*** spacey has joined #gnuenterprise johannesV: can you test it again, please? ok, just a sec focus works fine now ... ... but i can't press F6 within a dropdown as well as F11 (rollback) ah if you make gnue solution you have to write in python.. also possible to use other python libraries or is only gnue api set used? or how does it work in practical use? spacey: there are theoretic possibilities of using different languages but in practical use you would use python spacey: you could have full access to any python modules on your system btw hi :) and yes, what ajmitch said spacey: using gnue on ubuntu? ajmitch, testing it :) ok :) ajmitch, ok thats cool just installed the package on breezy I heard you'd be at UBZ as well? ajmitch, yup i will great :) you too? yes cool i have to go out for 15 min brb *** spacey has quit IRC Whoa...I did a 'zcat /vmlinuz > /dev/audio' and I think I heard God... -- mikecd on #Linux *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** sjc has quit IRC *** spacey has joined #gnuenterprise ajmitch, you use gnue ? spacey: only a bit :) spacey: but I'm the debian/ubuntu packager for it ajmitch, ok :) currently i'm doing some research on gnue they asked me to compare gnue application server with gnue application server, at first a simple comparison ;) then yesterday i talked with one of the teachers about it and he noted he was looking for opensource alternatives instead of java, thats why they requested that good morning ajmitch, well actually its quite hard to find info on gnue, documentation is quite limited vs J2EE stuff. and no reviews/articles about it morning kilo hi ajmitch spacey: that's right, not nearly as many users - I haven't seen articles on gnue out there ajmitch, me neither and i have googled quite a bit reinhard & johannesV are the people who really know appserver ajmitch, yeah i noticed in the wiki and they don't do documentation 0:) what sort of usage are you researching for? oh wiki is down again ajmitch, well atm i just want to compare gnue application server with j2ee application server. but i would like to extend it a bit with extra information about gnue. so school might look into it usually you;d compare, focusing on specific features, right? spacey: we do documentation at our best differences between gnue application server and J2EE application servers (although there seem to be lot of different J2EE application servers implementations (IBM, SUN, more) *** iro has joined #gnuenterprise however we also do coding at our best, and usually coding has higher priority :( also other python app servers? reinhard, HowAppServerWorksHowto in the wiki ;) ajmitch, if you can name a few the devguide should give prettty much an idea what appserver is about and where it is targeted at the HowAppServerWorksHowto was written by kilo :-) reinhard, i think i got that pdf spacey: zope is the big python appserver, but it's big :) spacey: and when you have specific questions, please ask, I will try to answer (but off to lunch now, bbl) reinhard, ok, thanks, i'll read the pdf first ajmitch, zope is a bit scary :P sure :) * ajmitch has used zope a bit * kilo looks up and whistles some crazy tunes the documentation part of the website is totally broken the server was recently moved jcater isn't around to unbreak things :) *** johannesV has quit IRC *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise reinhard, johannesV: https://launchpad.net/products/gnuenterprise in case you're interested :) great i hope they will process existing translations though is anon svn working properly at the moment? hello all ajmitch: anon svn to contrib works ok just sorting out the launchpad import to bazaar reinhard: how do you make release tarballs? you use a script? setup.py for each tool? there is a release script in gnue-common/utils ok hm what's the deal with accounts & svn? release script does several things svn up run "make update-po" in the po subdirectory to sync po files with current source run update-tool-docs to generate manpages and dtds run generate-gnue-config.py to generate sample.gnue.conf gcvs setup.py sdist --forat="gztar,zip" to create the actual tarballs commit to svn (for the generated manpages etc) scp tarballs to the web page tag svn send current documentation to the web send release announcement ok I'm just sorting out the details on launchpad as it'll get imported there as a bazaar archive so actually to create the tarballs, "gcvs setup.py sdist" would be enough except as separate products (gnue-common, gnue-forms, etc) can you tell me more about the launchpad? so the url is https://launchpad.net/projects/gnuenterprise now :) is it the bug tracking system of ubuntu? sure, it allows for online translation, bug tracker, you can write up specfications, projects get their source imported from cvs, svn, etc into a bazaar archive bug tracking is just part of it it's the part I've used most I like the online translation idea rosetta is quite nice If I start to translate to German, where does it take the po file from ? current svn? last release? currently packaged release? current svn svn will be synced each night afaik cool and what happens with the translations? are they sent upstream? automatically? or do you have to do that manually? not entirely sure I know I could grab a tarball of the translations & use that ok you'd probably be able to merge them back in anyway, nice idea also the "Support" menu looks interesting... launchpad is still