*** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise good morning *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise good morning *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise good morning all *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise good morning guid morning hi dere k :) *** johannesV has quit IRC *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** dino4k has joined #gnuenterprise hi hello dino4k in www/web/packages/financials.php:122 is missing a = :D thanks for reporting dimas_: are you a coder of gnue? but it is even worse - there are no such packages yet oh not really, i did translation and testing and i'm an early user wich languages? russian what packages are most important for you? oh, i'm "only" a coder ;) then what part would you like to code? :) so... about me... i learnd accounting at school - an interestig thing :D i wanted to create a small tool for "double-entry accounting" and while searching the web i found gnue and.. sorry my english isn't realy good :( i still have to go to school *** yure has joined #gnuenterprise hello yure how ware this tables called with debits and credits in english ? like the P&L dino4k: there is gnue-luca package in contrib it is a start for double-entry accounting you can talk with reinhard about it thx dimas_: i didn't find it :( could you take it from svn? i will find the link i have the hole trunk checked out http://www.gnuenterprise.org/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Main/GnueContrib it is separate repository look out ahh =) gnue-luca is yet another repository it's not in contrib reinhard: hi yes, my fault btw. the wiki page is wrong, isn't it? "Check them out from http://svn.gnuenterprise.org/gnue/trunk" svn.gnuenterprise.org/gnue-luca/trunk should be the right address for gnue-luca thats the main rep or? reinhard: thx reinhard: why luca has an seperate rep ? it's not official part of gnue at some point we decided to split efforts of package development into a project to create something comparable to sap or so and something more usable for small companies and gnue/packages is the project for the big bang and gnue-luca the project for the small companies oki (while we of course try to reuse stuff where possible) reinhard: i might be interested in helping with gnue-luca - what needs doing? everything :-) yeah :D i notice not much going on in subversion :) what's there is more or less a proof of concept reinhard: i'm intrested, too =) and i've had a big project in real life (outside gnue) that took away quite some time but, we need a design, or a model to base things on - a set of tables, a list of expected functionality etc for the accounting, I have some design in my head and if you look at the current state of luca, you might get a basic idea reinhard: i used to work at a couple of companies that did accounting software, and now i'm running a small business and in need of some, so i have ideas of my own i will have a look at it but first i will try to understand the conecpt of gnue-* reinhard: what is the 'luca.db' file? I'm just installing a big update at a customer, after lunch I should have time to talk more ninja and dino4k, you still here in 2 hours or so? most likely sure ok gnue problem - anyone know what is causing this: File "/home/rossg/gnue/gnue-svn/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/utils/uuid.py", line 185, in getHWAddress data = fcntl.ioctl (sfhd.fileno (), self.SIOCGIFHWADDR, ifreq) IOError: [Errno 19] No such device you are not on a i86 hardware, right? reinhard: amd64 is that going to make it more difficult? where http://www.gnuenterprise.org/docs/ should point to? dimas_: are you working on the webpage? not but it is accessible over svn hm? everyone can change it?! who has write access =) do you have write access? yes =) reinhard: i have a patch that fixes the interface detection code for 'linux2', and thus gets me (and potentially anyone else with the same problem) past that IOError - interested? sure can you send to gnue-dev at gnu.org ok, will do. next up: DB000: File "/home/rossg/gnue/gnue-svn/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/definitions/GParserHelpers.py", line 465, in getChildrenAsContent DB000: elif isinstance (child, GBinary): DB000: NameError: global name 'GBinary' is not defined it's johannesV's turf, so I'd like to have him a look at it current svn? ninja, how to reproduce that one ? johannesV: dunno - it looks like for some reason my system is returning some strange information in the interfaces array which makes the getHWaddress bit barf ninja, please send your patch to gnue-dev at gnu.org and i'll gladly incorporate it sent anyone got a clue where GBinary is defined? s/is/should be :) ninja, it's in gnue-common.src.definitions.GBinary i'm lookin' at that right now ... *** btami has quit IRC File "/home/rossg/gnue/gnue-svn/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/definitions/GBinary.py", line 33, in ? from gnue.common.definitions.GObjects import GObj ImportError: cannot import name GObj that definitely seems to be there - how come it's not finding it ninja, i've already solved it ... i'm testing now please be patient; commit will follow in aprox 5 minutes johannesV: i'm in no hurry ;) take your time ninja, please svn update ... this should fix the GBinary problem you mean the interfaces problem? ah, no - the interfaces problem isn't fixed yet and your patch didn't fix the GBinary problem - i had to put my own patch for that back in (a one-liner, i'll send it to the list) I'm on the GObj problem atm nope - now I'm confused - that problems disappeared and I'm getting: DB000: File "/home/rossg/gnue/gnue-svn/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/definitions/GParserHelpers.py", line 462, in getChildrenAsContent DB000: result += child._getAsContent_ () DB000: AttributeError: GCParameter instance has no attribute '_getAsContent_' ah, you patched the GBinary problem the same way :) *** dino4k_ has joined #gnuenterprise wtf is GCParameter? I can't find that anywhere ah, so there's another one not derived from ParserObj ... johannesV: how can i get (select) all translated labels for particular class say in gnue db directly? let me have a look ... or with appserver looks like cleaning up that old code really discovers some broken stuff ... hmm, that