*** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise good morning all good morning *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise good morning *** wt has quit IRC *** klasstek has quit IRC is that possible to decrease font size in forms under win32? it is in few point larger than fonts used for form's menu *** sjc has quit IRC Connection instance has no attribute '_defaultBehaviour_' got this under win32 with new release *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has quit IRC you installed new release over old release? dimas: I suspect you have to remove old release before you install new one otherwise windows will (in lack of a proper package management) mix files from old and new release reinhard: thanks, will do now reinhard: works now *** yure has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** wt has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has quit IRC *** jcater has quit IRC *** menomc has joined #gnuenterprise *** mnemoc has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise jamest: i'm thiking on date masks, but stucked how so? there are several Date*Mask* config options in GFConfig.py they are never used right if i try to use them i DateTime display handler masks are a complete mess (i'm playing with date only here) right now i believe the working masks are defined per entry (or field) in the gfd yep and even those don't get passed into all display handlers but if i use them like this: def _buildDisplayHelper(self, value, editing): if editing: if self.__inputMask: format = self.__inputMask else: format = gConfigForms ('DateEditMask') else: if self.__displayMask: format = self.__displayMask else: format = gConfigForms ('DateMask') the problem will raise in _buildValue(self): koz if no self.__inputMask then it wants to deal with years part of date but if i used "%x" in gnue.conf i will never know what part of date is the year let me svn up and look at the code maybe i'm on a wrong way... well all of this is going to change cool :) if you look in gnue-common/tests/ formatting_masks.py you'll find test cased for jcater's plex based input mask system cases wow! also 00010.txt describes how input masks may work in gnue-common/doc/technotes i'm pretty sure I wrote that and jcater implemented something similar without reading it (so it may not be exact but it's close) the issue I'm facing is getting the code to work grafted into the display handlers while I can get the test cases working fine I can't get the code to work when grafted in to handle the existing displaymask="" support i see i know that doesn't help you now though :) no problem i was just playing with dates if you're interested in playing w/ dates maybe you can craft a few test cases in that formatting_masks.py that reflect what you want to do ok, good idea there is also a src/formatting/masks/test.py that contain cursor control tests that I've not moved into the unit test yet jamest: will it be possible to set a single mask for all 4 jobs (input, display, storage, validate)? reinhard: should be e.g. just have a mask style="date" and get a default from gnue.conf too yes for now I'm just trying to graft in the new stuff with the existing masks but I really think we'd be best to start over wrt masks in the gfd as everything there was added as a hack to get us by btami: also, if you're playing in input masks its probably worth noting that input masks are built by a 2 phase process my terminology my be all wrong as my memory is rusty since I dug through the mask code but phase 1 uses plex to build a temporary thing (lexicon iirc) that is then used in phase 2 to build the actual input mask handler iirc this was to allow for tokens that repeat or for \ escaped items this wasn't documented in the original code and is barely documented in my first pass through it inspired by the comments johannesV and reinhard have put in datasources I'm going back through input masks and filling those out but haven't commited yet jamest: there seems to be code in formatting/*Mask.py and in formatting/masks is one of them about the replace the other, or will they play together? formatting/masks is all the new stuff the stuff above is all old hacks at least that's how I recall it the actual lexicon that describes the new input mask structure is in MaskParser.py one thing I don't like about the new system is that you have 3 mask types test, numeric, date it defaults to text unless one of the 2 boolean values for the arguments numeric or date are passed in as true to the inputmask constructor * jamest doesn't feel that those should be booleans *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise right what does that mask type affect actually? at this time I don't think it affects anything reinhard: could you answer few questions about gnue-luca? dimas: generally yes, but I have to leave in 5 minutes and later? so actually I'd prefer if you can ask later yes will be back in the evening ok reinhard: i have one for you is there a reason that resultsets can't return a list of dicts iirc it returns a dict of dicts with the outter dict containing the PK field value (wow, that was clear :) the reason is that nobody needed it ah, ok, i thought the old ds's did it actually I would wonder why you want it, as you can handle a ResultSet like it *was* a list of RecordSets, and every RecordSet can be handled as if it *was* a dict um (see afromm's question lately) i have sample code where I needed that let me see why I did i do a query "select packslip_id from packlist where email_sent is null" then I do packslipIds = resutls.getDictArray(['packslip_id'],['packslip_id']).keys() erm but i guess it can't be much cleaner than that anyway is packslipIds the variable you're after? yes what do you do with packslipIds afterwards iterate through it? result['packslipId'} yes then I'd just iterate through result sorry must run, bbl l8r *** klasstek has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has quit IRC back jamest: I seriously would recommend to not use getDictArray it's a weird weird thing I needed to merge 2 result sets dimas: ready for your questions ok i do not quite understand what gl_journal is? ok we have the concept here of entering transactions in a batch then sorta "posting" that batch (means it gets visible on the accounts and at the same time it can't be changed any more) batch was last addition to gl.gcd and such a batch is usually