*** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise good morning anyone working with the adodbapi driver ? *** dimas has quit IRC *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise johannesV: AFAICT no *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise good morning hmm, looks like it's not really working fine the main prob is that broken row count but if it's not in use i can play a bit with it what is the problem with the broken row count? it's currently implemented by a select count (*) from ... it should be handled ok with the select count that's generated this statement is executed by another cursor right after the original query and that raises an error telling something about to connections running in parallel is not allowed for manual transaction modes *** kilo_ has joined #gnuenterprise ah crap then I'd propose to first run the select count and then the real select could that work? would be in Base/ResultSet.py IIRC yes, that might work (it was the same idea as i've had) because we could close the counter-cursor right after execution right good morning good morning kilo and all just btw :) ok, if i change dbsig2.resultset's order of doing the queries (for broken rowcount) it works great I would see no reason to not do this so do i reinhard, what is going wrong if an update statement contains all fields in the where clause ? (using sample.gfd= with appserver? no, direct db-connection ah that's ok btw. adodbapi can use the boolean values in params and it fully supports unicode in all directions (even in cursor descriptions) if there is no rowid and no primary key, what else would gnue use for the update statement? :) wow if only all DBSIG2 drivers were like that (except that I'd love a non-broken rowcount, too, of course) you still have the test code for that around? that's good - maybe we want to get back on that later when maybe some DBSIG2 modules have better unicode awareness ah, so i have to define the pk in the gfd .. ok yep ok, works fine too ... yeah, i'll keep that test-program for dbsig2-based drivers around you have it in SVN? would be good maybe i can refine it a bit and commit it into common's testing right :) my thought ;-) uups, there are still debug-prints in win32 ui-driver ... :) after i've installed wxPython on my xp forms are looking quite nice using win32 ui driver .. (of course not as good as using gtk2 on my sarge :) reinhard, can i do that change to DBSIG2.ResultSet ? *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise johannesV: have you tried it (win32 ui) with non fixed font too ? of course ok :) this was the first change i did to gnue.conf :) good morning in which way does the win32 ui driver need wxPython ? hi dimas no way just designer wants it hi dimas hmm, strange ... case it changed heavily after i've installed wxPython .. but maybe this is just because the reboot in between ... does non fixed fonts deserve to try on win32? sure yeah, i'd say you can try it ... some labes migth be cutted of on the right side ... but overall it's good looking thanks yes, the label width calculation isn't perfect :( but you can use +1 for label width in .gfd files, if needed johannesV: yes, of course you can commit that change (although I see you already have) :) :) btw. we are using adodbapi for pump data from foxpro to firebird *** holycow has quit IRC *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has quit IRC *** dcmwai has quit IRC dimas: you here? *** rynik has joined #gnuenterprise hi rynik yep dimas: have you working filters ? if i have no records in filter table, i can't login if i add one manually, i get protocol error from xmlrpc hold on i got those introduced in gnue-luca working but i did initializing in three stages and after each inserded needed data can you explain a bit how was that stages? :) oh, i even divided base.gcd and gl.gcd in parts :) load base-pre.gcd which defines only company insert company load full base.gcd got login with one additional field the same way for gl.gcd huh, thx dimas not sure it is nice way, but at least i could login :) btami: if you find something new about filters, please let me know :) :) bbl *** btami has quit IRC *** sjc has quit IRC After much sreaching and coming up empty, could someone point me to the POS that jcater did? I thought I would use it for a learning tool. When I try to do a seach at the address http://www.gnuenterprise.org/project/search.php I get an internal error. I do a search in section for prodjects. s/prodjects/projects/ *** kilo_ has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise tiredbones: it is (like everything) in svn tiredbones: although IIRC it doesn't make use of forms and reports but is purely common based if you would like to learn to use forms or reports, there are better examples and if you want to learn to work with appserver, we even have a documentation ;-) jamest: would it be possible to move the web page generation to, say, 23:00 ? would be a little more "european