*** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise Hi reinhard good morning I read that copyrights have to be transferred to the FSF. Do you differentiate between core GNUe software and 3rd party software? yes of course you can write your applications with gnue and distribute them on your own as you like you can even contribute them to our "gnue-contrib" repository where we collect "inofficial" gnue apps OK, nice and if you aim at developing something that will become "core gnue" we would request you to transfer copyright And does these 3rd party apps need to be GPL compatible? *** SachaS_ has quit IRC apauley: depends: if they use parts from other GPL apps (like the base modules kilo and btami are working on), then yes *** dimas has quit IRC if you write your app from scratch and just use gnue-appserver, gnue-forms etc as infrastructure, then you can regard it like you write a C program and use gcc to compile it your app can be any license you like however of *course* we recommend using the GPL for everything :-) *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise good morning *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise hello johannesV and kilo good morning hi reinhard reinhard, i'm still reworking readgcd ... but it looks like i can commit changes today ... :) excellent it's *really* about time for a 0.3.90 release as i went further, doing quite awful things to my gcd files the old version showed up a lot of bugs so i started a comple rewrite bugs == unexpectable behaviour when gcd is corrupt? yeah so it's "missing fault tolerance" rather than "bug" ;-) i still dislike the way a general markup-error get's reported yeah, could say so *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise well, not always for example if one says it just went in so we had corrupt gnue_* table entries as well as db-tables 'foo_bar_baz_something' or you say ... things like this, there are quite a lot of them ... *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise johannesV: have you seen btami's last commit, in gnue-invoice? could you try something: drop the invoice db on postgres, and remove those lines added in the last commit from invoice-hu.gsd, then try setup-db-hu.gsd. does it work for you taht way? hm kilo, can you describe the problem ? the problem is, that the row added in btami's last commit is referenced. and it was missing for some weeks now from the gsd. hjowever, i have set up the db several times, and no error messages appeared. yesterdat btami wanted to set up the db on windows, and got the error message from the firebird db engine. and we find that strange kilo, as soon as i will commit my changes of appserver such scripts get obsolete ... :) ah but the gsd will not or will it? no, not the gsd but gcd/glds get imported automatically one can define a "modulepath" containing a list of directories, and appserver searches this dirs recursivley for gcd's and gld's and import them as needed and if appserver get's a sig-hup the same procedure runs again modulepath can be specified on the commandline as well as in gnue.conf so usually there's no need for a setup-script which integrates gcd's or gld's anymore (as appserver can handle this himself) okay, okay, but this problem i mentioned above is a problem regarding the gsd itself ok, i'll drop my test-db and recreate it using setup-db.sh, right ? kilo, which gsd shall i import now ? setup-db-hu.sh could you try something: drop the invoice db on postgres, and remove those lines added in the last commit from invoice-hu.gsd, then try setup-db-hu.gsd. does it work for you taht way? INSERT INTO ITEM_Item (sales_price, gnue_createdate, gnue_id, item_type, item_longname, item_unit, item_shortname, sales_vat) VALUES ('111.0', '2004-10-14 13:28:02', '04158385481881526447158761849009', '17527929513744924781765541414167', 'Szolgáltatás 1', '87347199152063042221294657166838', 'S1', '61602943621389663558226281311093') (if i remove the lines btami added yesterday) ERROR: insert or update on table "item_item" violates foreign key constraint "fk_item_item_item_unit" DETAIL: Key (item_unit)=(87347199152063042221294657166838) is not present in table "item_unittype". which is correct ... ok, that is correct if i do revert the change, everything's fine ... but it does not give an error message when using firewirb... firebird it does not ? let me try here ... wow does that mean you also got no error messages? no, i don't get an error using firebird * johannesV still checking but on the windows version btami got error messages *** dcmwai has quit IRC btami says maybe his windows' firebird version is 1.5.1 or 1.5.2 ah, got it the constraint is missing well, what an obvious error this is .... * johannesV claps his face ... kilo, let me finish the new readgcd, and i can tell ya if the missing constraint get's added on firebird ??? hmmm, ok. 5 minutes enough? 