not fully visible we get the average char width from the font we use, but the ui using come pxels himself for drowing the inpot box and the caret in it so the usable place counted in pixels not enough for displaying the "4" in my example to solve this issue in win32 ui, i'v added some extra pixels when creating the native window for the entry but this not a good solution, koz this way scrollbars can't be position precise next to an entry btami: right, do you have a better idea ? hi ajmitch johannesV: unfortunately i haven't :( reinhard: i've updated the po-file now, but after running commons setup-cvs.py the changes aren't reflected in appserver ? sorry you have to delete the old de.gmo first actually deleting *.gmo and running "make gmo" in po dir should do the job no need to rerun setup-cvs ok, it's working johannesV: http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~btami/scrollbar.gfd johannesV: it shows the "antry width not accurate" bug too s/antry/entry ok, thanks *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard: how would you translate 'parsed' ? in which context? parsing file hmm... "Datei einlesen" bbl *** btami has quit IRC ok, but what about: "The file cannot be parsed." "Datei kann nicht eingelesen werden" ? maybe i have no better idea *** SachaS has quit IRC *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise hi kilo *** wayneg has quit IRC *** kilo has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise jcater: you here? jcater_: maybe you? jamest: i was thinking about this event passing thing we talked about yesterday i had a closer look at the current event system and i thought maybe we could even make this a feature of the event system yes? just to sum up what we want we want every event first passed to the focus widget, if that handles the event then it's ok, otherwise the normal event handler for GFInstance would get the event i see 2 more or less elegant ways of achieving that a) event controller can be cascaded, i.e. we always inform the GFInstance event controller what the "sub" event controller of the current focus element is when the event controller wants to dispatch an event, it first tries if the sub controller handles it otherwise he calls the correct handler from his own list b) event controller can register a function for the "__before__" pseudo event the __before__ function is always called before the actual handler(s) are called this __before__ function would be implemented in GFInstance and try to delegate the event to the focus entry in both cases, if the focus widget handles the even, it can drop the event and therefore suppress further processing of the event like when the multiline edit has already processed the return key we don't want the instance to process it, too (and move the focus to the next entry) now which of both ways would you prefer? or am i nuts? or did you fall off your chair laughing? *** johannesV_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has quit IRC hmmm you're wanting to put this in common itself? parts of it, yes as an optional (aka: it won't change standard event processing) hook yeah as I know i've got apps that use events for almost all communications an optional hook that is called before normal event processing is done * jamest doesn't want them to break i'm not 100% sure I'm following this so please ask in a) you are allowing nested event controllers to any level yeah in b) you are allowing a single overridable function per target of the event not sure if in a) a controller could have more than one subcontrollers but in a) controller 1 (c1) could contain c2 which could contain c3 what do you mean with "target"? yes in b) you have 1 function only yeah well so only 1 level of customization can happen actually which would work in the case of forms i would have as many functions as i want just have to register them all as listeners to the pseudo "__before__" event also i would for the sake of completeness *** gsoti has joined #gnuenterprise also have a __after__ hook which gets every event *after* the normal processing in case it wasn't dropped by then the advantage i see in b) is i have a single function that gets called for every event where i can do very central stuff but as you said in a) we have more levels of abstraction man, if someone ever used A extensively i don't think i'd want to read the code tracing an event thru the system might get ugly :) *** jcater has quit IRC :) after thinking a bit i would vote for b) *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise i think i'd be ok with either one *** nickr has quit IRC *** nickr has joined #gnuenterprise something funny of the upcoming president candidacy: www.spy.org/this_land *** gsoti has quit IRC checkbox is working in curses. not perfectly look where the cursor is when the checkbox has the focus then do svn up and look again :) btw you might want to notice that you can toggle the checkbox with space you can set the checkbox to True with 1 or + keys and you can set it to False with 0 or - keys which means you can use checkboxes with the numeric keypad :) amazing. curses makes fun to work with text is flashing and stuff :) curser where it has to be :) *** dimas_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** dimas has quit IRC *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise is that default befaviour now to embed form into a navigator frame? GNUe Common Version ------------------------------------------------------------ Error: Traceback (most recent call last): gException: Sourcecode contains tab character at position 404 what is this error message about? which sourcecode? maybe a trigger code in your form? *** gsoti has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard: most likely. absolute position of trigger sourcecode? i have no idea i think i have never seen this error must leave for lug meeting l8r all *** reinhard has quit IRC *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise forgot to say seems like our webpage wasn't updated since june 14 l8r *** reinhard has quit IRC sigh I hate computers *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise dimas: i think it's character position in trigger as triggers do check for tabs jamest: thanks, seems so not sure why we report by character vs breaking apart and scanning for tab line by line probabaly something to do with derek *** gsoti has left #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** johannesV_ has quit IRC *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** Vee2d2 has quit IRC *** Vee2d2 has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has left #gnuenterprise see you later or tomorrow *** SachaS has quit IRC jcater: is there a way we can have logging bot email one of us nightly, as well as the nightly tarball process as well as the website update? as it seems these processes have tendency of stopping and we dont notice for a few weeks.. if we had nag mail included in the the processes we would recognize sooner (i think) um well it has been emailing nightly I just get a lot of "nag" emails nightly =) actualyl, it has been running and updating, fwiw it somehow ran into some permission issues *** siesel has joined #gnuenterprise hi all hi siesel how are you? fine :) just a bit busy :( haven't seen you here much lately :) what about you? busy with uni again about to go off & do some work now cool what kind of work? still connected with dotgnu or doing gnuE rollout ;) phpgw upgrade that nice stuff yep ok, got to go, bbl :) cu hey hey hey hi chillywilly wassup dude? I wish I had come change to get a soda...I would kill for one hmmm, my plugin registry that uses a python metaclass is not working the way I would like it to my lvm root setup isn't working, and it seems that I can't fix it :( blah *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise hi everyone hi siesel hi SachaS how are you? long time no see I'm fine, got a good job now. still the same, the one you dont get any time for gnue? yeah. And what is worse: I've to code a bit MS ACCESS :( outch outsch But that has to change. Last week I began to work on setup-cvs.py to support win32 your talking about setup-csv.py of gnue? yep did you check out the progress of appserver, lately? I just read commit notes. And that looks like they are making good progress I really have to set it up on my win32 only laptop i see night all *** siesel has quit IRC *** jamest has left #gnuenterprise *** dneighbo_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** dneighbo has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** wayneg has joined #gnuenterprise good night * SachaS is away: away *** gsoti_away has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has quit IRC *** SachaS has quit IRC *** sjc has quit IRC *** jcater has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise Is there any docs on writting a python class/package that can be used as a datasource ? hmmm, I don't think so read the source ;) that's about all there is for writing db driver, afaik shouldn't be too hard...there's some nice base classes thanks chillywilly =) gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/Base will show you all the exposed methods *** jamest has quit IRC *** jcater has quit IRC