friendly" as 4:30 is 11:30 a.m. here lol, um sure hammer on the server pretty bad does it? reinhard: I just purchase a book on svn but haven't had time to read it. Do I need no jamest: it's more the issue that I like to have the logs of cron jobs appear in my inbox in the morning instead of for lunch :) anything for you reinhard: a copy of svn on my system? done thanks tiredbones: you'll need svn to check out a up to the minute copy of gnue or you could use a snapshot which gets updated daily if it were me and I was playing around I think i'd use svn then if you hit a bug and someone can fix it quickly you don't have to wait a day for the fix it's not hard to use I think tiredbones is after gnue-pos and there is no nightly snapshot for gnue-pos as it was never released actually I am not sure if it wouldn't belong into gnue-contrib instead of gnue proper thanks to both of you.I'll go ahead and read my svn book. reinhard: The way I understand appserver, one has to design to 3-tier. Is this correct? yes reinhard: it does need moved gnue-contrib didn't exist at the time IIRC ok and while we're at it, do we want to remove gnue-docbook? *** titopbs has joined #gnuenterprise Yesterday, I was using using one of the examples to help me learn forms, when I got an error in NamespaceCore.py. In trying to track now the cause I realize it's going to tak all summer to learn the system. I have got one hell of a learning curve ahead of me. It looks like to learn gnue you have to read the code. *** johannesV has quit IRC tiredbones: it depends on what you want to learn tiredbones: for an office application, it's a difference whether you want to write a letter or you want to do macro programming likewise with gnue, I think creating a form pointing to existing data is something one can learn virtually within minutes jamest: what do you think about gnue-docbook? and what about gnue-dbtools, integrator, oldpackages, phpforms (which all seem to be dead projects) reinhard: I don't think so.Look at the number of people that come and look and then leave. s/look/look at the system and then leave/ well most of the people looking and leaving again are asking stuff like "where can i download the crm module" that's our main problem sure we need more documentation and we highly appreciate any volunteer that writes and maintains documentation I'm going to stay with it, because I have a lot of faith with the people developing the software. so if you would want to update the guides you read, found useful and saw a few things being outdated but watch out there is currently high application server development ;) so documentation gets out of date quickly ... which is good, sort of. that would be a very good step to improve the situation SachaS: it has become better i am using a simple gnue 3-tier application, daily which is cool. SachaS: that's great! Any chance you could add it to gnue-contrib? it needs cleanup reinhard: I do plan on doing somethong, but I have to understand thing better and that's going to take me a longer time than a few minutes. *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise tiredbones: I did play with gnuenterprise for a while and ended up with a sample application which is unfortuantely no longer running as I did not keep up with appserver development. tiredbones: here are some screenshots: http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~sachas/screens/ Thanks Sachs, I'll go look at them. BTW, I am not sure if it is a good idea to tell all people to use SVN. I'd rather think we should have regular, reasonably documented, consistent and reasonably stable releases *** titopbs has quit IRC SachaS: What OS do use? Debian GNU/Linux unstable reinhard: what is this stable thing you speak of? jamest: lol reinhard: jamest: what do you think about gnue-docbook? reinhard: and what about gnue-dbtools, integrator, oldpackages, phpforms (which all seem to be dead projects) reienhard, jamest: LOL! and also gnue-samples does not seem to be used like it was planned to (and also my experience shows that it's better to package samples to the tools instead of separate packag) reinhard: I totally agree to this last statement. SachaS: Would it be possible to get a copy of your source? I notice in reading the archives that some people where looking for some business data models. I have a book that gives a good general data model of business. Would people be interested in it? triedbones: it should still be in the gnue-contrib section, if nobody removed it. but it is problematic as it includes outdated stuff. triedbones: unfortunately the contribution link is broken on the website jamest, reinhard: the link "other projects" points to empty /contrib/ directory I think that part of the web page is not yet finished ok. triedbones: i highly recommend to study the sample application of the gnue application server. That is probably one of the best ways to learn how the gnue appserver can be used for an application. reinhard: Why not just