*** jcater has left #gnuenterprise *** holycow has joined #gnuenterprise *** holycow has left #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise good morning all *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise good morning *** krizz has joined #gnuenterprise if we have a master-/detail-datasource. and there's a block bound to both sources. now jumping to a given master-record moves the record-pointer of both, the master and it's first detail-record. but it also fires the focus-triggers on the master record. shouldn't that also fire the focus-triggers for the detail-record/block ? and if not (because the trigger is only fired for the current block of the form), why doesn't we fire the same focus triggers for 'normal' record-movement, but only on jumping to specific records ? *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise I have actually no idea what block level focus triggers would be used for bbl good morning *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise good morning *** k-man_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** k-man has quit IRC *** yure has joined #gnuenterprise *** krizz has quit IRC *** g_geeko has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has quit IRC bbl *** reinhard has quit IRC *** dimas__ has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** yure has quit IRC *** kilo has left #gnuenterprise *** dimas_ has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhar1 has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhar1 has quit IRC *** reinhard has quit IRC *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise any ghostscript wizards here? *** sacha has quit IRC after upgrading to etch ghostscript refuses to work with truetype fonts and I thought I ask in the world's #1 debian support channel ;-) lol after an endorsement like I hope someone has an answer, i know I dont like that *** CirrusImage has joined #gnuenterprise ha, jamest's here ... :) jamest, do you know why for what we do have that block-level focus-triggers ? s/why for/for/ iirc they provide a higher level trigger than per entry level so you could define a trigger that validates that fields x,y,z match a specific combo of values and block navigation if they did now now er, not iow, they fire on any focus change in that block jamest: so this trigger should also be called when the focus stays in the block and you navigate to next record? that was how I recall it was supposed to work (as a side note, I would not consider it a good idea to limit focus navigation in such a way) but ok, that answers the question it was matching a feature in Oracle SQL*Forms IIRC as how sql forms did something again, iirc if you tried to switch focus from an entry entry -> pre-focus out fires form -> pre focus out fires er, damn entry -> pre-focus out fires block -> pre-focus out fires form -> pre focus out fires form -> pre-focus in fires block -> etc entgry -> etc though I'd suggest we verify that with jcater as I haven't had access to SQL*forms since the mid 90s but block triggers would only fire if focus is moved from block a to block b, right? that's not how I remember it they fire for anything in them but seeing as how I couldn't tell you what I ate for dinner on friday lol i have reason to doubt I recall the behaviour of SQL*forms from back when Oracle 6 was new *** johannesV_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV_ has quit IRC *** johannesV_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has quit IRC yeah that's a good recap ok, haven't noticed that i've been disconnected jamest, thanks for the explanation ... regarding pep8 I think if we really all would adhere to it, we (johannes and me) would follow it, too I'm forcing myself to use it internally so please just say if we are going that way or not bbl I vote for yes jamest: ? this is (somewhat) unrelated... but I notice common's technote recommends adding an svn propset:keywords Id to all .py files is this worth adding at the svn hook level? any new .py files added to svn get the property set automatically? isn't it already that way? no it's not working, if so odd maybe that was internally i swore that was a repository level config option I set somewhere recently *** derek has quit IRC i'm ok with pep8 and with making exceptions if needed fwiw, I switched designer from _() to u_() runs fine for me but buyer beware so would we do pure pep8? i'm ok with whatever I'd say then we'd do a soft move to pep8 i.e. use it for all new code and reformat accordingly to pep8 as we change code but not actively break things or just reformat for the sake of reformatting ok? sure and would we try to use pylint as well? "reformat for the sake of reformatting" --> but if we're already in that code, then reformat if we have time? jcater: right I mean makes sense to me as johannesV_ goes through gf* anyway, he would reformat but I wouldn't for example just reformat all datasources code again until there will be the next batch of changes there anyway sounds good to be me sounds good to be you? well, sure /msg reinhard ... he sure if full of himself *is all the user requests, lack of time, male pattern baldness setting in who wouldn't want that *** g_geeko has quit IRC *** derek has joined #gnuenterprise *** dimas__ has quit IRC *** dimas has joined #gnuenterprise *** dimas has quit IRC *** dimas_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has quit IRC *** yure has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV_ has quit IRC *** krizz_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** CirrusImage has quit IRC *** jamest has quit IRC *** krizz_ has quit IRC D Q *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** yure has quit IRC btw can anybody answer the questions on gnue@gnu.org and gnue-dev@gnu.org? seems like there's somebody having issues with designer under windows I responded looks like he has provider=kinterbasdb in his connections.conf I think he meant provider=interbase doh I could have seen that, too erm and if gnue@gnu.org works then why dont commit mails work? I was just noticing that good night all *** reinhard has quit IRC *** kilo has quit IRC *** docelic has joined #gnuenterprise wow wow wow slow it down people !:) sorry Hehe it's okay, Im kidding um, the commit lists are working again everyone :) better seeing the work being done than not :) wow, 105 commits in 12 days *** derek has quit IRC *** jcater has quit IRC *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** jcater_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** jcater has quit IRC *** jcater_ is now known as jcater *** jcater_ has joined #gnuenterprise *** chillywilly has quit IRC *** sacha has joined #gnuenterprise *** jcater has left #gnuenterprise can anyone recommend a web based CRM that is gpled?