*** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard, if you read the logs, please check if queries using joins still work for you with your appserver ... there's a point where an 'unqualified' gnue_id is mixed into the query-string: like select t0.address_name,gnue_id from ... you could use appserver/samples/testing/dirty.py for this *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise hmm, reinhard, maybe this ambiguous field is introduced by the 'default'-sorting (gnue_id) no, that's just nonsense oh, now i think i've found it ... it's the right erm, it's in line 279 of GDataSource.py where you add the _primaryIdField to the fieldReferences you do not take care of table-aliases there ... well, acutally that's hard to track there ... do we really need to add the primaryKeyField to the field-references ? *** dimas has quit IRC *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise *** thesandroid has joined #gnuenterprise *** thesandroid has quit IRC *** thesandroid has joined #gnuenterprise *** lekma has joined #gnuenterprise *** thesandroid has left #gnuenterprise johannesV: you here? johannesV: with new fresh appserver,common code DB000: File "/home/ds/svn/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/appserver/repository.py", line 644, in finalize DB000: r = verifyType (self.gnue_type, self.gnue_length, self.gnue_scale, classes) DB000: File "/home/ds/svn/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/appserver/repository.py", line 937, in verifyType DB000: verifyBasetype (typename, length, scale) DB000: File "/home/ds/svn/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/appserver/repository.py", line 906, in verifyBasetype DB000: raise TypeFormatError, u_("number without 'length'") DB000: TypeFormatError: number without 'length' [ johannesV: appserver works if i comment out number/lenght checking #if typename == 'number': # if not length: # raise TypeFormatError, u_("number without 'length'") about lines 890 in repository.py *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise when committing any changes from form: File "/home/ds/svn/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/datasources/drivers/Base/Connection.py", line 135, in insert self._insert (table, newfields, recno) File "/home/ds/svn/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/datasources/drivers/appserver/appserver/Connection.py", line 163, in _insert id = f.pop ('gnue_id') KeyError: 'gnue_id' dimas, please do not comment out that lines have a look at your gcd's instead ... since this was a 'bug-fix' we do not have/support numbers without length the second one is a bit more interesting i think it's because i've commented out a line in GDataSource which acutally broke the joins in appserver (it was reinhard's work though) dimas, i've reverted the second one .... so inserting new data will work again, but joins won't ... i think we've to wait for reinhard doing a fix to this, as it was him who started that massive rebuild in common's datasources johannesV: how would look those improper number in gcd? grep all your gcds for type="number" if you don't have any, there's bug in there ... maybe i can change it to give a better exception ... i have one place with number(5.0) where other .gcd's using (n,m) notation or even better, gnue-readgcd should also typecheck ah but you were saying that we support both? yes, in gnue-schema ! :) commited just an addition to GCParser.py so gnue-readgcd now supports both too thanks :) np anyway, the bigger problem will be that _primaryIdField introduced by reinhard last week dimas, so you should now be able to start up appserver, do you ? and it should come up a bit faster than yesterday ... bbl it is superfast :) yeah ... my last measuring was about 62 times faster than before :9 wow *** dcmwai_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC johannesV: can you help a bit plz it seems abort() is not globally declare d is that correct ? johannesV, reinhard: that would be great to be able to use abort() and message() in external python scripts if there is a way to do it, plz let me know *** thesandroid has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has quit IRC lekma, abort () is bound into a procedure's namespace. but i'm not sure if you can reach this in code you import into the same namespace will have to test it; do you have a ready-to-use testcase ? johannesV_: nothing work without joins :( dimas, i know, that's why i've commented out those lines in GDataSource.py ... but doing this you won't be able to insert/update/delete records as i've said, we have to wait for reinhard .... at least i'd like to talk to him first, before changing something but at least appserver starts :) dimas, i'm sure we can fix this problem tomorrow lekma, abort () is not available to imported namespaces atm. we'd need to bind it into the __builtins__ in order to do this ... but i'd have to verify this first ... meanwhile you could pass the session instance via parameter (this would give you at least access to 'message') i think we should consider a method 'bindBuiltin ()' in the language-adapters ExecutionContext-class *** holycow has quit IRC hmm, but wait ... there should be an 'abort' bound into the context's local namespace erm, no, that's not the same namespace ... lekma, i've created a fix to the language-adapter, making abort () a builtin *** Egyptian[Home] has quit IRC will double-check first *** SachaS has quit IRC johannesV_: is there any good reason why navigator imports pstats? that's for profiling ... or better for evaluating profile-data, isn't it ? python-profiler is under a non-free license ajmitch, pstats is only imported, never used ok I suggest it not be imported then :) at least it looks like that at first sight right that's what I thought i agree GBaseApp.py in common also uses it in one place well, there is an option --profile yes which uses the propfiler and I don't think you can legally link with pstats s/link with/import/ hmm, but isnt there a deb python-profiler in non-free ah, ok it was recently moved there :) right, i know as i've missed it ... *** thesandroid has quit IRC ok, I'll just patch gnue-navigator for now :) *** johannesV_ has quit IRC *** lekma has quit IRC *** sjc has quit IRC *** dcmwai_ has quit IRC *** cilkay has quit IRC *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise *** dfc has joined #gnuenterprise *** nickr has quit IRC *** nickr has joined #gnuenterprise *** sjc has quit IRC *** cilkay has joined #gnuenterprise *** dfc has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** dimas has quit IRC *** jcater has quit IRC *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** derek has joined #gnuenterprise