pull all the connection on the web site that go nowhere. I don't know enough about the website to fix that reinhard: okay. Well I feel better now. At least I know why it's there. Off to read my svn book. *** kilo_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** wendall911 has joined #gnuenterprise back *** mnemoc_ has quit IRC *** titopbs has joined #gnuenterprise *** mnemoc has joined #gnuenterprise *** aries_mindworks has joined #gnuenterprise hi ProgrammingError: (1146, "Table 'gnue.gnue_module' doesn't exist") what does it mean? setup-cvs.py install has done have you created your db with gsetupdbcvs? not yet... well then it means you should ;-) when did you get this error? reinhard: ok, now it's working, thanks. i suggest you should put it into the setup-cvs.py install procedure nope as to create /var/run/gnue ;) gnue can't guess which database you would want to use kilo: hi! reinhard: it's using the connection.conf but I have put it in doc/configuration.txt and reference that file from INSTALL and reference INSTALL from README... reinhard: the gsetupdbcvs aries_mindworks: yep, but setup-cvs.py *creates* connections.conf :) reinhard: so, you should produce an almost working connection.conf so the user would have no time to edit it before his database would be created reinhard: you should suggest to start the setup-cvs.py as root or with a given mysql's root username/passwd reinhard: to setup a default db and what if I want postgres? or oracle? or sqlite? reinhard: you should set the default driver... if/then/else :] I think most of the other develpers here would beat me to death if I would make setup-cvs.py create a database :) reinhard: why? reinhard: you can ask the user whether the scripts should create the db I honestly don't think that we want to support a fully automated svn install SVN is for developers and we have distributions to support fully automated installs but that relates to what I've said before I don't think we shoul point users that just want to try gnue to svn reinhard: it takes just a few lines of code and some minutes right well maybe you understimate the effort to guess a working connections.conf you would need to ask username, password, host, backend reinhard: ok, it's not a big missing :] but, the documentation is, the beginers as i'm needs the docs :) right what I don't get at times that people tell us that our docks suck and then don't even read those docs that we have :) While the developer install script substitutes the steps given in the file "INSTALL", you still have to follow the steps given in doc/configuration.txt from README.cvs a reference is enough. now, each project (gnue-forms, gnue-appserver) has a different documentation, but i think you should mix them into one book, because they depends on them. if you want to do a basic type erp, you need report, form and appserver in every case not sure how that could be put more clearly aries_mindworks: > 50% of forms users don't use appserver AFAICT plus to use forms in 2-tier you have to set your focus on slightly different issues than for 3-tier our credo always was gnue tools should play together but still be usable separately and (not sure if you were implying that) I am not sure if a documentation how to download an svn version should go into the big "gnue user's guide" reinhard: ok, i don't se clearly the differents. you should point more times on the differencies, because the users don't know always exact view to the problem, but more and more examples help them to see what type of functions they should use big gnue user's guide is a good thing :) you should take care about the docs, i know, every developers are regret about the time because they can code some nice in that time i have to go bye! *** aries_mindworks has left #gnuenterprise *** wendall911 has quit IRC *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise *** wendall911 has joined #gnuenterprise *** someon has joined #gnuenterprise Thought re: the whole automatic DB setup stuff... if we have a working Curses interface, could we not fire off a gnue-forms -u curses connections.gfd to get the connections file correct, and then set up the DB from that? * someon thinks dogfood alternatively if DISPLAY is set then use gtk2 or wx... That would allow a person setting up (even from packages) a rather user-friendly way of picking their DB, username, back-end, etc. *** johannesV has quit IRC *** someon has quit IRC *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise night all *** wendall911 has quit IRC *** mnemoc_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** mnemoc has quit IRC *** btami has quit IRC *** tiredbones has quit IRC *** titopbs has quit IRC *** tiredbones has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has left #gnuenterprise good night all *** reinhard has quit IRC *** dimas has quit IRC *** kilo_ has quit IRC *** sjc has quit IRC *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise *** titopbs has joined #gnuenterprise