8-))) if you do "show table item_item" in isql you won't find the constraint to item_unit table, do you ? kilo, no will take until afternoon but i'll take this bug into my notes, so i can have a look at the reason later ... hmm, i cant wait until afternoon. we have received order for gnue-invoice from 1425 companies 8-))) kilo: rofl kilo: I see you have to start burning the CD really now :) the CDs :q hmmm... this is not vi?? yeah, i've rented all the cd-burning capacity in town johannesV: no, no constraint to item_unit kilo: i get the following error (on firebird) now:gnue-schema: ERROR POSTING RECORD # 1 (-530, 'execute.isc_dsql_execute: violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_ITEM_ITEM_ITEM_UNIT" on table "ITEM_ITEM". ') yep and if i look at the table item_item i do have 4 constraints now 4? what firebird version you use? CONSTRAINT FK_ITEM_ITEM_ITEM_TYPE: Foreign key (ITEM_TYPE) References ITEM_ITEMTYPE (GNUE_ID) CONSTRAINT FK_ITEM_ITEM_ITEM_UNIT: Foreign key (ITEM_UNIT) References ITEM_UNITTYPE (GNUE_ID) CONSTRAINT FK_ITEM_ITEM_SALES_VAT: Foreign key (SALES_VAT) References TAX_VAT (GNUE_ID) CONSTRAINT PK_ITEM_ITEM: Primary key (GNUE_ID) - SQL> show version ; ISQL Version: LI-V1.5.1.4500 Firebird 1.5 Firebird/linux Intel (access method), version "LI-V1.5.1.4500 Firebird 1.5" Firebird/linux Intel (remote server), version "LI-V1.5.1.4500 Firebird 1.5/tcp (Boston)/P10" Firebird/linux Intel (remote interface), version "LI-V1.5.1.4500 Firebird 1.5/tcp (Boston)/P10" on disk structure version 10.1 the main question remains: why was it created correctly for postgres, but wrong for firebird ... ah, ok, i wasnt counting in the PK my computer says ISQL Version: LI-V1.5.0.4231 Firebird 1.5 Release Candidate 8 maybe it is a firebird bug, that is corrected in the 1.5.1 version no, so it should still be missing the constraint but if i use the 'new readgcd' the constraints are ok ah, i see ah well then it is not only optimization... get the same error on postgres now ... so the bug is really in readgcd (which is fixed right now) *** psf has joined #gnuenterprise *** sjc has quit IRC johannesV: great, thx hi hi hi hmmm * reinhard just noticed that we have a *lot* of documentation to update before we can release 0.4.0 final and what about the long-forgotten forms release? gotta check if we must release common at the same time which would mean we have to wait as common must be released with appserver bbl *** btami has quit IRC hmmm... no seems like it's upward compatible so we could release common, then forms, then appserver bbl *** psf has quit IRC *** tiredbones has quit IRC *** kilo has quit IRC *** tiredbones has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has quit IRC *** titopbs has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise jamest: do you have any pending changes in forms or common? *** johannesV_ has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard: when do you plan to release? common and forms: today a prerelease :D final release by end of week or so appserver: today or tomorrow a -beta1 further steps depending on the feedback feature frozen -beta1? yes great i'll postpone my installations then johannesV has announced to commit the last missing feature for 0.4 appserver today yeah, i'm nearly finished with exceptions ... johannesV_: you also have uncommitted changes in common, right? no, i don't should i ? GParser? i haven't changed GParser right now will postpone these changes after committing the appserver as it's a bit cosmetic though ... :) ah well then I'll wait for those changes with the prerelease of common (I suspect we will also have string changes with that GParser excpetion stuff) ok, i think i can do that GParser thingy right this afternoon ... no hurry tomorrow is early enough, too :) *** johannesV has quit IRC please go on and finish appserver first reinhard: no pending changes jamest: thanks jamest: well, just to ask for your opinion, too currently, when GParser sees an error in the XML markup you get an exception with a traceback through GNUe internal code but more or less no info about the file and the line number where the parse error occured i thought the traceback included line # any updates to INSTALL and setup.py since .3.5 as I just tried them for the first time last night wait, i'm thinking of triggers well