a work in progress ah but the whole ubuntu distro is meant to be switching to it for all the package building, etc this Bug tracker is actually a meta tracker, isn't it? since it's geared not just towards individual projects, but especially to distros yes, it is malone is meant to allow collaboration between various distro & upstream bugtrackers so you could see that a certain distro has the problem fixed grab the bazaar branch for that distro's work, and get the fix :) I thought that malone could be quite useful due to the lack of a functional bug tracker for gnue since I'll be using it for the ubuntu bugs anyway :) iirc rosatta crew is working on automatic upstream updates if the maintainer of the package agrees on that right, I know jbailey would know more about that than I wow malone looks cool from what I read yeah if I were asked, I would be for using it as our upstream bug tracker I understand that this is possible, right? certainly i am with you on that coooool * ajmitch gets on well with the malone developers, too :) launchpad++ * spacey going home, bbl *** spacey has quit IRC all in all I just notice that this launchpad thingy is not ubuntu centric at all actually no, it's not meant to be it's meant to enable development of ubuntu, and general free software development yeah it looks like a meta-sourceforge pretty much rosetta is a red light though for some guys as it is not GPL-ed dunno about other parts source is imported into bazaar branches, but thankfully they'll switch to bazaar 2.0 later this year (which I'm using now) kilo: yes, that's the main obstacle uh? so it's another free license, or it's non-free? lp not free software and what about malone? part of launchpad ah oh yeah :( not free yet but they swear they will license it free soon so all of launchpad is non-free? currently how come? I don't know what the future plans are because it's a web service.. and they haven't chosen to open it up yet I mainly did this import onto there so that I could get svn accessed as a bazaar branch :) so let me rephrase I am for using malone as our own bug tracker as soon as it's free software and hope that this will be as soon as possible until then I'd use something like trac which has nice svn integration trac is bsd-licensed I've also had a look at roundup, which is quite python-centric how does it look? btw, all launchpad is written on top of zope 3 ;) it has been some time, but IIRC it has mail and web interface plus it has all objects available as python objects useful so you can acces bugs, etc as native python objects native gnue client ;) of course having launchpad on zope3 also sounds interesting *** swissmade has joined #gnuenterprise Hiho yes, of course I'm thinking about gnue integration hi swissmade :-) Hi reinhard! I just found the gnue website and I am a bit confused as to what gnue is. i found it looking for open source project management tools using postgresql .. but I got the impression it's more kind of a CASE tool set? Ah yes.. and your wiki creates an error. ;-) wiki issues are known :) gnue is pretty much everything I've even made it wash my trousers however different parts of the project are in different states and what do you wear now? kilo: rofl gnue is a set of CASE tools in pretty much advanced state and a set of business applications mainly in planning state so yes, it now is a CASE tool set, but it will become more over time reinhard: we need nice screenshots on the website :) ajmitch: The screenshots do illustrate the CASE side of things. reinhard: So there are code generators at work? And they create python code? for example, designer creates xml form descriptions in which you can embed python code swissmade: no code generators the forms client will use the form descriptions to get the UI ajmitch: http://www.gnuenterprise.org/gallery/forms11.png Hmm.. now while that does sound promising (we use python for our stuff as well) .. it is not what I need now. ;-) btami: not enough shiny stuff ;) pffff ajmitch: Shiny is not so important. But I need to get a PM tool up and running fast. My staff needs more discipline! ;-) swissmade: web-based? or desktop app? ajmitch, yes and using postgresql as DB to integrate with our own stuff (zope). ah, another zope user :) web based! are there no zope project management tools? * swissmade zope/postgresql developing community building tools for non-techie users ajmitch: There is one half decent one, but it requires plone which I loath. And it does not use a SQL database for the user data (which is what we need). ok you find plone a bit heavy? :) ajmitch: No, I find it too light and too restrictive. In my view it's a stand-alone product. If its features match your needs, great, but developing for it (compared to developing for plain zope) is a major PITA. All this skin/themse and workflow stuff is only interesting in the "developer's ivory tower". .. yes, straight zope development allows you a lot more freedom I have yet to find a customer who wants any of this. I've done most of my zope coding with plone though And you've done much zope/plone coding? not a lot :-) johannesV: can you test it again please? reinhard: btw, do you know if I still have an svn account? :) my ssh key doesn't work to let me check out yeah ... and I cannot recall what password I may have used back then ajmitch: I think you have to ask jamest or jcater btami, it's working fine .... thanks for fixing ! * ajmitch will try & hunt them down for now