*** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** reinhard has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise good morning good morning reinhard, now i've solved the pb with the scrollbars (if the form is being resized) too ... just switching two lines :) *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise hi, jamest hi if you are bored, you can try again the wx26 uidriver johannes did some massive changes and it might be that your issues with fscking up the boxes are solved i would love to try the wx2.6 driver..........but you aren't bored??? ;-) it'll be a while as I have stuff that absolutely had to be done last friday that, um, well look! Elvis! * jamest runs no hurry, just a little side info :-) well, i really need to get that tested as the dropdown box issues in 2.4 are preventing some selections from being allowed which sucks for my warehouse staff(and me) as they can't select specific product manufacturers to associate with the item in stock reinhard: you still running debian? if so does this stuff work with the wx .debs for sarge? from backport jamest, i'm using (on breezy) here johannesV: perfect, that'll make it much easier to test then :) as the in sarge didn't work w/ gnue-designer last I tried so I figured I'd need to do a source install lol box2 overlaps box1 so my evil way of saving a line has been caught :) sigh i'm 0 for 4 so far none of which are due to anything wrong with what you've done it's all in my forms well :) overlaping is now being checked ... not only for boxes but for all widgets if you click the detail-button you'll see the offending line in your XML-File this makes debuging a gfd a lot easier :) well, i'm 0 for 5 the last one pulled up but aborts on query i would still imagine it's something funky I'm doing in the form the dropdown on that one worked fine though :) so I was right that your curiosity about the new driver is stronger than the pressure from your boss? ;-P :) *lol* *** johannesV has quit IRC *** johannesV has joined #gnuenterprise *** kilo has left #gnuenterprise goal germany !!! it's really great to have a dvb-s card available on the notebook :) * SachaS will get a new notebook sooner or later maybe a amd 64bit mobile dual core ;) *** btami has joined #gnuenterprise hi all johannesV: i get this error with gtk2 ui is want to close a just loaded form (it's ok with old wx ui) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/adat/svn/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/uidrivers/gtk2/ToolBar.py", line 122, in _buttonPress self.driver.dispatchEvent (event, _form = self.form) File "/adat/svn/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/events/EventController.py", line 152, in dispatchEvent handler(event) File "/adat/svn/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFInstance.py", line 931, in executeExit if event._form._currentBlock.autoCommit and not event._form.isSaved (): AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'autoCommit' it's our inhouse appserver based customer app http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~btami/ugyfel.gfd *** klasstek has joined #gnuenterprise *** jcater has joined #gnuenterprise *** derek has quit IRC off for today *** SachaS has quit IRC cu all l8r *** reinhard has quit IRC *** derek has joined #gnuenterprise *** btami has quit IRC *** SachaS has joined #gnuenterprise *** xp_prg has joined #gnuenterprise hi all, I am very interested in the manufacturing part of gnu enterprise, I have looked to see the status of that package but it didn't show any, can someone tell me if it is production ready? the tools are production ready the applications are not that is the tools to build a manufacturing system are in place a completed manufacturing system is not that is a bummer :( well it looked cool *** sjc has joined #gnuenterprise *** johannesV has quit IRC *** jamest has left #gnuenterprise *** derek has quit IRC *** jamest has joined #gnuenterprise *** klasstek has quit IRC *** sjc has quit IRC *** derek has joined #gnuenterprise *** jamest has quit IRC