now a few months ago johannesV_ has improved the exception handling to be able to display *anything* you want instead of the traceback for example for exceptions that occured at server side, we now display the server side traceback on the client instead of the client side traceback and something similar for the tarcebacks that hapen in trigger code *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise and we had the idea to display better info about the xml parse error instead of a traceback that the user can't read anything from anyway reinhard, appserver is committed ... somehow like a traceback through the XML file instead of the python traceback jamest: what would you think about that? the basic idea is to not display a traceback all through gnue-common and gnue-forms/appserver for a xml parse error as the traceback might confuse the person that wrote the xml file johannesV_: great, thanks reinhard, but i have to do the datetime.* fix for geasGsdgen.py johannesV_: ok reinhard: i think that's a good idea jamest: thanks for your verbatim feedback ;-) j/k lol, sorry i miss being a state worker *** wendall911 has joined #gnuenterprise as they actually expect me to do something here :) reinhard: I've always hoped we could do what you're describing but never knew where to begin (or had time myself, for that matter) just my $0.02 jcater: excellen, thank you too for your feedback I hate getting an XML traceback as it's quite useless yes that was very much the starting point of this whole plan :) btw I've finished another (last) step for automatic release process *** titopbs has quit IRC whenever a release is uploaded to ash, the next web page rebuild automatically deletes all obsoleted prereleases cool hmm, since GParser.loadXMLObject () does not have the meaning of a file, but only get's a stream to process it's quite difficult to do something like "Hey, you have an xml markup error in your file foo at line 100 ..." new optional parameter with file name? *** titopbs has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard/ johannesV_ : I think it's easier than that file objects have a .name attribute hmm, jcater that's a good point ... but i'd need the filename in the xmlSchemaHandler instance too so i could do something like: dh = handler (); dh._filename = stream.url or we could change the api of xmlSchemaHandler instance by adding an optional constructor-parameter 'filename' so it would look like: dh = handler (filename = stream.url) jcater, what would you prefer ? I'm ok with the latter (the latter would mean changing all xmlSchemaHandler classes) but it's not too much as i would see it as the 'cleaner solution' but i'm still not sure if we have a 'file-like object' all the time (like loadFromBuffer () in forms) yeha err yeah I think if we have no file, it would make sense to show something like "stdin" or such AttributeError: 'cStringIO.StringI' object has no attribute 'url' or [unknown] reinhard, good idea i'm ok with that you know, the python libraries we use to do our triggers have you pass in the stream and a "name" which lets us say "On-New-Commit" as the "name" maybe that's a better solution where normally it can be the file name or in special cases, it can be like a subform * jcater is thinking out loud I'm ok with what reinhard said jcater: actually I like your idea better or a combination priority 1 - explicit parameter priority 2 - stream.url priority 3 - "[unknown]" reinhard: I like that idea best it would be a little more work initially but we don't have to change the various tools' code to have them keep working well, that's not our problem, jcater ;-) lol btw, just so you know I'm thinking of moving ash to my rack jamest and I were discussing it last night I'm getting 5Mbps/1.5Mbps service here and have all the large UPS's, etc but in the process, ash will be upgraded to a better machine hi hi chillywilly anyone know of any FOSS OLAP solutions? no bbl *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise off for today bye all *** reinhard has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** cilkay has quit IRC *** btami has quit IRC *** wendall911 has quit IRC *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** titopbs has quit IRC *** wendall911 has joined #gnuenterprise jcater, i've commited a first shot of an improved exception handling in GParser (and friends). maybe you can find a few minutes to double-check or try it out ... in order to keep compatibility i haven't changed the inteface of the GParser.xmlHandler class by adding an additional parameter so after creating the xmlHandler the url (which