called "journal" hmm... please don't confuse it with the "batch" in gl.gcd ok or even better just think it's a batch before it has been posted, and it is a journal after it has been posted *** dcmwai has quit IRC a journal is just a group of transactions that was posted at once we have laws here that basically say you have to number those journals and you have to print them out should there be a name for the journal a name? not sure I understand what you mean could you give an example let's say we have simple operation 2 entries 1 transaction 1 journal i'll try to make it clear accountant a starts his day with entering all transactions of yesterday from the bank account then enters some invoices and other stuff yes at noon he has entered lots of transactions, but when he looks at the accounts, all those transactions are not yet visible (this is required by law here) he can still modify or delete transactions he has entered then at a certain point he decides to "post" what he has done so far so he hits some magic button and creates a journal with all his transactions from this point on all transactions are set in stone forever and from this point on the transactions are visible on the accounts he will get a list of all these transactions titled "journal # 135" he puts that into a folder where all those printouts are sorted by number so tax authority can come and see all transactions and how they were posted sequentially ok, ic now ok :) it becomes even more interesting when we have accountant a and accountant b working at the same time is that journals practically defined on daily basis? accountant a will generate journal #135 and accountant be #136 s/be/b/ and every journal will carry the name of the person who did it most accountants here do it on a daily basis for small company they could also do weekly or monthly to prolonge the possibility to fix errors (remember no change after making journal) but if you do monthly your transactions are not yet visible? yes not on the "official" lists during the month most programs have inofficial lists or queries that also list stuff before journal is done :) but tax law requires that all lists that you give to tax authority does contain only data that is not modifiable any more then where is it in luca? :) [well, we both know that "not modifiable any more" is nonsense anyway for any database application, but at least the tax authority should "feel" like it is not modifiable ;-)] luca is very much incomplete understand ok but these things will of course exist accountants want to be able to check the outcome of the transactions before they finalize them e.g. every account will have some "official balance" and "inofficial balance" at some point could you give an example of what doctype is? what terms would you put in there for code and name? CI = Customer Invoice SI = Supplier Invoice BN1 = Bank note for bank 1 BN2 = Bank note for bank 2 you would scare me with that "inofficial balance" thing as i thought it's only wierd local practice :) (Bank note = the piece of paper you get from the bank to show how your account is) I think these inofficial balances exist everywhere where law enforces official values to be non-modifiable which I know is true at least for germany and austria ok let's say we are in an August gl_period and we post transactions on daily basis so July gl_period is closed? not necessarily there might still come in an invoice from a supplier with July date but at the time you sent your monthly report for July to the tax authority you would close July so you make sure you don't accidentally add more transactions to July i lost where we keep balance results on earch accounts for the beginning of new gl_period we don't yet this will probably happen in an OnValidate trigger of the entry will that invoice be booked in August journal? and do you need to sent fixed report? and might well result in a new class that invoice will have to be booked in a July journal even if you have to do a new journal for that invoice law requires that months can't be mixed in a journal we we need to send a fixed 2-page report for VAT each month e.g. for July on 15 Sept could we define that new class quick? dimas: the double entry bookkeeping is a well stadardized thingy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-entry_book-keeping dimas: I hope to be able to work again on luca within the next days (maybe over the weekend) will keep in mind to do that next btami: thanks however I still think that *much* is still missing before luca is a usable accounting system reinhard: i'll phase it out later, that app just went online yesterday :) must leava again, friend coming to visit us tonight jamest: lol bbl btami: yes, but there is some local rules and practice as you can see bbl *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has quit IRC jcater: you there? *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has joined #gnuenterprise *** arunk has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has quit IRC wt, here *** arunk has quit IRC jcater: new server up? * jcater looks around sigh no, I'm embarrased to say it's just sitting in my rack looking pretty is the T1 in? I must get later all *** wt has quit IRC *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has quit IRC *** jamest has quit IRC *** docelic has joined #gnuenterprise hi folks good night all *** reinhard has quit IRC cya *** klasstek has quit IRC *** docelic has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** sjc has quit IRC *** yure has quit IRC *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** kreiszner has joined #gnuenterprise When will the debs be ready for the latest release? *** kilo has quit IRC when they're done I've been a little busy ajmitch: hang in there, it'll be over soon^H^H^H^Hsometime.....maybe Does the new gnue-reports work significantly beter than the last version. kreiszner, I seriously doubt it there is that new function support I am having trouble getting started making a report. I have made several forms with sucess but I don't see where the data is coming from and where to design the report. *** afromm__ has joined #gnuenterprise kreiszner: reports are tougher IMHO i *think* gnue-reports/samples/foobulations is a working grd but reports and I don't get along well i have to run *** jamest has quit IRC *** jcater has quit IRC *** afromm_ has quit IRC *** kreiszner has quit IRC