*** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise good morning *** reinhard has quit IRC *** PhUrl has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise good morning good morning moin good morning *** holycow has quit IRC *** dimas has quit IRC *** PhUrl has quit IRC johannesV: gnue-navigator fails with gtk2 ui tamas:~/svn/berado/forms$ gncvs sample.gpd DB000: /home/tamas/svn/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/navigator/UIgtk2.py:224: DeprecationWarning: use gtk.UIManager DB000: self.accel_group) /home/tamas/bin/gncvs: line 9: 3635 Szegmentálási hiba /usr/bin/python2 ${SCRIPT} "$@" using pygtk 2.4.1 johannesV: i have pygtk 2.2.0-1.1 and the login dialog fails is there any reason behind using gtk.Combo() in forms, and gtk.ComboBox() in the dialog? *** johannesV_ has joined #gnuenterprise as the latter fails with my pygtk... johannesV_ plz read log *** johannesV has quit IRC kilo, please update your pygtk we do require 2.4 now ... gtk.Combo () is depreciated (included in pygtk2.2) and gtk.ComboBox () is it's replacement print u_("Import error: You need pygtk 2.2 to use the gtk2 user " "interface driver.") oh, so this needs some update then ... johannesV_: is navigator OK for you with gtk2 ? yes it is ... hmm with what versions of gtk/pygtk ? i'm currently using 2.6.4/2.6.1 (in your order) since this is what's included in sarge but i think it should work fine with 2.4 (since the comboBox was introduced there) logindialog is OK with 2.4.1 here but navigator fails with segmentation error ah, ok hmm ... that's strange ... does it fail on startup directly ß yep s/ß/?/ hmm that's strange since i haven't changed something in navigator for quite a while ... the last serious change was in oct 2004 and there i had 2.4 too .. btami, which version of gtkhtml are you using ?= hm, there's no such version-info for that 3.2.4 strange dpkg -l gtkhtml gives 3.2.4, but dpkg -L gtkhtml lists libgtkhtml-3.1.so.11 hm, anyway it's quite bad that navigator segfaults using pygtk2.4 as i know i had it working even using pygtk2.2 yep, me too but later i'v updated my UHU-Linux from 1.1 to 1.2 and got pygtk 2.4 *** AsifRaza has joined #gnuenterprise helo sir i need some help about oracle and gune jcater is our oracle expert though i think he is asleep now afaik gnue runs perfect over oracle using cx_Oracle maybe this helps: http://agiletesting.blogspot.com/2005_05_01_agiletesting_archive.html Installing and using cx_Oracle on Unix i have it is working with python python 2.3 but not with designer hmm indeed when i choose insert datasource and choose cx_oracle it asks for password username and you dont have one? when i provide , it gives error "ora-12154: Tns could not resolve the connect identifier" but i have set connect identifier correctlly it works when i use it in python 2.3 interactive could you plz try it with forms' zipcode sample? indeed i m oracle developer/dba using oracle 10g and Developer 6i but now i want to switch to gnue just to see if it is a designer problem or a common-related problem ok i m jcater is your man, he is american, so wakes up in a few hours... thank u very much bro yw *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise bbl *** btami has quit IRC *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** tiredbones has quit IRC *** AsifRaza has quit IRC *** holycow has quit IRC *** AsifRaza has joined #gnuenterprise *** AsifRaza has left #gnuenterprise *** PhUrl has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has left #gnuenterprise *** ra3vat has joined #gnuenterprise we do require 2.4 now ... is it version number for pygtk? or python? pygtk pygtk-2.6.2-1.win32-py2.3.exe would that work for win install? or better download 2.4? that's ok I have 2.6.1 thanks got all packages for win installation will try with svn on weekend *** ra3vat has quit IRC *** PhUrl has quit IRC *** titopbs has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** titopbs has quit IRC *** johannesV__ has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV_ has quit IRC *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has quit IRC *** johannesV__ has quit IRC *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** jcater has quit IRC *** titopbs has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise btami: you here? i'm getting Line 66: Invalid compiler directive ... you need Inno Setup Preprocessor btami: am i need? *** wendall911 has joined #gnuenterprise dimas: yes some .iss file has a #include ... line got it already ok getting dist dir empty for now *** docelic has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has quit IRC night *** btami has quit IRC good night all cya *** reinhard has quit IRC And this is it! We are alone now lol *** titopbs has quit IRC *** wendall911 has quit IRC kilo: what ui driver are you using win32 or gtk2? i am on linux usually, so the latter but on windows i would go win win32 i've done some forms with gtk2 under linux and in win32 they need to be reformatted placement for widgets works a little different and on gtk on win? more closer to how it looks under linux and with win32 i had encoding problem awwww not tested hard though just changed in gnue.conf *** kilo has quit IRC *** docelic has quit IRC *** mnemoc_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** sjc has quit IRC *** mnemoc has quit IRC *** mdean_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** mdean has quit IRC *** mdean__ has joined #gnuenterprise *** mdean_ has quit IRC *** Phurl has joined #gnuenterprise *** titopbs has joined #gnuenterprise