might get overriden by the loadXMLObject () function) and the parser instance both get passed into the handler the latter is usefull for retrieving line numbers from the parser additionally all objects created while parsing a file get the properties '_url' and '_lineNumber' set this allows a phased init function to refer to this information (like GDataSource does with it's sorting- and order_by-tags ...) well, just have a look at it and let me know if you'd like to have something changed ... off for today bye all *** johannesV_ has quit IRC *** tiredbones has quit IRC *** titopbs has joined #gnuenterprise *** tiredbones has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has quit IRC testing 2 things at once gnue and new subdomain can anyone see http://www.pastebin.archivist.info/pastebin.php?show=3 show error i got last night installing gnue i cant see it only set dns 10 minutes ago yeah domain could not be found it probably didn't propagate to our dns servers yet got an ip based subdomain for that? ip based path i mean? try http://www.archivist.info/pastebin.php?show=3 Object not found! hmm working internally ip is that works let me add the / part nope hmm http://www.pastebin.archivist.info works externally (remote to a friends box) not here dns might by querying the slave which may not be updated yet http://www.archivist.info/pastebin i can see the page pasting generates error i get errors as well when pasting im just testing the dns via dnsreport, the slave has not been updated yet ah bug in pastbin setup as well any way setup.py gives me a ImportError: No module named gnue but no help as to the cause is it db not setup /permissions/config *** tiredbones has quit IRC *** jamest has quit IRC *** tiredbones has joined #gnuenterprise *** titopbs has quit IRC *** cilkay has joined #gnuenterprise bug on the website http://www.gnuenterprise.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/gnue/trunk/ An Exception Has Occurred Python Traceback Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/viewcvs/viewcvs.py", line 3235, in main request.run_viewcvs() File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/viewcvs/viewcvs.py", line 268, in run_viewcvs import vclib.svn File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/viewcvs/vclib/svn/__init__.py", line 27, in ? from svn import fs, repos, core, delta ImportError: No module named svn gotta love python cgi archivist: I don't know if anyone is here now that can fix that, may want to file a bug report http://www.gnuenterprise.org/community/bugs.php im there at the moment just reading page i see yr not using bugzill like everybody else and i have to swap pcs to email *** tiredbones has quit IRC archivist: like everybody else? archivist: there are alot of different systems, bugzilla is common, but not disproportionately i dont particularly like it except its a web interface which is useful when this pc hanst got direct email and i have to vnc to a box that does bug posted archivist: understood * archivist wonders how to file a bug when it bounces recipient. Remote host said: 550 : Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table not friendly hence need for bugzilla and working software *** mnemoc has left #gnuenterprise *** sjc has quit IRC *** wendall911 has quit IRC *** holycow has quit IRC *** cilkay has quit IRC *** jcater_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** lekma has joined #gnuenterprise hi all *** jcater_ has quit IRC *** jcater has quit IRC *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise anyone know how I can change the install prefix of a deb? it shouldn't be done because it has all the paths relative to / at best you can do dpkg -i --root=/target or --instdir=/target ok, well I think I will just rebuild my machine why? my / partition is too small was trying to isntall some OOo 2.0 beta debs which install into /opt ah.. why would you want to install them? cause I like the new OOo yes, but why crap debs into /opt? what is available? you could just move /opt to another partition & bind mount ubuntu hoary has OOo 2 beta debs, iirc I don't have a free partition you have free space on any partitions? I can make a symlink yea I do symlink, bind mount, do whatever suits I'm moving my system to LVM at the moment because of these issues :) I don't blame you /var on my server fills up all the time too are you talking about doing mount --bind? yeah Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/vg1-var 9.9G 4.7G 5.2G 48% /var why doesn't mount --bind /opt /home/danielb/opt work? /opt is on / though...so maybe that is why it doesn't work