*** derek has joined #gnuenterprise anyone in here using ubuntu? yep do you like it? yep and have you made gnue packages for it yet? nope I use debian packages for it you're fired ;) ok so why ubuntu over debian * ajmitch orphans all his gnue packages ;) because it's a nice desktop system that's quite smooth and lots of things just work * derek just got a new laptop from work and have been hankering to try something other than "raw" debian, but not brave enough to leave debian's comfort ;) so was going to try ubuntu instead of spending a week or so hacking around in debian damn livecd doesnt work for me (warty) so now downloading hoary array 5 I can make gnue packages for ubuntu, but there'd really be no point :) if i can get the livecd to work and it looks good (and many of things just "work") then i will install it on this box looks like this laptop is not linux friendly in many ways, but ubuntu appears to have it documented fairly well and no where does "compiling a kernel" seem necessary ;) i just know i cant handle windows only on here for very long... I'm not going to bother with compiling kernels for this system what's the new laptop? dell latitude d505 ok beggars can't be choosers when work gives them out I can suspend-to-ram my dell latitude just fine with hoary now haven't tried hibernation to disk i never had that work on my old latitude (under debian) so i dont think it will be an issue :) mine is an old latitude :) so how is university going? are you a gnome or kde fan? gnome uni is going ok im thinking that ubuntu is basically gnome desktop good, ubuntu has a nice gnome desktop i.e. gnome focus which is why i wanted to check it out I've put ubuntu on 2 of my 3 machines here now got to go, bbl *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise derek: you still here? FWIW, here an ubuntu fan, too reason: again the "just works" - I've got hardware to run on that machine I don't have the slightest idea *how* it works just plugged it in and it was there :) *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise good morning good morning *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise good morning morning everyone *** derek has quit IRC *** derek_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** Amorphous has joined #gnuenterprise *** mnemoc has quit IRC *** mnemoc has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard: i don't know if you read the logs, just to confirm the patch you sent me fixed my pb and i decided to follow your advice lekma: yes, saw it and put data instead of calc props where it need searching newbee mistake thanks for testing it :) :) lekma: well, calculated properties are a nice thing, but you need to be *very* careful to not kill all your performance because *every single* access to that calc prop runs the code btw when a procedure causes a deadlock the all server is killed there is a comment in the code yeah a TODO procedures should run in their own process not even own threads would help :) AFAICT hi hi btw. ajmitch/reinhard: have you got any ideas how the (deb) packaging will split forms, common etc. will the svn tree be restructured? or what? no, svn shouldn't be changed just 'binary' packages for debian now setup.py install copyes all src i don't know nothing how deb creating works the only change is that I'll move files into separate packages after setup.py install is done into a temporary treee ah i see just asked, koz i'm maintaining UHU-Linux packages, and want to fallow the new structures of your splitted packages ajmitch: how you're coming along with that BTW? all packages in SID now so you could at least upload appserver 0.4 and maybe split packages to experimental? err no appserver has no split :) btw. where is experimental in debian? reinhard: had no time, exam this morning & another tomorrow ah ok so I wish you all the best for your exams :) * btami feels with aj thanks :) appserver & common just went into sarge (0.3.5 of appserver) yes saw that, thanks! what's currently out of date? just appserver, it appears * ajmitch will upload 0.4.0 as-is now without all the init.d magic that you want, it can come once I've done exams ;) ajmitch: that's great uploading *** holycow has quit IRC bbl *** btami has quit IRC *** sjc has quit IRC *** jcater_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** jcater has quit IRC kilo: you rock ah, thx, i will print that and put it over my bed 8-)))) some little things remain though, but i will do that only after my coffee it generates the smaple.gnue.conf file in the utils dir. should i put it directly into common/etc? if you look at my last commit I already worked around that :) I think it's ok generating the file in the current dir that way you can generate where you want ah, ok, svn upped right now i see bbl *** kilo has quit IRC *** wendall911 has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise off for today bye *** lekma has quit IRC *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has quit IRC reinhard i have live cd burnt as of this am looks like it probably is a coaster grrr this whole bittorrent (Sit and wait) then fail sucks i am going to reboot and see if auto recognizes the cd haha *** derek_ has quit IRC *** dere1 has joined #gnuenterprise wow it just works :) if i can get all the goodies working under live cd i think my shiny new laptop has a new friend what are you booting? ubuntu cool how's it going? well it booted but i dont see the "app" to configure network card i didnt have cable plugged in so it didnt work and i think i have download something to get wireless to work system->administration->networking ah i was in configuration editor so i take it you are running ubuntu it tries to bring the network up automagically yes I am do you know if there is a way to convert a machine to ubuntu from debian it wants password but live cd so not sure I don't think there is a way to do that will try ubuntu oh...yea I don't know what the live cd user password is either *** ajmitch has quit IRC unbuntu worked ubuntu lets you run everything as root w/ sudo but makes you type your password in yeah at least i know onboard net works i don't see the wireless card i saw that you had to download something special wonder how that works * dere1 is seriously addicted to wireless now are you using WEP? or WPA * chillywi1ly is addicted to making things secure ;) WPA w/ TKIP rules um beats me heh at this point i was so greatful to get it working i didnt care you are probably wide open to the world then ;) never got it reliable under linux not completely open to world but damn close * chillywi1ly hops on dere1's wifi ;) well i have rules keepign others off my systems but nothing really preventing from using the bandwidth retricted by MAC address? im a hippy like that anyhow *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise yes by MAC *** ajmitch has joined #gnuenterprise restricted * chillywi1ly changes his MAC address ;-o i planned on getting WEP working but wanted to get ubuntu configured and working first hmm wonder if i can get firewire to work on this box okay chilly you are guru do you know if broadcom corp bcm4306 wireless works on linux crikey like several things are on irq 11 that is not good i think i have to pass the damn apci=off flag no idea grrr which sucks bananas I think there is a driver i am going to set acpi=off and reboot see what i get i have parallel port already disable (per suggestion of d600 install) looks awesome.. problem is i will likely fall in love with it and then want to convert my wife's pc which is NEVER fun... will just need to buy her a new one :) looks like you can also use ndiswrapper and the mfg. driver maybe right but to get sound and stuff working have to turn of apci if i can get wireless working likely i will be installing for real you running warty or hoary hoary some day I will buy a linksys wrt54g cool i grabbed array 5 (?) new terminology so getting used to the lingo I have no idea what that stuff actually means ;) hoary is to be officially released in March, afaik * chillywi1ly tries hard to understand his own code ;) hmm no wlan detected ho do you "add devices" in the network settings box? no idea ;) hmm device manager that's just the gnome tool shows up in the gnome tool grr so how the hell do you get it in the network deal I have yet to setup linux w/ wireless can't afford the equipment well i just want to know why it doesnt see the card so i can configure tehre is no "add" does it show it in lspci -v ? yip i think i will have to break down and just make a partition on here and isntall ubuntu for real and iron out the issues i got LAN eth working so i can at least function :) doing a sound test if it passes then sound, eth and video all work which is enough to start are you at home? yeah slacker ;) thats me I think it is time for some lunch *** holy_cow has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has quit IRC *** Amorphous has quit IRC *** Amorphous has joined #gnuenterprise *** wendall_away has quit IRC *** btami has quit IRC *** ajmitch has quit IRC *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** ajmitch has joined #gnuenterprise *** holy_cow has quit IRC night all *** reinhard has quit IRC *** WC has joined #gnuenterprise lurking does it pay well? yea also lurking *** jamest has left #gnuenterprise *** kilo has quit IRC *** SachaS has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** jcater has quit IRC *** mixi has joined #gnuenterprise *** sjc has quit IRC *** MiXi^ has joined #gnuenterprise *** mixi has quit IRC *** MiXi^ has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** mixi has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** MiXi^ has quit IRC *** WC has quit IRC *** holycow has quit IRC