I have to sleep night johannesV: thanks for testing! *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** swissmade has quit IRC *** kilo has quit IRC *** btami has quit IRC good morning jamest can you please install gettext on ash? morning sure it's needed for web page build ok, i was working on that a bit last night it's installed will try to build again *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise well, it's not 100% but it looks like the api docs are back reinhard, xmlrpc driver should be up to date now ... jamest: you get the output, too, don't you? there's still quite some error messages johannesV: great, doing pre2 right now reinhard: it's not 100% i'll work on it a bit more tonight johannesV: I appreciate very much how you are humble but I wouldn't call the fact that we only provide 2 rpc protocols as a bug :-) it is a major bug :D off for today cu *** reinhard has quit IRC *** iro has quit IRC *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise jcater: the wiki is dead again TWiki Installation Error Template file view.tmpl not found or template directory /var/lib/twiki/templates not found. Check the $templateDir variable in TWiki.cfg. *** michael301080 has joined #gnuenterprise hmm wtf? *** SachaS has quit IRC if I want to translate the pre-releases, can I just the files in svn? or do I need to download the seperate packages via the website? any translators online? I'm not a translator but I don't see why you couldn't use the svn copies svn head shouldn't be different from the prereleases we don't branch prereleases *** kilo has quit IRC ok, thx jcater. *** michael301080 has left #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai has quit IRC *** nickr has joined #gnuenterprise *** klasstek has joined #gnuenterprise *** dcmwai_ has quit IRC *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has quit IRC jamest, jcater: just looked into gnue-common's AUTHORS file probably out of date I think a list of things somebody has done is hard to keep updated, and in gnue-appserver we've just listed the names would you agree with doing the same in common? sounds reasonable yeah though how hard is it to put jcater: Initial mess jcater: write obfuscated code rofl jamest: write poorly designed code: jamest,reinhard,johannes,btami,.....: Cleanup , Proper implementation wouldn't that be , Working code exactly whoops typo jcater: (used to)write obfuscated code jamest: (on extremely rate occasions)write poorly designed code rare but anyway, just the authors is cool you'd also agree with splitting in AUTHORS (main developers) and THANKS (people who wrote some docs, did excessive testing etc) ? lol I like how he words that as an imperitive sentence reinhard: yeah, I'm fine with that imperitive sentence? You will also agree.... instead of Would you also agree.... absolute,mandatory you'd is short for "you would", isn't it? yes I was just teasing reinhard: yeah, he's playing on subtle usage of english basically saying you wording implied that we had best agree jcater is deep like that didn't mean to imply that (or just confusing as hell, take your pick) you know that I'm open for any opinion as long as it matches mine lol lol :D whereas I usually even disagree with my own opinion rofl *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise good night all *** reinhard has quit IRC *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has quit IRC *** yure has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has quit IRC *** yure has quit IRC *** SachaS has quit IRC morning all morning ajmitch *** jamest has left #gnuenterprise *** jcater has quit IRC *** klasstek has quit IRC *** sjc has quit IRC *** kilo has left #gnuenterprise *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise hi jcater/jam pff jcater/jamest howdy how are things down under? alright I noticed yesterday that I don't have svn access now :) not that I ever committed, mind you we're adding people back as-needed we just have to add you to a group okay, you're back :) yay jcater: now I just need my password reset or ~/.ssh/authorized_keys copied from ash :) hmm I did restore /home 'svn up' is still asking for a password try now *** jamest has quit IRC still no go Updated to revision 8014. yay *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** nickr has quit IRC *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise good morning all good morning reinhard morning reinhard *** nickr has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has quit IRC *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise hmm, irc-log seems to get merged with that one of yesterday ... yeah, it does good morning, btw :) good morning time on ash is some us time brb *** johannesV has quit IRC *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise ok, back again johannesV: time on ash is set to US time so it still *is* yesterday on ash hm, why do i need a password for svn now ? yes, I wondered the same i was used to use my key ah, ok, that was working better on the old ash then ... :) ok, you have to rename your .ssh/authorized_keys2 to .ssh/authorized_keys oh, so we use ssh1 there ? no but the filename is set explicitly in sshd_config yeah, great ... thanks *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise good morning *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** SachaS has quit IRC *** menomc has joined #gnuenterprise *** mnemoc has quit IRC *** menomc is now known as mnemoc