GCParameter is one of appserver's gcd objects ... so i'll add another change ... strange ah, got it it's a type erm, typo commit sent johannesV: nm, got it *** dino4k has quit IRC *** dino4k_ is now known as dino4k johannesV: nice one - gnue server now starts up again :) now, i've got a problem with the forms client, but that's occurring outside of gnue (in python xmlrpclib) :( *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise pls can someone attend to the moderator requests on gnue-dev at gnu.org ;) bbl *** johannesV has quit IRC *** kilo has quit IRC reinhard: i have run gnue-luca/bin/server, and can now run gnue-luca/bin/form-acc and get a document entry window :) but i don't yet have a clue what the fields in the window are, or how to use the interface I see and, seeing as the only place that google turns up results for "int exceeds XML-RPC limits" is IRC logs of #gnuenterprise - i'll add that I had to comment out the two places that it threw the OverflowError with that message in /usr/lib/python2.4/xmlrpclib.py and restart the gnue-server process before I could get past that one (happening when starting a forms client) * ninja unbuckles his safety belt reinhard: shout when you get a few minutes to give some direction re gnue-luca - i'll probably be about for another hour or so, depending on how strong this coffee is *** reinhard has quit IRC :( *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** Amorphous has quit IRC wb reinhard reinhard: i have to go - will be back in 2 or 3 hours *** dino4k has quit IRC arrgh crap, I forgot that we wanted to talk about luca :( so many things happened, so many phone calls... *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise breezy up and running ... :) wb * johannesV starting with finetuning ... bbl *** johannesV has quit IRC reinhard: you could start by summarising what you've done so far and what needs to come next if i understand, maybe i can help *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise ok dino4k can read from the logs anyway ok so far I have a basic idea of a concept for the finance module or, better put, of the gl module yep, i'm picturing a GL module, with potential sales ledger, purchase ledger, inventory etc modules hooking into it there are the classes "journal", "trans" and "entry" in which all transactions will end up at some point what is the difference between them? "journal" is a group of transactions that get posted together trans is a single transaction affecting several accounts (at least 2) and entry is one line (one account) of such a transaction so, a transaction would have two or more entries? yes right and a journal would have one or more transactions ok, got you so far typically, e.g. the sales of a day/week/month would make up a journal the next basic concept is that we have different, distinct classes that are (for now) called "batch" and "batchitem" so sales for a day would accumulate in a batch, which would get posted at the end of the day exactly and that matches the "batch" class here the "batch" and "batchitem" class are like "not yet posted transactions" and the batch class will have a procedure "post" that will do some checks (e.g. if there is credit = debit), some additional calculations (might for example find the appropriate way of booking VAT) and write the journal/trans/entry data and after done, delete itself (the batch) also this "post" method might do stuff like create or modify records in the a/r and a/p lists (once they exist) and whatever will be necessary any other system that wants to generate transactions in the g/l just has to fill the very simple batch/batchitem relationship and call the post() method and doesn't have to care about consistency checking, VAT handling, a/r a/p handling etc even changes internal to the g/l module might be hidden to such external systems so at some point we would be able to rewrite the g/l module completely and still work with the same, say, invoicing module provided just the batch/batchitem class remains compatible sure - basic OO stuff implied etc does this make sense so far? yep ok so what have you got so far, and what is left to do? also the manual entry of transactions would be in batch layer what we have so far is a draft for a form to enter transactions acc-main.gfd yep, i saw the form - a multi-line UI triggered by bin/form-acc and the definition of the classes mentioned above (plus some other classes necessary as a base) in gl.gcd the next logical step would be to implement the basic function of batch.post() then we would add a/r and a/p functionality, we might try to do that as a separate module what about 'chart of accounts'? where would that fit in? general ledger account codes/hierarchy i suppose classes mentioned above (plus some other classes necessary as a base) <--- that includes chart of accounts where there is no hierarchy ninja: you from US? hierarchical chart of accounts is not usual in Europe AFAICT bbl, must run i'm approaching this from an 'itch to scratch' angle :) to begin with, i would want at least to be able to set up a chart of accounts and have a simple UI to post stuff to them will go on explaining later reinhard: from .uk, but living in .th k - later no gnue.designer.uidrivers.gtk yet :( *** btami has quit IRC *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has quit IRC *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has quit IRC *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has quit IRC ninja: we might give wx2.6 a boost which will support gtk2 for designer what is .th?? thailand oh that clearly counts as "outside Europe" then :) I would like to see more people involved in luca so I'm basically open to everything I'm here for another 15 minutes before I have to leave for today, so if you have any questions, please ask reinhard: i'm here for another 15mins before i can no longer hold my eyelids open - probably best we chat some more another time :) ok :) cu all *** reinhard has quit IRC *** yure has quit IRC *** yure has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has quit IRC *** dino4k has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** yure has quit IRC *** dino4k has quit IRC *** sjc has quit IRC *** kilo has quit IRC *** Amorphous has joined #gnuenterprise *** Amorphous has quit IRC *** Amorphous has joined #gnuenterprise